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Re: OT: U2
Posted by: frankotero ()
Date: May 18, 2017 13:44

Hang in there Hairball. It's hard getting old but there's still some good days ahead. I'm having a small anxiety attack about spending a fortune for a pit ticket wondering if health issues will come into play. So, I know what you mean. Trying to stay positive and look on the bright side as some people say. Cheers!

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 18, 2017 15:56

Hope you get feeling better Hairball!

Thanks mr_dja - there's worse things that can happen in the world, but a bad toothache.....whoa nelly...when it's at it's worst there's simply no escape !
Ibuprofen seems to be taking care of business, but if things get worse I have a small stockpile of heavier stuff my wife and I keep from previous ailments (codeine, vicodin, etc.).
Prefer to keep those for real emergencies though, and don't like the feeling of getting 'high' from them - I'm much happier smoking a spliff which in this case would be used for medicinal purposes only. smoking smiley

smileys with beer

Toothaches/dental issues and back problems are on the top of my list as far as "ailments with no workarounds". Sounds like you've got a good "pain management protocol though. You & your wife would feel right at home at our house... My wife saves all "the extras" but they're only used when absolutely necessary as, like you, both of us much prefer mother nature's finest. I look forward to the day when I can have that prescribed as opposed to the other crap.


In an attempt to get this back on topic...

I wish I had had the desire to see U2 back in the day. I enjoyed their music in the 80's but was never moved enough to buy the tickets and go see them while costs were still reasonable for a non-superfan.

Fast forward to now: Although I have no doubt that it would be a fantastic show, I just don't know that I'm a big enough fan to spend THAT kind of money at this point. For me, the perceived cost:reward ratio is just too far skewed to allow me to pull the trigger and buy the tickets.

More Peace,

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 18, 2017 16:01

Whoopiee U2 Floor $86 each off ticketmaster for Arlington / Dallas!

Have to scan credit card and show ID when I get there.

So sounds like need to get there kinda early

I will shoot for between b stage and main stage on Edges side.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: May 18, 2017 16:16

I took another listen yesterday to the Songs of Innocence album which I only have because it dropped into my inbox from Apple. I liked it a lot when it first came out and over two years later it still sounds really good to me. Maybe I ought to see them next time round.

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 18, 2017 16:52

Hope you get feeling better Hairball!

Thanks mr_dja - there's worse things that can happen in the world, but a bad toothache.....whoa nelly...when it's at it's worst there's simply no escape !
Ibuprofen seems to be taking care of business, but if things get worse I have a small stockpile of heavier stuff my wife and I keep from previous ailments (codeine, vicodin, etc.).
Prefer to keep those for real emergencies though, and don't like the feeling of getting 'high' from them - I'm much happier smoking a spliff which in this case would be used for medicinal purposes only. smoking smiley

smileys with beer

Toothaches/dental issues and back problems are on the top of my list as far as "ailments with no workarounds". Sounds like you've got a good "pain management protocol though. You & your wife would feel right at home at our house... My wife saves all "the extras" but they're only used when absolutely necessary as, like you, both of us much prefer mother nature's finest. I look forward to the day when I can have that prescribed as opposed to the other crap.


In an attempt to get this back on topic...

I wish I had had the desire to see U2 back in the day. I enjoyed their music in the 80's but was never moved enough to buy the tickets and go see them while costs were still reasonable for a non-superfan.

Fast forward to now: Although I have no doubt that it would be a fantastic show, I just don't know that I'm a big enough fan to spend THAT kind of money at this point. For me, the perceived cost:reward ratio is just too far skewed to allow me to pull the trigger and buy the tickets.

More Peace,

Keep an eye on ticketmaster. Yesterday afternoon they released a bunch of floor tickets for Dallas $86 each with all fees etc.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 18, 2017 19:18


Keep an eye on ticketmaster. Yesterday afternoon they released a bunch of floor tickets for Dallas $86 each with all fees etc.

Thanks for the head's up... Dallas would be a bit of a drive but, with that new tidbit, I'm thinking I need to see how close they're going to be coming to Knoxville.


After a quick look at their schedule, I think I'll be monitoring Louisville, KY. They may be a whole lot closer (physically) when they're at Bonaroo but I have no desire whatsoever of dealing with Bonaroo to get to them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-05-18 19:21 by mr_dja.

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 18, 2017 19:28


Keep an eye on ticketmaster. Yesterday afternoon they released a bunch of floor tickets for Dallas $86 each with all fees etc.

Thanks for the head's up... Dallas would be a bit of a drive but, with that new tidbit, I'm thinking I need to see how close they're going to be coming to Knoxville.


After a quick look at their schedule, I think I'll be monitoring Louisville, KY. They may be a whole lot closer (physically) when they're at Bonaroo but I have no desire whatsoever of dealing with Bonaroo to get to them.

I just looked at Louisville. All fees included floor seat $90 available

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: May 18, 2017 19:41


Keep an eye on ticketmaster. Yesterday afternoon they released a bunch of floor tickets for Dallas $86 each with all fees etc.

Thanks for the head's up... Dallas would be a bit of a drive but, with that new tidbit, I'm thinking I need to see how close they're going to be coming to Knoxville.


After a quick look at their schedule, I think I'll be monitoring Louisville, KY. They may be a whole lot closer (physically) when they're at Bonaroo but I have no desire whatsoever of dealing with Bonaroo to get to them.

I just looked at Louisville. All fees included floor seat $90 available

I did the same thing... Started to get a bit excited at the opportunity/possibility... Then checked my schedule... Crash back down to earth... One of my bands is playing in Knoxville that night... Hard to be upset when I'm lucky enough to have a gig of my own but, DAMN! I have missed SO MANY shows due to having my own gigs over the years.

Gotta give some Kuddos to U2 though... General Admission, reasonably priced floor seats in 2017... I'm thinking that they just got put on my "to do" list just so I can support that business practice.


Re: OT: U2
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: May 19, 2017 06:33

I took another listen yesterday to the Songs of Innocence album which I only have because it dropped into my inbox from Apple. I liked it a lot when it first came out and over two years later it still sounds really good to me. Maybe I ought to see them next time round.

I really didn't like that album that much. It did then, and still does, feel slightly vanilla to me. Hard to put into words. And I'm someone thats liked most of their albums since 2000. This one, to me, on record seemed rather lazy, or just mildly enjoyable. I give them credit though, I saw their thing from Paris a year or so ago and thought the new songs were awesome! Maybe it was the visuals, maybe just hearing them live, but I thought they totally worked and made for a great show. Made me regret missing the show I did that tour cause I thought I just didn't want to hear that whole album. Still think the studio album is off in some way, but I can't in all good consciousness say it sucks cause I loved that live concert video.

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 19, 2017 15:54

Floor General Admission Arlington / Dallas now $35

Red Zone $350

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 19, 2017 16:04

Floor General Admission Arlington / Dallas now $35

Red Zone $350

Red Zone Gone

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: rebelrebel ()
Date: May 19, 2017 19:22

I took another listen yesterday to the Songs of Innocence album which I only have because it dropped into my inbox from Apple. I liked it a lot when it first came out and over two years later it still sounds really good to me. Maybe I ought to see them next time round.

I really didn't like that album that much. It did then, and still does, feel slightly vanilla to me. Hard to put into words. And I'm someone thats liked most of their albums since 2000. This one, to me, on record seemed rather lazy, or just mildly enjoyable. I give them credit though, I saw their thing from Paris a year or so ago and thought the new songs were awesome! Maybe it was the visuals, maybe just hearing them live, but I thought they totally worked and made for a great show. Made me regret missing the show I did that tour cause I thought I just didn't want to hear that whole album. Still think the studio album is off in some way, but I can't in all good consciousness say it sucks cause I loved that live concert video.

I've listened to it three days running now and (in part) it has grown on me even more. I think there are some really strong tunes on there, being The Miracle of Joey Ramone, Every Breaking Wave, Song for Someone, Cedarwood Road, Sleep Like A Baby and The Troubles. The rest is good quality filler for me but that's six excellent songs. Thanks for the tip about the Paris DVD; I wasn't aware of it but will buy it. As you can tell I'm not a huge fan but my appreciation is growing. I saw a few clips on youtube of the tour and did enjoy them. Loved the Bowie snippet in the Cedarwood Road visuals.

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 24, 2017 20:56

Has anyone done the general admission this tour?

I called to question the credit card access and the lady tole me that will be handing out tickets at 6 am Friday morning to reserve your place in line for the floor.

Is it like this at all locations. If so is there a huge line at 6 am?

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Father Ted ()
Date: May 25, 2017 15:01

Has anyone done the general admission this tour?

I called to question the credit card access and the lady tole me that will be handing out tickets at 6 am Friday morning to reserve your place in line for the floor.

Is it like this at all locations. If so is there a huge line at 6 am?

I can only tell you that for Twickenham, I bought a pair of GA tickets through Ticketmaster. My tickets were posted out to me.

Re: OT: U2
Date: May 30, 2017 15:41

Great Show

Great Band

Great Setlist

Great Crowd

General Admission sucked up until the show started. Once it started it was all good. I had a good spot between both stages. I was only a few feet away from the drummer. Had a perfect view of both stages.

U2 brings their A game.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: Monsoon Ragoon ()
Date: May 30, 2017 16:42

No Line On The Horizon was a classic at least for me. Songs Of Innocence another stadium rock effort, okay, but I don't feel like listen to it again after five rounds. Can't go to Berlin (180 km) as it seems - because of the Stones tour.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2017-05-30 16:44 by Monsoon Ragoon.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: May 30, 2017 17:45

I took another listen yesterday to the Songs of Innocence album which I only have because it dropped into my inbox from Apple. I liked it a lot when it first came out and over two years later it still sounds really good to me. Maybe I ought to see them next time round.

Just as with NLOTH I listened to SOI a good bit - as I do with all new releases by artists I like.

First listen of NLOTH was very confusing. But after a while it started to make some sense: the title track is awesome (on headphones it's extraordinary, really, with 3 drum tracks on it). Magnificent is great - classic U2. Unknown Caller has elements of early U2 in it and is a bit off - in a good way. I'll Go Crazy... sounds like a HTDAAB leftover. Get On Your Boots is... interesting. Fez is fantastic. White As Snow... not sure why they bothered. Breathe sounds like a B-side. Cedars Of Lebanon is great.

Yet, after a while, I stopped listening to it. I don't listen to NLOTH. It didn't ever gel. It's like eating a decent meal that is rice based - 10 minutes after eating you're still hungry. It's obvious they worked their asses off on it but there's something askew about it (here's something funny with that word: []).

SOI is a much better album. It's very busy, as most of their albums are, but it seems a bit more simple. Every Breaking Wave, California, Song For You, Sleep Like A Baby (a brilliant remake of If You Wear That Velvet Dress), This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now - overall it is old (early) U2 in the 20teens. Throw in Invisible (first reaction to that was what the HELL!!?? But then I got past the expectational aspect and realized it's just U2 being current new) and Ordinary Love (which seemed similar to the ATYCLB leftovers The Hands That Built America and Electric Storm) and it's even better.

I still listen to SOI. One day it just clicked. It's not ACHTUNG BABY or THE JOSHUA TREE or ALL THAT YOU CAN'T LEAVE BEHIND but it is good.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: May 30, 2017 18:33

I think Breathe is one of the best songs off NLOTH. I love the main guitar riff and the stream of consciousness lyrics...Bono adopts an almost Dylan-esque delivery.

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: grzegorz67 ()
Date: May 30, 2017 19:05

I think Breathe is one of the best songs off NLOTH. I love the main guitar riff and the stream of consciousness lyrics...Bono adopts an almost Dylan-esque delivery.

It was the show opener for the U2360 Tour and a very effective one too.

Re: OT: U2
Date: June 6, 2017 20:35

U2 added a few more US Dates. Kansas City Arrowhead Stadium one of them !

Can anyone help me with a presale code?

Re: OT: U2
Posted by: georgeV ()
Date: June 6, 2017 21:58

Has anyone done the general admission this tour?

I called to question the credit card access and the lady tole me that will be handing out tickets at 6 am Friday morning to reserve your place in line for the floor.

Is it like this at all locations. If so is there a huge line at 6 am?

There was no 6 AM line up in Vancouver but the credit card thing caused all sorts of delays for people getting into the show. Most people missed the opening act because of the massive line up. I walked onto the floor just as U2 took the stage and had no problem walking right up to the fence at side of red zone.

Re: OT: U2
Date: June 6, 2017 22:37

Has anyone done the general admission this tour?

I called to question the credit card access and the lady tole me that will be handing out tickets at 6 am Friday morning to reserve your place in line for the floor.

Is it like this at all locations. If so is there a huge line at 6 am?

There was no 6 AM line up in Vancouver but the credit card thing caused all sorts of delays for people getting into the show. Most people missed the opening act because of the massive line up. I walked onto the floor just as U2 took the stage and had no problem walking right up to the fence at side of red zone.

If I had paid $1500 for red zone tickets I would be upset.

OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: June 20, 2017 03:48

Seen it in Philadelphia last night. Went up at the last minute & got a GA tickeT to the floor. Amazing stage & a great album

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: keefriff99 ()
Date: June 20, 2017 04:12

Going next Thursday at Metlife Stadium...very much looking forward to it.

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: RollingFreak ()
Date: June 20, 2017 04:33

Did you see a lot of tickets out there in the stadium parking lot? I'm looking to catch one of the Metlife shows next week and not sure what the market will be like to just get a cheap ticket to get in the building.

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: Donnebr ()
Date: June 20, 2017 05:03

There was a few scampers in Philadelphia but I am reluctant to buy from them. I got lucky & met a family with a spare

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: June 20, 2017 13:17

These guys really should retire. Playing their most successful album live is not very innovating. They are just like all the others, trying to grab all the money they can get. The last remarkable album was released about 25 years ago, nowadays they are a radio-pop-band, repeating themselves over and over again. They´re done.

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: June 20, 2017 13:37

These guys really should retire. Playing their most successful album live is not very innovating. They are just like all the others, trying to grab all the money they can get. The last remarkable album was released about 25 years ago, nowadays they are a radio-pop-band, repeating themselves over and over again. They´re done.

There is of course some truth in what you say, since it all depends on the point of view, but writing it on this particular message board is hilarious!

Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 20, 2017 13:41

Closet I got ta havin' U2 in the Bunker was Silver & Gold from Sun City ...


Re: OT. U2 Joshua Tree Tour
Posted by: crholmstrom ()
Date: June 20, 2017 14:12

the show was amazing & very powerful.

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