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Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Date: May 19, 2018 08:17

Maybe Cohl thought it felt real...

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: May 19, 2018 18:05

The thing about it (regardless of which political side you fall) Trump is STILL using YCAGWYW at the conclusion of his "rallys" after the band has repeatedly asked that none of their songs be used.
Because he's a piece of shit.

He may be, but the reason he can use those songs is that he paid for the rights as per normal procedure,. They took his money, thats why they cant do anything
Yes, I get that...but he didn't pay the Stones directly. It's a licensing fee.

That’s not true, either.

That's really weird. Aren't there ASCAP fees or something? You can't use full songs on YouTube in your videos without potentially being dinged for copyright violations.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: MelBelli ()
Date: May 19, 2018 18:43

The thing about it (regardless of which political side you fall) Trump is STILL using YCAGWYW at the conclusion of his "rallys" after the band has repeatedly asked that none of their songs be used.
Because he's a piece of shit.

He may be, but the reason he can use those songs is that he paid for the rights as per normal procedure,. They took his money, thats why they cant do anything
Yes, I get that...but he didn't pay the Stones directly. It's a licensing fee.

That’s not true, either.

That's really weird. Aren't there ASCAP fees or something? You can't use full songs on YouTube in your videos without potentially being dinged for copyright violations.

Here are the guidelines.

I have no clue whether he’s in compliance.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 19, 2018 19:00

1) there are fees paid to ascap by restaurants, political campaigns, etc to be
allowed to play ANY recordings they want

2) there is no record kept of what is actually played

3) ascap fees are distributed based on a calculated average probability, in
other words, elton john will get a relatively large little piece of ALL
ascap fees versus a less popular artist, say, cat stevens

so yeah, if your bar plays all cat stevens, elton still gets more of
your ascap fees than cat does

(there's a very big proviso here, that we shouldnt get into, because it
is a touchy subject. there is a legal strategy that can be employed to
discourage a perhaps disagreeable fellow from playing your music in
his establishment. this strategy was indeed employed by elton and bruce
to successfully discourage trump. on other sites i have explained why
the stones did not use this strategy, but i cant explain it here, but
it is not because they were pro trump)

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2018-05-19 19:09 by rev20.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: May 19, 2018 19:16

1) there are fees paid to ascap by restaurants, political campaigns, etc to be
allowed to play ANY recordings they want

2) there is no record kept of what is actually played

3) ascap fees are distributed based on a calculated average probability, in
other words, elton john will get a relatively large little piece of ALL
ascap fees versus a less popular artist, say, cat stevens

so yeah, if your bar plays all cat stevens, elton still gets more of
your ascap fees than cat does

(there's a very big proviso here, that we shouldnt get into, because it
is a touchy subject. there is a legal strategy that can be employed to
discourage a perhaps disagreeable fellow from playing your music in
his establishment. this strategy was indeed employed by elton and bruce
to successfully discourage trump. on other sites i have explained why
the stones did not use this strategy, but i cant explain it here, but
it is not because they were pro trump)
Cool...thanks for the clarification. Any chance you have to link to where you explained it? I'm curious.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 19, 2018 19:23

keefriff, sorry, i dont have a link. i know i went into this on both
the shidoobee and exile forums. but i dont think its worth
your time, because i can almost guarantee that you will think i'm nuts

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: May 20, 2018 05:38

how long before JJF is the new campaign theme song?

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 20, 2018 11:53


while the public performance license for recordings at campaign rallies is
at least somewhat clear, there is something else that Trump did that was
BLATANTLY ILLEGAL. I pointed it out at the time on shidoobee, jumping
up and down with shock...

trump sent out a 1-minute filmed campaign advertisement to 30 MIILION of his
followers on social media that contained no spoken words, just kinda-cool
populist images backed with an also-cool live call-and-response version of YCAGWYW.
very leni riefenstahl-ish

30 million! undoubtedly one of the largest one-time uses of a stones song in history.
and completely illegal!

nobody in stonesworld seemed to notice. nobody in the media. just me.

it was subsequently scrubbed from the net and for all i know i have the
only copy. you can see it below. please, scholars and collectors, copy
it for posterity. it is an important footnote to the strange and sinister
times we are living thru (remember, people, besides everything else that
is great about IORR, these pages will be an important resource for the cultural
historians of the future)


(if you know where this live version of YCAGWYW comes from, please let us know)

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2018-05-20 15:42 by rev20.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: erad ()
Date: May 20, 2018 13:54


while the public performance license for recordings at campaign rallies is
at least somewhat clear, there is something else that Trump did that was
BLATANTLY ILLEGAL. I pointed it out at the time on shidoobee, jumping
up and down with shock...

trump sent out a 1-minute filmed campaign advertisement to 30 MIILION of his
followers on social media that contained no spoken words, just kinda-cool
populist images backed with an also-cool live call-and-response version of YCAGWYW.
very leni riefenstahl-ish

30 million! undoubtedly the largest one-shot release of a stones song in history.
and completely illegal!

nobody in stonesworld seemed to notice. nobody in the media. just me.

it was subsequently scrubbed from the net and for all i know i have the
only copy. you can see it below. please, scholars and collectors, copy
it for posterity. it is an important footnote to the strange and sinister
times we are living thru (remember, people, besides everything else that
is great about IORR, these pages will be an important resource for the cultural
historians of the future)


(if you know where this live version of YCAGWYW comes from, please let us know)

Live Licks I'm pretty sure.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: May 20, 2018 14:13


(there's a very big proviso here, that we shouldnt get into, because it
is a touchy subject. there is a legal strategy that can be employed to
discourage a perhaps disagreeable fellow from playing your music in
his establishment. this strategy was indeed employed by elton and bruce
to successfully discourage trump. on other sites i have explained why
the stones did not use this strategy, but i cant explain it here, but
it is not because they were pro trump)

He still plays Elton

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 20, 2018 15:46


He still plays Elton

you're right. elton seems to have taken the same position as the stones: please don't

so i think besides bruce, it was adele that was more forceful and succeeded
in getting trump to stop

perhaps most entertaining to me was when eminem wrote and performed a
fairly vicious attack on the prez on one of the big award shows, and
trump never tweeted or acknowleged it in any way, which made eminem
furious. eminem had an album that was struggling sales-wise and trump crushed
him by ignoring him. gangsta move by the Don.

(i'm not talking politics here, i'm talking show business)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2018-05-20 15:59 by rev20.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: May 20, 2018 21:49


so i think besides bruce, it was adele that was more forceful and succeeded
in getting trump to stop

He still plays Adele.

You are right, though, no Bruce...
Maybe Trump just doesn’t like him!
winking smiley

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 21, 2018 02:35

Kurt, I've been going by my memory of what i remember reading when this all was hot news

Trump about Adele, the Mirror, after she slammed trump hard:

Trump used the opportunity to write about it on Twitter and said that while he
was legally ok to use the Adele track, he had found "a better one to take its place".

anyway, this is the legal strategy that I thought i remembered Bruce and possibly
others threatening to use:

the "tarnishing my brand" legal action, where you assert that because of
someone's high profile and distasteful behavior, that your hard work to
build a positive brand is being ruined, so that mr. distasteful must cease
and desist from publically linking your image with his

there is plenty of precedent for such action, but its a pain in the ass
obviously to pursue it.

also, let's not forget that the stones case stands out because he uses so
much of their music, especially and dramatically YCAGWYW

on the other hand, i suppose trump's lawyers could always argue,
"the stones have tarnished their own brand with so much bad behavior
that mister trump could do nothing for their image but improve it"


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-05-21 02:40 by rev20.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: May 21, 2018 03:40


so i think besides bruce, it was adele that was more forceful and succeeded
in getting trump to stop

He still plays Adele.

You are right, though, no Bruce...
Maybe Trump just doesn’t like him!
winking smiley
He stopped Reagan from using Born in the USA. Bruce doesn't @#$%& around.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: May 21, 2018 08:11

Trump is screwing with the Stones,he knows they dont own the rights to the song and so do song-piss off Stones-send check to ABKCO,lather rinse repeat.

And Rev,I thought I was the only one who noticed that Eminem burn.he was begging,throwing every insult he could “look at me!! Over here!”and nothing, had to hurt especially after he answered Jay-Z with “you’re smarter than that”or whatever it was.poor Eminem just slinked away-bond villain level evil genius.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: rev20 ()
Date: May 22, 2018 18:26

colbert did a bit about how the FBI chose the name "crossfire hurricane"

i dont think his audience quite understood the references to mick taylor,
ronnie wood, brian jones, and king crimson

video: []

(more funny to me are the clips you can find from fox and msnbc earnestly
explaining "jumping jack flash" to their viewers)

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: May 23, 2018 02:12

Bottom line is if the stones get paid, it will be with someone else's money...that's trump's mo..he doesn't pay anyone with his money...

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: May 23, 2018 02:54

trumps a clever guy. his big mouth just might have cost the usa from staging the 2026 world cup.

its canada and mexico im sorry for as they would have been co hosts.

bullying people rarely works, he should learn this.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: May 23, 2018 04:25

trumps a clever guy. his big mouth just might have cost the usa from staging the 2026 world cup.

its canada and mexico im sorry for as they would have been co hosts.

bullying people rarely works, he should learn this.

Not defending him in any way, but Trump's big mouth didn't cost the US from hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles which was recently granted in Sept. '17.
The Olympics are a much bigger spectacle than the World Cup - especially in the US where a majority of people don't even follow football/soccer.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: May 23, 2018 08:08

We lost the World Cup, the womens basketball championship games and the badminton finals will be gone too.
Seriously,was that sport invented by a guy with no arms? Here comes the ball I've got two perfectly good hands but why catch it when I can bounce it off my head.
Can’t believe we’re missing out on that.

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: stanlove ()
Date: June 13, 2018 17:21

trumps a clever guy. his big mouth just might have cost the usa from staging the 2026 world cup.

its canada and mexico im sorry for as they would have been co hosts.

bullying people rarely works, he should learn this.

What you say?

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Date: June 13, 2018 20:38

Didn't you get the world cup today?

Re: FBI Code Name: Crossfire Hurricane
Posted by: Kurt ()
Date: June 13, 2018 20:56

Winning Ugly? nah...
Winning Bigly.

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