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Re: New Stones album for 2023
Date: December 10, 2022 21:26

I think this is what most of us went through when we were younger.

You forgot the part about camping out for tickets.

To be honest they could release a great album and we’d complain. Bottom line: we’re a lot older and responsibilities and priorities in life have changed like kids/ grand kids. I was 16 in 1978, partying and sex and probably literally wore 10 vinyl copies of Some Girls out. It was our youth and as much as we want to relive it we can’t. Was 10 when I saw the stones on Dick Cavett with my older brother and at the time my shocked mother and I was hooked. Went from the Partridge Family directly to the Stones and have had every studio/ live album the first day of release since GHS. Excited for new music absolutely. Will I have stories to reminisce like skipped school with some friends, got baked, and played the new stones album 10 times straight blaring out of large tower speakers and then we got caught for skipping school- most likely not. Stones album releases were like second comings in the Boston area. Radio stations like WBCN and WAAF which no longer exist would announce “ we just got the new Stones Album in and will be playing it in its entirety at midnight tonight” and you would spend the day cranking the radio dial back and forth with your cassette player ready to tape hoping to get some of the songs before midnight. It was truly like Santa had arrived. Want a great album but doubtful it would have the magic of our youth.

you basically just described my/our experience in Kenova, WV ...especially with the radio station,etc

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: December 13, 2022 02:59

You forgot the part about camping out for tickets.

That was never necessary where I live or lived. What I remember quite painfully, however, is being at the gates hours before they opened in order to get a proper place inside. My back wouldn' tolerate just standing for so many hours any longer. Last time was the local 14 On Fire show. By the time the the show started I wished I was back home again ...

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 13, 2022 05:30

The last time I stood in line for tickets to ANY show was in the fall of 1989 for the STEEL WHEELS show in Pontiac, Michigan (Detroit). I was about 15th or so in line.

By the time the line got roughly down to half that, a second show had been added.

My tickets were for the "first" show, which held its original date. The second show was the night before (12-9-1989). Got to hear Almost Hear You Sigh, its live debut in the US as far as I know.

Holy crap. Just a couple days over 33 years ago.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: colonial ()
Date: December 13, 2022 05:49



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-13 05:50 by colonial.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 14, 2022 06:18


I agree.


The new album better be stellar. It should be. Why not? Mick's gone on about it having to be great - not like the previous... what, the last one in 2005? That's easy to say.

They've had 18 years to write it. One generation basically. Living In A Ghost Town was excellent. It better not be on the album.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: December 14, 2022 08:16

They've had 18 years to write it. One generation basically.

Who knows, maybe it took them 18 years to choose the chord to follow the open G in the opening riff ... spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: December 14, 2022 13:54


I agree.


The new album better be stellar. It should be. Why not? Mick's gone on about it having to be great - not like the previous... what, the last one in 2005? That's easy to say.

They've had 18 years to write it. One generation basically. Living In A Ghost Town was excellent. It better not be on the album.

Referring to "the last one in 2005" is your own idea on how that one wasn't "great", right? Not that Mick said that, or so I wonder?

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 14, 2022 17:15

People obsess over the last album being in 2005. They've given us much more material since then.

There were no songs called Pass the Wine, Plundered My Soul, Following the River, or So Divine prior to Fall 2009. Pass the Wine, Plundered My Soul, Following the River, Dancing in the Light, and So Divine have all new lyrics (50% of the composition). Six of the songs have new lead and/or backing vocals, Plundered My Soul has new lead guitar. Mick, Keith, Mick Taylor, Don Was, Lisa Fischer, Cyndi Mizelle, Matt Clifford, and David Campbell all made extensive additions to complete unfinished recordings.

There were no songs called Don't Be a Stranger or Keep Up Blues prior to August 2011. Five of the songs have new lyrics. At least six of the songs have new lead vocals, guitar parts, keyboards, harmonica, even bass and drum overdubs. Mick, Keith, Ronnie, Charlie, Don Was, Matt Clifford, and John Fogerty all made extensive additions to complete unfinished recordings.

We had two completely new songs written in 2011 and recorded in 2012 for the 50th Anniversary.

We had the entire Blue and Lonesome album recorded in 2015 & 2016.

We had the lockdown single written in 2019 and recorded in 2019 & 2020 along with three outtakes for Goats Head Soup's reissue featuring new vocals, lyrics, guitar from Mick and contributions from Matt Clifford as well. The extent of their additions is apparently open to debate. Minor vocal bits and maybe percussion on Criss Cross. New lyrics and vocals at least on All the Rage. I suspect new lyrics and vocals on Scarlet, but cannot validate. Don Was' remarks in 2009 suggest Scarlet may have been earmarked for the Exile reissue at one point.

The Lost and Found disc in 2021 with the 40th Anniversary Tattoo You reissue gave us at least six reworked recordings. There was no song called Come to the Ball prior to 2021. Mick, Ronnie, Charlie, and Matt made substantial additions to complete unfinished recordings. Come to the Ball, Fiji Jim, It's a Lie, Trouble's a-Coming feature new lyrics.

Now we have the news that the long-gestating album of new material is in final stages. They've stayed productive. We've had a solo album from Keith. We know we've only seen the tip of the iceberg on what Mick has generated as a songwriter. His efforts could be seen merely as staying in shape creatively to be able to continue to generate new work. I'll let them be the judge as to the quality. We know Mick and Keith can both be harshly critical of themselves and one another. If the album appears to simply be the best they can do and half-hearted, so be it. There will still be some gems amid the dross. If it is truly special, then we're in for a treat. No, it won't be Exile or Some Girls or even Tattoo You. It was written and recorded in their seventies. I adjust my expectations accordingly. Good for them on staying creative.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 14, 2022 17:19

Soldatti, mpj, or anyone else hear rumblings about an anthology package featuring several "new" songs with Charlie as bonus tracks while the studio album will only feature Steve Jordan? This was allegedly discussed by Universal.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: December 14, 2022 18:00

ROCKY DIJON can you tell me which song was Plundered My Soul as a bootleg? I never heard that song on a bootleg. I’m not saying I have or know all the recording, not at all. So I’m very curious if you can lead me to that (original) recording spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I do think I heard most of the other songs before, Yes they added some new lyrics or overdubs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-14 18:39 by Christiaan.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: December 14, 2022 19:05

ROCKY DIJON can you tell me which song was Plundered My Soul as a bootleg? I never heard that song on a bootleg. I’m not saying I have or know all the recording, not at all. So I’m very curious if you can lead me to that (original) recording spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I do think I heard most of the other songs before, Yes they added some new lyrics or overdubs.

I'm not Rocky Dijon, but as far as I know any raw version of "Plundered My Soul" didn't circulate in bootleg circles at all (and if it did, it was a question of some very inner circle). The same with "Following The River". Both songs were totally new things for hardcore fans familiar with bootlegs.

At the time they released EXILE bonus material they were pretty ambitious and intentionally tried to release something that wasn't already familiar from bootlegs. I recall Jagger even saying that.

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-14 19:07 by Doxa.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 14, 2022 20:24

No new album of originals since 2005...nearly two decades ago...seems like it was a lifetime ago...
While the results weren't to everyone's expectations or hopes (including the Stones themselves), it was a thrill knowing they were about to go out on another massive world tour. And in hindsight, the album wasn't quite as bad as most people made it out to be - I'd say close to half of the album is pretty darn good. Songs like Laugh I Nearly Died and Rain Fall Down...not bad at all. Even Rough Justice and Oh No Not You Again are half way decent tunes if you keep an open mind and ignore some of the lyrics and poor production. Yes Sweet Neocon, Streets of Love, and Infamy are terrible on almost every level, but in the context of the album are slightly more tolerable. That all said, I imagine this next album will be a hundred times better considering they've had nearly two decades to think it through. And with a new round of shows being rumoured in the USA and possibly Europe (and elsewhere?), I'd think that 2023 could be a great year for the band and the fans alike! While nearly 18 years since ABB sounds a bit sad, 61 years and counting as a band is truly an amazing accomplishment!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-14 20:26 by Hairball.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 14, 2022 21:24

ROCKY DIJON can you tell me which song was Plundered My Soul as a bootleg? I never heard that song on a bootleg. I’m not saying I have or know all the recording, not at all. So I’m very curious if you can lead me to that (original) recording spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I do think I heard most of the other songs before, Yes they added some new lyrics or overdubs.

As Doxa said, the backing track sans lead guitar did not circulate among bootleggers. I'm not aware of any collectors who had ever heard it. However, they didn't add "some new lyrics or overdubs," it was far more substantial. The outtake was an instrumental that had lyrics written for it in 2009. Mick created a melody line which Mick Taylor then cut a lead guitar track for in 2009. Half the song wasn't composed prior to 2009 and only the bottom existed as a recording since lead and backing vocals and lead guitar were 2009 additions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-14 21:25 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Christiaan ()
Date: December 14, 2022 22:36

Doxa and Rocky Dijon thanks. Plundered My Soul not known by any of us before the release on the extended Exile release 2011 exact as my thought always were. Following The river did sound more familiar, but I can be mistaken…….. smiling bouncing smiley

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: December 14, 2022 23:16

Yeah, one could say that to complete "Plundered My Soul" and "Following The River" they (mostly Mick) needed to put more work on them than for TATTOO YOU tracks back in the day. In those tracks Mick needed to start writing the lyrics and melody from a scratch, which was not the case with TATTOO YOU (there I think all the songs had a guidance melody and basic lyrical idea already made). So what he was doing was certainly not just making 'over-dubs', but providing a substantial part in the process of song-writing.

One could also say that "Plundered My Soul" was a classical Jagger/Richards colloboration/composition. Keith provided the riff-based backing track in 1971 and Mick did his part (melody and lyrics) 38 years later. From Mick's point of view he was creatively doing the same thing as he would do for any new Stones song.

- Doxa

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: angee ()
Date: December 15, 2022 01:45

Hairball, this:

"I imagine this next album will be a hundred times better considering they've had nearly two decades to think it through."

IMO, ha, that's a reason they haven't put anything out, because of high fan expectations and perhaps their own.
I'd be fine with a new one 1.5 times as good as the last one, because as you mention, a few/some/a bunch of those songs
are at least quite good or even "pretty darn good," or at least, "halfway decent."

cool smiley

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: December 15, 2022 03:24

As for me, none of the new/bonus tracks on Exile or SG or TY are such great songs that they make up for the lack of new stuff (not even Plundered My Soul). In all cases I'm not surprised they did not make it onto the original releases. They are nowhere near the “quality” e.g. of the outtakes that Jethro Tull released on Nightcap. But that's only me...

(ABcool smiley ... I'd say close to half of the album is pretty darn good. Songs like Laugh I Nearly Died and Rain Fall Down...not bad at all. Even Rough Justice and Oh No Not You Again are half way decent tunes if you keep an open mind and ignore some of the lyrics and poor production. Yes Sweet Neocon, Streets of Love, and Infamy are terrible on almost every level, but in the context of the album are slightly more tolerable.

I feel pretty much the same way. Rough Justice is too much Stones by the numbers for me. That’s one of the songs where I wonder how I would think about it had it been released in 1971 or so. Oh No Not You Again to me shows that a catchy riff alone doesn’t make a song a great song if the rest is not so great. Infamy should have been a b-side at best. Maybe its inclusion in ABB was in order to appease Keith? Meanwhile I find Sweet Neo-Con not as bad as some of the rest.

As for a potential tour supporting the new album, I find it hard to believe that they would really tour the album and play more than two new songs per show. I don’t think we will ever again get setlists like Europe 1982, where the major part of the songs where from the previous two albums (or three, if including Still Life).

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 15, 2022 04:25

As for me, none of the new/bonus tracks on Exile or SG or TY are such great songs that they make up for the lack of new stuff not even Plundered My Soul). In all cases I'm not surprised they did not make it onto the original releases. They are nowhere near the “quality” e.g. of the outtakes that Jethro Tull released on Nightcap. But that's only me...

You are not alone in thinking that. I'd say most of that "new/bonus" stuff has been forgotten even by a majority of diehard Stones fans, and chances are slim the general masses ever heard them in the first place.
Makes me wonder why they/Mick would waste so much time attempting to resurrect so many derelict leftovers so many years after the fact. With Tattoo You it worked, but the material wasn't that old when they freshened it up, and all of it was good to begin with. There have been a few nice "new/bonus" tracks in recent years with Criss Cross probably being the best (and the boot was always great), but a new album with new material that's less than ten years old give or take would be far more welcoming at this late stage. And hopefully Charlie will be all over the new album and not relegated to another useless GRRR or HONK compilation.

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 15, 2022 05:03

The thing of it is when the Universal contract was signed - it was for the five expanded reissues rather than a new studio album. Whether they thought it was a great idea or not (and let's be fair, Keith's involvement in these projects seems minimal at best compared to Ronnie on LOST AND FOUND or Taylor on "Plundered My Soul"), this is what they were contractually obligated to deliver.

By contrast, with the TALK IS CHEAP SESSIONS disc, Keith opted to release tracks untouched regardless of if they were only jams. And yes, Steve Jordan did encourage him to finish the songs.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: December 15, 2022 06:14

Sounds reasonable.

I also wonder if they (or rather, Mick) really had a clear idea what leftovers there actually existed from the respective album sessions. My impression is that their way of working in the studio does not really allow for a bunch of complete and ready-produced songs that for one reason or other did not make it on an album. Rather, certain songs (or merely ideas) are left behind at some point in whatever state they happen to be, and completed stuff that doesn't make it on an album is used for b-sides (at least, in more recent years/decades).

A related question: Do they actually have an archivist who keeps track of what was recorded in the course of sessions? - From what I recall it rather seems that if necessary, someone is appointed for sifting through the tapes to see what's there.

Rocky Dijon
Soldatti, mpj, or anyone else hear rumblings about an anthology package featuring several "new" songs with Charlie as bonus tracks while the studio album will only feature Steve Jordan? This was allegedly discussed by Universal.

Are you perhaps referring to the recent Ronnie interview where he said something about a collection (or so) of songs? (I can't recall the actual wording right now.) I understood this in such a way that he meant a collection of songs they recorded since 2016 (or whatever the year was when they did the first new album session) out of all the songs they recorded since then, and that some of them have Charlie on the drums.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 15, 2022 07:00


I agree.


The new album better be stellar. It should be. Why not? Mick's gone on about it having to be great - not like the previous... what, the last one in 2005? That's easy to say.

They've had 18 years to write it. One generation basically. Living In A Ghost Town was excellent. It better not be on the album.

Referring to "the last one in 2005" is your own idea on how that one wasn't "great", right? Not that Mick said that, or so I wonder?

Mick implies it.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: December 15, 2022 16:05

I guess we should now conclude that the sessions for a new album in LA are over, since Mick was last night in London watching his brother's gig. The Christmas holiday season now I suppose.

- Doxa

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 15, 2022 16:15

Are you perhaps referring to the recent Ronnie interview where he said something about a collection (or so) of songs? (I can't recall the actual wording right now.) I understood this in such a way that he meant a collection of songs they recorded since 2016 (or whatever the year was when they did the first new album session) out of all the songs they recorded since then, and that some of them have Charlie on the drums.

No, it wasn't from Ronnie. About a month ago, a "friend" on social media with ties to Universal told me there would be an anniversary package with a greatest hits disc and a second disc made up of newly finished/remixed outtakes from STEEL WHEELS forward. Half of the second disc would be "new" material recorded over the last several years with Charlie. Next year's studio album would then be all Steve and no Charlie. I haven't heard it from anyone else nor has anyone answered the question of whether the decision (if real) is as much about Don Was as it is Charlie.

Hits with newer material seems odd. If it was an anthology spanning the same era as the hits (broader range with stronger material) seems more credible. As it is, such a package seems like something that was more likely in the past and less likely in 2023.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-15 16:22 by Rocky Dijon.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: December 15, 2022 19:06

I do really hope there will be no other "grrrreatest hits" with new material with Charlie before the new album

I do really hope the new album won't be filled with duets and special guests

I hope the time it takes to wrap it is the time to choose carefully a small amount of songs they believe in

believe so much that they build the set list around them

that would be good for me

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 16, 2022 06:54

I guess we should now conclude that the sessions for a new album in LA are over, since Mick was last night in London watching his brother's gig. The Christmas holiday season now I suppose.

- Doxa

Yes. And that they're just getting started. A lot of fun, still slowly putting it together. All those tunes that have been cooking up but won't know when they will be finished, really. But, hey, some are dynamite! And this is just the newest lot of sessions! Really knocking them around, you know? But they'll do some more work on it next year, before they go on tour, see how it goes.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 16, 2022 07:09

Rocky Dijon
Are you perhaps referring to the recent Ronnie interview where he said something about a collection (or so) of songs? (I can't recall the actual wording right now.) I understood this in such a way that he meant a collection of songs they recorded since 2016 (or whatever the year was when they did the first new album session) out of all the songs they recorded since then, and that some of them have Charlie on the drums.

No, it wasn't from Ronnie. About a month ago, a "friend" on social media with ties to Universal told me there would be an anniversary package with a greatest hits disc and a second disc made up of newly finished/remixed outtakes from STEEL WHEELS forward. Half of the second disc would be "new" material recorded over the last several years with Charlie. Next year's studio album would then be all Steve and no Charlie. I haven't heard it from anyone else nor has anyone answered the question of whether the decision (if real) is as much about Don Was as it is Charlie.

Hits with newer material seems odd. If it was an anthology spanning the same era as the hits (broader range with stronger material) seems more credible. As it is, such a package seems like something that was more likely in the past and less likely in 2023.

So like all the material with Charlie, that they just didn't quite think they could put out as an album, gets a release as part deux of a greatest hits package, having them resell the catalogue one more time with the new cuts as an inducement...that sounds like something the stones would do, making room for a 'new album' with Steve only songs.

OK, this point we'll just take what they give us, but looks like another big year of releases.

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: December 16, 2022 11:56

Rocky Dijon
ROCKY DIJON can you tell me which song was Plundered My Soul as a bootleg? I never heard that song on a bootleg. I’m not saying I have or know all the recording, not at all. So I’m very curious if you can lead me to that (original) recording spinning smiley sticking its tongue out I do think I heard most of the other songs before, Yes they added some new lyrics or overdubs.

As Doxa said, the backing track sans lead guitar did not circulate among bootleggers. I'm not aware of any collectors who had ever heard it. However, they didn't add "some new lyrics or overdubs," it was far more substantial. The outtake was an instrumental that had lyrics written for it in 2009. Mick created a melody line which Mick Taylor then cut a lead guitar track for in 2009. Half the song wasn't composed prior to 2009 and only the bottom existed as a recording since lead and backing vocals and lead guitar were 2009 additions.

It did "circulate" in the "inner circle" as JK went on record here (someone might still have the link handy) saying that he'd heard the backing track for PMS.

Anyway back to the "new" projects , so what would be the time line for these new releases ? Would that 2CD "greatest hits" + "odds and sods" be for 2023 and the "new album with Steve" for "next year" as in 2024 ?! This is getting more ridiculous by the day ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: doitywoik ()
Date: December 16, 2022 14:27

It they really plan to release yet another compilation now, only 3,5 years after Honk, they better pep it up with something sufficiently attractive to people who already have a shelfful of Stones compilations at home to make them buy yet another compilation. As long as other compilations are still in print or available online (which perhaps all of them are) and considering the fact that most people who prefer a compilation to buying umpteen albums already have one, the main target group is quite likely the seasoned, if not die-hard, fans. And what is interesting to the seasoned or die-hard Stones fan is unreleased material. Honk Deluxe has recent live tracks (that possibly wouldn’t have sold as a live album by themselves), so the live card cannot reasonably be played this time. This leaves us with remixes or alternative versions of familiar stuff or new or hitherto unreleased songs. Since remixes and alternative versions are only the poor man’s bonus tracks, new songs with Charlie would come in handy as bonus material.

If the plan is really a CD filled with remixes, alternative versions and Charlie tracks, this leads one to conclude that there are not enough useable tracks with Charlie for a full CD and only a handful of songs are in a publishable shape. If they don’t want to have the Charlie tracks together on the same album with the new Steve Jordan tracks this could mean two things: (i) there are so many great tracks with Steve that there is simply no space for the Charlie tracks on the new album, or (ii) the Charlie tracks aren’t that great songs, or even the useable tracks are rather advanced demos than ready-produced tracks and since Charlie isn’t available any more for overdubs they cannot be fully finished. Time will tell (or not).

What the Stones themselves say about all this is as cryptic as ever. Keith told us, we haven’t heard the last of Charlie yet - which is true irrespective of whether the last of Charlie is ever going to be released or not, or in which form. Ronnie said (more or less) that a bunch of new songs is going to be released - which (as we already saw) likewise leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Mick merely told us we shouldn’t hold our breath - which we didn’t anyway, otherwise we wouldn’t be around to discuss all this.

Depending on for how long we still have to not hold our breath we might push this thread to page 700 or even beyond ...

Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: bitusa2012 ()
Date: December 16, 2022 16:10

We’ve already had Stones LPs with drummers other than Charlie. No biggie…

Please…NO MORE Greatest hits/anthologies. Just get a NEW album out for gods sake. How old are they/we? Time DOES NOT wait for no-one, including The Stones.


Re: New Stones album for 2023
Posted by: Send It To me ()
Date: December 16, 2022 16:15

It they really plan to release yet another compilation now, only 3,5 years after Honk, they better pep it up with something sufficiently attractive to people who already have a shelfful of Stones compilations at home to make them buy yet another compilation. As long as other compilations are still in print or available online (which perhaps all of them are) and considering the fact that most people who prefer a compilation to buying umpteen albums already have one, the main target group is quite likely the seasoned, if not die-hard, fans. And what is interesting to the seasoned or die-hard Stones fan is unreleased material. Honk Deluxe has recent live tracks (that possibly wouldn’t have sold as a live album by themselves), so the live card cannot reasonably be played this time. This leaves us with remixes or alternative versions of familiar stuff or new or hitherto unreleased songs. Since remixes and alternative versions are only the poor man’s bonus tracks, new songs with Charlie would come in handy as bonus material.

If the plan is really a CD filled with remixes, alternative versions and Charlie tracks, this leads one to conclude that there are not enough useable tracks with Charlie for a full CD and only a handful of songs are in a publishable shape. If they don’t want to have the Charlie tracks together on the same album with the new Steve Jordan tracks this could mean two things: (i) there are so many great tracks with Steve that there is simply no space for the Charlie tracks on the new album, or (ii) the Charlie tracks aren’t that great songs, or even the useable tracks are rather advanced demos than ready-produced tracks and since Charlie isn’t available any more for overdubs they cannot be fully finished. Time will tell (or not).

What the Stones themselves say about all this is as cryptic as ever. Keith told us, we haven’t heard the last of Charlie yet - which is true irrespective of whether the last of Charlie is ever going to be released or not, or in which form. Ronnie said (more or less) that a bunch of new songs is going to be released - which (as we already saw) likewise leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Mick merely told us we shouldn’t hold our breath - which we didn’t anyway, otherwise we wouldn’t be around to discuss all this.

Depending on for how long we still have to not hold our breath we might push this thread to page 700 or even beyond ...

There's also the matter of whether Charlie's estate is paid out on a new release, I would imagine. But keeping him off a record for that reason seems unlikely.

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