Went to this exposition yesterday at LUMA in Arles in the south of France. There are a lot of pictures of the Stones '72 and '75 tours and the rehearsals before the tours. Quite a lot unseen pictures too, especially from Montauk, the 72 rehearsals and the Stones and posse offstage.
Worth going!
The exhibition is on until September 24th. Tickets are only 7 euros and it wasn't crowded when I was there.
I believe there was a small parking at the site actually, didn´t drive so didn´t talk to the parking guy, though. Its at the end of a long narrow road on the west side of the premise. Or else there is a small bakery 50 m away (west) with a few spaces.
I visited the expo this week too, and must say its really nice. Good luck.
Thanks, I also stumbled across that one while searching earlier. Was hoping to find most of the ones that were in that exhibit. She's got some great crew ones and ones with Robert Frank that I'd love to see a little larger.