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Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: PhillyFAN ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:08

mick taylor @rehearsals today!!

All of these first hand report backs from Paris are very exciting!

However, somewhat anti-climatic. I do remember Keith Richards saying again in recent interviews once again that Mick Taylor would be helping him and Ronnie out on guitar work. I honestly looked forward to his participation as per Keith. Not that I would ever discount Ronnie, who I believe is a fierce guitarist that often has had his creativity stifled by only playing Jagger/Richards compositions. Ronnie is a great songwriter and a hell of a lead soloist that is left to imitate Mick Taylors work and constantly being compared. It is really unfair. I have seen him in the Faces decades ago and was really impressed. It's sort of like Mick Taylor filling in for Ronnie in the Faces. I really do believe that there is room for Taylor to blend on songs that he originally did in the Stones. But, unfortunately it seems he will show up for rehersals at the end and relegated to one or two songs again. That being said I am glad to seem him back onstage again with his old bandmates!!!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:12

If they can take DLS to this level then it will be a great consert song.

This is a lovely version. Even better than the original, imo thumbs up

Good grief, you really must be kidding.

DLS, LIV, Silver Train and the like without Taylor fall flat on their faces. Neither Ronnie nor Richards is able to add that special something that's needed to make those songs sound great. To make them sound special they simply need Taylor badly.

Did you really listen to this El Mocambo version? eye rolling smiley

Why don't you like it? It's a little too easy to say you don't like it only because it lacks Taylor, since everybody is playing really good here.

This version has the energy the studio version so sorely lacks, imo.

I listened to it all, but it's just missing something essential. It's nice but not good (average). I love live versions almost always better than studio versions as for the Taylor era, but Ronnie simply can't bring what Taylor brings.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: exhpart ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:12

Hey guys,

I think they didn't play "Dance litte sister" yesterday it was "Silver Train" again winking smiley

You are absolutely right.
The lyrics were including:
And I did not know her name
And I did not know here name
I will correct my original post.
Sure it was SILVER TRAIN once more.
There were lots of noise at that time, but now it is 100% right finally!

Just to bring you back to Earth, even BV agrees, Silvertrain was misheard as Dance Little Sister. understandable with Parisian traffic etcetera

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:29

Hey guys,

I think they didn't play "Dance litte sister" yesterday it was "Silver Train" again winking smiley

You are absolutely right.
The lyrics were including:
And I did not know her name
And I did not know here name
I will correct my original post.
Sure it was SILVER TRAIN once more.
There were lots of noise at that time, but now it is 100% right finally!

Just to bring you back to Earth, even BV agrees, Silvertrain was misheard as Dance Little Sister. understandable with Parisian traffic etcetera

Two very different songs - how come??confused smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Date: February 7, 2014 18:31

Thanks for putting that list together, I wonder if they will resurrect "Harlem Shuffle" or "One Hit" to have something off of DW...

Exactly these two songs are the ones I would like to hear from the album. I don't understand at all, why they don't play One Hit to the Body.

Would actually be nice with a track from ABB as well.

Laugh, I Nearly Died? Could work in the same way OOC does, imo.

Yes, I would like that. I also often thought, these two songs have a similar atmosphere.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: LongBeachArena72 ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:50

The band sound great on the El Mocambo version but that is truly a horrid vocal. Mick at his mid-70's slurry coked-out worst.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: DoomandGloom ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:52

mick taylor @rehearsals today!!

All of these first hand report backs from Paris are very exciting!

However, somewhat anti-climatic. I do remember Keith Richards saying again in recent interviews once again that Mick Taylor would be helping him and Ronnie out on guitar work. I honestly looked forward to his participation as per Keith. Not that I would ever discount Ronnie, who I believe is a fierce guitarist that often has had his creativity stifled by only playing Jagger/Richards compositions. Ronnie is a great songwriter and a hell of a lead soloist that is left to imitate Mick Taylors work and constantly being compared. It is really unfair. I have seen him in the Faces decades ago and was really impressed. It's sort of like Mick Taylor filling in for Ronnie in the Faces. I really do believe that there is room for Taylor to blend on songs that he originally did in the Stones. But, unfortunately it seems he will show up for rehersals at the end and relegated to one or two songs again. That being said I am glad to seem him back onstage again with his old bandmates!!!
Right on!!!!! Wood is the most together of the 3 right now in 2014... Give Wood some LOVE I say..

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-07 18:52 by DoomandGloom.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: February 7, 2014 18:58

Would actually be nice with a track from ABB as well.

Laugh, I Nearly Died? Could work in the same way OOC does, imo.

Oh right, had forgotten about that one...LIND would be great but probably a "hard sell" being slow and likely unknown to most in attendance. RJ, RFD, BOMH or ONNYA (if played Press Conference style) would probably be "easier" but will they bother?

Well we'll have to settle for "Streets of Love" it seems, at least for now ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-07 18:59 by gotdablouse.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:10

gotdablouse, can you tell us how yesterdays Sympathy was played? How the solo was and if it has a better tune than last year? smiling smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:13

Sorry, I couldn't make it yesterday, hopefully someone else can fill you in. Remember though that the sound we get is often pretty "muffled" ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-07 19:28 by gotdablouse.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:24

Okay, think you had an amazing week at all grinning smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:38

You don't say, but like I posted before, it's easy to take this for granted when it friggin' isn't! I think that the least those who are lucky enough to be there can (try) to do is share some of what happens with the fans who can't. I remember feverishly waiting for the reports from the LA rehearsals last Spring and/or reports from the shows over the years.

Anyway that's what they played today before I had to leave :
- Silver Train
- Sway x2
- Get Off Of My Cloud
- Let it Bleed
- Live with Me (stop/restart)
- Respectable
- Streets of Love : it took us a while to figure out what that one was as we could only hear a bit of guitar initially. At first I thought it was "Out of Tears" (hehe, close enough!), others heard "Sister Morphine", and then we saw the light ;-)

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Stonesfan2146 ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:48

Yes it's hard to stay in rainy, cold weather all the evening and try to hear what songs they play. But remember, some 30 lucky fans were rewarded in Paris 2012 for waiting all day and they were allowed to watch them for a few songs winking smiley
Thanks very much for reporting!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: wupperstein ()
Date: February 7, 2014 19:57

Here is a video Silver Train live in Cologne 1973.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: LuxuryStones ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:20

I think Ronnie Wood is in a good form, so I assume he would do a fine job there (okay, here goes any hopes for the smiley) Actually, I think Ronnie (with Taylor) was the hero of 50 AND COUNTING.. (I wasn't so impressed of Keith as many have been)
- Doxa

smiling smiley

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:33

Mick Taylor is in the house, and the first song they jump on into is...


It is true to the original and it will be a joy to hear live with Mick Taylor as guest on tour. By the way, he is more than a guest now. He is arriving with the band. For a long time fan who saw the Stones first time with Mick Taylor in 1973, some 41 years ago soon, it is so nice to see him back with the band, and I do see that they enjoy having him with them. And I have been so lucky to see Mick Taylor solo many times over the years, and I love his unique guitar style and true gentleman style as well. It is a win-win. Thanks!

For those who wonder how it is possible to mix up songs at the rehearals. Well, we are outside, the band is inside. Some times we do only hear the bass line and drums. Some songs like Silver Train are played in a soft tone. With all the heavy wind we have in the afternoon, and heavy traffic from nearby train cargo lines, trucks in the industrial area and so on, it takes more than a musician to figure out what they really are playing. But with the collaborate effort we get it right, in the end. Like today they played a soft, soft, soft version of "Streets Of Love". Keith was not there so Mick Taylor was working his way into the song. I think I heard suggestions about many songs including Angie, Sister Morphine and you name it, because all we heard it soft in the afternoon heavy wind with mainly the bass and rhythm line, and that is not much. Come back Keith, please break some strings and let us hear it loud! Anyway, we did figure it out in the end.

Keith is not here. He had tu rush back to some family affairs. I hope everything is well but they say Monday is a no-no whatever that means. It is not often you get to hear the Stones without Keith. I wish Keith and his family all the best and see you soon. On with the show.

SWAY x 2

Guess who is doing the solo with Ronnie...

Get Off Of My Cloud
Let It Bleed
Live With Me

Then many takes i.e. 3x

Streets Of Love

This one was of course hard because Mick Taylor did not work on it. But I hope they can do it on the tour.

More later...


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: kuenzer ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:39

Then many takes i.e. 3x

Streets Of Love

This one was of course hard because Mick Taylor did not work on it. But I hope they can do it on the tour.

So do I.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: StonesCat ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:46

Wow, never thought I'd see the words Mick Taylor and Streets of Love in the same sentence. That would have been extremely cool to hear just Taylor/Wood doing those songs.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:49

Mick Taylor is in the house, and the first song they jump on into is...


It is true to the original and it will be a joy to hear live with Mick Taylor as guest on tour. By the way, he is more than a guest now. He is arriving with the band. For a long time fan who saw the Stones first time with Mick Taylor in 1973, some 41 years ago soon, it is so nice to see him back with the band, and I do see that they enjoy having him with them. And I have been so lucky to see Mick Taylor solo many times over the years, and I love his unique guitar style and true gentleman style as well. It is a win-win. Thanks!

For those who wonder how it is possible to mix up songs at the rehearals. Well, we are outside, the band is inside. Some times we do only hear the bass line and drums. Some songs like Silver Train are played in a soft tone. With all the heavy wind we have in the afternoon, and heavy traffic from nearby train cargo lines, trucks in the industrial area and so on, it takes more than a musician to figure out what they really are playing. But with the collaborate effort we get it right, in the end. Like today they played a soft, soft, soft version of "Streets Of Love". Keith was not there so Mick Taylor was working his way into the song. I think I heard suggestions about many songs including Angie, Sister Morphine and you name it, because all we heard it soft in the afternoon heavy wind with mainly the bass and rhythm line, and that is not much. Come back Keith, please break some strings and let us hear it loud! Anyway, we did figure it out in the end.

Keith is not here. He had tu rush back to some family affairs. I hope everything is well but they say Monday is a no-no whatever that means. It is not often you get to hear the Stones without Keith. I wish Keith and his family all the best and see you soon. On with the show.

SWAY x 2

Guess who is doing the solo with Ronnie...

Get Off Of My Cloud
Let It Bleed
Live With Me

Then many takes i.e. 3x

Streets Of Love

This one was of course hard because Mick Taylor did not work on it. But I hope they can do it on the tour.

More later...

A great and very plastic report: I can see you people standing there, figuring out what is going on inside. Meanwhile the traffic noise hindering you. Any way, great job and very well done. I hope they'll invite you inside. You people deserve it!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: bv ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:53

Yesterday it was a great story with the big fan who got a pick because he had the sign: "PICK! please". And of course he played the guitar for us all with the greatest riffs. And today, guess what, Mr Gentreman himself, Charlie Watts, handed over a pair of Charlie Watts drum sticks because a fan who has been out freezing for a long, long time now really deserved those drumsticks. It is warming my heart to seee how much the baand care about their fans. They don't bombard us with stuff. In fact you have to earn it. A smile, a pick, a "Hi!", anything works when you are a fan and they appreciate you are --- a fan!


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: gotdablouse ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:54

Yep these gestures were really heart warming and put a smile on everyone's face ;-)

Wow, never thought I'd see the words Mick Taylor and Streets of Love in the same sentence. That would have been extremely cool to hear just Taylor/Wood doing those songs.

Same goes for Respectable I we couldn't see whether Mick Taylor was actually playing on these songs of course and since Mick J. plays guitar on them maybe a third guitar isn't really needed? I can't see a normal scenario where they'd play them with Taylor on stage instead of/with Keith but stranger things have happened!

IORR Links : Essential Studio Outtakes CDs : Audio - History of Rarest Outtakes : Audio

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-07 20:56 by gotdablouse.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: February 7, 2014 20:59

This thread = smiling smiley
Thank you to the people who are there for these first hand reports.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Chacal ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:06

MT will play Midnight Rambler & Satisfaction and he is not a bandmember.

You might want to take back this comment.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Lien ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:08

" Keith is not here. He had tu rush back to some family affairs "

07 FEBRUARY 2014

Rolling Stones star Keith Richards has become a grandfather once again.

The guitarist, aged 70, welcomed a new addition to his family when daughter Angela Richards gave birth to Otto Reed.

She and partner Graham Whitney already have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Ava Melody.

Rock wild man Keith, who now has five grandchildren, said: "I couldn't be happier for them."

Congratulations !!


Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: Marco ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:09

Keith became a grandpa today, so he's home to look at the new baby smiling smiley

Cheers, Marco

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:10

Oh my GOD!

Tonight they played Heartbreaker Moonlight Mile and Shine A Light! MT played lead on all three... On HB you could hear the same wha-wha drenched leads you could find on 73 boots!

Golden magic moments that make the wait the cold the wind worthwhile!

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:10

The Sicilian

Well Silver Train is a good start.

But I'm hoping for:

Doncha Bother Me
Stupid Girl
Out of Time
Heart of Stone
Moonlight Mile
Casino Boogie
Dance Little Sister

They must have read my list last night! One down nine to go. cool smiley

So no Dance Little Sister at all? Now I'm Back To Zero, back to nothing.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: StonesCat ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:20

Oh my GOD!

Tonight they played Heartbreaker Moonlight Mile and Shine A Light! MT played lead on all three... On HB you could hear the same wha-wha drenched leads you could find on 73 boots!

Golden magic moments that make the wait the cold the wind worthwhile!

Man, you guys are some lucky dudes. If I heard that run live I think my head would explode.

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: mtaylor ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:21

" Keith is not here. He had tu rush back to some family affairs "

07 FEBRUARY 2014

Rolling Stones star Keith Richards has become a grandfather once again.

The guitarist, aged 70, welcomed a new addition to his family when daughter Angela Richards gave birth to Otto Reed.

She and partner Graham Whitney already have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Ava Melody.

Rock wild man Keith, who now has five grandchildren, said: "I couldn't be happier for them."

Congratulations !!


Why Otto Reed, why not Jimmy Reed?
Keith, you must have been drunk while explaining blues to your daughter - maybe it is a mixtures of music and history: Otto von Bismarck and Jimmy Reed became Otto Reed.....

Re: Rolling Stones Paris Rehearsals February 2014 - 14 On Fire
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: February 7, 2014 21:24

This thread = smiling smiley
Thank you to the people who are there for these first hand reports.

Yes, although I envy every one of you and wish I was able to be there with you, I am glad to be sitting nice and warm at my office and home.

thumbs up MANY TIMES OVER for sharing your experiences and allowing us to live vicariously with you through your posts. Stay warm if possible!

EDIT: Removed my fear that something bad might be behind Keith's absense. Happy to see that there is a new baby in the family! Horay for all!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2014-02-07 21:28 by mr_dja.

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