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There were a few reports of poor sound at Rome on Expecting Rain, but especially compared to this site, which accommodates plenty of sharply conflicting opinions, ER is a bit hagiographic over there, and barely a whisper of criticism is permitted on the boards without being drowned out by cheerleaders, for whom anything Dylan does is genius. It still sounds like a fabulous tour, though I wish he'd drop those B-list old songs for something new and better. Still, I was so glad to see the R&RW show at the Palladium last October.
Cristiano Radtke
new tour dates have just being announced – US fall tour => []
most likely there are more date to be announced soon
yeah very cool. I noticed beacon theatre nyc.has no bookings listed for thanksgivng week yet. hmmm.
The Complete Budokan 1978 box set (4 CDs and 8 LPs) and its spinoff album, Another Budokan 1978 (2 LPs), are set to be released in Japan on November 15 and worldwide on November 17.
mikey C
Bob opens the Concert in St.Louis With Chuck Berry's "Johnny b Goode" and ends the set with Chuck's "Nadine"I have never known Bob to do this....Nice the Ace's are still being thrown.Looks like Bob will be playing songs that are related to the cities he plays.Nice.Peace.M
mikey C
Bob opens the Concert in St.Louis With Chuck Berry's "Johnny b Goode" and ends the set with Chuck's "Nadine"I have never known Bob to do this....Nice the Ace's are still being thrown.Looks like Bob will be playing songs that are related to the cities he plays.Nice.Peace.M
I almost picked up a last minute ticket to go to that but I still can't get over him not playing any guitar...sounds like I missed a good one.
mikey C
...Looks like Bob will be playing songs that are related to the cities he plays. Nice. Peace. M
mikey C
Bob opens the Concert in St.Louis With Chuck Berry's "Johnny b Goode" and ends the set with Chuck's "Nadine"I have never known Bob to do this....Nice the Ace's are still being thrown.Looks like Bob will be playing songs that are related to the cities he plays.Nice.Peace.M
"Rich Men North of Richmond." Don't know if Bob is open to this
unexpected, unprecedented phenomenon, its writer now having been bashed
from both political extremes. I'm guessing it's a "No," though.
Yeah be savage to hear Mr Zimm put
some eeeeelectricity underneath this one ....