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bigmac7895Steen G, am I reading this correctly that Leather Jacket transformed into Hand of Fate? Never heard that and I'm trying to hear this in my head.Quote
Steen G
It is a difficult list. Some songs has been released (Leather Jacket - that both were released and turned up as Hand of Fate), others in a different relation (Act together) etc. And then the much more secret that really are missing.
Thanks Rocky. I'll have to give that a listen from my bootlegs to test it out.Quote
Rocky Dijon
I'm guessing he meant "Broken Hands" which has a bit of "Hand of Fate" to it...of possibly vice versa.
I tried YouTube and that track (Broken Hands) has not been loaded by anyone. I do have a lot of old CDs loaded of unreleased tracks from various bootlegs. Is there a title of one that would have this track (if it was a precursor to Hand of Fate)? Thanks in advance for any help.Quote
Rocky Dijon
I'm guessing he meant "Broken Hands" which has a bit of "Hand of Fate" to it...of possibly vice versa.
bigmac7895I tried YouTube and that track (Broken Hands) has not been loaded by anyone. I do have a lot of old CDs loaded of unreleased tracks from various bootlegs. Is there a title of one that would have this track (if it was a precursor to Hand of Fate)? Thanks in advance for any help.Quote
Rocky Dijon
I'm guessing he meant "Broken Hands" which has a bit of "Hand of Fate" to it...of possibly vice versa.
I know that Leather Jacket ended up on the 79 solo release (was an acoustic instrumental in exile sessions), but what did it have to do with Hand of Fate or am I reading that post wrong?
Not sure why I thought it was acoustic - maybe I should have said "light rock" like Seals and Crofts.... thanks for the link and I'll try the Taylor broken hand.Quote
I know that Leather Jacket ended up on the 79 solo release (was an acoustic instrumental in exile sessions), but what did it have to do with Hand of Fate or am I reading that post wrong?
Not acoustic. Here it is, ironically with Keith on lead guitar.
Oh yeah I hear Hand of Fate in Broken Hands. I guess I need to add Taylor's solo release into iTunes and listen to the whole album.