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Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: palerider22 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 17:33

Sounds okay...but Mick is definitely in charge of this tour...



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 21:02 by bv.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: vintage stone ()
Date: April 6, 2015 17:54

Thanks for sharing

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Plink ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:08

Enjoyed that! The Keef content starts @ 14:20

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:14

I thought it was a pretty lame interview. Not only is Marc Maron irritating as hell, he asked some of the most generic canned questions possible, imo.

The only one close to good was whether Keith missed playing with Bill Wyman and the answer was an obvious no.


Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:19

Yeah, I agree, Maron sounds like a moron. And wasted a good chance. But I will say it was interesting hearing Keith say they might play the entire album, and he was practicing Moonlight Mile. But on a whole what a squandered opportunity. And god, that laugh!

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rollin92 ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:19

I thought it was a pretty lame interview. Not only is Marc Maron irritating as hell, he asked some of the most generic canned questions possible, imo.

The only one close to good was whether Keith missed playing with Bill Wyman and the answer was an obvious no.


Way too much water under the bridge between those two for either of them to admit that they miss playing with each other. Keith relationship with Bill is just as complex as his relationship with Mick.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 18:25

Thanks for posting. It was good hearing that Keith is re-learning the SF-songs.

Of course, he won't admit that he is missing Bill, as he is close with Darryl and also pretty dependent on him on stage musically.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:37

Thanks for posting....Just wish they asked him
a little more.

Keith sounded great!!

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: glimmerkkp ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:37

Thanks for sharing thumbs up



Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 6, 2015 18:44

I thought it was a pretty lame interview. Not only is Marc Maron irritating as hell, he asked some of the most generic canned questions possible, imo.

The only one close to good was whether Keith missed playing with Bill Wyman and the answer was an obvious no.


Way too much water under the bridge between those two for either of them to admit that they miss playing with each other. Keith relationship with Bill is just as complex as his relationship with Mick.

Actually water under the bridge has little to do with it, imo. Either you miss someone's playing or you don't, Keith obviously doesn't. Maybe listening to Sticky Fingers will trigger some appreciation for Bill's playing.

Also I can't imagine Keith's relationship with Bill is anywhere as near as complex as Keith and Micks. They never really hung out together, Bill was obviously always and outsider, not a one time best mate, #1 musical collaborator and so on. Consider the time Bill got in Keith's book compared to Mick and it's obvious.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 20:47 by Naturalust.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:00

Also I can't imagine Keith's relationship with Bill is anywhere as near as complex as Keith's.

Care to try that sentence again, Naturalust? I'm interested in your view, and I don't think that came out the way you planned it.

Personally I don't think Keith's statement meant any more than Mick's response to the questions about Bill and Mick T last week.
They're doing these interviews to promote to tour the current band is on, not to say things
that might be misconstrued as "I wish I were playing with someone else".

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:18

<<Of course, he won't admit that he is missing Bill>>

Strange, because he mentioned in an interview in 2012 how much he missed Bill when recalling the 2011 jam sessions in London.

Keith is a walking (or drinking) contradiction.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 19:37

<<Of course, he won't admit that he is missing Bill>>

Strange, because he mentioned in an interview in 2012 how much he missed Bill when recalling the 2011 jam sessions in London.

Keith is a walking (or drinking) contradiction.

Not really. He said he missed him as a band mate, but laughed at Darryl still being "the new kid" after 21 years...

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: angee ()
Date: April 6, 2015 19:42

Agreed, with sssoul.

He said he's liked playing with Daryl for the last 20 years and does miss Bill as a mate.

~"Love is Strong"~

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: April 6, 2015 20:07

And the MT topic is banned

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: James Kirk ()
Date: April 6, 2015 20:20

And the MT topic is banned

Jagger actually touched on Mick Taylor situation in his podcast.

He said something to the effect of (I'm paraphrasing here) that Taylor was originally just going to join the Stones for the 2012 shows in London and that he ended up traveling the world with the group over the last few years. He mentioned that it was great fun but that Taylor wouldn't be joint them for this tour which he considers an all new tour. He didn't give a specific reason why.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 20:21 by James Kirk.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 6, 2015 20:48

Banned SINCE the MJ "call" it seems...because he did ask Keith how he was getting along with Mick, which was a potentially "awkward" question. Keith's answer was even "worse" than Mick's, basically he has nothing to say about it.

But yes, like in 2012 Keith doesn't seem to know what's going on, where the rehearsals will take place, which guests will be there, why they wouldn't record a "back to the roots" record, etc...He's just waiting for instructions, like Charlie, Ronnie and all the support players. Mick is running the show with the "Director of Business Affairs"...

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 20:49 by gotdablouse.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:03

Banned SINCE the MJ "call" it seems...because he did ask Keith how he was getting along with Mick, which was a potentially "awkward" question. Keith's answer was even "worse" than Mick's, basically he has nothing to say about it.

But yes, like in 2012 Keith doesn't seem to know what's going on, where the rehearsals will take place, which guests will be there, why they wouldn't record a "back to the roots" record, etc...He's just waiting for instructions, like Charlie, Ronnie and all the support players. Mick is running the show with the "Director of Business Affairs"...

and really, who the hell are we to argue considering 50 years on we're getting new tours, and if not new releases, at least new/old music.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:03

with sssoul
Also I can't imagine Keith's relationship with Bill is anywhere as near as complex as Keith's.

Care to try that sentence again, Naturalust? I'm interested in your view, and I don't think that came out the way you planned it.

Personally I don't think Keith's statement meant any more than Mick's response to the questions about Bill and Mick T last week.
They're doing these interviews to promote to tour the current band is on, not to say things
that might be misconstrued as "I wish I were playing with someone else".

Thanks sssoul, pre-coffee post on tax prep day. smoking smiley Which might partially explain my irritation with the interviewer as well. Just hope the gov't is doing something worthwhile with all the money I've given them!

No doubt you're right about the tour promotion but it sure would be nice to get some thoughtful questions asked instead of How's Ronnie? How's Charlie? Still playing that telecaster? Getting along with Mick? My God, any one of us here on IORR could have come up with the stock answers to those and a much better list of questions. What did he expect to hear...Ronnie's in rehab again, Charlie is pissed at having to tour this time, No I quit playing the guitar I've been playing for 40 years and Mick and I are so estranged we haven't talked in 2 years? And asking about Bill instead of Taylor was a disappointment. He blew it and didn't even get an invite to the shows from Keith for his tame approach...serves him right for admitting again that he hasn't seen a Stones show since 1981.


Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:11

James Kirk
And the MT topic is banned

Jagger actually touched on Mick Taylor situation in his podcast.

He said something to the effect of (I'm paraphrasing here) that Taylor was originally just going to join the Stones for the 2012 shows in London and that he ended up traveling the world with the group over the last few years. He mentioned that it was great fun but that Taylor wouldn't be joint them for this tour which he considers an all new tour. He didn't give a specific reason why.
Not mentioned to Keith.
I remember, when MT on boarded for the 2012 show, Keith mentioned it was a great idea because adding more details to the guitar part.
As he mentioned "every song has some 3+ guitar parts on it", and it would be great to have that live with MT on stage.
I guess it somehow failed.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:12

Banned SINCE the MJ "call" it seems...because he did ask Keith how he was getting along with Mick, which was a potentially "awkward" question. Keith's answer was even "worse" than Mick's, basically he has nothing to say about it.

But yes, like in 2012 Keith doesn't seem to know what's going on, where the rehearsals will take place, which guests will be there, why they wouldn't record a "back to the roots" record, etc...He's just waiting for instructions, like Charlie, Ronnie and all the support players. Mick is running the show with the "Director of Business Affairs"...

and really, who the hell are we to argue considering 50 years on we're getting new tours, and if not new releases, at least new/old music.

Absolutely, the proof is the pudding, still, one would hope that Keith could have as much input as the "Director of Business Affairs", or at least "some" input, but I suppose it's been like that since business resumed in 1989 so no real surprise there.

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:13

Yeah, I agree, Maron sounds like a moron. And wasted a good chance. But I will say it was interesting hearing Keith say they might play the entire album, and he was practicing Moonlight Mile. But on a whole what a squandered opportunity. And god, that laugh!

Did he say anything about the three-guitar attack? Oh, wait ..

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Torres ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:20

I don't know this host, but seems like everybody liked MJ's interview, but now there's some problem with the way he interviewed KR. Honestly, I think he interviewed them pretty much the same way.

What thoughtful questions could he have asked to Keith? Ask him about MT, after the disconfort MJ showed about the topic? You think Keith would have given some more insight to the tabu?

Furthermore, what to expect from Keith to those thoughful questions that could have been asked? You really think you would get something new, controversial, revealing?

The guy played safe and got two nice interviews, which I think it was a wise move. He wouldn't get anymore than he did, anyway.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:36

he didn't quite jive with Keith, his style suited Mick better.
i get the impression that his laugh is supposed to trigger Keiths
trademark wheeze. also he mainly asks yes/no questions, which leaves
Keef hanging in the air a bit. and Paul McCartney and Chuck Berry,
that kinda came out of the blue. and "you got me smoking cigarettes"
isn't exactly creative either. last week i was impressed how he didn't
seem starstruck with Mick, with Keith he sure enough is. then again,
i wouldn't know what i would manage to come up with either.

Mick is running the show with the "Director of Business Affairs"...

...who exactly is that guy again??

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-04-06 21:38 by Nikkei.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 21:41

I don't know this host, but seems like everybody liked MJ's interview, but now there's some problem with the way he interviewed KR. Honestly, I think he interviewed them pretty much the same way.

What thoughtful questions could he have asked to Keith? Ask him about MT, after the disconfort MJ showed about the topic? You think Keith would have given some more insight to the tabu?

Furthermore, what to expect from Keith to those thoughful questions that could have been asked? You really think you would get something new, controversial, revealing?

The guy played safe and got two nice interviews, which I think it was a wise move. He wouldn't get anymore than he did, anyway.


Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 21:45

Yeah, I agree, Maron sounds like a moron. And wasted a good chance. But I will say it was interesting hearing Keith say they might play the entire album, and he was practicing Moonlight Mile. But on a whole what a squandered opportunity. And god, that laugh!

Did he say anything about the three-guitar attack? Oh, wait ..

They have three already smiling smiley

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:49

Maybe we liked his interview with Mick better because we didn't have to wade through 15 minutes of Maron blaring his own horn first.
With Mick he seemed "jauntily courteous" or something, and with Keith he came across as a complete wankeur.

I'd never heard of Maron before the Mick interview, and sitting through that preliminary 15 minutes today just to hear Keith
was even harder than sitting through those first 73 minutes of Pirates of the Caribbean just to see Keith
in a cinema that had fleas

I love the Rolling Stones, even when they make me do hard hard things to prove it

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:50

I don't know this host, but seems like everybody liked MJ's interview, but now there's some problem with the way he interviewed KR. Honestly, I think he interviewed them pretty much the same way.

What thoughtful questions could he have asked to Keith? Ask him about MT, after the disconfort MJ showed about the topic? You think Keith would have given some more insight to the tabu?

Furthermore, what to expect from Keith to those thoughful questions that could have been asked? You really think you would get something new, controversial, revealing?

The guy played safe and got two nice interviews, which I think it was a wise move. He wouldn't get anymore than he did, anyway.

Just forgot to ask him about his favourite drink, actor, food and height...

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Posted by: mosthigh ()
Date: April 6, 2015 21:51

I don't know this host, but seems like everybody liked MJ's interview, but now there's some problem with the way he interviewed KR. Honestly, I think he interviewed them pretty much the same way.

What thoughtful questions could he have asked to Keith? Ask him about MT, after the disconfort MJ showed about the topic? You think Keith would have given some more insight to the tabu?

Furthermore, what to expect from Keith to those thoughful questions that could have been asked? You really think you would get something new, controversial, revealing?

The guy played safe and got two nice interviews, which I think it was a wise move. He wouldn't get anymore than he did, anyway.

Playing it safe is the Stones' forte most of the time, that's why they probably picked this guy.

Re: Marc Maron's podcast with Keith..
Date: April 6, 2015 21:54

I don't know this host, but seems like everybody liked MJ's interview, but now there's some problem with the way he interviewed KR. Honestly, I think he interviewed them pretty much the same way.

What thoughtful questions could he have asked to Keith? Ask him about MT, after the disconfort MJ showed about the topic? You think Keith would have given some more insight to the tabu?

Furthermore, what to expect from Keith to those thoughful questions that could have been asked? You really think you would get something new, controversial, revealing?

The guy played safe and got two nice interviews, which I think it was a wise move. He wouldn't get anymore than he did, anyway.

Just forgot to ask him about his favourite drink, actor, food and height...

Stoli, Brando, Shepherds pie and 5"8? He probably thought we knew these things already.

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