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Bill German
Posted by: minorbyrd ()
Date: August 3, 2014 04:52

Just reread Bill German's book. Does anyone know what he's doing now - saw his website but it was mainly promoting the book. Just hope he's happy now, plus whether how much fallout there was from the book.....His chapter on Freddy Sessler was brilliant....

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Pecman ()
Date: August 3, 2014 05:01

Loved that book...what a great read.


Re: Bill German
Posted by: Brstonesfan ()
Date: August 3, 2014 06:33

A great fan who we really owe a debt to. He was our source to the band long before the internet age.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: August 3, 2014 07:07

Bill said in April, “I am actually writing another book. But my next book will be a family memoir with occasional appearances by The Stones.”

From: []

Re: Bill German
Posted by: detroitken ()
Date: August 3, 2014 15:29

Bill's doing fine,he saw the Stones in Tel Aviv this summer.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: August 3, 2014 17:58

I like Bill, loved BEGGAR'S BANQUET, that awesome Stones newsletter; I subscribed for years, still have them. I want to read his books. His casual way of describing the behind the scenes happenings makes you feel like you're there.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 4, 2014 11:51

Bill's book is a cautionary tale of what happens when a fan gets too close to the Stones. They wanted him to receive their drugs in Japan.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: August 4, 2014 12:01


They wanted him to receive their drugs in Japan.

When was that? 1990 or 1995?

Re: Bill German
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: August 4, 2014 13:46

great book

Re: Bill German
Posted by: black n blue ()
Date: August 4, 2014 18:11

Kept all those newsletters

Re: Bill German
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: August 4, 2014 20:47

Best book I've read about the Stones bar none.


Re: Bill German
Posted by: 68to72 ()
Date: August 4, 2014 22:54

Best book I've read about the Stones bar none.

thumbs up

What a drag it is gettin' old

Re: Bill German
Posted by: 1cdog ()
Date: August 4, 2014 23:08

I enjoyed the book too.

I also thought that he got a bit too close to the band to not be a real employee. Seems he was all consumed by everything Stones at some points in his life. Just too wrapped up in the Stones.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: August 4, 2014 23:16

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

Re: Bill German
Posted by: crumbling_mice ()
Date: August 4, 2014 23:20

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

I was thinking the same as I read them both fairly close together. All the way through Life from the relevant period I was expecting German to be discussed. Maybe it's just because to German hanging with the band and Keith was a real dream come true, whereas to Keith, German was just another hanger on lost in the haze of heroin and booze.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: August 4, 2014 23:29

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

I was thinking the same as I read them both fairly close together. All the way through Life from the relevant period I was expecting German to be discussed. Maybe it's just because to German hanging with the band and Keith was a real dream come true, whereas to Keith, German was just another hanger on lost in the haze of heroin and booze.

Most likely true. We are, after all, just fans. That's not a life.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Title5Take1 ()
Date: August 5, 2014 00:55

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

I was thinking the same as I read them both fairly close together. All the way through Life from the relevant period I was expecting German to be discussed. Maybe it's just because to German hanging with the band and Keith was a real dream come true, whereas to Keith, German was just another hanger on lost in the haze of heroin and booze.

Most likely true. We are, after all, just fans. That's not a life.

In 1969 Steve Miller (still anonymous) thought Paul McCartney playing on his song My Dark Hour would make him an instant star. It didn't. Miller said he's since been on the other end of that when he's had to disabuse his opening acts of the notion that opening for him will making them instant stars. Bill hanging with Keith and Ronnie for years never lifted him above a fairly modest life. Such can be the (dubious) benefits of famous friends.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Thommie ()
Date: August 5, 2014 10:39

His book is great. Interesting to read something from another angle. Got the impression he is a very humble and honest man.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: August 5, 2014 16:20

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

Keith or Bill?

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Boarder ()
Date: August 5, 2014 18:00

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

Maybe he simply was not so close after all, at least not from Keith' perspective...

Re: Bill German
Posted by: john nicholls ()
Date: August 5, 2014 18:23

Great read!!!

Thanks Billsmiling smiley

John Nicholls

Re: Bill German
Posted by: GuessWho ()
Date: August 5, 2014 20:58

I bought the book a couple of years ago in an out of the way book shop.....turned out to be a signed copy.

Having read the book I emailed Bill to say how much I enjoyed the book and to see if the signature was authentic.....within the day he had replied thanking me for my comments and confirming it was his autograph.

The book is a great insight into the changing of the Stones from being a rock band to becoming a corporate entity.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: August 5, 2014 21:16

If you liked Bill's book, be sure to watch this lecture he did on it.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: August 5, 2014 23:33

The BEST book along with Phelges´.
The only "strange" thing is that he is not even mentioned in LIFE even once. He was sooo close for so many years and Keith doesn´t mention him at all. Do you think he might be angry or something ?

Keith or Bill?

Maybe Keith, because of his friend writing a book, tell all, etc
All the same, Keith comes out really good from Bill´s book. Bill seems to have Keith in great esteem.
Bill really seems to be a great and a very, very, honest guy.
The best writer of the lot (and he wrote it himself, no ghostwriter here)

Re: Bill German
Posted by: lem motlow ()
Date: August 6, 2014 02:33

i read his book and come away from it really liking him but i was struck at how naive he was.

even as he was writing his book he didnt seem to understand why jagger was mad at him for saying the rolling stones were "guilted into doing live aid"-

live aid was the entire music industry coming together to give food to people who were starving to was a huge,huge deal at the time and if that quote had gotten into the hands of the media-"the rolling stones felt guilted into doing live aid"-it would have been a p.r. disaster.the band would've looked like idiots in front of the entire world.

but ol bill was clueless,just saying "well,thats how i felt so i said it"

the rolling stones were a multi-million dollar business,the 1981 tour was,at that point, the biggest, most profitable tour done by a music act and yet they had a fan with no experience in public relations acting as a de facto voice for them in could've gone horribly wrong.

of course keith and ronnie were nice to matter what they did to him,tell him to show up somewhere and not leave his name at the door,make him pay his own way everywhere,make him get his own tickets to a show-he was as loyal as a puppy.
i'm suprised that anyone is suprised that keith didnt mention him in his book,in keiths life bill german probably rated somewhere between a roadie he smoked a joint with on tour and a chef at redlands.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: BILLPERKS ()
Date: August 6, 2014 02:34


Re: Bill German
Posted by: Naturalust ()
Date: August 6, 2014 07:59

Bill is still lecturing, showing photos and telling stories about the stones. He is stories have a great humor and insight to them and I highly recommend seeing him on one of his library tours. He is approachable and happily answers questions from the audience. I really like the guy. peace

Re: Bill German
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: August 6, 2014 13:39

A fascinating read !

Nice "cartoon review" here : []


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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-06 13:39 by gotdablouse.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: ronkeith72 ()
Date: August 12, 2014 17:09

Bill's a great guy who I think is as happy as can be!!! He's got a great sense of humor, see his Beggar's Banquet issues.

Re: Bill German
Posted by: swiss ()
Date: August 12, 2014 21:02

Maybe it's just because to German hanging with the band and Keith was a real dream come true, whereas to Keith, German was just another hanger on lost in the haze of heroin and booze.

Maybe he simply was not so close after all, at least not from Keith' perspective...

That's how I see it...the Stones were everything to him and he barely a footnote to the Stones.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-08-12 21:05 by swiss.

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