Glastonbury Vid Nuances
Date: August 1, 2013 01:21
Hopefully this post won't get deleted. Just vibing on nuances from Glastonbury vid:
2:12:03, 2:12:07 Charlie and Daryl = together final words. End of the day, rhythm rules.
2:12:12 is an interesting screen shot. Will let others comment...
2:13++ why the frig do they give MT so much face time when they barely use the SOB?
2:14:-09 sec. KR crossing himself, soaking the vibrations. Charlie acknowledging KR. KR accepting obiquitous Red Solo (US) cup, contents unknown? "Nuclear waste" circa. 2010, or more benign Perrier?
UK audience chanting Satisfaction riff = priceless. As much as the world loves the RS, only in their sandbox do they get this kind of intimate understanding.