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Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:02

Playing it safe is the Stones' forte most of the time, that's why they probably picked this guy.

No. They picked "this guy" because he has one of the most popular podcasts in the US and the Stones organization--never before really tapping the podcast route for promotion before--knows that this would be a NEW effective way to reach an audience. Always looking to stay current--somebody in the organization took notice that Maron has made a name for himself with the variety of guests he's had over the years.

As for the interview itself--not sure what people were expecting. What exactly would you have come up with if someone told you that in about an hour you'd be able to speak to Mick and Keith for about 10 minutes each? Maron knew that if he kept it cool and casual there could be an opportunity for them to maybe come back one day to give Maron the full 1 hour interview that he usually does with his guests. Getting Keith on the phone to ask him a list of fanboy questions would not have been appropriate. This was still a promotional bit, not an in depth one-on-one. Plus Maron brought up the idea of the all-blues album directly to Keith---isn't that something people here have been yammeirng on about for years?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 22:08 by Justin.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:10

Well here's some questions which would have been better:

1. Mick told me MT isn't going to be playing on this tour, why is that Keith? And is there still a chance we could see him as a guest? With a couple follow up questions that might shed more light if nothing was revealed.

2. The tour cities this time out have left a lot of people on both coasts wanting more, is there a chance more shows will be added? Are the rumors of an LA appearance true?

3. How are your fingers holding up these days, do you have limitations due to the arthritis? Is it getting worse? (maybe a bit personal but still an interesting question from my perspective)

4. What about South America and Europe, any talk of extending the tour to include those continents?

5. What is the status of your new solo record and are the Stones going to be recording any new material soon?

6. We got a false start on the tour announcement this time out, can you tell us the reason for the delay?

7. I notice corporations like Stub Hub have tickets listed at huge prices before the tickets go on sale, did you ever think people would be paying in the 10's of thousands of dollars to see you play and what do you think of the way tickets are distributed these days?

8. Your reputation as a party animal obviously precedes you and your experience with drugs and alcohol is obviously large. How does the older, wiser Keith feel about them now and in light of Ronnie's sobriety are there rules on this tour concerning them? We're surprised you passed up the opportunity to play in Colorado and check out the legal marijuana....are you going to send some folks through there on the way out east from San Diego to give you a full report? grinning smiley

Yeah I know, probably never get another interview but still....


Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:22

thumbs up

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:22

I guess you were looking for a press conference...or maybe 10 minutes with a representative of AEG considering the information you wanted to know Some of these questions would have gotten an "I don't know" and some of the topics only people on this board would have asked. Not sure how Maron would have known about a secret LA gig or why the tour announcement was delayed last week (is this seriously what you would've asked Keith Richards??).

You can't please everyone. But it's clear that Maron chose to make his likely one and only interaction with Keith Richards to be a conversation--not a cold back and forth about business details he may not have any insight on.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:25

Well here's some questions which would have been better:

1. Mick told me MT isn't going to be playing on this tour, why is that Keith? And is there still a chance we could see him as a guest? With a couple follow up questions that might shed more light if nothing was revealed.

2. The tour cities this time out have left a lot of people on both coasts wanting more, is there a chance more shows will be added? Are the rumors of an LA appearance true?

3. How are your fingers holding up these days, do you have limitations due to the arthritis? Is it getting worse? (maybe a bit personal but still an interesting question from my perspective)

4. What about South America and Europe, any talk of extending the tour to include those continents?

5. What is the status of your new solo record and are the Stones going to be recording any new material soon?

6. We got a false start on the tour announcement this time out, can you tell us the reason for the delay?

7. I notice corporations like Stub Hub have tickets listed at huge prices before the tickets go on sale, did you ever think people would be paying in the 10's of thousands of dollars to see you play and what do you think of the way tickets are distributed these days?

8. Your reputation as a party animal obviously precedes you and your experience with drugs and alcohol is obviously large. How does the older, wiser Keith feel about them now and in light of Ronnie's sobriety are there rules on this tour concerning them? We're surprised you passed up the opportunity to play in Colorado and check out the legal marijuana....are you going to send some folks through there on the way out east from San Diego to give you a full report? grinning smiley

Yeah I know, probably never get another interview but still....

thumbs up Congrats, finally a good post on this topic.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:25

Keith seemed less forthcoming than Mick. Of course they both could be acting and Mick has more experience. I don't hear what's so damn great about playing with Darryl Jones all these years. Nothing has been added, or risen to the level of, what Bill added all those years ago. What an irony that Keith still doesn't seem to get the genius of Bill's playing.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: SomeTorontoGirl ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:29

with sssoul
Maybe we liked his interview with Mick better because we didn't have to wade through 15 minutes of Maron blaring his own horn first.
With Mick he seemed "jauntily courteous" or something, and with Keith he came across as a complete wankeur.

I'd never heard of Maron before the Mick interview, and sitting through that preliminary 15 minutes today just to hear Keith
was even harder than sitting through those first 73 minutes of Pirates of the Caribbean just to see Keith
in a cinema that had fleas

I love the Rolling Stones, even when they make me do hard hard things to prove it

"Wankeur" is my new favourite word! Heeheehee... Sorry to hear about the fleas!

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:29

Well, Keith might not miss Bill, but I sure do.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: April 6, 2015 22:31

This guy is not a hardcore Taylorite like the ones you find around here.
Micks answers probably were enough for him on the topic. Since Keith didn't
even know where the rehearsals will be, why would he ask about additional gigs?

Plus Maron brought up the idea of the all-blues album directly to Keith---isn't that something people here have been yammeirng on about for years?

that is true. though he didn't get much out of it.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:14

Keith's imagined answers to Naturalust's questions:

Q: Mick told me MT isn't going to be playing on this tour, why is that Keith? And is there still a chance we could see him as a guest?

A: Hey man, I love the cat, right? I'd play with Mick again if it could work out. Have him fax me. [wheezing laughter]

Q: The tour cities this time out have left a lot of people on both coasts wanting more, is there a chance more shows will be added? Are the rumors of an LA appearance true?

A: Hey man, once the wheels start moving, you don't want to be the one getting in front of it trying to make it stop. We've been rocking for over 50 years. I won't be surprised if we're doing it for another 50. [wheezing laughter]

Q: How are your fingers holding up these days, do you have limitations due to the arthritis? Is it getting worse?

A: Hey man, they may look ugly, but they're tough. They're made of the same shit as the rest of me. [wheezing laughter]

Q: What about South America and Europe, any talk of extending the tour to include those continents?

A: Hey man, once the wheels start moving, you don't want to be the one getting in front of it trying to make it stop. We've been rocking for over 50 years. I won't be surprised if we're doing it for another 50. [wheezing laughter]

Q: What is the status of your new solo record and are the Stones going to be recording any new material soon?

A: My solo album will be out once we stop rolling - probably Autumn. Not sure what year, but probably Autumn [wheezing laughter]. I'd love to get the boys back in the studio after this leg. Cut some tracks while they're still hot and the juices are flowing. [wheezing laughter]

Q: We got a false start on the tour announcement this time out, can you tell us the reason for the delay?

A: I was wondering that myself [wheezing laughter]. We sorted it out. They're all well-behaved boys now. [wheezing laughter]

Q: I notice corporations like Stub Hub have tickets listed at huge prices before the tickets go on sale, did you ever think people would be paying in the tens of thousands of dollars to see you play and what do you think of the way tickets are distributed these days?

A: Hey, it's rock 'n' roll, right? It's always about the numbers. [wheezing laughter]

Q: Your reputation as a party animal obviously precedes you and your experience with drugs and alcohol is obviously large. How does the older, wiser Keith feel about them now and in light of Ronnie's sobriety are there rules on this tour concerning them? We're surprised you passed up the opportunity to play in Colorado and check out the legal marijuana....are you going to send some folks through there on the way out east from San Diego to give you a full report?

A: Hey, I always say, "don't try this at home," right? It's not for the faint of heart. I've got a constitution like an ox. I haven't met the drug yet that could do me in. As for legal marijuana? I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten-foot pole. Any dope the government sells you isn't worth the paper its wrapped in, right? [wheezing laughter]

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: 24FPS ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:22

Pure genius, Rocky.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:26

LoFL! Brilliant, Rocky Dijon - you're hired! :E

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rocky Dijon ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:34

Thank you, kindly. Maybe Jane Rose has a writing gig for me?

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mosthigh ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:35

Nailed it! >grinning smiley<

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: sundevil ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:35

larry king did a better job with mick, and larry king is a lazy moron. the problem is this guy is not a fan. on par with a piers morgan interview. yeah that bad.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 23:38

Rocky Dijon, my favourite IORR writer, strikes again!

We want more of this, Rocky >grinning smiley<

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Plink ()
Date: April 6, 2015 23:39

Hi-larious & SPOT ON, Rocky Dijon thumbs upthumbs up. You sure knows yer Keef!
BTW "Wheezing Laughter" would make a great username cool smiley

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 7, 2015 02:31

Brilliant, Rocky (wheezing laughter).

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: April 7, 2015 02:39

a couple of observations....I'm not sure Keith dug this cat.
I don't think KR was really on his game for this interview.
The questions really sucked.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: April 7, 2015 02:42

Geeeez what a let-down after the reasonable interview with Mick...
.......Mr Maron really should get off the red-cordial ...


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-07 03:43 by Rockman.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: April 7, 2015 03:06

Rocky for the win!
Still wheezing here

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: April 7, 2015 03:33

the guy was nervous as hell and you cant blame him,he's a big fan and he didnt have alot of want to ask questions but still remember who your talking to,you cant just say whatever you want and risk making them never want to talk to you again.people might not want to hear that but it's reality,mick and keith are as big time as it gets and they are intimidating.

i've been reading and listening to mick being interviewed for 4 and a half decades-when he stopped himself when talking about taylor he was hiding something.he does that, he'll stop and get this "well you know,no big deal,everythings cool" tone and then move things along.

i'm not gonna add to the rumor mongering but i think it's more than just that they didnt want him there anymore.jagger has always been a big mick taylor fan,he brought him along for the re-exile and i'm sure had something to do with him being on 14 on fire,it would be strange for jagger to want him to leave.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: swimtothemoon ()
Date: April 7, 2015 04:01

Rocky Dijon
Keith's imagined answers to Naturalust's questions:

Q: Mick told me MT isn't going to be playing on this tour, why is that Keith? And is there still a chance we could see him as a guest?

A: Hey man, I love the cat, right? I'd play with Mick again if it could work out. Have him fax me. [wheezing laughter]

Q: The tour cities this time out have left a lot of people on both coasts wanting more, is there a chance more shows will be added? Are the rumors of an LA appearance true?

A: Hey man, once the wheels start moving, you don't want to be the one getting in front of it trying to make it stop. We've been rocking for over 50 years. I won't be surprised if we're doing it for another 50. [wheezing laughter]

Q: How are your fingers holding up these days, do you have limitations due to the arthritis? Is it getting worse?

A: Hey man, they may look ugly, but they're tough. They're made of the same shit as the rest of me. [wheezing laughter]

Q: What about South America and Europe, any talk of extending the tour to include those continents?

A: Hey man, once the wheels start moving, you don't want to be the one getting in front of it trying to make it stop. We've been rocking for over 50 years. I won't be surprised if we're doing it for another 50. [wheezing laughter]

Q: What is the status of your new solo record and are the Stones going to be recording any new material soon?

A: My solo album will be out once we stop rolling - probably Autumn. Not sure what year, but probably Autumn [wheezing laughter]. I'd love to get the boys back in the studio after this leg. Cut some tracks while they're still hot and the juices are flowing. [wheezing laughter]

Q: We got a false start on the tour announcement this time out, can you tell us the reason for the delay?

A: I was wondering that myself [wheezing laughter]. We sorted it out. They're all well-behaved boys now. [wheezing laughter]

Q: I notice corporations like Stub Hub have tickets listed at huge prices before the tickets go on sale, did you ever think people would be paying in the tens of thousands of dollars to see you play and what do you think of the way tickets are distributed these days?

A: Hey, it's rock 'n' roll, right? It's always about the numbers. [wheezing laughter]

Q: Your reputation as a party animal obviously precedes you and your experience with drugs and alcohol is obviously large. How does the older, wiser Keith feel about them now and in light of Ronnie's sobriety are there rules on this tour concerning them? We're surprised you passed up the opportunity to play in Colorado and check out the legal marijuana....are you going to send some folks through there on the way out east from San Diego to give you a full report?

A: Hey, I always say, "don't try this at home," right? It's not for the faint of heart. I've got a constitution like an ox. I haven't met the drug yet that could do me in. As for legal marijuana? I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten-foot pole. Any dope the government sells you isn't worth the paper its wrapped in, right? [wheezing laughter]

Now this is right on the mark. Channeled Keith perfectly. Hey man I'm going
To just consider this the interview. When the wheels start turning....
Love it - each and every answer! I think we should all just interview Rocky.

Naturalist is correct though he would be banned for life. Probably have all his
Stones albums confiscated too. Maybe a wanted poster at every show also. Excellent questions though and what we all want to know.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: angee ()
Date: April 7, 2015 04:57

Tremendous! Haha. And did we really learn anything from the answers, besides how
good you are at channeling KR...? And how funny. Thank you. cool smiley

I think Maron was a little more intimidated by Keith, having identified with him as a youth.
And even though he used the word "man," to address Mick a little, he and Keith went on a round-robin of too many of those.

Justin, I guess you and I are among those who know how great Maron is when he gets going and has the full hour, more like 90 minutes for some of his guests. His pocast with Louis CK was named by Slate magazine in 2014 as the best podcast of all time. When left to his own format and picking his own guests he is one of the best interviewers that ever was, in terms of getting people to open up and reveal stuff they rarely or never have before, by sharing his own ups and downs.

I thought the Glimmer Twins were a little more laid back with him than they usually are, especially Mick.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Straycat13 ()
Date: April 7, 2015 06:57

I thought it was fine! Fun. Nothing wrong with it. I enjoyed it.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: wellalright ()
Date: April 7, 2015 07:05

Naturalust--those were actually terrific questions. I hate to see the Stones phone it in--i'm not sure i've ever seen it before. But this all feels pretty lame to me.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Stoneage ()
Date: April 7, 2015 07:57

This chat is conducted in the same manner as the one with Sir Michael. Basically he cuts the distance by trying to sound more like an old friend (or even a fan) of them rather than a journalist.
Which works to a degree. I think Keith is more wary of this than Sir Michael. He (Maron) actually asks some questions though. Which is more than what you can say about most of those "journalists"
attending the press conferences. Maybe Maron is a poster here on IORR? Who knows...

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: April 7, 2015 12:17

Irrelevant interview.

Interviewer over excited. Autopilot Keith.

If you cut out the word "man" what you're left with is a couple of mumbles.

Questions were rather boring.

Do you really expect Keith saying where they intend rehearsing for the tour?

Or showing up with a set of mulicolored Ibanez Jem?

The when a blues album question receives a different answer each time is asked. I think that the most onset answer was given in an Ask Keith session: they are not really interested - and rightly so - in doing one.

The answer to the Bill Wyman question confirmes the obvious - he actually likes what DJ plays and how he plays it, and after 20 years he is considered much more than a mere session player: Bill is the past.


Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: jlowe ()
Date: April 7, 2015 12:37

If Bill is the past, then Mick Taylor must be pre historic?!
By the way, reference earlier messages in this we have a name for the 'Director of Business Operations'.
Jo Roscoff? Or an unamed executive at the tour company?

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Philippec74 ()
Date: April 7, 2015 13:19

No Taylor on this tour, it s probably a mick Jagger decision..

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