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You can't say "they don't understand what Exile is all about", because that's only based on your opinion. They might not agree with what you believe Exile is all about - there is an important distinction which I'm sure you see very clearly
I certainly can say it. I do think some people don't understand Exile, based on their own statements about it. Yes, that's my opinion. It is not an insult. I don't understand opera. I am not a lesser person for it, but I don't understand the joy others get from it. That's life. I will say it again: Some people (and I didn't name any individuals) seem to prefer more predictable formats of classic rock albums with identifiable "hits" and consider anything else somehow less desirable (it's "filler"). Again, this misses the point of Exile entirely. These people are not getting the mood, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. I feel sorry for them because it's a great joy to experience. Exactly the same way opera aficianados might feel sorry for me.
You keep wanting me to correct my comments, when I have said exactly what I want to say on the subject. Some people don't like it or misinterpret it, or take it personally, it's on them.
The ones to feel sorry for are those who can't see how their narrow-mindedness makes them come off looking like a jerk. "You have to like what I like and see what I see in it, or else there's something wrong with you."
People who think like that and approach a forum discussion in this manner are not locked into some great universal truth about a particular topic, they are simply showing how self-absorbed they are.
When GHS saw the light it was clear this wasn't a classic rock album. And it didn't have a predictable format. Yet I identified the album as fitting to my taste right from the start. It's hilarious you seem to know if it's my black or my white vibes responsable for the fact I think EOMS is not in my favorite 4 and GHS is. And ridiculous. To suggest I'm getting or not getting the mood...or misinterpret or rightinterpret. You're not Mr. Knowitall but boy do you act like it..
I just listen to music and think it's great and cool and brilliant or just bs or anything in between. And what could possibly be wrong when someone is interested in a classic (RS) rock album with identifiable hits in a predictable format?? I mean - is there anybody here saying there's something wrong with you liking 'unpredictable' albums?? So why this attitude? I don't mind you like EOMS...I don't feel sorry for you.
I think you just don't understand people with other opinions in general. No offence but... that's called a problem that's on you.
As good an album as Some Girls is, I do believe this has to be considered the most overrated.
Half the songs are excellent and the other have are ok to good.
It served it's purpose in reviving the band but it's not a classic in the way the big 4 are.
As good an album as Some Girls is, I do believe this has to be considered the most overrated.
Half the songs are excellent and the other have are ok to good.
It served it's purpose in reviving the band but it's not a classic in the way the big 4 are.
Maybe, but the bonus disc is a bona-fide classic in my book.
You can't say "they don't understand what Exile is all about", because that's only based on your opinion. They might not agree with what you believe Exile is all about - there is an important distinction which I'm sure you see very clearly
I certainly can say it. I do think some people don't understand Exile, based on their own statements about it. Yes, that's my opinion. It is not an insult. I don't understand opera. I am not a lesser person for it, but I don't understand the joy others get from it. That's life. I will say it again: Some people (and I didn't name any individuals) seem to prefer more predictable formats of classic rock albums with identifiable "hits" and consider anything else somehow less desirable (it's "filler"). Again, this misses the point of Exile entirely. These people are not getting the mood, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. I feel sorry for them because it's a great joy to experience. Exactly the same way opera aficianados might feel sorry for me.
You keep wanting me to correct my comments, when I have said exactly what I want to say on the subject. Some people don't like it or misinterpret it, or take it personally, it's on them.
When GHS saw the light it was clear this wasn't a classic rock album. And it didn't have a predictable format. Yet I identified the album as fitting to my taste right from the start. It's hilarious you seem to know if it's my black or my white vibes responsable for the fact I think EOMS is not in my favorite 4 and GHS is. And ridiculous. To suggest I'm getting or not getting the mood...or misinterpret or rightinterpret. You're not Mr. Knowitall but boy do you act like it..
I just listen to music and think it's great and cool and brilliant or just bs or anything in between. And what could possibly be wrong when someone is interested in a classic (RS) rock album with identifiable hits in a predictable format?? I mean - is there anybody here saying there's something wrong with you liking 'unpredictable' albums?? So why this attitude? I don't mind you like EOMS...I don't feel sorry for you.
I think you just don't understand people with other opinions in general. No offence but... that's called a problem that's on you.
lem motlow
tele is exactly right- if you think some of the songs on exile should'nt be on there you are clueless.plain and simple.
its not a matter of opinion-the record is a perfect rock and roll masterpiece without a flaw.if you think some of the songs shouldnt be there you dont understand the record and its a fair assumption that you are a fan of the stones yet they're not your favorite band.
you probably dont completely understand their music or its not your main focus of interest as far as rock and roll is concerned.
if they are your favorite band and you think exile contains"filler" you still have a lot of learning to do.
I would recommend that those who consider Exile to have filler take a cross-country drive or lock
themseves in a cabin somewhere and listen to it back to back to back to back more or less for a few
days...and then revisit the notion of "filler."
lem motlowQuote
When GHS saw the light it was clear this wasn't a classic rock album. And it didn't have a predictable format. Yet I identified the album as fitting to my taste right from the start. It's hilarious you seem to know if it's my black or my white vibes responsable for the fact I think EOMS is not in my favorite 4 and GHS is. And ridiculous. To suggest I'm getting or not getting the mood...or misinterpret or rightinterpret. You're not Mr. Knowitall but boy do you act like it..
I just listen to music and think it's great and cool and brilliant or just bs or anything in between. And what could possibly be wrong when someone is interested in a classic (RS) rock album with identifiable hits in a predictable format?? I mean - is there anybody here saying there's something wrong with you liking 'unpredictable' albums?? So why this attitude? I don't mind you like EOMS...I don't feel sorry for you.
I think you just don't understand people with other opinions in general. No offence but... that's called a problem that's on you.
dreamer you dont get what he's saying-OF COURSE you have the right to like what you like,OF COURSE its all about having fun and your opinion matters.
what he's trying to tell you is that he knows the band really well,when they are ON and when they are not and how the pieces fit together for a record.
think of it like this-you're watching your favorite football team.they play a game and you have a guy like tele who knows every player on the team,their strengths and weakness's and he tells you they were not at their best that night.
its fair for you to say ,hey i had fun and my friends enjoyed the game. we cheered and went home happy AND our team won,so there.
and you would be right-but when someone tells you they know every nuance and move the team has,they weren't at their best,they played much better two weeks ago and he has followed them very closely for a long time and can tell when they're firing on all cylinders and when they're not- you should respect that too.its not just an opinion,its something very tangible and real.
The ones to feel sorry for are those who can't see how their narrow-mindedness makes them come off looking like a jerk. "You have to like what I like and see what I see in it, or else there's something wrong with you."
People who think like that and approach a forum discussion in this manner are not locked into some great universal truth about a particular topic, they are simply showing how self-absorbed they are.
And you understand opera! Not that you're a lesser person for it...
You can't say "they don't understand what Exile is all about", because that's only based on your opinion. They might not agree with what you believe Exile is all about - there is an important distinction which I'm sure you see very clearly
I certainly can say it. I do think some people don't understand Exile, based on their own statements about it. Yes, that's my opinion. It is not an insult. I don't understand opera. I am not a lesser person for it, but I don't understand the joy others get from it. That's life. I will say it again: Some people (and I didn't name any individuals) seem to prefer more predictable formats of classic rock albums with identifiable "hits" and consider anything else somehow less desirable (it's "filler"). Again, this misses the point of Exile entirely. These people are not getting the mood, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. I feel sorry for them because it's a great joy to experience. Exactly the same way opera aficianados might feel sorry for me.
You keep wanting me to correct my comments, when I have said exactly what I want to say on the subject. Some people don't like it or misinterpret it, or take it personally, it's on them.
When GHS saw the light it was clear this wasn't a classic rock album. And it didn't have a predictable format. Yet I identified the album as fitting to my taste right from the start. It's hilarious you seem to know if it's my black or my white vibes responsable for the fact I think EOMS is not in my favorite 4 and GHS is. And ridiculous. To suggest I'm getting or not getting the mood...or misinterpret or rightinterpret. You're not Mr. Knowitall but boy do you act like it..
I just listen to music and think it's great and cool and brilliant or just bs or anything in between. And what could possibly be wrong when someone is interested in a classic (RS) rock album with identifiable hits in a predictable format?? I mean - is there anybody here saying there's something wrong with you liking 'unpredictable' albums?? So why this attitude? I don't mind you like EOMS...I don't feel sorry for you.
I think you just don't understand people with other opinions in general. No offence but... that's called a problem that's on you.
So, despite me saying that I was not speaking of any particular individual you go right ahead and assume that of course I must be talking about YOU personally, and putting words in my mouth about what I know YOU personally think, when I said no such thing. Amazing.
OK you know what? Sticky Fingers. Hailed by everyone. Not bad but overrated. I got the blues is pointless and a joke, You gotta move doesn't sound real, almost mockingly sung by Mick (and not in the good way) and the mix is bad (until live 1975/1976 where it's suddenly a masterpiece). Brown Sugar? The Altamont version has the best guitar sound, I get the New Orleans mix but there's something with the studio version, it lacks something. The official video version from 1971 where Mick sings to a playback is fantastic. Sister Morphine, too explicit. Cant you hear me knocking has a great outro but no Im not a fan of that riff, it sounds forced, like Keith in the 80s.
lem motlow
tele is exactly right- if you think some of the songs on exile should'nt be on there you are clueless.plain and simple.
its not a matter of opinion-the record is a perfect rock and roll masterpiece without a flaw.if you think some of the songs shouldnt be there you dont understand the record and its a fair assumption that you are a fan of the stones yet they're not your favorite band.
you probably dont completely understand their music or its not your main focus of interest as far as rock and roll is concerned.
if they are your favorite band and you think exile contains"filler" you still have a lot of learning to do.
I would recommend that those who consider Exile to have filler take a cross-country drive or lock
themseves in a cabin somewhere and listen to it back to back to back to back more or less for a few
days...and then revisit the notion of "filler."
Exactly Swiss! It seems I touched a nerve here...why? All I did was respond to some comments that Exile contained "filler" with the opinion that some people are missing things about the mood and the intent of the album. They make statements about containing filler, being better as a single album, being overrated, etc., which says to me they don't "get" the record as a piece of music or an artistic statement. I certainly didn't personally attack anyone for their preferences. I stated an opinion which was in direct response to their opinions. And yes, I am passionate about this great work, so I am passionately arguing the point, as one would in a bar with a good friend.
So: If someone thinks Exile is too long or contains too many "filler" songs I again gently suggest that they might be missing something. It's an album that reveals more treasure with each listen. The minor songs are an essential part of the whole. The major songs like Tumbling Dice or Happy provide high points, but it's the grit and murk of Just Wanna See His Face, Venntilator Blues, et. al., that take you deeper. The 18 songs, played in the particular order Mick and Keith carefully thought through, make an artistic statement, create a mood, That's what art is supposed to do.
I am not going to apologize for offending anyone because A. It wasn't my intent, and B. I wasn't singling out anyone for personal criticism. I WAS, however responding to comments I feel are just...wrong. That's kind of what I thought people do when discussing or debating art or music.
The album is quite simply the Stones' celebration of the American music (mostly black) that inspired them. It has boogie-woogie, soul, blues, gospel, and country. It's the quintessential Rolling Stones album for that reason (and many others). I think a certain percentage of Stones fans (and people on this board) approach the Rolling Stones as if they are a mere "rock" band like AC/DC or Guns & Roses. While the group has certainly done their fair share of rock, they are not really a rock band in my opinion. Those more versed in rock may not enjoy Exile as much or understand why others do. It's not putting anyone down to say it, I just think it's a fact.
lem motlow
tele is exactly right- if you think some of the songs on exile should'nt be on there you are clueless.plain and simple.
its not a matter of opinion-the record is a perfect rock and roll masterpiece without a flaw.if you think some of the songs shouldnt be there you dont understand the record and its a fair assumption that you are a fan of the stones yet they're not your favorite band.
you probably dont completely understand their music or its not your main focus of interest as far as rock and roll is concerned.
if they are your favorite band and you think exile contains"filler" you still have a lot of learning to do.
I would recommend that those who consider Exile to have filler take a cross-country drive or lock
themseves in a cabin somewhere and listen to it back to back to back to back more or less for a few
days...and then revisit the notion of "filler."
The album is quite simply the Stones' celebration of the American music (mostly black) that inspired them. It has boogie-woogie, soul, blues, gospel, and country. It's the quintessential Rolling Stones album for that reason (and many others). I think a certain percentage of Stones fans (and people on this board) approach the Rolling Stones as if they are a mere "rock" band like AC/DC or Guns & Roses. While the group has certainly done their fair share of rock, they are not really a rock band in my opinion. Those more versed in rock may not enjoy Exile as much or understand why others do. It's not putting anyone down to say it, I just think it's a fact.
lem motlow
tele is exactly right- if you think some of the songs on exile should'nt be on there you are clueless.plain and simple.
its not a matter of opinion-the record is a perfect rock and roll masterpiece without a flaw.if you think some of the songs shouldnt be there you dont understand the record and its a fair assumption that you are a fan of the stones yet they're not your favorite band.
you probably dont completely understand their music or its not your main focus of interest as far as rock and roll is concerned.
if they are your favorite band and you think exile contains"filler" you still have a lot of learning to do.
I would recommend that those who consider Exile to have filler take a cross-country drive or lock
themseves in a cabin somewhere and listen to it back to back to back to back more or less for a few
days...and then revisit the notion of "filler."
Exactly Swiss! It seems I touched a nerve here...why? All I did was respond to some comments that Exile contained "filler" with the opinion that some people are missing things about the mood and the intent of the album. They make statements about containing filler, being better as a single album, being overrated, etc., which says to me they don't "get" the record as a piece of music or an artistic statement. I certainly didn't personally attack anyone for their preferences. I stated an opinion which was in direct response to their opinions. And yes, I am passionate about this great work, so I am passionately arguing the point, as one would in a bar with a good friend.
So: If someone thinks Exile is too long or contains too many "filler" songs I again gently suggest that they might be missing something. It's an album that reveals more treasure with each listen. The minor songs are an essential part of the whole. The major songs like Tumbling Dice or Happy provide high points, but it's the grit and murk of Just Wanna See His Face, Venntilator Blues, et. al., that take you deeper. The 18 songs, played in the particular order Mick and Keith carefully thought through, make an artistic statement, create a mood, That's what art is supposed to do.
I am not going to apologize for offending anyone because A. It wasn't my intent, and B. I wasn't singling out anyone for personal criticism. I WAS, however responding to comments I feel are just...wrong. That's kind of what I thought people do when discussing or debating art or music.
The album is quite simply the Stones' celebration of the American music (mostly black) that inspired them. It has boogie-woogie, soul, blues, gospel, and country. It's the quintessential Rolling Stones album for that reason (and many others). I think a certain percentage of Stones fans (and people on this board) approach the Rolling Stones as if they are a mere "rock" band like AC/DC or Guns & Roses. While the group has certainly done their fair share of rock, they are not really a rock band in my opinion. Those more versed in rock may not enjoy Exile as much or understand why others do. It's not putting anyone down to say it, I just think it's a fact.
As good an album as Some Girls is, I do believe this has to be considered the most overrated.
Half the songs are excellent and the other have are ok to good.
It served it's purpose in reviving the band but it's not a classic in the way the big 4 are.
Maybe, but the bonus disc is a bona-fide classic in my book.
That's an entirely different story altogether, I agree.
If Exile has some 'fillers'...what about the awful ABB?
As good an album as Some Girls is, I do believe this has to be considered the most overrated.
Half the songs are excellent and the other have are ok to good.
It served it's purpose in reviving the band but it's not a classic in the way the big 4 are.
Maybe, but the bonus disc is a bona-fide classic in my book.
That's an entirely different story altogether, I agree.
The bonus disc should've been an EP. Only 6 tracks are good, the rest are shit.
As good an album as Some Girls is, I do believe this has to be considered the most overrated.
Half the songs are excellent and the other have are ok to good.
It served it's purpose in reviving the band but it's not a classic in the way the big 4 are.
Maybe, but the bonus disc is a bona-fide classic in my book.
That's an entirely different story altogether, I agree.
The bonus disc should've been an EP. Only 6 tracks are good, the rest are shit.
I disagree GLS, but I appreciate your succinct post, short and to the point. A few more details would be nice, though.
lem motlow
tele is exactly right- if you think some of the songs on exile should'nt be on there you are clueless.plain and simple.
its not a matter of opinion-the record is a perfect rock and roll masterpiece without a flaw.if you think some of the songs shouldnt be there you dont understand the record and its a fair assumption that you are a fan of the stones yet they're not your favorite band.
you probably dont completely understand their music or its not your main focus of interest as far as rock and roll is concerned.
if they are your favorite band and you think exile contains"filler" you still have a lot of learning to do.
I would recommend that those who consider Exile to have filler take a cross-country drive or lock
themseves in a cabin somewhere and listen to it back to back to back to back more or less for a few
days...and then revisit the notion of "filler."
Exactly Swiss! It seems I touched a nerve here...why? All I did was respond to some comments that Exile contained "filler" with the opinion that some people are missing things about the mood and the intent of the album. They make statements about containing filler, being better as a single album, being overrated, etc., which says to me they don't "get" the record as a piece of music or an artistic statement. I certainly didn't personally attack anyone for their preferences. I stated an opinion which was in direct response to their opinions. And yes, I am passionate about this great work, so I am passionately arguing the point, as one would in a bar with a good friend.
So: If someone thinks Exile is too long or contains too many "filler" songs I again gently suggest that they might be missing something. It's an album that reveals more treasure with each listen. The minor songs are an essential part of the whole. The major songs like Tumbling Dice or Happy provide high points, but it's the grit and murk of Just Wanna See His Face, Venntilator Blues, et. al., that take you deeper. The 18 songs, played in the particular order Mick and Keith carefully thought through, make an artistic statement, create a mood, That's what art is supposed to do.
I am not going to apologize for offending anyone because A. It wasn't my intent, and B. I wasn't singling out anyone for personal criticism. I WAS, however responding to comments I feel are just...wrong. That's kind of what I thought people do when discussing or debating art or music.
The album is quite simply the Stones' celebration of the American music (mostly black) that inspired them. It has boogie-woogie, soul, blues, gospel, and country. It's the quintessential Rolling Stones album for that reason (and many others). I think a certain percentage of Stones fans (and people on this board) approach the Rolling Stones as if they are a mere "rock" band like AC/DC or Guns & Roses. While the group has certainly done their fair share of rock, they are not really a rock band in my opinion. Those more versed in rock may not enjoy Exile as much or understand why others do. It's not putting anyone down to say it, I just think it's a fact.
Even when we are more right and correct than we are not, and more than at other times or in other contexts, we do not represent or even present the truth about a subjectmatter, but only one story about "the truth". That is my fundamental outlook.
The one poster, who in this thread said something that added to and will enrich my listening to EXILE, is Doxa, in all attempted due respect not you. He introduced some words and terms that might express some nuances of impression and understanding of EXILE for me, leaving the employment of those words and terms to me. I am not certain if I agree in absolutely every nuance, so far as I understand them. However, Doxa's exposition on that perspective will be a main reference with me concerning EXILE.
Only in the light of his exposition, I, who do not use that word "filler", can notice that what you here say about "fillers", touches on something relevant as one story about "the truth" of EXILE. I would like to give a simple reformulation of it. First I shall acknowledge that you, 71Tele, might hold that the following means a misrepresentation of that part of your views. However, in case it is granted for that part, you might then say that this is not so much a question about EXILE having "fillers" or not, whereas other albums do feature or not feature socalled "fillers". That is not so interesting as a discussion about every poster's preferences in the Stones universe.The vital issue is instead that seemingly "fillers" on EXILE are not "fillers". But, then I would I would have needed parts of Doxa's exposition to argue for that view, if I was to dare to present my story on EXILE. (By the way, I think more or less likewise about a couple of other albums, where Doxa apparently would not.)
Apart from all this, from your posts in this thread I liked most your view that the Stones are not really a rock band in the common sense. I like to add: Because to say that they should be, does not capture the richness of the band.
You can't say "they don't understand what Exile is all about", because that's only based on your opinion. They might not agree with what you believe Exile is all about - there is an important distinction which I'm sure you see very clearly
I certainly can say it. I do think some people don't understand Exile, based on their own statements about it. Yes, that's my opinion. It is not an insult. I don't understand opera. I am not a lesser person for it, but I don't understand the joy others get from it. That's life. I will say it again: Some people (and I didn't name any individuals) seem to prefer more predictable formats of classic rock albums with identifiable "hits" and consider anything else somehow less desirable (it's "filler"). Again, this misses the point of Exile entirely. These people are not getting the mood, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. I feel sorry for them because it's a great joy to experience. Exactly the same way opera aficianados might feel sorry for me.
You keep wanting me to correct my comments, when I have said exactly what I want to say on the subject. Some people don't like it or misinterpret it, or take it personally, it's on them.
When GHS saw the light it was clear this wasn't a classic rock album. And it didn't have a predictable format. Yet I identified the album as fitting to my taste right from the start. It's hilarious you seem to know if it's my black or my white vibes responsable for the fact I think EOMS is not in my favorite 4 and GHS is. And ridiculous. To suggest I'm getting or not getting the mood...or misinterpret or rightinterpret. You're not Mr. Knowitall but boy do you act like it..
I just listen to music and think it's great and cool and brilliant or just bs or anything in between. And what could possibly be wrong when someone is interested in a classic (RS) rock album with identifiable hits in a predictable format?? I mean - is there anybody here saying there's something wrong with you liking 'unpredictable' albums?? So why this attitude? I don't mind you like EOMS...I don't feel sorry for you.
I think you just don't understand people with other opinions in general. No offence but... that's called a problem that's on you.
So, despite me saying that I was not speaking of any particular individual you go right ahead and assume that of course I must be talking about YOU personally, and putting words in my mouth about what I know YOU personally think, when I said no such thing. Amazing.
Read again because I wasn't assuming that: you weren't in a discussion with me about it, so... Have another look at your words and see who's assuming...with your assumptions you were excluding all others from any discussion when saying "I do think some people don't understand Exile.." and "some people seem to prefer more predictable formats and consider anything less somehow less desirable"... It's clear why I was responding: you were not talking specifically about me but specifically about everyone else who just would not agree with you, the people that 'don't understand Exile and seem to prefer..' that's who you were addressing so..that was me too.
OK you know what? Sticky Fingers. Hailed by everyone. Not bad but overrated. I got the blues is pointless and a joke, You gotta move doesn't sound real, almost mockingly sung by Mick (and not in the good way) and the mix is bad (until live 1975/1976 where it's suddenly a masterpiece). Brown Sugar? The Altamont version has the best guitar sound, I get the New Orleans mix but there's something with the studio version, it lacks something. The official video version from 1971 where Mick sings to a playback is fantastic. Sister Morphine, too explicit. Cant you hear me knocking has a great outro but no Im not a fan of that riff, it sounds forced, like Keith in the 80s.Such a terrible young man you are
and I do think some people don't understand SF, based on their own statements about it. Yes, that's my opinion. It is not an insult. That's life. They miss the point of SF entirely. These people are not getting the mood, the vibe, whatever you want to call it. I feel sorry for them.
I have said exactly what I want to say on the subject. Some people don't like it or misinterpret it, or take it personally, it's on them.
The ones to feel sorry for are those who can't see how their narrow-mindedness makes them come off looking like a jerk. "You have to like what I like and see what I see in it, or else there's something wrong with you."
People who think like that and approach a forum discussion in this manner are not locked into some great universal truth about a particular topic, they are simply showing how self-absorbed they are.
And you understand opera! Not that you're a lesser person for it...
Sure, I understand opera. My favorite opera is Quadrophenia. But I don't feel sorry for anyone or think they lack comprehension if they don't see what I see in it. What some people forget about music appreciation is that it's a subjective experience, not the gospel.
As for Exile, I like it as a shorter album--as the outtakes collection known as Taxile On Main Street, which, in my subjective opinion, has the better version of Shine A Light for instance.