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Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: April 4, 2016 19:56

The posts are likely made by someone other than Mick, but someone who knows him that is not on a payroll. He does have a knack for picking people.
sometimes he uses the third person and the first person in the same post. Amateur presentation from an icon, simply unbelievable. Very few things the public knows best but in this case Taylor should read the advise and cool it until he can right his ship.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-04 19:58 by DoomandGloom.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: boogaloojef ()
Date: April 4, 2016 20:03

If I remember correctly, the Facebook page says that when the Stones switched record companies and signed a new deal, he stopped receiving the proper royalty payments from his time in the band.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-04 20:04 by boogaloojef.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Midnight Toker ()
Date: April 4, 2016 22:00

Mick still has a bitter taste in his mouth after being relegated
to playing acoustic guitar on 'Satisfaction" on the 50th Tour.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: annajulia ()
Date: April 4, 2016 22:05

this is why i can't, and will not until a change happens (which i highly doubt), like and respect especially mick and keith on a personal level, i respect and like them musically and some aspects of their personalities but lets be honest, they've been like this since forever. if they don't like you, you're never going to be acknowledged. i mean this especially applies to brian jones, he can't even defend himself, he's in a coffin 3 meters in the ground for heavens sake! and to be frank, they are a big factor as to why brian is remembered as this drugged up, worn down, depressed, non-contributing, pathetic, alcoholic and abusive a**hole. it's so disrespectful to discredit and almost completely airbrush someone that was so important and influential to the band out of history. mainly brian, mick (and to a certain degree bill) continues to get screwed over by the band and this is the latest installment in this recurring issue. they're honestly actively erasing brian and mick from history, and that should be very upsetting.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-04 22:06 by annajulia.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 4, 2016 22:29


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-04 22:32 by MisterDDDD.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: MisterDDDD ()
Date: April 4, 2016 22:31

this is why i can't, and will not until a change happens (which i highly doubt), like and respect especially mick and keith on a personal level, i respect and like them musically and some aspects of their personalities but lets be honest, they've been like this since forever. if they don't like you, you're never going to be acknowledged. i mean this especially applies to brian jones, he can't even defend himself, he's in a coffin 3 meters in the ground for heavens sake! and to be frank, they are a big factor as to why brian is remembered as this drugged up, worn down, depressed, non-contributing, pathetic, alcoholic and abusive a**hole. it's so disrespectful to discredit and almost completely airbrush someone that was so important and influential to the band out of history. mainly brian, mick (and to a certain degree bill) continues to get screwed over by the band and this is the latest installment in this recurring issue. they're honestly actively erasing brian and mick from history, and that should be very upsetting.

Um. Rubbish.
Mick Taylor and Bill Wyman both voluntarily left the band.
Pretty much debunks most of your conspiracy theory(s).

Brian's descent and ultimate succumbing to alcohol/drug addiction was well documented. As was his manic/abusive behaviors.
As with a lot of (us) practicing addict/alcoholics, he left a lot of turmoil in his wake. You may not like the truth about Brian (or Taylor) but no one screwed the over as much as they screwed themselves over.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: The Joker ()
Date: April 4, 2016 23:46


But I prefer them fighing them fighting tooth and nail, than nailed in the coffin..

Mean the bastards are alive.

How much we praise them is insane.

The day Taylor left was - and is still - one of the most somber day of my life. Silly, isn't?

Still, Bill leaving did much more damage.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: annajulia ()
Date: April 4, 2016 23:48

Not rubbish. I never said anything about Mick T and Bill being forced out of the band, what I AM saying is that both have been immensely important for the band and isn't getting any credit for it. And what conspiracy theories did I present if I may ask??

And as for Brian, yes the years that he did do drugs and alcohol in excess and spiraled downwards ('65-very early '69) is out there and it's obvious that he was in a terrible state, HOWEVER at the time of his death he was not using drugs of any kind except for an occasional Valium to help him sleep/relax following a restlessness he sometimes felt after his drug use before, for god's sake he didn't even smoke ordinary cigarettes! And he was a complex personality (and I'm sure if it was today he would have been diagnosed with some sort of mental illness, perhaps mild form of bipolar disorder?) and I'm not denying that one part of his personality WAS very aggressive and violence prone and I am not making any excuses, domestic violence is always wrong it doesn't matter if it's the man getting abused or the woman getting abused (if we're talking about a heterosexual couple of course), but excluding Anita Pallenberg, his other girlfriends have said that he never was physical with them.
I know that Anna Wohlin (his girlfriend at the time of his death) said that he did push her up against a wall in fury one time when his jealousy came over him (she had been talking with a male friend on the phone) but that she made him swore that he'd never touch her like that again and he never did. And to be honest, only using Anita as a source for Brian's personality/being isn't the most clever thing to be honest. She's been described by many in the industry as somewhat of a sly fox and she's always talked bad about Brian, you gotta be critical of sources. especially when it's about something/someone that can't defend or speak up themselves.
Even Keith said "They had incredible fights. And she used to beat the shit out of him every time. He would start a fight. Obviously she was tougher than him. He always was walking around with his ribs bandaged or his eyed blackened", and one of Anita's and Brian's friends, Christopher Gibbs said of their relationship "They fought about everything. Brian could never win an argument with Anita although he always made the mistake of trying. There would be horrible scenes with both of them screaming at each other. The difference was that Brian didn't know what he was doing. Anita did know what she was doing- I think in a more gracious age, Anita would have been called a witch." (his words not mine!) It went both ways, Anita isn't some innocent lamb. And the whole Marocco-thing were he allegedly did hit her; he actually missed which is why he had a bandaged wrist that can be seen in photos and some performances in '66.

The fact is that at the post mortem found no traces of drugs in his system and his blood alcohol level was the equivalent of just three and a half pints of beer, nothing you drown of, especially in a swimming pool with advanced swimming skills!! The handling of the whole case was suspicious and wasn't done right. Just because the official cause of death is 'death by misadventure' and most media over the years (there is however many articles arguing the contrary) has reported that he died the typical rockstar death, I guess makes it harder to believe that he actually was (accidentally) killed. I guess that's why many people disregard people with my opinion as delusional and ridiculous. If you would actually look closely at the case the fact that Brian was unintentionally killed gets more plausible.

Hope I'm making myself understood, not a native english speaker so be gentle with me! smiling smiley

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-04 23:54 by annajulia.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: April 5, 2016 00:03

As I read this thread, I can't help but remember a recent thread on Daryl's audition process as well as some of the philosophical thoughts on "sidemen" that have been brought up over the years. I wonder if Taylor might have been included more if he had been "a better hang".

Realistically though, I wonder what he was expecting for this. Did he want to ride to the show with them? Walk the red carpet with them? Do interviews with the press about his time in the band?

From just the pictures and comments about the event, it reads/looks like Bill arrived separately and was not included in "official" photos with the band. Which makes perfect sense. He's not in the band. He's also seemly smart enough to not show up at an event like this and start complaining about how the current band treats him if he does happen to interviewed. Can the same be said about Mick Taylor?

If I were any of the current Stones, I wouldn't want to invite an ex-member with a grudge to a place where everyone is smiling for the cameras and giving sound bites as to why people should come check out the show.


Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: annajulia ()
Date: April 5, 2016 00:07

Ah Mick T doesn't live in the UK and wasn't informed of this event, he wrote this on Facebook "My office had to alert the gallery to the fact that I exist. I don't reside in England. All we got is a late reply (only AFTER many fans commented on social media yesterday). The message says that 2 tickets have to be collected before 15:00. They know I live overseas, so this does not qualify as an 'invitation'. They waited until it became a logistic impossibility to attend." smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 00:08 by annajulia.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: April 5, 2016 00:18

If I remember correctly, the Facebook page says that when the Stones switched record companies and signed a new deal, he stopped receiving the proper royalty payments from his time in the band.

He also said that in person in an interview a few years ago, that change occurred in 1981 so imagine the amount it represents 35 years later, no wonder he's got a chip on his shoulder! Besides it seems that there was no attempt made to sort this "issue" when he guested between 2012-2014 based on comments here and there. Looks like they were hoping he'd be so happy to be invited that he'd get over it...

As for Taylor always being grumpy? Not necessarily, he was all smiles if memory serves at the 2012 opening of "Crossfire Hurricane", happier days...

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Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DiamondDog7 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 00:40

As I read this thread, I can't help but remember a recent thread on Daryl's audition process as well as some of the philosophical thoughts on "sidemen" that have been brought up over the years. I wonder if Taylor might have been included more if he had been "a better hang".

Realistically though, I wonder what he was expecting for this. Did he want to ride to the show with them? Walk the red carpet with them? Do interviews with the press about his time in the band?

From just the pictures and comments about the event, it reads/looks like Bill arrived separately and was not included in "official" photos with the band. Which makes perfect sense. He's not in the band. He's also seemly smart enough to not show up at an event like this and start complaining about how the current band treats him if he does happen to interviewed. Can the same be said about Mick Taylor?

If I were any of the current Stones, I wouldn't want to invite an ex-member with a grudge to a place where everyone is smiling for the cameras and giving sound bites as to why people should come check out the show.


uhhhmmm.... wrong!

video: []

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: April 5, 2016 00:53

Mick had a former manager who used to be in his hand, who also ran his official web page. The former manager posted things on that webpage in the first person, as though it were Mick himself posting. Mick also has a girlfriend who was or is his manager who may feel entitled to post on his behalf whether or not it truly is what Mick has to say. Mick doesn't seem like the type to interact directly with fans in that way, posting diect replies to questions. Not to mention that he seems like an old hippie Luddite who would not be that into Facebook or the internet.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: April 5, 2016 02:44

Taylor needs to reacquant himself to the simple facts of the music biz. You must stay aggressive, competent and aware to continue working. He is an iconic musician whose greatness is unquestionable but being entitled does not come with. You can ask Jaco, Coltrane or Dicky Betts, they all forgot about the job part at points in their careers. Taylor simply needed to show up in London, ready to appear and make them turn him away which if did happen would make great press for him. Ultimately Taylor wants to be asked, flown and accommodated, instead of making his own breaks.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Beast ()
Date: April 5, 2016 03:09

MT was invited but did not RSVP and it's not him writing those comments on his FB page.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: April 5, 2016 03:14

MT was invited but did not RSVP and it's not him writing those comments on his FB page.

I'm sad for the man. Whoever is writing those posts is no friend of Taylor's and if he couldn't even manage to RSVP then he can't be in a very good place right now. Some people are just more wounded and I think Taylor is one of them.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: HamburgerToGo ()
Date: April 5, 2016 04:36

I seem to recall that both Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wyman voluntarily left The Rolling Stones.

I have no Sympathy for whatever current complaints each may respectively have at this point in time.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: jazzbass ()
Date: April 5, 2016 04:52

Ah Mick T doesn't live in the UK and wasn't informed of this event, he wrote this on Facebook "My office had to alert the gallery to the fact that I exist. I don't reside in England. All we got is a late reply (only AFTER many fans commented on social media yesterday). The message says that 2 tickets have to be collected before 15:00. They know I live overseas, so this does not qualify as an 'invitation'. They waited until it became a logistic impossibility to attend." smiling smiley

So... Taylor has an office?

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: DaveG ()
Date: April 5, 2016 06:43

I seem to recall that both Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wyman voluntarily left The Rolling Stones.

I have no Sympathy for whatever current complaints each may respectively have at this point in time.

Exactly. He QUIT THE BAND. When you QUIT THE BAND, you pretty effectively relinquish any future input, involvement, or projects. I think the Taylor era was exceptional, brilliant, they were at the top of their game, in the studio and onstage. But, if he made the decision to leave the band, then why keep hanging around the fringes, asking why you're not included? It didn't have to be like this, but, MT, it was your doing. So, quit whining and move on.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 07:13

Julian and Cynthia Lennon weren't invited to the Beatles' LOVE premiere in Vegas and such things—and expressed their displeasure. Such invites would help box office if anything.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: boogaloojef ()
Date: April 5, 2016 12:43

His argument is that if they are are showing photographs with him in them and making money off photographs with him in them then he should be invited. I don't really have a problem with that. If in addition, they are denying him royalties then I can see why he would be upset.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 12:46 by boogaloojef.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: 1962 ()
Date: April 5, 2016 13:17

Poor old crying Mick Taylor.
That ship has gone more then 40 years ago.
You made a bad decision then.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: boogaloojef ()
Date: April 5, 2016 13:36

Mick Taylor made the right decision for him at the time by quitting. Supposedly part of the reason he quit was to get away from the drug culture of the Stones. It is easy in retrospect to say it was the wrong decision but if he is still alive because of the decision then it was the correct one for him at that time.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 13:39 by boogaloojef.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: April 5, 2016 13:58

It's his girlfriend running the FB page, and she's known for being misinformed.


Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Date: April 5, 2016 14:14

Ah Mick T doesn't live in the UK and wasn't informed of this event, he wrote this on Facebook "My office had to alert the gallery to the fact that I exist. I don't reside in England. All we got is a late reply (only AFTER many fans commented on social media yesterday). The message says that 2 tickets have to be collected before 15:00. They know I live overseas, so this does not qualify as an 'invitation'. They waited until it became a logistic impossibility to attend." smiling smiley

So... Taylor has an office?
Haha,, thumbs up

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: HMS ()
Date: April 5, 2016 14:20

Mick Taylor made the right decision for him at the time by quitting. Supposedly part of the reason he quit was to get away from the drug culture of the Stones. It is easy in retrospect to say it was the wrong decision but if he is still alive because of the decision then it was the correct one for him at that time.

Right or wrong decision, it doesnt matter. The Stones had dropped him anyway, as their musical direction was about to change.

No one in the world can imagine the albums SG & ER with Taylor as lead guitarist. His playing is melodious and kind of mellow, but the Stones picked up punk influences. That would never have succeeded with Taylor. Ronnie brought back the roughness they needed and more - he knew the ancient form of weaving, Mick Taylor never did know anything about weaving, he is a soloist who always wanted to stretch out more than the Stones would let him. Ronnie isnt keen on playing 7-minute-solos, he loves interplay and interaction, he is a natural born weaver, exactly what a group like the Stones need.

No one can image MT playing on Undercover or Dirty Work, he was good for the music the Stones made in the early 70s but definitely the wrong guy for everything after 1975!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-04-05 14:22 by HMS.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Date: April 5, 2016 14:47

Right or wrong decision, it doesnt matter. The Stones had dropped him anyway, as their musical direction was about to change.

I think he could have played anything, no matter the musical direction the RS would have chosen.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: April 5, 2016 15:56

According to Mick Taylor's Facebook page he is not getting the royalties he is owed for his time with the band. He apparently is not receiving his 20% share that was split among the 5 band members in the band at that time.

Here, I have quoted Bill from an interview he had given to a German magazine a few years ago: Bill claims (abstract quotation) "I was cleverer than Mick Taylor, I kept my share. Mick wanted and got a pay-out after he left."
I understand this as Bill still getting royalties for being a Stones musician when a song that has him is played on the radio whereas Mick Taylor gets nothing when Angie or Brown Sugar etc. are played.

Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: TaylorYears ()
Date: April 5, 2016 16:02


Re: Mick Taylor makes public outrage on Facebook regarding Exhibitionism
Posted by: EJM ()
Date: April 5, 2016 16:28

I think the stones team were sad that MT did not reply to the invitation and come and there has been all this FB fuss.

It seems pretty clear he was invited at the same time as everyone else.

Bill came with all his family, and although he was not in the official band line up photos, his presence was was noted and he was photographed in the press. I think everyone was glad to see him there.

There were lots of pictures of MT in the collages - he certainly was not airbrushed out of the event.
Its hard to know what the aim of all the FB stuff is.....

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