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Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: June 25, 2013 02:55

Hello all, with Bjornuk's permission, we are posting a link to an exciting new documentary in the works about Waddy Wachtel. It includes interviews with Keith Richards from Feb 2013 in NYC (the whole interview ran an hour and was AMAZING!).

Here's the info:

Work on KING OF THE SIDEMEN, the documentary film on Waddy Wachtel and the unsung heroes of rock is in full swing, but we need your help NOW to get it done!
Here's how:

1. Get involved with the Kickstarter campaign and help spread the word.
Watch the trailer, see a 10 minute SNEAK PEAK of the film, check out the great incentives and make a pledge:

2. "LIKE" the KING OF THE SIDEMEN Facebook page for exclusive info, sneak peeks and never before seen photos:
3. Tell your friends, SHARE our video and LIKE our Facebook page!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 25, 2013 03:02

..... how does one get to see the entire Keith one hour interview....


Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: June 25, 2013 03:05

Stayed tuned!!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 25, 2013 03:11

....ooooowwww sounds good....I'll wait here


Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: NICOS ()
Date: June 25, 2013 03:15

That was a nice 10 minute SNEAK PEAK..............


Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: June 25, 2013 03:49

....the 16mins of footage on Kickstarter is way cool esp the Everly Bros story


Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: steini ()
Date: June 25, 2013 04:11

I find it a bit strange thing what kind of help you are asking from us.
Asking us to like the movie or spread out that the movie/clip is good no matter what our opinion is,, well a bit silly and brings up the question about the film makers whether they donĀ“t believe in the work they do.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 25, 2013 05:38

As a "regular" at the Joint, I'm looking forward to thissmileys with beer

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: June 25, 2013 06:15

Looks to to be a cool project. I've been a Waddy fan since hearing his playing on "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me" way back when. A great track amongst the many his has done!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: seitan ()
Date: June 25, 2013 13:11

really cool !!!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: June 25, 2013 13:44


Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: steini ()
Date: June 25, 2013 17:23

vertigojoe wrote: "Great. Lets celebrate a paedophile. Playing guitar on a stones related album does not excuse absolutely everything you know. Time for a bit of perspective folks."

As (sexual)paedophile is one of the worst thing that a "human beings" are capable of doing to one another, therfore to accuse somone publicly without knowing the case is seriously dangerous and in my opinion an act that is equaly despicable as the crime itself.
Wikipedia does not say what you said and furthermore is wikipedia not factproof legally or even not commonly in some cases. Finally is possession at least questinable regarding this kind of crime.

Have you vertigojoe being wrongly accused of unlawful act?
Have you been wrongly accused of being a paedophile?
I remind you that this message bord is in public.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: June 25, 2013 17:42

Asking one to "Like" a facebook page or project is a pretty standard 21st-century concept. Trust me, we, as filmmaker, are totally behind this project and totally believe in it. I've spent over six years working on this film. If you aren't into it, it's cool (and you don't have to "like" it). I believe everyone is allowed to have their own opinions.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: June 25, 2013 17:53

Back to the looks very cool, thanks for the links.

Just sent in my donation, good luck gentlemen!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: June 25, 2013 22:39


There you go..

AND WHAT? That does not say he was convicted.

It says he was accused but they did not have evidence to convict. Had it been a real child porn case the results would have been severe and he would have had to register as a sex offender FOR LIFE! Do your home work before spouting unfounded accusations about people.

This world has had enough B.S. witch hunts, no need to have them here.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Edgewize ()
Date: June 27, 2013 22:50

Work on KING OF THE SIDEMEN, the documentary film on Waddy Wachtel and the unsung heroes of rock is in full swing, but we need your help NOW to get it done!
Here's how:

1. Get involved with the Kickstarter campaign and help spread the word.
Watch the trailer, see a 10 minute SNEAK PEAK of the film, check out the great incentives and make a pledge:

2. "LIKE" the KING OF THE SIDEMEN Facebook page for exclusive info, sneak peeks and never before seen photos:
3. Tell your friends, SHARE our video and LIKE our Facebook page!

This looks SO AMAZING!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: donnarq1 ()
Date: June 27, 2013 23:18

Liking the page may lead to pledges from financial backers be they small donations from fans to larger donations from others (or fans).

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Date: June 28, 2013 03:15

Gary, a couple of questions. Does an associate or executive producers credit allow the person to vote in either the Grammy or Oscar awards nominations? And, do I see a possible Grammy Museum screening next year? Hmmmm.

Irvine, CA

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: donnarq1 ()
Date: June 28, 2013 03:32

Scotty...Did you make the fan video? Did you get your one pound compensation? smiling smiley

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: June 28, 2013 18:48

[email protected]
Gary, a couple of questions. Does an associate or executive producers credit allow the person to vote in either the Grammy or Oscar awards nominations? And, do I see a possible Grammy Museum screening next year? Hmmmm.

Irvine, CA

People either have to apply or be asked to become voting members of the Recording Academy or the Motion Picture Academy. Our film is a small, independent documentary and being a Producer doesn't mean you are in, but it definitely would take someone one step closer.

Who knows? We would love for as many people as possible to see our project.

We need everyone's support to fund this film! It can't be made without your help!!!!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 28, 2013 21:50

I have been thinking about this.

First of all I am a fan of Waddy's, I go to almost all of his shows at the Joint and I really appreciate his work as a sideman and I would love to see this documentary made.

Waddy has friends and business associates, just to name a few, that include Adam Sandler, Peter Asher, Keith Richards, Stevie Nicks and so many others.

So the question is, why would a film maker need to raise money from the "regular" folks considering the association Waddy had with the music world?

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Date: June 28, 2013 22:11

Pretty big names are doing crowdfunding nowadays...

It's how the market works today, I guess.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: June 28, 2013 22:18

We of course have thought about the fact that Waddy has worked with so many great artists and couldn't we get them to contribute. But the fact is, 1) I feel it's awkward on Waddy's part to ask for money from friends to make a film about himself and 2) without direct contact with some of these folks (with all the celebrity interviews, we dealt with managers, agents, etc) it's hard to get through to them and it's equally awkward on our part to be like "hey, thanks for doing the interview, can you throw us some dough?". Documentary filmmaking is traditionally a difficult process. Music documentaries are even more challenging. We've had great success so far with my concept of making this film for the fans, by the fans.

For example, we've had over 300 photos (taken by the fans themselves) donated to our cause in exchange for a photo credit in the film. All the Everly Brothers shots in the Warren Zevon teaser were donated by a fan/friend in Frankfurt, Germany in exchange for a photo credit. In today's filmmaking world, "regular" folks are the key to making these types of projects happen. I personally have put out my own expenses to cover all the interviews, begged my production friends to help out for free or for reduced rates and have not earned a penny myself. We've had a few "silent" partners donate enough to get us over the hump but we need pledges to make this happen. Every dime is going into making this film. We're creating an historical document. Something people can look at years from now. If the Kickstarter campaign doesn't work, I'm not sure the project will survive, which would be a shame because we have KEITH RICHARDS interviewed (I'm a very persistent director and producer. It took me four years to land that interview and when it happened, it was last minute. I flew to New York from LA with only a two-day notice and spent less than 24 hours on the ground in the city. I spent the night, did the interviews with Keith and Steve Jordan and went straight to the airport. Thanks for the interest and I'm sure we've seen each other at the Joint.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 28, 2013 22:21

Pretty big names are doing crowdfunding nowadays...

It's how the market works today, I guess.

...only if there is a lack of confidence in the success of the project (IMHO)...

Let's say a project has a budget of $1,000,000. The big investors raise $700,000 and the balance is raised by fan sites. those fans who contribute a certain amount of $$$ may get their name listed as an associate or executive producer, but what is means for those truly involved in the film is that instead of a $1,000,000 break even point, it's now at $700,000.

Come to think of it, if I was a film maker, it's not a bad idea.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Date: June 28, 2013 22:26

I don't know about films, but I know pretty big names in music are being helped by fans to get albums released, even when they have record contracts.

That didn't happen 15 years ago.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: BluzDude ()
Date: June 28, 2013 22:34

I don't know about films, but I know pretty big names in music are being helped by fans to get albums released, even when they have record contracts.

That didn't happen 15 years ago.

Record companies aren't putting the money into recordings like they use to.....those darn digital downloads!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Date: June 28, 2013 22:39

Right on!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: Nina ()
Date: June 29, 2013 04:45


Some of you know me. I run Waddy's web site, mailing list, and FaceBook pages. He's a very dear and sweet friend of mine.

I'm totally excited about this documentary. I went to the Kickstarter page and made my pledge. Because I really want to see this project Gary has been working on for so long - from the love of Waddy, the Waddy Wachtel Band and so much great music - be available to everyone. People from all over the world have written me asking when they can get more info on Waddy, and how they can see him in action. This is how.

If you wonder why Waddy doesn't tap into his personal friends for contributions - that's silly! Even Bernard Fowler, who's been singing backup with The Stones for many years is asking for contributions from fans to get his new cd made. It's a matter of respect, and not being one of those who try to use their friends. Get it?

This project is for the fans. I'm a fan. If you're a fan, and you want to see this great documentary available to all of us fans...... go to the Kickstarter page and support the effort!

Thank you.

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: KingOfTheSidemen ()
Date: July 1, 2013 11:30


Some of you know me. I run Waddy's web site, mailing list, and FaceBook pages. He's a very dear and sweet friend of mine.

I'm totally excited about this documentary. I went to the Kickstarter page and made my pledge. Because I really want to see this project Gary has been working on for so long - from the love of Waddy, the Waddy Wachtel Band and so much great music - be available to everyone. People from all over the world have written me asking when they can get more info on Waddy, and how they can see him in action. This is how.

If you wonder why Waddy doesn't tap into his personal friends for contributions - that's silly! Even Bernard Fowler, who's been singing backup with The Stones for many years is asking for contributions from fans to get his new cd made. It's a matter of respect, and not being one of those who try to use their friends. Get it?

This project is for the fans. I'm a fan. If you're a fan, and you want to see this great documentary available to all of us fans...... go to the Kickstarter page and support the effort!

Thank you.

Thanks, Nina-

You rock!

Re: Waddy Wachtel Documentary
Posted by: CousinC ()
Date: July 1, 2013 16:20

I'd love to see this happen.Just like those guys - and Waddys playing. .

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