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Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: BreakingBlues ()
Date: October 13, 2015 20:29

As we all know, the Stones have done a TON of songs live onstage.

Some of them went rather badly...

Some of them, though, as we all know, were great... and still haven't been released by the Stones (and by the Stones I mean Mick Jagger). Not that such technicalities as "official" release have stopped recordings of these killer performances from being heard.

So regarding the title of this thread - I think it would be really cool if we here on IORR could come up with all the best live performances of every song (or at least a lot of them!) the Stones have done onstage, whether the recording is official or not...

Unfortunately, I probably won't be very helpful since my primary access to live recordings is Youtube, and I'm sure not everything has even made it there... sad smiley I'll still try to do what I can, but it'll mostly probably fall to the more knowledgeable IORRians around here.

So... is this a good idea? is it crazy? is it both? tongue sticking out smiley is anyone besides me on board??

"I hope you didn't record any of this""No I didn't"

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Date: October 14, 2015 00:20

Can anyone pinpoint the recordings from the YouTube video?

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: winter ()
Date: October 14, 2015 00:52

Can anyone pinpoint the recordings from the YouTube video?

What BreakingBlues meant is that tons of bootlegs, including lots of "audio only, no video" are up on YouTube now. Just go to youtube and in their Search bar, type "Rolling Stones live 1978" (or any specific year) and you can find a lot of great stuff. Sometimes YouTube aggressively makes people take stuff down and other times stuff slips under their radar, and there's always something being uploaded.

As for BreakingBlues' original question, I think there's just too many factors that go into consideration, from personal taste, era, guitar/sax/piano lineup,subjectivity ("I was there; trust me, it was the BEST JJF EVER!!"), recording quality, etc to ever nail down even the best 5 live versions of a song. On the other hand, if you narrow the scope to just 3-4 songs and ask some of the many Stones' afficciandos here for what they think the best versions of songs X, Y and Z are, you'll get some great suggestions and can then look them up on YouTube or the Hot Stuff section.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: BreakingBlues ()
Date: October 14, 2015 01:12

I guess you're right, winter, it's probably to tall an order to do all of the many Stones live songs... still, maybe by taking it one step at a time, it can be done...

Any suggestions on the best Gimme Shelter? Anyone? smiling smiley drinking smiley

"I hope you didn't record any of this""No I didn't"

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: jazzbass ()
Date: October 14, 2015 01:16

Any suggestions on the best Gimme Shelter? Anyone? smiling smiley drinking smiley

I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.

video: []

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-14 01:26 by jazzbass.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: BreakingBlues ()
Date: October 14, 2015 01:39

Okay jazzbass, as much as I hate pandering to video titles, that was certainly Lisa's best performance (at a couple spots I mistook her voice for a guitar eye popping smiley), and it may be the best of the Ron Wood era (I love it when he proves me wrong about his lead-playing smiling smiley), but I think I'll need to hear more...

"I hope you didn't record any of this""No I didn't"

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: October 14, 2015 01:44

'I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.'

The majority, if not all, of the best Stones live performances are from 1994 onwards.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-14 01:46 by Olly.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: StoneTony ()
Date: October 14, 2015 01:55

With all due respect Olly, are you out of your mind?

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 14, 2015 02:23

Okay jazzbass, as much as I hate pandering to video titles, that was certainly Lisa's best performance (at a couple spots I mistook her voice for a guitar eye popping smiley), and it may be the best of the Ron Wood era (I love it when he proves me wrong about his lead-playing smiling smiley), but I think I'll need to hear more...

Kleerie has some awesome versions from the Mick Taylor years on his YouTube channel, including this one:


Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Olly ()
Date: October 14, 2015 02:24

I am not, StoneTony.

The Rolling Stones peaked as a live act between 1994 and 2003.

One explanation I have is that the collective band and individual members were freed from their legacy, unburdened of the seriousness of youth and, finally, did what they had rarely threatened to do before: they performed.

Take From the Vault: The Marquee Club, Live in 1971. A poor performance; eyes are down and glassy, there is so little movement on stage; so little communication; so little enjoyment, and this all feeds into the music being played.

Compare this performance with those of the period 1994-2003. Richards in particular is a man reborn: the twinkle - nay, the galaxy of stars - in his eyes, the pepetual smile on his lips, the instinctive and intuitive movement...

...this is rock and roll music, not statuesque guitar players stood behind a singer. Richards rarely if ever venturing forwards; Taylor's eyes fixed permanently upon the frets of his instrument.

Technology also plays a big part. The sheer power of the band between 1994 and 2003 (and beyond) is incredible, aided no doubt by technological advances.

The quality of the performances during the years from Voodoo Lounge through to Licks is unequalled.



Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Testify ()
Date: October 14, 2015 02:50

'I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.'

The majority, if not all, of the best Stones live performances are from 1994 onwards.
I agree, although I would start from 89!
But this is a bit limited, the Stones have always done great live music, but we must take into account the historical period. Each period has its own charm!

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Date: October 14, 2015 05:03

Can anyone pinpoint the recordings from the YouTube video?

What BreakingBlues meant is that tons of bootlegs, including lots of "audio only, no video" are up on YouTube now. Just go to youtube and in their Search bar, type "Rolling Stones live 1978" (or any specific year) and you can find a lot of great stuff. Sometimes YouTube aggressively makes people take stuff down and other times stuff slips under their radar, and there's always something being uploaded.

As for BreakingBlues' original question, I think there's just too many factors that go into consideration, from personal taste, era, guitar/sax/piano lineup,subjectivity ("I was there; trust me, it was the BEST JJF EVER!!"), recording quality, etc to ever nail down even the best 5 live versions of a song. On the other hand, if you narrow the scope to just 3-4 songs and ask some of the many Stones' afficciandos here for what they think the best versions of songs X, Y and Z are, you'll get some great suggestions and can then look them up on YouTube or the Hot Stuff section.

I know, I meant in the video he linked. I'd like to hear the full concerts.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: October 14, 2015 12:43

Olly is completely right. The Stones in the 70s and early 80s acted more often than not like a garage band that needs to rehearse. Barking and yelling instead of singing, weird sounding guitar playing, often wrecked intros etc etc. That may have its own charm, but from 1994 onwards there´s (mostly) good singing, good playing, and lots of energy.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: buttons67 ()
Date: October 14, 2015 15:08

im not sure what my favourite era is for stones live music.

the period from 1989 on has always been refered to as the vegas years, and while it certainly had its highlights often it lacked energy, especially in the guitar department, some of the time there was too much piano tinkling than a good guitar riff.

the 70,s and 80,s period live tended to neglect the early to mid 60,s period of the bands creativity.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: October 14, 2015 15:44

I'm Moving On from 1965...Everything is at its peak from Mick's vocals and harmonica to Brian's slide and Bills forever wandering bass ...

2 1 2 0

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Tops ()
Date: October 14, 2015 16:25

Well I think they've been great live since 1994. And my favourite version of Gimme Shelter is the one from Paradiso.

But it's certainly not their peak as a liveband.

1972-73 - the last years with MT were great. Nicky Hopkins, Ian Stewart and Billy Preston ....i mean Chuck has done a lot for the Stones....a lot. He deserves more credibility than he actually gets. But ....Chuck isn't in the same league.

The 78 and 81/82-tours....a lot of ups and downs. But on a good day - like Hampton - they were fantastic.

Micks voice. From 89 and on he's been singing very good. (Even if I hade some truble in 94/95. What happened there?) But i miss the Young voice of Mick. The rebellic one. The sex. That voice. I love that voice so much. It hasn't been there since 1982.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: October 14, 2015 16:26

Any suggestions on the best Gimme Shelter? Anyone? smiling smiley drinking smiley

I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.

video: []

yes, a great version!

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: October 14, 2015 16:43

Best Gimme Shelter-version?
As far as I remember the live-version on the CD-single LARS (or is it Wild Horses) is an outstanding one. The No-Security-version isnt bad either. The versions with Mick Taylor usually do not impress me much.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: October 14, 2015 18:09

Olly is completely right. The Stones in the 70s and early 80s acted more often than not like a garage band that needs to rehearse. Barking and yelling instead of singing, weird sounding guitar playing, often wrecked intros etc etc.

Somehow you described DIRTY WORK with that. That's excellent.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: October 14, 2015 19:20

What BreakingBlues meant is that tons of bootlegs, including lots of "audio only, no video" are up on YouTube now.

Why do people keep doing that? I'm always excited to see a clip, and the it's just a bunch of random photo's, often unrelated to the clip (Brian on BoB for instance).

I'm sure YT isn't the only way to share "audio only".

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 14, 2015 19:27

Look no further than the vault releases and the Stones live albums to find some of the best recordings of live Stones tunes. The Official YouTube videos often have some of the best as well.

I think the Paradiso show has some of the best live stuff I've heard and although though I truly love the Taylor era recordings a lot of them are hit and miss. Not generally because of MT but other aspects of the performance like vocals or tempos were off or the recordings themselves have issues.

In general, I think the earlier stuff was better for capturing amazing more improvised and truly magical takes while the later stuff is more consistent.

But if you want to hear the best versions of the great majority of the songs, I still believe the original studio recordings are the ticket. smoking smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Wild Slivovitz ()
Date: October 14, 2015 19:34


Compare this performance with those of the period 1994-2003. Richards in particular is a man reborn: the twinkle - nay, the galaxy of stars - in his eyes, the pepetual smile on his lips, the instinctive and intuitive movement...

...this is rock and roll music, not statuesque guitar players stood behind a singer. Richards rarely if ever venturing forwards; Taylor's eyes fixed permanently upon the frets of his instrument.


What about Some Girls Live In Texas 1978, then?

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: geordiestone ()
Date: October 14, 2015 19:50

'I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.'

The majority, if not all, of the best Stones live performances are from 1994 onwards.
I completely agree with Olly.
Mick stopped singing in 1974 and didn't start again until 1989 in the live arena anyway.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-14 19:52 by geordiestone.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Tops ()
Date: October 14, 2015 20:08

Micks best live vocal perormances happened in 81/82. Brilliant. IMO

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: October 14, 2015 20:21

Olly is completely right. The Stones in the 70s and early 80s acted more often than not like a garage band that needs to rehearse. Barking and yelling instead of singing, weird sounding guitar playing, often wrecked intros etc etc. That may have its own charm, but from 1994 onwards there´s (mostly) good singing, good playing, and lots of energy.

lmfao. Weird and wonderful more like it. Possibly one reason you are sensing a more rehearsed output in the 90's is because they are playing songs they have played hundreds of times before. winking smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: geordiestone ()
Date: October 14, 2015 20:48

Micks best live vocal perormances happened in 81/82. Brilliant. IMO
I never said that! Mick barked his way through the early 80s and his dress sense was just as bad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-10-14 20:50 by geordiestone.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: October 14, 2015 22:32

Olly is completely right. The Stones in the 70s and early 80s acted more often than not like a garage band that needs to rehearse. Barking and yelling instead of singing, weird sounding guitar playing, often wrecked intros etc etc.

Somehow you described DIRTY WORK with that. That's excellent.

Oh no, the guitar playing on DW is top notch. Regarding Mick´s singing - it´s hard to compare total off-key live vocals and studio singing. In the 70s and early 80s he used to "bark and shout" the lyrics he once *sang* in the studio. On the DW album he isnt just yelling, barking & shouting, he is just singing in a very aggressive tone that fits the mood of the songs. But it doesnt fit the mood of Tumbling Dice when it is not sung but barked. But, as I said before Mick´s live vocal performances in the 70s and early 80s have their own special charm. It´s wrong but feels right in some way.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Turner68 ()
Date: October 15, 2015 10:42

'I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.'

The majority, if not all, of the best Stones live performances are from 1994 onwards.

can you clarify if you are being sarcastic or serious? and if serious, can you clarify whether or not you have heard any recordings of the 1969/70 tours?

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Posted by: Tops ()
Date: October 15, 2015 12:36

Mick barked his way through the early 80s and his dress sense was just as bad.

Barked? And the dress sense ....ok in 81/82 ....the all time low were the tours in 89/90 and 94/95. When every hip band in the britpopera wanted to look like the Stones did in the 60's and 70's. Mick didnt realized that. Only yuppieclothing.

Re: Rolling Stones Greatest Live Hits
Date: October 15, 2015 13:09

'I know the old heads and Taylor-ites will cry, but for my money the best live version of GS is Paradiso '95.'

The majority, if not all, of the best Stones live performances are from 1994 onwards.

can you clarify if you are being sarcastic or serious? and if serious, can you clarify whether or not you have heard any recordings of the 1969/70 tours?

He might mean «professional» instead of «best». If so, I know what he means. Mick learned how to sing properly, the guitar sound improved and the guys (unfortunately?) learned more about arranging songs smiling smiley

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