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"Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: RawIguanaCologne ()
Date: February 20, 2015 14:33

The more I listen to the very few pieces that the Stones released from the mid90s up to now I really have to think about it. Okay, there were fillers like "Gun" or so, but it was pretty interesting.

The more it´s drowning in the past, I learned to love even "Anybody Seen My Baby"...

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: georgelicks ()
Date: February 20, 2015 15:13

The last one of that kind was Voodoo Lounge, Bridges is 2 solo albums combined and ABB is a Mick solo album with Keith as main guitar player.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Date: February 20, 2015 15:21

The last one of that kind was Voodoo Lounge, Bridges is 2 solo albums combined and ABB is a Mick solo album with Keith as main guitar player.

Really? Because when I read the track talks at, I don't get that impression at all.

Seemingly, many don't know that Keith co-wrote songs like Rough Justice, Let Me Down Slow, It Won't Take Long and possibly others, in addition to Infamy and This Place Is Empty.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: longlongwinter ()
Date: February 20, 2015 16:43

Agree with georgelicks more or less….Voodoo was a collaboration but due to Mick and Keith not hanging or liking each other much many potentially great tunes came our inferior. BB and ABB was way too much Mick trying so hard to be 'with the times' like he successfully did with Some Girls and drastically failed on these. He's just too old and out of touch and at that point should have stuck to his knitting of straight up R&B, blues, etc.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Date: February 20, 2015 16:54

What was "with the times" with ABB? Sweet Neo Con?

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: February 20, 2015 17:18

I think a Bigger Bang had many great songs on it, and a couple that were not so good.

The real problem with the album is the terrible brick walled mastering.
Everything is distorted and fighting for attention.

That kind of mastering should be illegal and punishable by Spanish Inquisition style comfy pillow torture.

The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

As for Babylon, I love it.
If Don Was had produced all the tracks it would have been even better.
That raw sound he got down was superb. Like a nastier Voodoo Lounge.

Voodoo Lounge, I wouldn't change a thing.
I even love Suck on the Jugular and Blinded By Rainbows.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2015-02-20 17:23 by vudicus.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: February 20, 2015 17:19

<<Mick... should have stuck to his knitting>>

Keith has been known to do a bit of weaving, but Mick knitting? Georgia May has done some knitting though....

It isn't like in the days of Exile, when they would literally live together, jam for hours on end most every day and simply will songs into existence.

These days each writes on his own and when they show up for recording after years apart they pool their resources, and a solo song becomes a Stones song because it's recorded by the band.

Sure, Bridges had some filler but then so did a lot of early albums as well. You can't write a #1 hit or instant classic every time, but for what it is (a double album, technically speaking) Bridges is pretty good, the last album that really hooked in a new generation of fans.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: February 20, 2015 17:24

<<Mick... should have stuck to his knitting>>

Keith has been known to do a bit of weaving, but Mick knitting? Georgia May has done some knitting though....

It isn't like in the days of Exile, when they would literally live together, jam for hours on end most every day and simply will songs into existence.

These days each writes on his own and when they show up for recording after years apart they pool their resources, and a solo song becomes a Stones song because it's recorded by the band.

Sure, Bridges had some filler but then so did a lot of early albums as well. You can't write a #1 hit or instant classic every time, but for what it is (a double album, technically speaking) Bridges is pretty good, the last album that really hooked in a new generation of fans.

Sorry, didn't read a single word you wrote.

(In Homer Simpson style voice)... Mmmmmm Georgia. >grinning smiley<

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-02-20 17:24 by vudicus.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 20, 2015 18:07


The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

OK, and I'm probably asking a neophyte question here, but I NEED TO KNOW!

What is a 'non-fill spot'?

I'd looked this term up last year as it came up often as a concern related to the Beatles Vinyl Box (stereo). Could never find the definition.

WHAT is 'non-fill spot'?!

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: vudicus ()
Date: February 20, 2015 18:19


The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

OK, and I'm probably asking a neophyte question here, but I NEED TO KNOW!

What is a 'non-fill spot'?

I'd looked this term up last year as it came up often as a concern related to the Beatles Vinyl Box (stereo). Could never find the definition.

WHAT is 'non-fill spot'?!

No problem, I always knew of this issue but only recently learnt the term.

Ever held a brand new record in the light and seen light almost white groove lines in places? Usually an inch or two long.

It kinda looks like the record been tracked badly by a mis-aligned stylus and worn away in places.
That is non fill and usually gives off a short hissy scratchy sound when the stylus passes through.

If I remember correctly, the last track on certain sides of A Bigger Bang had these issues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-02-20 18:27 by vudicus.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: February 20, 2015 18:23

<<Mick... should have stuck to his knitting>>

Keith has been known to do a bit of weaving, but Mick knitting? Georgia May has done some knitting though....

It isn't like in the days of Exile, when they would literally live together, jam for hours on end most every day and simply will songs into existence.

These days each writes on his own and when they show up for recording after years apart they pool their resources, and a solo song becomes a Stones song because it's recorded by the band.

Sure, Bridges had some filler but then so did a lot of early albums as well. You can't write a #1 hit or instant classic every time, but for what it is (a double album, technically speaking) Bridges is pretty good, the last album that really hooked in a new generation of fans.

Brigitte Bardot with her sweater she knitted herself.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 20, 2015 18:55


The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

OK, and I'm probably asking a neophyte question here, but I NEED TO KNOW!

What is a 'non-fill spot'?

I'd looked this term up last year as it came up often as a concern related to the Beatles Vinyl Box (stereo). Could never find the definition.

WHAT is 'non-fill spot'?!

No problem, I always knew of this issue but only recently learnt the term.

Ever held a brand new record in the light and seen light almost white groove lines in places? Usually an inch or two long.

It kinda looks like the record been tracked badly by a mis-aligned stylus and worn away in places.
That is non fill and usually gives off a short hissy scratchy sound when the stylus passes through.

If I remember correctly, the last track on certain sides of A Bigger Bang had these issues.

Thank you for that! OK, I may recall seeing that on certain albums, but never made any connection to that being a sound issue. Now I will know to look for it, much appreciated!

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: StonedRambler ()
Date: February 20, 2015 19:14

I think a Bigger Bang had many great songs on it, and a couple that were not so good.

The real problem with the album is the terrible brick walled mastering.
Everything is distorted and fighting for attention.

That kind of mastering should be illegal and punishable by Spanish Inquisition style comfy pillow torture.

The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

As for Babylon, I love it.
If Don Was had produced all the tracks it would have been even better.
That raw sound he got down was superb. Like a nastier Voodoo Lounge.

Voodoo Lounge, I wouldn't change a thing.
I even love Suck on the Jugular and Blinded By Rainbows.
thumbs upthumbs upExactly what I think!! smileys with beer
Really love most songs on ABB (my favourites are Rough J, Let Me Down, Back o.m.Hand, Oh No, Laugh...) but every time I hear it the Mixing and Mastering of that actually great album annoyes me. Not only that it's limited and compressed like hell, also that the mix is way too mix rangy. Always when I want to hear it loud in the car it hurts in my ears. Primarily snare, hihat and the guitars.

I have to say that my job is Audio Engineer, and I know you actually got no change today than pushing it as loud as hell, but the Stones are the Stones and they can actually do want they want. But maybe Micks extra wanted that 'modern' sound.

And yeah, B2B was really great. I don't like some things where they tried to be modern, for example that DJ Effects in Anybody Seen My Baby. But great sound and really great songs (Flip the switch, Out of C, Saint, How can I stop..)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-02-20 19:15 by StonedRambler.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: February 20, 2015 21:45

I think Bridges is their last ambitious album. That's not saying they brought their songwriting to new heights that surpassed their earlier glory albums, but it doesn't come off as nostalgic as Voodoo Lounge or ABB does. Both those albums are still using the old Stones recipe across many tunes. Bridges doesn't really have to many "nods" to the Stones sound. It's the Stones with a new batch of songs that I think worked very very well for them at that point in their career. A little bit like "Time Out of Mind" did for Dylan during that period as well. Even though it comes across as two solo albums smashed together, each Glimmer twin contributes in a big way to each other's songs. More than I can hear on ABB.

PS. Can't there ever be a thread with a Georgia Jagger picture in it without a Bridgette Bardot picture to follow?? She looks like her...we get it. Everyone's made that connection for the last 10 years.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 20, 2015 23:04

I think Bridges is their last ambitious album. That's not saying they brought their songwriting to new heights that surpassed their earlier glory albums, but it doesn't come off as nostalgic as Voodoo Lounge or ABB does. Both those albums are still using the old Stones recipe across many tunes. Bridges doesn't really have to many "nods" to the Stones sound. It's the Stones with a new batch of songs that I think worked very very well for them at that point in their career. A little bit like "Time Out of Mind" did for Dylan during that period as well. Even though it comes across as two solo albums smashed together, each Glimmer twin contributes in a big way to each other's songs. More than I can hear on ABB.

PS. Can't there ever be a thread with a Georgia Jagger picture in it without a Bridgette Bardot picture to follow?? She looks like her...we get it. Everyone's made that connection for the last 10 years.

Got want fewer photos of beautiful women.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 20, 2015 23:25

....okay then lets switch BB for Drew Barrymore


Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: LeonidP ()
Date: February 21, 2015 05:28

...Okay, there were fillers like "Gun" or so, ...

I guess you mean Gunface ... to me that's a fantastic track. And such a fierce guitar solo. Definitely one of my favorites on the album.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: February 21, 2015 12:34

....okay then lets switch BB for Drew Barrymore

No, the more obvious suggestion would be Claudia Schiffer.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: February 21, 2015 12:37

I think live they combined the monstrous Out Of Control with the sing-a-long Saint Of Me. That worked as good as Midnight Rambler and You Can't Always Get What You Want!

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Date: February 21, 2015 15:52

'Monstrous' as in 'powerful', or as in 'terrible'?

I also see B2B as their last ambitious album. More than anything I like that they did what you do with a new album: they took it on the road, built the tour around it. They really did what they do so well; solidify the song's identity, by playing it every night. Six cuts were regulars, and four more were done a few times. They did the same with VL; I just happen to like B2B a lot more.
I think this shows even more, how ABB was basically a Jagger album with the Stones as a backing band. Had they done it as a band, I'm sure they would have taken it on the road.

I bet 90% of ABB's songs have never eve been played as a band. For a band like the Stones, that is tragic. No wonder it didn't flow.

Rough Justice was an obvious "must play"; and we all saw how the hated "Streets of Love" flourished on stage.
The ABB tour could and should have been similar to the 78 Some Girls tour.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: JJHMick ()
Date: February 21, 2015 16:17

Saint of Me: monstrous = powerful!
Bridges to Babylon is (to me) their best lp since Tattoo You, probably even since Exile (because I never regarded Some Girls as that interesting. Punk? Disco? No.)

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: pepganzo ()
Date: February 21, 2015 23:13

Maybe it is the last songwriting abum, yes.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: Roscoe ()
Date: February 21, 2015 23:48


The vinyl sucked too.
Same compressed audio on wafer thin vinyl.
Every copy I checked (probably around 25 copies) was either warped, smothered in non-fill spots or both.

OK, and I'm probably asking a neophyte question here, but I NEED TO KNOW!

What is a 'non-fill spot'?

I'd looked this term up last year as it came up often as a concern related to the Beatles Vinyl Box (stereo). Could never find the definition.

WHAT is 'non-fill spot'?!

No problem, I always knew of this issue but only recently learnt the term.

Ever held a brand new record in the light and seen light almost white groove lines in places? Usually an inch or two long.

It kinda looks like the record been tracked badly by a mis-aligned stylus and worn away in places.
That is non fill and usually gives off a short hissy scratchy sound when the stylus passes through.

If I remember correctly, the last track on certain sides of A Bigger Bang had these issues.

Another note about 'non-fill' (also sometimes referred to as 'stitching'): It's a quality control issue. What happens is that the stamper is released from the vinyl too soon when the vinyl hasn't sufficiently cooled. The result is that part of the groove(s) is literally ripped from the vinyl.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: vertigojoe ()
Date: February 22, 2015 00:08

Having played and listened to way too much loud music over the last 30+ years I cannot listen to ABB without finding it an uncomfortable and painful experience. It's like being assaulted in an alleyway.
I was so excited when hearing that live version of ONNYA. I LOVED IT. Stripped to 9 or 10 songs, Why not B&B had only 8? And a Totally different approach to the mastering it would have been a great farewell LP.
I Honestly don't want another unless it's all old covers.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: February 22, 2015 11:02

BtB is the last ambitious Stonesalbum indeed, it was an integral part of the BtB tour. The Stones could have turned OOC and SOM into warhorses.The fact that they did not do this shows that they started to see themselves as a nostalgia act in the new millenium. KR said that 1989 was the year in which "The Rolling Stones Part Two" started. So one can say that Part three started in 2002.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: liddas ()
Date: February 22, 2015 16:31

Palace Revolution 2000

I bet 90% of ABB's songs have never eve been played as a band. For a band like the Stones, that is tragic. No wonder it didn't flow.

Rough Justice was an obvious "must play"; and we all saw how the hated "Streets of Love" flourished on stage.
The ABB tour could and should have been similar to the 78 Some Girls tour.

If I am not wrong, during the BB tour they played 8 songs from the ABB album: Justice, TAke long, Rain, Streets, HAnd, Place is Empty, Oh no and Infamy. Save take long that was played only once or twice, the others were played quite a lot.

Jagger solo album or not, Bang was a good one.


Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 22, 2015 16:37

Having played and listened to way too much loud music over the last 30+ years I cannot listen to ABB without finding it an uncomfortable and painful experience. It's like being assaulted in an alleyway.
I was so excited when hearing that live version of ONNYA. I LOVED IT. Stripped to 9 or 10 songs, Why not B&B had only 8? And a Totally different approach to the mastering it would have been a great farewell LP.
I Honestly don't want another unless it's all old covers.

But really, you've said in you're post that the last album just needed better editing and production and you'd have thought it was a great album, to which I agree.

On that basis alone, an album of new material is probably worth it. How about a double CD, first one new material, second one covers?

I'd definitely go for that.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Date: February 22, 2015 18:38

Having played and listened to way too much loud music over the last 30+ years I cannot listen to ABB without finding it an uncomfortable and painful experience. It's like being assaulted in an alleyway.
I was so excited when hearing that live version of ONNYA. I LOVED IT. Stripped to 9 or 10 songs, Why not B&B had only 8? And a Totally different approach to the mastering it would have been a great farewell LP.
I Honestly don't want another unless it's all old covers.

Again this proves the NON-involvement of Keith, or anyone tempered. One thing I have learned to appreciate in music is patience. Song like "YCAGWYW", or"Hot Stuff" or even "Jigsaw Puzzle" and "Stray Cat Blues" are built with grace and elegance. I see this: A Bigger Bang is not elegant. Songs slowed down. A bridge here or there. Some acoustic guitars FFS. Less cuts, and "Under the Radar" included.

Jagger on some level doesn't get the Stones vis-a-visthe new millenium. I hate saying something like that, because it comes off as preposterous. But the Rolling Stones myth and brand is something so big, that it isn't really the band's alone anymore.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2015-02-23 12:06 by Palace Revolution 2000.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: February 22, 2015 20:34

Palace Revolution 2000
Having played and listened to way too much loud music over the last 30+ years I cannot listen to ABB without finding it an uncomfortable and painful experience. It's like being assaulted in an alleyway.
I was so excited when hearing that live version of ONNYA. I LOVED IT. Stripped to 9 or 10 songs, Why not B&B had only 8? And a Totally different approach to the mastering it would have been a great farewell LP.
I Honestly don't want another unless it's all old covers.

Again this proves the NON-involvement of Keith, or anyone tempered. One thong I have learned to appreciate in music is patience. Song like "YCAGWYW", or"Hot Stuff" or even "Jigsaw Puzzle" and "Stray Cat Blues" are built with grace and elegance. I see this: A Bigger Bang is not elegant. Songs slowed down. A bridge here or there. Some acoustic guitars FFS. Less cuts, and "Under the Radar" included.

Jagger on some level doesn't get the Stones vis-a-visthe new millenium. I hate saying something like that, because it comes off as preposterous. But the Rolling Stones myth and brand is something so big, that it isn't really the band's alone anymore.

well at least you recognize it for what it is.

Re: "Bridges To Babylon" - last "songwriting" album?
Posted by: stonehearted ()
Date: February 22, 2015 20:51

<<One thong I have learned to appreciate in music>>

Speaking of thongs, I learned to appreciate Wendy O. Williams at a very young age.

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