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Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Honeyboy ()
Date: September 11, 2005 05:06

The truth hurts for some eh'...

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Rialb ()
Date: September 11, 2005 05:45

I really like the song as well. I don't agree with message except about investing in (Kellogg) Brown and Root. Buy HAL any pay for your tickets for the next tour - Fish in a Barrel.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: poor immigrant ()
Date: September 11, 2005 06:00

This is a very badly written song. The music is worse than the lyrics. You can tell songs where the words are written first and this is one. They forced those lyrics into this go-nowhere arrangement that just doesn't work. By far the worst track on the album. I remember when there were rumblings that the song wouldn't make the final tracklisting. People would've assumed that they got scared of the political fallout, so they had to put it on. They should've left it off. It makes ROCK IN A HARD PLACE sound like GIMME SHELTER.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: RankOutsider ()
Date: September 11, 2005 06:12

What a great thread! (for a song I don't even really like!) But the thing about this album is the songs 'I like' change day to day, sign of a good album I think.

Rialb's post sums up the state of our world (for many) unfortunately.

I ain't stupid, I'm just guitarded.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-09-11 09:48 by RankOutsider.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: September 11, 2005 14:46

No T&A, your theory don't fit with my opinion. Dunno about other peoples views.
I like the lyrics.
The song starts off very promissing,
but then the unisono refrain is musically disgusting.
Then it goes on and on in a real simple way.
Thats really not the sharpest tool in the shed.

to top it all - the end of the song:
yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah, - neocon. OMG^^

really gives me the pips and thats the only song on ABB I have to skip.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Ross ()
Date: September 11, 2005 15:07

Screw the topic. It has just about as much impact as any of the raving I have heard from the extremists on both sides. Zilch.

What I love is the interplay between Mick's harp, Keef's Guitar, and Charlies drums. I also love the way Laugh, I nearly Died seques into it.

Good track on a great album! (insert IMO disclaimer here).


Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: September 11, 2005 18:03

Its a great song and I do only wish its about him about this guy who got reelected and with a smile on his face watches the people dying in NO an what a statement.

not about the oil
Posted by: BikeDude ()
Date: September 11, 2005 18:35

CreedenceLives Wrote:
> So quit repeating that "dummies explanation" of
> the Iraq Invasion... it is NOT about oil !

Exactly! It's about 9/11! Oh, wait... It's about ridding Saddam of WMDs! No, wait! It's about freedom for the Iraqi people! Yeah, that's it!

Your country has been involved in the Middle East for a long while (since WWII), and it was always about the oil. If this has suddenly changed, that would be interesting, specially now at a time when oil consumption in your land of the free is higher than ever.

Bottom line, your administration cares more about the freedom of other people in oil producing countries than a country in, say, Africa. Or more to the point: You care more about stable regimes that give oil away for virtually free in exchange for your support. (sure, you pay them for the oil, but usually make sure they kick back a certain percentage for investments in the US)

I can't help but have mixed emotions about the way several (35ish) countries step up to the plate and provide oil and gas to you guys after Katarina. It is nice to be able to help, but perhaps some rationing system would be called for first? US gas prices should be on par with European gas prices before we hand over any gas. All those gas-guzzling SUVs should be parked. For good.

Heck, perhaps if Bush took global warming serious, the world would be able to prevent another hurricane of this magnitude? (unfortunately the world economy hinges on american over-consumption)


Re: not about the oil
Posted by: Rialb ()
Date: September 12, 2005 05:32

BikeDude Wrote:

> Bottom line, your administration cares more about
> the freedom of other people in oil producing
> countries than a country in, say, Africa.

There is a tremendous amount of oil supplied to the USA from Africa.

> I can't help but have mixed emotions about the way
> several (35ish) countries step up to the plate and
> provide oil and gas to you guys after Katarina.

We appreciate the generosity of the kind people of the many nations trying to help the USA in this very critical time. Considering the scope of this catastrophe most of these contributions will not have a material effect -- however they are very much appreciated.

> is nice to be able to help, but perhaps some
> rationing system would be called for first? US gas
> prices should be on par with European gas prices
> before we hand over any gas. All those
> gas-guzzling SUVs should be parked. For good.

The amount of gasoline "handed over" by Europe again will not have a material effect on US gas supplies. Gas prices will never be "on Par" with European prices because of all of the extra fuel taxes.

> Heck, perhaps if Bush took global warming serious,
> the world would be able to prevent another
> hurricane of this magnitude? \

I appreciate your humor.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: bv ()
Date: September 12, 2005 09:07

So it takes like 5-10 posts on Sweet Neo Con and BANG you start your political campaigns again and again. I don't want to hear about your political opinions. Because people have other opinions and start fights here. Of course. It's only human. It is not interesting here. Go somewhere else, or I have to exclude you from IORR. OK?

Is that hard to understand?
This is not Hyde Park Corner!!!!!


Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: out of my head ()
Date: September 12, 2005 09:25

well said, bv

i hate that political crap

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: October 1, 2005 03:49

My wife read an article in Maxim Canada (one of these male magazines, with a half naked chick on the cover) Ok now everyone knows my wife reads male magazines... Aaaaaaaaaanyways, there is an interview of Jagger and he says there that he got the inspiration for this song after arguing with a friend...

Her two cents.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: October 1, 2005 03:59

somesmerized ... what else is in the Jagger interview?


Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: somesmerized ()
Date: October 1, 2005 04:16

He talks about his way of life, training, not drinking, not smoking, minimal clubbing that kind of stuff.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: laxi ()
Date: October 1, 2005 15:06

t&A you are right

it's a grat song with a clear message,

it's not written by a 14..., but a 14 years child can understand the song

and the reality! i think it's good, because children are the future of this


Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: RockR ()
Date: October 1, 2005 18:49

> It's a biased song, chilidish and not at all
> radical. It's 100% PC and it's all about Mick
> pretending to be interested in politics. He
> couldnt give a shite and he doesnt know politics
> at all like most musicians. I'm embarrased.

Right on the money. Although I agree with the message of the song, it's clumsily composed and it's obvious Mick could actually care less. Easily the worst track on the otherwise great ABB.

Re: Sweet NeoCon - another viewpoint
Posted by: Roadster32 ()
Date: October 1, 2005 20:18

bv wrote:

"So it takes like 5-10 posts on Sweet Neo Con and BANG you start your political campaigns again and again. I don't want to hear about your political opinions. Because people have other opinions and start fights here. Of course. It's only human. It is not interesting here. Go somewhere else, or I have to exclude you from IORR. OK?

Is that hard to understand?
This is not Hyde Park Corner!!!!!



Normally i agree with your statements but isn't iorr a sort of stones' hyde park corner?

If they write a song with an obviously political message why not discuss about it?

Also no more discussions about street fighting man, indian girl....?

i don't see the point.

I think none of the posts in this thread were offending, they were just disussing a stones song and if this song has a political content you have to discuss about politics too.

There are much more boring threads like setlists, mick taylor and so on and people start fights about these too.

As you stated it's only human and if it's not interesting why are there three pages in this thread? Don't go for the way "unless it's not interesting then it's prison without trial."

And as you stated in another thread writing in capital letter is not very polite; not even for the webmaster.

Cheers and don't worry bv, this is just another opinion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2005-10-01 20:39 by Roadster32.

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