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Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 9, 2013 20:50


Of the first paragraph: I disagree completely, and won't give a flying fvck if someone tries to convince me by some "objective" criteria that "He's not playing all that well". Go on and check Toto - this is The Stones to me, with its ups and downs, mistakes and all. It's the over-all impression which counts - and Taylor being the driving motor there - and it works.

Of the second paragraph: it's all nostalgia now, but within that the Taylor compotent gives us - or me - a needed refreshing element to the way too predictable package we've been treated decades now. That's enough for me for being excited. I've digging and celebrating the glory past by the same show and musical idea as long as I remember, so for me even a little move out of the box is a change for better. Not much, but enough to get this old fan excited. Yes, I will have a heart of full nostalgia and emotions when I will hear all those jumpingjackflashs, startmeups, satisfactions, tumblingdices, missyous, gimmeshelters etc. again in Hyde Park, but that kind of stuff does not inspire me to follow the tour behind the lap top, or to write about them. But this Taylor thing has a novelty factor, which I find stimulating.

- Doxa

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: June 9, 2013 21:06

You mean "coitus?"

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: June 9, 2013 21:14

To be fair, we kick the dog #%@$%& out of Ronnie, Keith and MT, but that train wreck is all on Mick. 70 be damned, you wrote the words, you're the one who's afraid of being embarrassed.... can you not walk away from the take prompter for 30 seconds. Playing an instrument requires some multi tasking. No one ever confused Mick with Pavarotti, but at least remember your own words.......Me and most of the audience can.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: June 9, 2013 21:21

From today's Toronto Star


For Gunther Guhbin, it was the ultimate buzz kill.
The father’s dream of seeing the Rolling Stones with his kids was dashed Thursday night when security at the Air Canada Centre turned him away from the concert. They say he was drunk, something he and his family vigorously deny.
Either way, the result is the same. When the price of tickets, drinks and a limousine is taken into account, it was a more than $1,700 blunder.
“I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it,” Guhbin gasped Friday, after his daughter contacted the Star with their story. “I always wanted to take them to the Stones, and I didn’t think we’d ever get to do it,” he said. “I’m crushed.”
Photos View gallery
Guhbin’s cautionary tale begins when he surprised his three kids with tickets to the June 6 Stones show at the ACC.
When time came for the concert, the gang of four hopped in a limo from Waterdown, near Hamilton, and headed for the big city. Guhbin, a 52-year-old lawn maintenance man, last saw the British Invasion sensations in 1982. Figuring Thursday’s Toronto show might be his last chance to see the aging band with his kids, Guhbin was bouncing with excitement, said daughter Jessica, 32.
“He was like a little kid,” she said.
The group was dropped off at a downtown bar for dinner. Jessica said she and her of-age brother had three drinks each, while her youngest brother had none. Guhbin said he had six or seven.
After at least two hours, the family made its way to the ACC. At the gate, a security guard told Guhbin he was too drunk and loud, and had “crazy eyes,” said Jessica. She said security took Guhbin and his 16-year-old son’s tickets away, and police asked them to leave.
“We weren’t drunk or nothing,” insisted Guhbin, describing how they had the awareness to call a lawyer, call the newspaper and go to two more bars after they left to buy drinks and keep the receipts as proof that weren’t too drunk to get served.
“If we were that loaded, we wouldn’t have been doing all that,” Guhbin said.
Bob Hunter, MLSE’s executive vice president of venues and entertainment, acknowledged a security guard’s judgment as to drunkenness is “subjective,” but said they cannot let “overly intoxicated” ticket holders into the arena for safety reasons. He added that MLSE doesn’t want to lose its liquor licence.
“Are we overly diligent? Yes, probably, but we have to be. We have 16,000 guests in here,” said Hunter.
When asked why Guhbin’s tickets were taken away, Hunter said it’s to stop those turned away from trying to get in at other gates. Hunter was aware of Guhbin’s incident before being contacted by the Star, and asserted the father was denied entry for good reason.
“This guy stood out through thousands of people,” said Hunter. “He was beyond what we would allow.”
Guhbin was flabbergasted by that assessment, and said he was still “bummed out” by how his high hopes of a memorable night were suddenly deflated.
“My dad was in tears when we were leaving that place,” Jessica said.

I responded to this the other day but post was deleted... not sure why? Because I named the establishment?

Anyway we were in the same bar as this guy and his family pre-show in Toronto - they were at the bar with us - he didn't seem too pissed.. his daughter was dancing away, having a blast..

I honestly feel bad for him, but what a dufus. I had 3 martini's before the show and had a nice buzz but I wasn't going to drink another 3 or 4. I saved that for after the show.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Thrylan ()
Date: June 9, 2013 21:31

Yeah, it cuts both ways.....I HATE "drunk guy", but how many beers will they sell you inside....for 7-8$ a 2-3 hour span. I hate hypocrisy as much as I hate drunk guy. Why don't they just have an on site Breathalyzer? Would eliminate liability at any event.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Date: June 9, 2013 21:57

From today's Toronto Star


For Gunther Guhbin, it was the ultimate buzz kill.
The father’s dream of seeing the Rolling Stones with his kids was dashed Thursday night when security at the Air Canada Centre turned him away from the concert. They say he was drunk, something he and his family vigorously deny.
Either way, the result is the same. When the price of tickets, drinks and a limousine is taken into account, it was a more than $1,700 blunder.
“I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t believe it,” Guhbin gasped Friday, after his daughter contacted the Star with their story. “I always wanted to take them to the Stones, and I didn’t think we’d ever get to do it,” he said. “I’m crushed.”
Photos View gallery
Guhbin’s cautionary tale begins when he surprised his three kids with tickets to the June 6 Stones show at the ACC.
When time came for the concert, the gang of four hopped in a limo from Waterdown, near Hamilton, and headed for the big city. Guhbin, a 52-year-old lawn maintenance man, last saw the British Invasion sensations in 1982. Figuring Thursday’s Toronto show might be his last chance to see the aging band with his kids, Guhbin was bouncing with excitement, said daughter Jessica, 32.
“He was like a little kid,” she said.
The group was dropped off at a downtown bar for dinner. Jessica said she and her of-age brother had three drinks each, while her youngest brother had none. Guhbin said he had six or seven.
After at least two hours, the family made its way to the ACC. At the gate, a security guard told Guhbin he was too drunk and loud, and had “crazy eyes,” said Jessica. She said security took Guhbin and his 16-year-old son’s tickets away, and police asked them to leave.
“We weren’t drunk or nothing,” insisted Guhbin, describing how they had the awareness to call a lawyer, call the newspaper and go to two more bars after they left to buy drinks and keep the receipts as proof that weren’t too drunk to get served.
“If we were that loaded, we wouldn’t have been doing all that,” Guhbin said.
Bob Hunter, MLSE’s executive vice president of venues and entertainment, acknowledged a security guard’s judgment as to drunkenness is “subjective,” but said they cannot let “overly intoxicated” ticket holders into the arena for safety reasons. He added that MLSE doesn’t want to lose its liquor licence.
“Are we overly diligent? Yes, probably, but we have to be. We have 16,000 guests in here,” said Hunter.
When asked why Guhbin’s tickets were taken away, Hunter said it’s to stop those turned away from trying to get in at other gates. Hunter was aware of Guhbin’s incident before being contacted by the Star, and asserted the father was denied entry for good reason.
“This guy stood out through thousands of people,” said Hunter. “He was beyond what we would allow.”
Guhbin was flabbergasted by that assessment, and said he was still “bummed out” by how his high hopes of a memorable night were suddenly deflated.
“My dad was in tears when we were leaving that place,” Jessica said.

I responded to this the other day but post was deleted... not sure why? Because I named the establishment?

Anyway we were in the same bar as this guy and his family pre-show in Toronto - they were at the bar with us - he didn't seem too pissed.. his daughter was dancing away, having a blast..

I honestly feel bad for him, but what a dufus. I had 3 martini's before the show and had a nice buzz but I wasn't going to drink another 3 or 4. I saved that for after the show.

yeah i had i think 4 or 5 pints of guinness and a rum and coke or two pre-show at the bar, and that guy didnt seem any more pissed than me or anyone else.

then, anyway

who knows about later at the gig when he was trying to get in

i didnt see many destroyed people. it sure wasn't like a 70's concert ! ha ha

jebus, instead i saw multi generational families... gramps, gran, the wife and the hubby and their teenies... i dont think i'd ever seen that before at a rock and roll concert

who is 'doxa?'

he or she is a good poster. i quite enjoy those.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 9, 2013 22:35


who is 'doxa?'

Lived under a stone for quite a long time? grinning smiley

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 9, 2013 22:39


Btw: Phillip, what are the results of your check on my recent posts regarding mixing up facts and opinions?

5th June 2013

The last true Stones concert (not a show) took place in October 1973.

smiling smiley

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 9, 2013 22:42

His Majesty

Btw: Phillip, what are the results of your check on my recent posts regarding mixing up facts and opinions?

5th June 2013

The last true Stones concert (not a show) took place in October 1973.

smiling smiley

And even a wrong fact too! But a satisfying result. cool smiley

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Date: June 9, 2013 22:58


who is 'doxa?'

Lived under a stone for quite a long time? grinning smiley

i suppose

under the magic of the rolling stones, for a quite long time

but really, i dont often notice the names of who posts what around here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-09 22:59 by pinkfloydthebarber.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:09


who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:35


who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:38

His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

So do I.grinning smiley

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Date: June 9, 2013 23:43

His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

yeah i cant argue with any of that, then

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:44

His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

So do I.grinning smiley

That's not allowed!

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:51

His Majesty
His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

So do I.grinning smiley

That's not allowed!

I like hey negrita.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-09 23:51 by svt22.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 9, 2013 23:58


I like hey negrita.

Me too.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 10, 2013 00:15

His Majesty

I like hey negrita.

Me too.

I prefer Hot Stuff. But I don't like HN.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 10, 2013 00:33

His Majesty

I like hey negrita.

Me too.

I prefer Hot Stuff.

Joke track.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: June 10, 2013 01:47

His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

Some of the Ron Wood era?

Damn, all of it (like Brian Jones era as well)! But I am not so keen on the Chuck Leavell Era...

But but... when the old-school Taylorites starts to call me a Taylorite, it makes me wonder have I went too far lately...grinning smiley

- Doxa

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: June 10, 2013 01:55

His Majesty
His Majesty

I like hey negrita.

Me too.

I prefer Hot Stuff.

Joke track.

You should quote me whole post!

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: June 10, 2013 03:53


You quote me!

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: svt22 ()
Date: June 10, 2013 12:35

His Majesty

who is 'doxa?'

A Taylorite without mixed emotions.

He likes some of the Ron Wood era.

Some of the Ron Wood era?

Damn, all of it (like Brian Jones era as well)! But I am not so keen on the Chuck Leavell Era...

But but... when the old-school Taylorites starts to call me a Taylorite, it makes me wonder have I went too far lately...grinning smiley

- Doxa

I didn't call you a Taylorite, I called you a Taylorite without mixed emotions - at least the ones that make sense to me.
Please notice the difference. winking smiley

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: andrewt ()
Date: June 11, 2013 04:16

One last piece of business in the final minute of this clip of Satisfaction, Charlie seems to want to start up the song again.
It almost turns into another jam but Mick ends it.
Has this gone at other shows?


Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: jasona93 ()
Date: June 14, 2013 07:48

This was my first time seeing them live, something I have waited a good 39 years for. I still can't quite process that it really finally happened, and the only thing I keep coming back to, a full week later, is that it was the best day of my entire life.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: jasona93 ()
Date: June 15, 2013 05:32


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-15 05:42 by jasona93.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: jasona93 ()
Date: June 15, 2013 05:39


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-06-15 05:43 by jasona93.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: jasona93 ()
Date: June 15, 2013 05:49


I find that this clip sounds a lot better

Oh, what a treasure, sonically and visually!

Indeed! Really smoking.....thanks for posting that clip
Listen at 1:19. It makes no sense. Out of time and random notes that are out of key. WTF happened to this guy. He has totally lost it.

lol at the 15 seconds you didn't like where you think MT went off the rails, then he got right back to where you'd expect. it's been said a few pages ago, but this band can't win with nitpicking like that. 12 minute song and people are all 'nearly 70 year old guy didn't play 15 seconds of it perfect and it didn't fit my ears'. just enjoy it man, it could be the last time.

Re: Toronto-2 June 6 Stones show live updates
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: June 15, 2013 09:10

lol at the 15 seconds you didn't like where you think MT went off the rails, then he got right back to where you'd expect. it's been said a few pages ago, but this band can't win with nitpicking like that. 12 minute song and people are all 'nearly 70 year old guy didn't play 15 seconds of it perfect and it didn't fit my ears'. just enjoy it man, it could be the last time.

Right on....!

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