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Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: nightskyman ()
Date: December 11, 2015 01:05

I stand corrected (again)...most of the tracks on the 12 x 5 LP album appeared earlier as singles or on prior EP album. I should've said first LP appearance.

I'm not one to buy singles or EPs(when they existed). In fact, I wasn't born till the next year. But if I was around to buy, I'd go for the album.

You wouldn't have had much joy in the UK!
Nearly all of the tracks issued on singles and EPs weren't issued on LPs except for the two hits albums and then it was only the 'A' sides.
The only exceptions being "Little By Little" which was the 'B' side of "Not Fade Away" and on the first album and "You Can't Always Get What You Want" which was the 'B' side of Honky Tonk Women and substantially edited from the version on "Let It Bleed".

Well, I'm not a Stones purist. Thank goodness the Stones (and thus the U.S. version of 12 × 5 lp) stood the test of.time...still around.

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: Swayed1967 ()
Date: December 11, 2015 09:48

Mick’s vocals on ‘If You Need Me’ are powerful and devoid of all affectation. It’s my favorite song on the album but ironically if he had kept singing so sincerely the Stones wouldn’t have made it past 1965. Empty Heart is another favorite when I’m in the mood to do The Jerk.

Under the Boardwalk, on the other hand, is so hilariously bad they should’ve played it at Altamont to lighten the mood.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-12-11 09:48 by Swayed1967.

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: LukeTheDrifter ()
Date: December 11, 2015 11:15

My favourite album pre-Beggars...

Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty dig it as well

This from the new Petty biography:
"Around the time he drove the car off the lot, he got a call from Bruce Springsteen. Petty had seen Springsteen at the Roxy, in the months before Born to Run was released, and liked what he saw, recognized a fellow traveler. Petty didn't know the man, but Springsteen wasn't shy in the way Petty was. The guy from New Jersey put in the call, just to hang out, one rock and roller to another. He asked Petty if he had a car.

"Petty picked him up at the Sunset Marquis. They went down Sunset Boulevard to the water, stopping at Tower Records on the way, picking up half a dozen eight-tracks. They drove until they'd listened to every song on every one of them. The Stones' 12x5 was among the tapes. When 'Congratulations' came on, Springsteen raised his arms to the heavens and said, 'You can take me now!' Petty loved that. He liked knowing another man out there who went to the same church."


Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: December 11, 2015 13:47

A first class album packed with highlights, one after another indeed. What a marvelous band the early Stones have been. They picked up the right songs and did them in the right way, in their own way.

What a joyful trip to the past, except for Under The Boardwalk and Suzie Q, which are a bit weak compared to the rest of the songs. I dont know what, but something is missing there.

Anyway, you can´t beat CCR´s Suzie Q and Bruce Willis´ Under The Boardwalk.

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: December 11, 2015 14:01

Anyway, you can´t beat CCR´s Suzie Q and Bruce Willis´ Under The Boardwalk.

Nice rememberance of Willis version there..thumbs up I love it too..

2 1 2 0

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: jahisnotdead ()
Date: September 17, 2019 06:42

12 X 5 - My rating 3 out of 10

Two undeniably classic tracks (Time Is On My Side and It's All Over Now), but also a number of songs that I actively disliked (Empty Heart, Under The Boardwalk, Grown Up Wrong). So, as far as my personal tastes go, the Stones had not yet hit their stride with this record.

1. Around and Around - Enjoyable, even though I don't think it's exceptional or essential. The production already sounds a little better than the first album, or maybe that's just my imagination running away with me.

2. Confessin' the Blues - A standard blues, but a good performance. I enjoyed the sound of the guitars and the drums here. It probably isn't essential, but I could see myself enjoying it if it ever came up in a mix.

3. Empty Heart - This song sounds uneven and sloppy to me, like they didn't all agree on how to approach it.

4. Time Is on My Side - A classic, one of the times the Stones took a cover and made it their own.

5. Good Times, Bad Times - For some reason I just find this song dull and sleepy.

6. It's All Over Now - Now here are the Rolling Stones, with solid drums and bouncy guitars blending together, accompanied by fantastic vocals. Great production makes this one still sound inspired so many years later.

7. 2120 South Michigan Avenue - Feels a bit like filler, but much better filler than on the previous album. A pleasant little instrumental with some fun guitar work, but not an essential Stones track, in my humble opinion.

8. Under the Boardwalk - I've never liked this song, and now, hearing for the first time by the Rolling Stones, I still don't like it. Hard pass on this one.

9. Congratulations - This song has kind of a spooky vibe to it. I like it a lot. It's like a sneering ballad with a little bitter bite.

10. Grown Up Wrong - Another one that sounds unfocused and confused. Didn't enjoy the song or the performance at all.

11. If You Need Me - Basically a re-write of Bring It On Home To Me. Skipable, but at least it was a pretty fun and focused performance.

12. Susie Q - My first time hearing the Stones play this familiar tune. Interesting arrangement, performed with energy. I would probably not add it to a Stones playlist, though.


Keepers: Confessin' the Blues, Time Is on My Side, It's All Over Now, Congratulations,

12x5 Usa Album
Posted by: bmandolini ()
Date: May 9, 2023 08:49

The 12x5 album was released in two versions: MONO LL 3402 and STEREO PS 402.
I wanted to ask if they were released on the same day, precisely on October 17th, and if all the songs included in the STEREO version are really in stereo. Thank you

Re: 12x5 Usa Album
Date: May 9, 2023 10:00

There might be more info in the 12x5 ALBUM TALK: []

Re: 12x5 Usa Album
Posted by: HenrikBB ()
Date: May 14, 2023 14:36

The 12x5 album was released in two versions: MONO LL 3402 and STEREO PS 402.
I wanted to ask if they were released on the same day, precisely on October 17th, and if all the songs included in the STEREO version are really in stereo. Thank you

None of the tracks on the original LONDON PS 402 release were in True Stereo.
They were all in Electronically Re Processed Stereo (ERPS)
This ERPS-production was most likely made by Decca in England, as early copies of 12X5 were pressed in England, - put in LONDON inners, - exported to the US, - and there put in US-printed covers.

I don’t think anyone knows for sure, whether the Mono’s & Stereo’s were released simultaneously ?
My guess is, - that they were ! This is based on the fact, that the intermistic cover that exists for 12X5 were printed in both a Mono and a Stereo version.

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: May 14, 2023 23:54

I’d never realized 12 x 5 was released on Oct 17. Three years to the day after Mick and Keith met up on that train platform. They were only 21 (give or take a few months). I was just 4 years old. It’s the first record I remember and love it to this day. Confessin’ The Blues is a favourite. Would love to hear that one live!

Re: Album Talk: 12X5
Posted by: Reagan ()
Date: May 16, 2023 03:44

One of my favorites. The Chess recordings are pure gold.

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