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Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: eric ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:19

Donkey girl-

You may get your wish next year. Sanctuary Records release a statement last week that Jimmy and Robert HAVE approached them with a possible Zeppelin return next year. I guess we will have to wait and see!

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:19

Charts mean very little I can name many bands they had great periods of success I did not say they don't sell i just said it is imited to a pur rock and roll hard rock crowd.

The stones because they do R&B AND BLES ROCK THEY GET ALL KINDS


And if it is all i a name why don't they market it?

Clal themselves Led Zepplin? Like other bands have when key members where sttill there but some left? Like Stones and PinK Floyd etc

Pretty stupid if they would be as succesful as you say? Millions of dollars

Top drawer etc

The reason they don't is clear they know it would not have that success and want to live on there past success and not take any chances. No other reason makes sense either that or they or stupid. And I doubt that.

They could find the best drummers bass players etc and tour.

The Who do it?

I mean they do everything but use the name.

All I ask is go by what is not "OH they could sell out more and break records."

There is no way for you to know that.

And don't compare 17-22 solid cd's to 7 or 8 and don't rewrite musical history

They were not there at the foundation....

And there time in History was short and sweet but limited.

They live on nostalgia like Doors fans "oh it could have been."

Every time the Stones make a record or go on Tour they take a chance

A chance Zep does not have the guts to take.

Other bands have done it

I knows kids love them so did I I but I no longer can realte to there music. Stones music does not get dated so easily.

Again great band but no Stones

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:21

It is so convient for bands to say if and could have the

Stones have That is reality

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: bruno ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:26

If there's something I respect about Jimmy Page and Robert Plant is that they didn't make a "Led Zeppelin Reunion Tour"

[There'll be no wedding today...]

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: eric ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:32

Take a chance you say? The Stones play it more safe everytour than any other band. ITS BEEN THE SAME SHOW FOR 10 YEARS NOW, What are you talking about? Its not about guts either. Its about broadening your horizon instead of being and old cash cow... thats what got the Stones to where they are and now they give us fans very little to be inspired with ( and thats the MAJOR bone of contension on this board ). Here are 2 of the greatest rock and roll song writers and they give you nothing back.. but ask you and I to pay 450 for a show... just to hear the greatest hits. IF the STONES had GUTS then they would dig deep into the catalog waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back and do Mother's little helper, lady jane, 100 years ago.. I mean their GREAT songs are never played.

With a catalog like theres why play it so safe all the time? Don't tell me the Stones have balls.... they don't. They lost the effort along time ago. Entertainers... no doubt the best.... very very very routine... routine is what they have down to a science... and you know it!

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: eric ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:35

I respect them for that as well.... they didnt fall into the trap of playing to an audience. Good or bad, like it or not... they didnt go for the big$$$$ cash and rest on the past to push them ahead. And none of the songs sounded like the original arrangements.THAT TOOK GUTS!!!

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:35

But they did they jusy coped out and did not call it that

Wht music did they play on those tours..

Either do it or don't

Paul and John never toured togeter or Mick and Keith

Plant and Page want there cake and eat it too

Stop living off the past but take no chances

I cannot respect that.

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: eric ()
Date: July 26, 2005 20:43

I can see your point Denny.. to a point. I respect that point of view. I think of that often and I am torn between that being the way it should be OR by not touring as LZ it gives them more freedom to explore new horizons and not have to feel the pressure of pleasing everyone like it would be if it were LZ. Like I said I am torn between those two thoughts alot but I lean to the latter

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 21:08

I understand that

If they were doing mostly new material under different name I could respect what they do

But living off there moment in time without calling it what is to me does not work for me

The Stones face that presuure every three years as do the who

I think I may be wrong the problm is they take themselves to serious.

I remember when they sued over a joke song that took the music

to Starway to Heaven and added word to theme to Giligans Island. It was very funny

Took nothing away from the classic. But they got all stuffy about it.

I think they would never put themselves out there as Led Zepplin again.

Big Risk which is why I don't think of ifs but what is

It is on fair to bands that take the risk to do otherwise


BTW I am in NYC Stones are played a lot more maybe location?

Zep is played a lot but not as much Beatles Stones are most played

I guess we will agree to disagree.

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: eric ()
Date: July 26, 2005 21:26

Cheers to you! Denny!

I am in Philly. I am going to the Giants show and Msg. Will you be there? Also going to Philly. Maybe see you there!
Nice to have a good educated conversation/debate!

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Date: July 26, 2005 21:29

>There is no way for you to know that.>

Thats true. However there are millions of people who know what Led Zepplin is, but do not know who Page/Plant are.
Seriously just because we know.
and you can't tell me if you see on the ticket
that you get the same reaction as
Page and Plant

Page and what?

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 21:53

Thanks I wish I am going to try to Bootleg tickets

My wife has never seen them she is African American and loves the stones and the way they respect the old blues artists.

I work as a recruiter and things are just picking up so I don't know how much i will need to spend but will try.

Thanks for a great conversation.

In the end all the Legends were the best at at what they do

that is why The Stones Beatles Zep Who Floyd all have different styles

Replicaters need not apply for legendary status.

Maybe I will see you there............

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 22:05

I have all the Zepplin albums......I'm a big fan. I was just put off that Plant & Page refused to play some of their most famous songs on their 94 tour. It is one thing if you say.....look, we're not Zepplin, that band doesn't exist. But when you play second level Zepplin songs......what's the hell. If you're going to play Zepplin songs, at least play the most famous. As far as all that rubbish about pandering to the crowd....I got news for you....that's what entertainers do.....they pander to the crowd. Their singers and guitar players....very good ones....but stop with all the pious....we're serious artist bunk. It really is insulting.

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 22:07

Donkey girl scout

You make my point for me

Why don't they do it? Go for it

Why live off the past but take no risks?

But many outside of rock no little about Zepplin

My wife is Black for example grew up on R&B and New wave bands she loved blues
Motown U2 Duran Duran but did not even have a clue who Zep wa heard the name but thats it

She knew tHE Beatles and Stones because they both Crossed over She knew Mick Jagger etc Beast of Burden Miss you satisfaction etc

Not a clue who Robert Plant was except for is solo stuff urg

I know a lot of people like that

That is one rEAson I think the Stones draw like they do one of many reasons

They play straight fun R&R

zep was the best at what they did period.

But stayed in one Genre

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Date: July 26, 2005 22:23

I think Plant maybe wanted to go beyond Zep and found that Bohman's death was time.I don't know a whole lot about Zep but didn't Page get kinda strange there at the end?
They need to put aside issues about how it's not the same band. People don't care. They have only 1 person gone. It's not like The Beatles.
There is still time, maybe they will wake up after seeing Live 8 with Floyd

I think alot of bands now are listening to the fans and playing how they used to sound.
You know U2 now sounds closer to War than to Actung Baby.

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 22:27

I would certainly pay to see a reunited Zepplin. Maybe seeing The Song Remains the Same ruined me.......all those 10 minute solos....geez.....gimme Jagger prancing in Ladies and Gentleman, The Rolling Stones any day.

Re: The Stones knock out U2!
Posted by: dennysmith61 ()
Date: July 26, 2005 22:31

I always prefered seiing a group play in sync then n long solos...

I hate drum solos BORING

Song remains I am sure the actual concert was tens times better

The movie Plant climbing a montain GEEZ.......

Taking rock to the hights of being too serious.

No wonder Punk came along


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