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Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:16

So happy to have met Bluzdude and Tauk...really a pleasure.

To steffialicia: I really enjoyed meeting you too. Hope our paths will cross again someday smiling smiley

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: sdstonesguy ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:17

Carolyn...thanks for the email & glad it worked out for both of us. I ended A-3 row 1 seat 6...coulda been worse winking smiley

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:30

Carolyn...thanks for the email & glad it worked out for both of us. I ended A-3 row 1 seat 6...coulda been worse winking smiley

I hope you were able to see fairly well.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 08:52

Hi everyone. I've not had a chance to post at all since the show until now. My experience was so wonderful, I literally have not been able to really find the right words. I was in A4 Row 3 (I'll describe my Seat # in a separate post right below this one due to something very odd I want to point out).

I was expecting a best-of-the-best kind of show because it's The Stones. I was expecting to be carried to the moon. However,I wasn't expecting it to be so POWERFUL emotionally & physically I feel like my mind was blown to smithereens--in a good way. I've felt sort of shell-shocked for the past couple days--in a good way.

It was beyond the moon, it was beyond the stars. If it had been any better I would've found myself in the hereafter, being greeted by angels at The Pearly Gates of Heaven.

I almost started to cry from happiness within the first 30 seconds.

I paid a small fortune. Within 5 minutes I thought "I'd have paid twice this much if I had to".

I've watched hundreds or so DVD's & you tubes of RS concerts. And I was at one in the '90's in Wisconsin (with horrible seats.) However, either Mick was really pouring it on in every good way or else this just goes to show how you can't know how POWERFUL it is to get the chance to see them up fairly close. Or perhaps it's a bit of both those factors.

I could go on & on but I'm sure you folks have already read/heard all the adjectives that describe this show. The reviews you've posted here I totally agree with.
And I did notice Keith seemed to me to be very genuinely happy--and Ronnie too. Mick imho came across as really wanting to please the audience very much so. and I think he more than accomplished that.

I'm so thankful for this I would'nt have had a chance in he** to know how to get a good seat, or maybe I wouldn't have even known about the Tour at all, at least not on time to get a decent seat. Thank you to all who answered my questions along the way.

Now, re. the post re. my seat # please see my very next post.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-28 11:22 by tauk.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:18

SUMMARY OF THIS POST: Did you know that Seats #1-6 did not exist in Section A4 I don't know about Section A5.

I have read most of the posts in this thread since the show Sunday night. I don't believe any one else has mentioned this and maybe it will have no meaning to anyone in any practical sense--but just in the event that maybe someone needs to know this info I feel my duty as a fan to mention this.

I was assigned to Seat #13 in A4, Row 3. Therefore, I expected to be the 13th seat from the runway stage. I expected Seats numbers 1-12 to between my seat & the runway stage, right? A4 was on the left side of the runway, on Ronnie's side.

However, when I arrived at my Row I discovered, much to my benefit, that Seats #1-6 DID NOT EXIST AT ALL. The first seat closest to the runway was labeled as Seat #7. So my Seat #13 was only the 7th seat from the runway, not the 13th seat from the runway. The highest numbered seat, right on the aisle between A4 & A3 was Seat #20.

Right after the show ended I checked the Seat number of the row in back of me, Row 4. The first seat closest to the runway was seat # 7, just like in my row. I didn't have time to check all the other rows in A4.

So I benefited from this. It didn't seem to cause any problem for anyone-i mean no one was showing up with a ticket for Seats #1-6. but why would Petco have done that? Didn't anyone purchase Seats 1-6?

I know that due to the changing dimensions of the END OF THE RUNWAY stage- where it becomes round, yes, there are less seats per row to allow for the round shape, and then, there are some longer seat rows where the runway stage ends, at the very back of A4 & A5. But that wouldn't have had any effect on the many rows at the front through the mid section of A4, right?

Unless there's ever another RS concert at Petco Park probably this mystery isn't important. (But if other bands play there maybe it would be a relevant question).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-28 11:23 by tauk.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: Leonioid ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:27

... It was beyond the moon, it was beyond the stars. If it had been any better I would've found myself in the hereafter, being greeted by angels at The Pearly Gates of Heaven.

I almost started to cry from happiness within the first 30 seconds...

I am very happy for you Carolyn, ^^THAT^^ is what it is all about. It is great to hear you had a spectacular time. Gotta love that good ole Rolling Stones magic. Cheers!!

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: JadedFaded ()
Date: May 28, 2015 09:32

Seats 1-6 were "taken up" by the catwalk. At the back of sections A4 and A5, the rows had the full complement of seats. They want every row's seat numbers to match, so the person in seat 13 row 1 is in front of the person in seat 13 row 2, etc. all the way back to the last row. Does that make sense to you?

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 11:18

Seats 1-6 were "taken up" by the catwalk. At the back of sections A4 and A5, the rows had the full complement of seats. They want every row's seat numbers to match, so the person in seat 13 row 1 is in front of the person in seat 13 row 2, etc. all the way back to the last row. Does that make sense to you?

To JadedFaded: Thanks. Ya I see what you mean. But I still don't like that ticket buyers had no idea of that occurring. But well, it turned out great for me & I guess all's well that ends well. If I ever buy another ticket in another venue I'll make double sure I know what's what with those runway sections.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:21

Here's my amateurish blurry/white faced show pics. I'd love info from you guys who have the right equipment for true-to-color up close pics. What kind of equipment do you use? I used an old fashioned non-digital camera.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-29 08:47 by tauk.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:26

My amateurish pic #2 Ronnie in right foreground under large video screen shot of Charlie

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:33

My amaturish pic #3
the large video screen of M & K/ The real M & K are in lower right hand corner of pic.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:37

My amateur pic # 4 of Mick with guitar

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:39

My amateur pic #5

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-28 12:45 by tauk.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:49

My amateur pic #6 M & K down far end of runway with 3 spotlights on them.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: Nikkei ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:51

Nice pictures Tauk, but in order for them to be seen by many, you should post them on the other thread. []

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: May 28, 2015 14:54

My amateur pic #6 M & K down far end of runway with 3 spotlights on them.

OMG Carolyn great photos and it was great to meet you!

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: j22surf ()
Date: May 28, 2015 17:46

Read in the UT this morning they played a private show at the Belly Up in Solana Beach last night. Can anyone confirm?

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: May 28, 2015 17:52

So happy to have met Bluzdude and Tauk...really a pleasure.

To steffialicia: I really enjoyed meeting you too. Hope our paths will cross again someday smiling smiley

Sunday was just a great day! Meeting people on the street in person, for the first time, for whom we already know by their written words, followed by a fantastic show.

Just got back from a U2 concert last night (perhaps I'll write more about that in another thread), and my ears are still ringing. I didn't have that problem Sunday night and the Stones were pretty loud.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: May 28, 2015 20:06

So happy to have met Bluzdude and Tauk...really a pleasure.

To steffialicia: I really enjoyed meeting you too. Hope our paths will cross again someday smiling smiley

Sunday was just a great day! Meeting people on the street in person, for the first time, for whom we already know by their written words, followed by a fantastic show.

Just got back from a U2 concert last night (perhaps I'll write more about that in another thread), and my ears are still ringing. I didn't have that problem Sunday night and the Stones were pretty loud.

Are you going to any other Stones shows??

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: spidey9 ()
Date: May 28, 2015 20:09

Read in the UT this morning they played a private show at the Belly Up in Solana Beach last night. Can anyone confirm?

That is a fact.

No, I was not there. sad smiley

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: May 28, 2015 21:01

... It was beyond the moon, it was beyond the stars. If it had been any better I would've found myself in the hereafter, being greeted by angels at The Pearly Gates of Heaven.

I almost started to cry from happiness within the first 30 seconds...

I am very happy for you Carolyn, ^^THAT^^ is what it is all about. It is great to hear you had a spectacular time. Gotta love that good ole Rolling Stones magic. Cheers!!

Ditto, Carolyn. Pure joy!

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: May 28, 2015 21:08

So happy to have met Bluzdude and Tauk...really a pleasure.

To steffialicia: I really enjoyed meeting you too. Hope our paths will cross again someday smiling smiley

Sunday was just a great day! Meeting people on the street in person, for the first time, for whom we already know by their written words, followed by a fantastic show.

Just got back from a U2 concert last night (perhaps I'll write more about that in another thread), and my ears are still ringing. I didn't have that problem Sunday night and the Stones were pretty loud.

Are you going to any other Stones shows??

No more Stones for me on this tour. I will be heading to Europe in a few weeks and have tickets for AC/DC and the Who, But with some luck, Sunday will not have been the last time that I'll see the Stones.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: steffialicia ()
Date: May 28, 2015 21:47

So happy to have met Bluzdude and Tauk...really a pleasure.

To steffialicia: I really enjoyed meeting you too. Hope our paths will cross again someday smiling smiley

Sunday was just a great day! Meeting people on the street in person, for the first time, for whom we already know by their written words, followed by a fantastic show.

Just got back from a U2 concert last night (perhaps I'll write more about that in another thread), and my ears are still ringing. I didn't have that problem Sunday night and the Stones were pretty loud.

Are you going to any other Stones shows??

No more Stones for me on this tour. I will be heading to Europe in a few weeks and have tickets for AC/DC and the Who, But with some luck, Sunday will not have been the last time that I'll see the Stones.

Have a fab summer!

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: StonesChica ()
Date: May 30, 2015 10:17

Hello everyone, I hope this post comes through, this is my first time posting on this forum but I have something very special to share with you... I recorded some of the 5-24-2015 show and even though it's not the best quality, I thought you might enjoy hearing it... this is one of the tracks, if you don't like the quality, I won't continue it, or if bootleg recordings / sharing / discussion is frowned upon here, I will delete the link.

Here's a taste, hope you guys who couldn't make the show enjoy it. I've been taping shows since 2012 (all kinds of bands) and though I primarily archive audio and record shows for the history of other music acts / fansites, I thought the Stones would enjoy!


-- Chica


Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: tauk ()
Date: May 30, 2015 11:11

Hello everyone, I hope this post comes through, this is my first time posting on this forum but I have something very special to share with you... I recorded some of the 5-24-2015 show and even though it's not the best quality, I thought you might enjoy hearing it... this is one of the tracks, if you don't like the quality, I won't continue it, or if bootleg recordings / sharing / discussion is frowned upon here, I will delete the link.

Here's a taste, hope you guys who couldn't make the show enjoy it. I've been taping shows since 2012 (all kinds of bands) and though I primarily archive audio and record shows for the history of other music acts / fansites, I thought the Stones would enjoy!

-- Chica


I think it sounds good. What type of device did you use for the recording?

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: StonesChica ()
Date: May 30, 2015 18:36

A Sony PCM recorder smiling smiley The bass was BAD up top where I was but the recorder compensated where it could.

Re: San Diego CA USA Rolling Stones 2015 show and travel info
Posted by: stoneslib ()
Date: May 31, 2015 00:44

Bienvenida Chica. Thanks for sharing. The IORR forum Hot Stuff has a Petco audio thread. Your full recording would be quite welcome there, I suspect.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-05-31 19:04 by stoneslib.

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