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Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: December 26, 2016 02:25

The success of B&L will change the things in the near future of the Stones, there's a big market out there wanting this kind of stuff from them, more than 1 million albums sold in less than 3 weeks with minimal work in the studio, Universal will push them in this way, not many acts on today's market can sell 1 million albums so fast.

Indeed and it's hard to imagine them coming up with new material of "importance" (to quote "Lem Motlow") after nothing of great substance for decades...On the other hand they could probably find some interesting unknown "soul" songs to cover too, heck, "All Your Love" has some funkiness to it and it's one of the best surprises of B&L ;-)

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Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Idorh ()
Date: December 26, 2016 03:10

black n blue
Bigger bang is outstanding guitar filled cd.

thumbs up

Jij hebt groot gelijk, er is niets mis mee met BB.
Waarom willen al die profesorren nou door alles te bekijken onder de microscoop. Het is 3 akoorden muziek, willen ze kopieen van Angie/Jumping jack flas/ brown sugar/ enz. Ik ben bang voor al het commentaar van het nieuwe album 2017.

You're right, there's nothing wrong with BB.
Why do all these profesorren well by looking at everything under the microscope. It is three chords music, they want copies of Angie / Jumping Jack flas / brown sugar / etc. I am afraid of all the comments from the new album in 2017.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: December 26, 2016 06:57

The success of B&L will change the things in the near future of the Stones, there's a big market out there wanting this kind of stuff from them, more than 1 million albums sold in less than 3 weeks with minimal work in the studio, Universal will push them in this way, not many acts on today's market can sell 1 million albums so fast.
I bet...simplify the songs..give the people what they want...criminal they didn't promote some girls deluxe....that's what I want hear....Bigger Bang had no personality...and the best song Under The Radar wasn't even on it!

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: runrudolph ()
Date: December 26, 2016 10:57

Yeah, the succes of blue n lonesome will puzzle the Stones also. and it will put a lot of strain on the band. But i am sure they will put every effort into it, to make it a GREAT new album.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: laertisflash ()
Date: December 26, 2016 11:01

"Bigger Bang had no personality..."

I have to disagree, Rip This. ABB was a really good album. With tracks which varied from decent to excellent. With the variety and balance between different tunes (R'n R, blues, funk, etc) that usually characterises the Stones albums. The advantage of B&L has to do with the fact that it's a NON USUAL Stones album. It's something different. In addition, B&L has a strong touching element because, how to say, the Stones playing the blues (and the blues only) again is, as I said on another thread, like the return of Odysseus to Ithaki...

BTW, it surprises me the fact that some fans here consider ABB as an unsuccessful commercially album. Once again, ABB sold more than 2.5 million worldwide. Good number for 2005 and 2006, era of massive downloading already. How could an album do bad sales, staying two weeks at #1 of the Global Chart (Media Traffic), five weeks on Top 15 and nine on Top 40? Just think about it.

B&L does sell clearly better, of course. But I don't think it's huge success means that the Stones have to prepare, now, one country - covers album, one reggae - covers, etc, etc...

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Date: December 26, 2016 11:09

They got some momentum going now

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: December 26, 2016 11:23

"Bigger Bang had no personality..."

I have to disagree, Rip This. ABB was a really good album. With tracks which varied from decent to excellent. With the variety and balance between different tunes (R'n R, blues, funk, etc) that usually characterises the Stones albums. The advantage of B&L has to do with the fact that it's a NON USUAL Stones album. It's something different. In addition, B&L has a strong touching element because, how to say, the Stones playing the blues (and the blues only) again is, as I said on another thread, like the return of Odysseus to Ithaki...

BTW, it surprises me the fact that some fans here consider ABB as an unsuccessful commercially album. Once again, ABB sold more than 2.5 million worldwide. Good number for 2005 and 2006, era of massive downloading already. How could an album do bad sales, staying two weeks at #1 of the Global Chart (Media Traffic), five weeks on Top 15 and nine on Top 40? Just think about it.

B&L does sell clearly better, of course. But I don't think it's huge success means that the Stones have to prepare, now, one country - covers album, one reggae - covers, etc, etc...

Totally agree...but i'm afraid that Universal want other covers. sad smiley

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Date: December 26, 2016 15:33

Winning Ugly VXII
It's opinion not 'hype' J.Kirk, and seemingly the consensus amongst many.
Granted there are some who like those and deem them worthy (like yourself), and they have every right to do so.

Even the Stones don't give them any thought when playing live in concert...except maybe one or two songs?

They don't play a solid half of "Exile On Main St." live in concert either.

Neither do they play material from 1962-1967 (other than Satisfaction,Paint it Black just recently and once in a while Get Off of My Cloud) when they were "so much better" than they were in the '90's .

They don't play much from "Beggars' Banquet" nor "Black and Blue" nor "It's Only Rock 'n' Roll" nor "Emotional Rescue" not "Goats Head Soup" now that I think of it,they don't play most of their material on anything less than an occasional basis.

I take it you're a fan of alot of the 'recent' stuff, as well as Jagger solo going by your username - that's great!
To clarify for you, I wasn't saying they play whole sides of albums like Exile. They have so many great tunes spread out from their first 20 years that they're able to pick and choose from that era as they please. ALL the warhorses are from this period. I can only think of two songs that are sometimes played from the last 30 years (correct me if I'm wrong*)- Out of Control and You Got Me Rockin' - and by no means can they considered warhorses. They recently played Mixed Emotions, and have to say it was as bad as it was on the studio album - just my opinion. They have completely forgotten their most recent studio album of originals - A Bigger Bang - and rightfully/thankfully so. On the recent 'mini-tour', they weren't even playing Doom and Gloom or One More Shot from GRRRR anymore. Make of that what you will, but my opinion remains the same - the Stones were indeed so much better in their first 20 years.

*edit: Keith still plays Slipping Away occasionally?

I wasn't talking about playing whole sides of albums either.

My point was that if a song not being often performed live by the Stones makes it a bad song,then (for example) by the same standard,8 of the 10 Beggars' Banquet tracks must be bad. Alternatively,the Stones do not believe in them or perhaps it is because the set list has dwindled to less than 19 or 20 songs.

"Already Over Me" has been performed live at 3 concerts and "Salt of the Earth" has been performed at four or five despite having a nearly 29 year head start.

At least half of those performances of "Salt of the Earth" were in Atlantic City in 1989.

To be honest,they were touring behind 'Sticky Fingers' last year and STILL would only play 2 or 3 of its songs besides "Brown Sugar" which can't be counted because it is performed at almost every concert they ever play,regardless.

Saying that they pick tracks from their first 20 years is misleading. I could say that they pick tracks from their first 50 years and still be technically accurate.

In reality,they pick tracks mainly from '69 to '72 and also 1978. "Let it Bleed" , a majority of "Sticky Fingers" , maybe six regular tracks from the "Exile" double album , and also they love picking tracks from "Some Girls".

They VERY seldom play anything from '62 through '67 with very few exceptions as I noted above.

"Heart of Stone" five shows give or take since at least 1967 or earlier. That's out of thousands of opportunities.

"Time is on My Side" ONE single time by the stones in the past 34 + years ??

"Play With Fire" NOT ONCE since it was dropped very early on in 1990.

It seems as though they really believe in these songs by that logic.

By the way,"Doom and Gloom" was performed in 2012,2013,2014,and during the first stretch of the 2015 tour. It had just run its course in such a small set list.

To call a spade a spade "Mixed Emotions" from Desert Trip was better than any live version of "Miss You" performed during the past 13 years.

The core of the audience,in the vast majority,either grew up listening to older Rolling Stones material and / or has become familiar with it via the radio airplay.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 26, 2016 19:38

Yeah, the succes of blue n lonesome will puzzle the Stones also. and it will put a lot of strain on the band. But i am sure they will put every effort into it, to make it a GREAT new album.

Hoping the blues detour which has found some success will lead to a great album of originals.
It seems sort of a fluke (the success), and I'm sure Keith is very pleased with his blues 'baby', but wondering how Mick is digesting all of this.
He has (had) a bunch of original demos that couldn't be worked out in the studio, so will they start from scratch now?
I think Ronnie recently said something of that nature, but can't find the exact quote....

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: December 26, 2016 21:51

Is this?

"(...) Wood hinted that those songs may need quite a bit of time in the studio before they see release.
“It’s like putting it on top of the strainer and seeing what soaks through by the time you come back to them again,” said Wood. “The lumps that are left on top after time has gone by, that’s what you make your dough out of. It wouldn’t surprise me if we recut them all again. It’s one of those things.”

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-26 21:52 by KRiffhard.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 27, 2016 02:12

Thanks KRiffhard - that must be the one!thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: December 27, 2016 14:39

Thanks KRiffhard - that must be the one!thumbs up

winking smiley

Does anyone know if they are back in studio (NY) this month?

"Keith just tried to get us into the studio in New York last week. He said 'Can't we go in? Can't we find some time?' It was Hang on, do us a favour, we've all got Christmas coming up, we've got to spent time with our families!... It's going to pick up steam again" RW (Dec. 2016)

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: December 27, 2016 15:54


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-27 21:16 by Rip This.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: jp.M ()
Date: December 27, 2016 16:37

"Bigger Bang had no personality..."

I have to disagree, Rip This. ABB was a really good album. With tracks which varied from decent to excellent. With the variety and balance between different tunes (R'n R, blues, funk, etc) that usually characterises the Stones albums. The advantage of B&L has to do with the fact that it's a NON USUAL Stones album. It's something different. In addition, B&L has a strong touching element because, how to say, the Stones playing the blues (and the blues only) again is, as I said on another thread, like the return of Odysseus to Ithaki...

BTW, it surprises me the fact that some fans here consider ABB as an unsuccessful commercially album. Once again, ABB sold more than 2.5 million worldwide. Good number for 2005 and 2006, era of massive downloading already. How could an album do bad sales, staying two weeks at #1 of the Global Chart (Media Traffic), five weeks on Top 15 and nine on Top 40? Just think about it.

B&L does sell clearly better, of course. But I don't think it's huge success means that the Stones have to prepare, now, one country - covers album, one reggae - covers, etc, etc...
Totally agree...but i'm afraid that Universal want other covers. sad smiley
...I think that Rolling stones do what they want now..we are not 1968 no more...!

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: maumau ()
Date: December 27, 2016 16:43

The success of B&L will change the things in the near future of the Stones, there's a big market out there wanting this kind of stuff from them, more than 1 million albums sold in less than 3 weeks with minimal work in the studio, Universal will push them in this way, not many acts on today's market can sell 1 million albums so fast.

Indeed and it's hard to imagine them coming up with new material of "importance" (to quote "Lem Motlow") after nothing of great substance for decades...On the other hand they could probably find some interesting unknown "soul" songs to cover too, heck, "All Your Love" has some funkiness to it and it's one of the best surprises of B&L ;-)

No surprise that that would be the logic at Universal: money as easy and fast as we can, at least in theory. I can't see how a B&L p.2 in the near future can move the same water.

Anyway at least I am hoping for some creative proudness from both Mick and Keith. Keith has proven his well is not dry but it took him years to collect the tracks for his album. Yet the outtakes archive is huge...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-27 16:46 by maumau.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: December 28, 2016 02:14

Drive Me Too Hard
Get Out Of My Way

Maybe the last one is the song where they "hit the wall", B&L comes right behind it.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: December 28, 2016 02:30

......teasers ...^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: December 28, 2016 04:25

The title "Get Out of My Way" evokes ugly memories of "One Day, One Night" from SUPERHEAVY. I think it was Rolling Stone's review that claimed that song recalled "Sister Morphine." It was perhaps the only time in my life I contemplated harming a critic over a review.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 28, 2016 05:03

Maybe the last one is the song where they "hit the wall", B&L comes right behind it.

I think that last one might be Hate to See You Go.

But it could be titled 'To See You Coming'...?
If so, could be a sequel to ABB's 'She Saw Me Coming'?

eye rolling smiley

'hit the wall'...

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: mpj200 ()
Date: December 28, 2016 06:44

Universal also owns Stones catalogue material. And sales for those records go up when they tour. I'm not so sure another blues cover would sell like B and L.

Time is not on their side if touring Europe becomes their priority this year. And Mick and Keith seem to be on different pages on these "new" songs.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: KRiffhard ()
Date: December 28, 2016 08:17

I just hope that Mick's demos aren't as poor as his last song 'I can't take it no more' (Superheavy) or something similar to 'Everybody Gettin' High' (Goddess).

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: HonkeyTonkFlash ()
Date: December 28, 2016 11:51

I've been skeptical about what the Stones might produce these days but the performances on Blue and Lonesome and Havana Moon have renewed my hopes that these boys can still have some surprises in them. Fingers crossed for some good original material.

"Gonna find my way to heaven ..."

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Maindefender ()
Date: December 28, 2016 13:30

I've been skeptical about what the Stones might produce these days but the performances on Blue and Lonesome and Havana Moon have renewed my hopes that these boys can still have some surprises in them. Fingers crossed for some good original material.

thumbs upthumbs up

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Date: December 28, 2016 13:51

Rocky Dijon
The title "Get Out of My Way" evokes ugly memories of "One Day, One Night" from SUPERHEAVY. I think it was Rolling Stone's review that claimed that song recalled "Sister Morphine." It was perhaps the only time in my life I contemplated harming a critic over a review.

He he grinning smiley

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 28, 2016 18:04

Universal also owns Stones catalogue material. And sales for those records go up when they tour. I'm not so sure another blues cover would sell like B and L.

Time is not on their side if touring Europe becomes their priority this year. And Mick and Keith seem to be on different pages on these "new" songs.

Kind of sad after all these years still butting heads over creativity issues. Not unusual for a songwriting team to have issues with each other,
but I would have thought the Blues covers album (and it's success) would get them back on the same page - or at least the same chapter - but evidently they're still volumes apart.
Compromising and negotiating with each other can only go so far, as that can sometimes end up with the final results being compromised in a negative way as seen in the past.

On the bright side, gives me hope that there might be another Keith solo album. thumbs up

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: Hairball ()
Date: December 28, 2016 19:15

Winning Ugly VXII
Saying that they pick tracks from their first 20 years is misleading. I could say that they pick tracks from their first 50 years and still be technically accurate.

In reality,they pick tracks mainly from '69 to '72 and also 1978. "Let it Bleed" , a majority of "Sticky Fingers" , maybe six regular tracks from the "Exile" double album , and also they love picking tracks from "Some Girls".

Must have missed your lengthy reply from earlier, but will narrow it down in order to avoid monotony and repetition.

It seems your second sentence proves my point that a majority of their setlist is derived from their first 20 years.
You can break it down in any way you want (which you've done nicely), but a fact is a fact.
They seemingly have a fondness for those tunes vs. tunes from the last 30 years - as does a majority of the audience.
Not sure what to make of the first sentence though, as you've already clarified it with your second sentence.

Winning Ugly VXII
To call a spade a spade "Mixed Emotions" from Desert Trip was better than any live version of "Miss You" performed during the past 13 years.

Needless to say I beg to differ, but it's all a matter of opinion of course.
Thankfully they only played Mixed Emotions the first weekend at Desert Trip (I was at both), and quickly decided to drop it for the second weekend...maybe they felt it didn't work?
Aside from the new Just Your Fool, the only other tune they played from the last 30 years was Keith's Slipping Away.
At Desert Trip wkd. 2, aside from the new Just Your Fool (again), the most recent tunes they played were Little T&A and Start Me Up from Tattoo You, 1981.
They abandoned Mixed Emotions and Keith even decided against playing Slipping Away! Would have been nice to hear more blues covers from the new album at both weekends as Just Your Fool was a highlight.
The opportunity was there, but or some reason they opted to play classics from their first 20 years.

Winning Ugly VXII
The core of the audience,in the vast majority,either grew up listening to older Rolling Stones material and / or has become familiar with it via the radio airplay.
Probably true for Desert Trip but not just for the Stones and their fans - all the performers in the lineup were in the 70 year old range.

Meanwhile at the Vegas show, aside from the new Ride em on Down and Keiths Slipping Away, the most recent tunes were also Little T&A and Start Me Up from 1981. Nearly the entire setlist was made up of songs from their first 20 years.

On a final note, my 22 year old niece has become a pretty big Stones fan since attending her first Stones show (with Mick Taylor) in 2013.
Here favorite tunes are from the first 20 years, with the early Brian era and MT years her absolute favorite, followed by the Ronnie era up to Tattoo You. She'd be hard pressed to name any album after that, and I'd bet she couldn't except for maybe GRRRR. I gave her the new blues cover album as a Christmas gift, but have yet to hear her take on it. Hopefully it will turn her on to some of the original blues masters that are covered on the album - a whole new world of greatness awaits her!

Rip this joint, gonna save your soul, round and round and round we go......

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-12-28 19:17 by Hairball.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Date: December 29, 2016 13:44

The reality is that if you take away "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" and maybe "Paint it Black" from the equation,material from 1989 and forward has appeared in their live concerts much more often than anything from the pre-1968 era.

You might not even need to take "Paint it Black" out of consideration. There have been plenty of concerts after 1990 without "Paint it Black" (and before 1989). There have been VERY FEW without anything from the 'Steel Wheels' and newer era.

The songs they select are mainly from years 6-20 not really year 1 through year 20.

Unfair extra credit is given to the first 5 + years by lumping it in with the "Golden Era" through 'Tattoo You' period.

Exactly how long did "Lady Jane" last before they quickly decided to drop it four years ago ?? "Around and Around" ..... one show. At least "Mixed Emotions" saw 2 in-concert performances. The song might have also been played in Las Vegas if the set list were not cut even further due to Jagger's sore throat problems.

What I am simply trying to say is this :

Songs from 1989 and onwards , collectively as a group , are much more common since 1989 than are songs from 1962 through 1967 (other than "Satisfaction") collectively as a group .

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: rollmops ()
Date: December 29, 2016 15:11

The "back to the roots" angle is often used in music and films and politics; let's go back to what we once were that made us great. Hey sometimes it works!

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Date: December 29, 2016 16:50

Don't forget:


All Brian-era songs.

Re: Another album in 2017 ?
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 29, 2016 17:32

Winning Ugly VXII
The reality is that if you take away "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction" and maybe "Paint it Black" from the equation,material from 1989 and forward has appeared in their live concerts much more often than anything from the pre-1968 era.

You might not even need to take "Paint it Black" out of consideration. There have been plenty of concerts after 1990 without "Paint it Black" (and before 1989). There have been VERY FEW without anything from the 'Steel Wheels' and newer era.

The problem is the songs they do play from 1989 onward are not the good ones: Rock And A Hard Place and You Got Me Rocking are horrible songs. They have much better. The LICKS tour was a bit more friendly in 1989 onward quality songs wise.

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