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I’ve heard of people saying certain things to get an upgrade. Usually things like they get vertigo being up so high or something to that extent.Quote
Chris Fountain
What if I'm at the counter and tell the cashier that I want to upgrade - Is that possible?
Chris Fountain
What if I'm at the counter and tell the cashier that I want to upgrade - Is that possible?
Funny, I was just thinking that...Quote
"side seats around the 40 yard line..." - prime location - lower, middle, and upper.
Chris Fountain
I'm simply going to show my ID, which will reveal my birthday as same day and simply ask in a professional tone "Good Afternoon Please let me ask, are upgrades available at this window?
If not possible I'll shuck out a few extra bucks because I want side seats around the 40 yard line. I should be able to have a pretty good view. (Miami).
XamPlease write a Pit 2 report/review/taleQuote
Pit 2 for four of us!I would like to read what you thought how it all went... but mainly CONGRATS ON PIT! That is fantastic! And it is exactly like making/saving/earning/keeping $1800.00! Sweet!
Gotta love these guys for doing the Lucky Dips. Such a great idea! It adds a(nother) fun layer of excitement.
"side seats around the 40 yard line..." - prime location - lower, middle, and upper.
XamPlease write a Pit 2 report/review/taleQuote
Pit 2 for four of us!I would like to read what you thought how it all went... but mainly CONGRATS ON PIT! That is fantastic! And it is exactly like making/saving/earning/keeping $1800.00! Sweet!
Gotta love these guys for doing the Lucky Dips. Such a great idea! It adds a(nother) fun layer of excitement.
Thanks, Xam! It was an amazing experience, I can see why fans say once you're in the Pit, you never want to go back. HOWEVER, it wasn't all roses, but that's only because I went in completely unprepared. To start with, we got to the stadium very late, mainly because we had to swing by Dulles airport first to pick up one of my son's friends and the flight was delayed. By the time we started the drive to FedEx, the roads were packed. I won't bore everyone with the details except to say that now that I've experienced the horrendous traffic, you couldn't pay me to go back to FedEx Field for ANY event! That, combined with the heat, had me stressed and dyhydrated as we hoofed it to the will call Lucky Dip window. But I do think getting there late was maybe an advantage as there was no line so the agent behind the window wasn't rushing us through the line. I explained that we had sets of LD tickets and since it was my son's 21st birthday, we were hoping for good luck. He smiled and pulled out one set of Pit 2 tickets and, after signing for those, he pulled out a 2nd Pit 2 set for my son's buddies. He definitely was looking for them, which surprised me because from what I've seen posted I had the impression that it was a random process. Having a good story (which he saw was true when he looked at my son's ID) definitely helped.
We missed the opening act and had only about 15 minutes to spare before the Stones hit the stage so by the time we got into the pit it was packed, except for the back. We still managed to squeeze part way in, people were cool about making room for us. At that point, I was drenched in sweat and very thirsty, but didn't dare leave. I've seen some advice to not drink for an hour or so before getting to the Pit but for a stadium tour in the dead of summer, it's better to be hydrated than worry about having to use the bathroom during the show. I was a bit shaky and was starting to feel nauseous by the end of the show so I stepped back before the encore to buy some water and ended up watching the end at the back of the pit, which was fine.
As far as a review of the show, I think that's been well covered in the DC thread. The band was truly on fire and to be able to see it all up close brought me to tears a few times. Our position in the Pit was good enough to see most everything well, except Chuck Leavell, the B Stage for the acoustic set, and Ronnie or Mick at times when they went to the far left or right of the stage. But you can, of course, always look up at the screens.
All in all, despite feeling like crap all day yesterday from heat exhuastion, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The boys couldn't stop thanking me for the awesome upgrade. Less than $200 spent for $2000 dollars worth of tickets. Lucky, indeed!
XamPlease write a Pit 2 report/review/taleQuote
Pit 2 for four of us!I would like to read what you thought how it all went... but mainly CONGRATS ON PIT! That is fantastic! And it is exactly like making/saving/earning/keeping $1800.00! Sweet!
Gotta love these guys for doing the Lucky Dips. Such a great idea! It adds a(nother) fun layer of excitement.
Thanks, Xam! It was an amazing experience, I can see why fans say once you're in the Pit, you never want to go back. HOWEVER, it wasn't all roses, but that's only because I went in completely unprepared. To start with, we got to the stadium very late, mainly because we had to swing by Dulles airport first to pick up one of my son's friends and the flight was delayed. By the time we started the drive to FedEx, the roads were packed. I won't bore everyone with the details except to say that now that I've experienced the horrendous traffic, you couldn't pay me to go back to FedEx Field for ANY event! That, combined with the heat, had me stressed and dyhydrated as we hoofed it to the will call Lucky Dip window. But I do think getting there late was maybe an advantage as there was no line so the agent behind the window wasn't rushing us through the line. I explained that we had sets of LD tickets and since it was my son's 21st birthday, we were hoping for good luck. He smiled and pulled out one set of Pit 2 tickets and, after signing for those, he pulled out a 2nd Pit 2 set for my son's buddies. He definitely was looking for them, which surprised me because from what I've seen posted I had the impression that it was a random process. Having a good story (which he saw was true when he looked at my son's ID) definitely helped.
We missed the opening act and had only about 15 minutes to spare before the Stones hit the stage so by the time we got into the pit it was packed, except for the back. We still managed to squeeze part way in, people were cool about making room for us. At that point, I was drenched in sweat and very thirsty, but didn't dare leave. I've seen some advice to not drink for an hour or so before getting to the Pit but for a stadium tour in the dead of summer, it's better to be hydrated than worry about having to use the bathroom during the show. I was a bit shaky and was starting to feel nauseous by the end of the show so I stepped back before the encore to buy some water and ended up watching the end at the back of the pit, which was fine.
As far as a review of the show, I think that's been well covered in the DC thread. The band was truly on fire and to be able to see it all up close brought me to tears a few times. Our position in the Pit was good enough to see most everything well, except Chuck Leavell, the B Stage for the acoustic set, and Ronnie or Mick at times when they went to the far left or right of the stage. But you can, of course, always look up at the screens.
All in all, despite feeling like crap all day yesterday from heat exhuastion, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The boys couldn't stop thanking me for the awesome upgrade. Less than $200 spent for $2000 dollars worth of tickets. Lucky, indeed!![]()
Thanks LB! Those are the facts... that is exactly what I hoping you would share with us. I was very curious and hoped you would provide the key details of how it all went down.
In my humble opinion (and with no BS) I think you are the one of the Worlds Best Moms! I am being 100% serious saying that. I have read your posts for a long time and one can see that you put in a lot of effort to be who you are and how well you have taken care of your kids. It seems you have raised some great kids who appreciate what their Mom has done for them Props to you! (From what I have seen you share on music side of things, as you keep most other things private, perfectly). (Please take all that as the compliments I intend)
And props to you for dealing with the hassles of getting there and taking care of business... (Grrrrrrr Delayed Flights!!!) I bet you were cool as can be under the stress of the circumstance. I admire your efforts. e.g. impressed with you being smart to avoid drinking early before... and then being smarter to drink some water later. Maintain is the name of the game.
I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I knew you could help us with a great info about how it went. Great info! Thank You! And congrats again! You are awesome!
I am headed to more shows and it is nice to get quality info from good people like you.
e.g. good reminders like get in to town the day BEFORE a show!.. and more
Thanks for the info, bloomers. I think I’ll do the balcony for the stadium and be in comfort.
Congrats, tho, on great tickets for $200! I don’t have LD’s, but I wanted to know what you thought of the pit in a stadium, so thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the info, bloomers. I think I’ll do the balcony for the stadium and be in comfort.
Congrats, tho, on great tickets for $200! I don’t have LD’s, but I wanted to know what you thought of the pit in a stadium, so thanks for sharing.
Glad to be of service, Straycat13. If they continue to perform at the level they did in DC, I don't think you can go wrong with a seat anywhere in the stadium.
There are plenty of tickets available right now on ticketmaster. Some sections that were $394.00 are now $194.00. Sections that were $244.00 are now $144.00
And sections that were $144.00 are now $94.00.
So there should be some real nice tickets to go into the Lucky dip pile.
I am a little late to the party . I went to the D.C show . I was third on line for LD tickets . The person in front of me got PIT tickets while I got section 101 row 15. No complaints . They were really good seats. Not Pit but really good. When I told the people behind me how much I paid their jaws hit the floor. It surprised me how many people never heard of the LD tickets. D.C had the tickets already pre selected in an envelope so you didn't get to pick one. I tried to bribe the ticket person (I wrapped some twenty's around my drivers license ) but they figured I had good enough seats so he wasn't biting. Not sure how the other venues are handling LD but that was my experience. For $29 bucks it was a steal .
Thanks for the info, bloomers. I think I’ll do the balcony for the stadium and be in comfort.
Congrats, tho, on great tickets for $200! I don’t have LD’s, but I wanted to know what you thought of the pit in a stadium, so thanks for sharing.
Glad to be of service, Straycat13. If they continue to perform at the level they did in DC, I don't think you can go wrong with a seat anywhere in the stadium.
Hi latebloomer: Tell us about Foxboro if you made it there.
Thanks for the info, bloomers. I think I’ll do the balcony for the stadium and be in comfort.
Congrats, tho, on great tickets for $200! I don’t have LD’s, but I wanted to know what you thought of the pit in a stadium, so thanks for sharing.
Glad to be of service, Straycat13. If they continue to perform at the level they did in DC, I don't think you can go wrong with a seat anywhere in the stadium.
Hi latebloomer: Tell us about Foxboro if you made it there.
Sadly, I did not. I was a little sad last night, but I got a great show in DC in a great location, so no complaints.
Maybe I showed up to early. Should have waited. I did notice there seemed to be plenty of space on Ronnie's side of the Pit.
Most people I know got section 110 or 111 which were actually really great seats. Yours truly ended up in Pit 1! It was awesome!
XamI Humbly say... Damn right! F that person too. It is a rock concert and when the legs start moving on their own what is one supposed to do? Of course there are times and then there are times, but if a bunch of people at a show are up and dancing that is a damned good indicator PEOPLE CAN DANCE and if some fuddyduddy cant/wont/dontwanna then TOUGH!... CUZ... LETS DANCE! GL's #16Quote
Green LadyQuote
XamWith both arms up, fingers interlaced, elbows out, holding the back of his head? looking like a radar tower? yeah that dude is pretty freekin annoying and a very common concert character.... #15 added...Quote
Xam8. Scream talkers constant nonstop blatherQuote
I remember back in the day... yadda yadda yadda...
You could make up a whole identikit list of annoying concert going types.
1. Aggressive Drunks (the worst)
2. People pushing in.
3. Ceaseless Selfie Takers
4. Loud tone deaf singers along.
5. I didn’t see him, but at Hyde Park in 2013, someone on here said there was a bloke in the crowd playing his harmonica along to every song before security threw him out.
6. At the Who in Hyde Park in 2015, some chap in front of us tried to video a whole song with a 10” iPad complete with cover hanging down, blocking the view of 40+ people until my friend gently dealt with him.
7. People holding up signs, flags and banners, blocking the view of others.
9. Monster size guy with tiny girlfriend on his shoulders
10. Shirtless dude asking everyone if they got a pipe or papers.
11. Bros (aka Frat bros, Frat boys) usually come in packs of four, pushing each other fighting around, constant high fives, drunk, blahing to every one around.
12. Crazy wide area spin dancing person with no awareness that anyone else is there as they widen their dance area bumping into people.
13. f&f (friends and family) of the band or promoter - see above for behavior
14. Sick person vomitting possibly starting the vomit train chain reaction
15. a very rude gentleman who is at least 6'5" tall standing on his chair directly in front of a very pleasant fellow who is only 5'6" tall.
16. the person behind me who can't understand that people want to stand up and dance, and spends the whole show hissing Sit DOWN! - until they want to stand up, of course.
17. People who throw things at concerts, be thar food, drink (original or “reprocessed”)
18. People who stink... eeeewwwww dat smell... cant ya smell that smell? Make sure you wear deodorant.
19. People who bring babies or toddlers to concerts!
20.. How could I forget those delightful 7. Thinking about it, the idiots I encountered in Edinburgh fell into Group 11. I’m a Scot myself and these 3 muppets supported the same football(soccer) team as me, singing their songs. This did not stop me reporting them to security, who duly did zero. Thankfully they moved away.
I’m generally happy with my 12 Lucky Dip results with a thankfully low level of moronic behavior. The only really poor one was Prague with a distant GA in a horrible hot dusty environment with me having hay fever.
I must admit, I've done at least three of these, but No. 5 is a gem.
How about: 15. a very rude gentleman who is at least 6'5" tall standing on his chair directly in front of a very pleasant fellow who is only 5'6" tall. Just a little annoying.
In the seated sections, No. 16 is the person behind me who can't understand that people want to stand up and dance, and spends the whole show hissing Sit DOWN! - until they want to stand up, of course.
No 17 has to be people who throw things at concerts, be thar food, drink (original or “reprocessed”).