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Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: April 16, 2013 16:28

This is not OT since i understand Chuck is so much part of the Stones history.

Last night i went to se Chuck in a 4000 seater in Montevideo , Uruguay.
Sold out, everybody was aware of his age and limitations because of it, but were expecting to see the legend...
He had played Buenos Aires the night before and the reviews were very bad.

I have to say i love the man and his GIANT legacy, it was good i saw him at least once from 10 mts apart, etc and it is true that he has an incredible energy for a man his age (86!!!!) but MUSICALLy......

Please, let him go into retirement gracefully, no need to end with this sad image, he is CHUCK BERRY man !!!! he is a HERO!!!! Please Chuck, respect yourself.
CB II, those of you who are around him, please protect this musical icon and stop him playing live. He just cannot do it any more!! What´s the point in continuing?

Please Rolling Stones: do not ever commit this suicide yourselves (Mick will know when its over)

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: April 16, 2013 16:58

Great. Another advocate for mandatory/forced retirement.

Please, Chuck & CBII, while there will always be 1 of 4,000 people who may not be happy with your show, on behalf of the other 3,999 and specifically one person in East Tennessee who hasn't seen you yet (and is still holding out hope), please keep going for as long as you are willing.

He's hoping you have a safe tour!


Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: howled ()
Date: April 16, 2013 17:00

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Dreamer ()
Date: April 16, 2013 17:09

Great. Another advocate for mandatory/forced retirement.

Please, Chuck & CBII, while there will always be 1 of 4,000 people who may not be happy with your show, on behalf of the other 3,999 and specifically one person in East Tennessee who hasn't seen you yet (and is still holding out hope), please keep going for as long as you are willing.

He's hoping you have a safe tour!


Considering varilla's post which is admiring and a very mild and honest advice I think we only have one advocate and that's you: the advocate for forced entertaining-while-you-no-longer-can (just because I am a blind and Uber-fanatic fan who doesn't give a sh.t that in fact it really focks your legacy).

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 16, 2013 17:19

I'm not sure anyone...not even CBII...have the power to make Chuck use his career brakes...Can anybody even slow him down? Speed bumps maybe?

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: ash ()
Date: April 16, 2013 17:23

was that you tube clip filmed from the bathroom or just really murky? Chuck now plays guitar worse than Brian Wilson sings . Yikes.
But if Chuck wants to keep playing that's his business and good luck to him. His work was done many,many years ago and i assume we're all grateful as we should be. We got a couple of dozen great bands out of it and a string of rock 'n'roll classics and a guitar hero to boot. His achievements are carved in stone for his ground breaking contribution to the evolution of rock n roll. Nothing can change that.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Vocalion ()
Date: April 16, 2013 18:39



Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: deardoctor ()
Date: April 16, 2013 18:45

It´s a mess for about 5 years now. sad.
this clip is a blues and quite easy to play. But as soon as he tries to play difficult stuff with lots of words like johnny b if you can and protecct memories of this important musican

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Floorbird ()
Date: April 16, 2013 18:56

I like the lead singer and she plays a mean harp.. Wonder if she's any relation to Chuck?

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: April 16, 2013 19:26

She is Chuck´s daughter, and the highlight of the show. I would go to see her personal show , for sure.
What i say about Chuck is not against him, it´s just that we owe so much to him that i don´t like him making a fool of himself, that´s all.

Bye the way, the blues was quite ok. Wait for someone to post a video of a rock....

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: April 16, 2013 19:27

Great. Another advocate for mandatory/forced retirement.

Please, Chuck & CBII, while there will always be 1 of 4,000 people who may not be happy with your show, on behalf of the other 3,999 and specifically one person in East Tennessee who hasn't seen you yet (and is still holding out hope), please keep going for as long as you are willing.

He's hoping you have a safe tour!


Considering varilla's post which is admiring and a very mild and honest advice I think we only have one advocate and that's you: the advocate for forced entertaining-while-you-no-longer-can (just because I am a blind and Uber-fanatic fan who doesn't give a sh.t that in fact it really focks your legacy).

Dreamer you are welcome to stop putting your words into my mouth anytime you like. I choose to compose what I say at a much higher level than the ignorance you chose to display and I would prefer not to have your assumptions associated with my thoughts as your ability to read my mind has come up woefully short.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with me the same way I disagree with what varilla said. However mild and honest you found varilla's advice to be, it ended with a request for those around CB to "stop him playing live" based on varilla's judgment that "He just cannont do it any more". I disagreed with those conclusions and chose to post a message that, although it disagreed with varilla, said nothing about forcing CB to continue performing. I didn’t make myself to be anything superior or special compared to anyone else, and stated that I’m still hoping to get a chance to see him in person.

While I’m not sure why my post bothered you as it appears to have done, I will suggest that varilla (who has expressed concern for CB’s legacy) and possibly you (who seems to be concerned although you didn’t specifically say so) should check out ash’s post from this very page:
was that you tube clip filmed from the bathroom or just really murky? Chuck now plays guitar worse than Brian Wilson sings . Yikes.

But if Chuck wants to keep playing that's his business and good luck to him. His work was done many,many years ago and i assume we're all grateful as we should be. We got a couple of dozen great bands out of it and a string of rock 'n'roll classics and a guitar hero to boot. His achievements are carved in stone for his ground breaking contribution to the evolution of rock n roll. Nothing can change that.

I find the first sentence of that second paragraph to be a good summary of my thoughts on elderly performers who choose to keep performing longer than some of their fans would prefer. The rest of that paragraph I find to be a great statement of how secure CB’s legacy most likely is even considering the fact that his current shows may not be of the quality that some people wish for. Kudos Ash! Well said! At least I think so.


Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: varilla ()
Date: April 16, 2013 20:09

Wait until you see a show Mr DJA, then you´ll tell me

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: mr_dja ()
Date: April 16, 2013 21:25

Wait until you see a show Mr DJA, then you´ll tell me

I'm just hoping I get the chance. Between my finances and CB's limited schedule, my window of opportunity is small and rapidly closing.

Also, please don't think I've got anything personally against you, your feelings or your post. The whole concept of "Artist to old", "artist must retire" comes up around here pretty regularly (surprise!) and I just don't subscribe to it. Who knows, maybe I just haven't seen the right, old artist to have my opinion changed. Until that time, I'm just firmly in the "let the artist decide" camp.


Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: CBII ()
Date: April 17, 2013 18:50

I can say this, from the reaction of the people my father just entertained over the past 5 days, the vast majority of them don't want him to retire OR think they were in anyway short changed. An entertainer can't please everyone and that's a given.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2013-04-17 18:52 by CBII.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: April 17, 2013 18:57

I'm not sure anyone...not even CBII...have the power to make Chuck use his career brakes...Can anybody even slow him down? Speed bumps maybe?

Ain't no use in trying to slow down or catch Chuck - he's gone like a cool breeze.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Date: April 17, 2013 21:33

I can say this, from the reaction of the people my father just entertained over the past 5 days, the vast majority of them don't want him to retire OR think they were in anyway short changed. An entertainer can't please everyone and that's a given.

And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Why even think of retiring when people obviously are having a good time getting the music that they love!

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: marianna ()
Date: April 18, 2013 00:12

I saw Chuck over 20 years ago. Couldn't make it past the halfway mark of the set. He was bad when he wasn't that old. I don't think he cares. That was why Keith did the documentary with him, because he wanted Chuck to have a real band and actually rehearse. Otherwise, he could sometimes not be bothered. Chuck looks pretty healthy for a guy his age, and it's good that he's still getting out there and seeing the world. So, that part is good.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Date: April 20, 2013 21:32

CB11, I saw your sister perform in St. Louis last October. She was great, as was her band. The guitarist was incredible.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: flacnvinyl ()
Date: April 20, 2013 22:00

@varilla - I agree COMPLETELY. It is sad to see him hit bum notes for an entire performance. I live only a few hours away from his hometown (Duckroom @ Blueberry Hill, St. Louis) and have not gone to see him due to this. It would be cool to see the legend... the grandfather of rocknroll... but to see a legend play terrible is an entirely different thing.

I am NOT a fan of BB King, but he is 87 and can still play...

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: 71Tele ()
Date: April 20, 2013 23:11

Caveat emptor. People who go to see legends like Chuck, Dylan, and for that matter, the Rolling Stones, should educate themselves about what those artists' current shows are like (good or bad). It's hardly a secret after all. We have this thing called YouTube. If you go to see Dylan in 2013 expecting him to sing "The Times They Are A Changin'" like it's 1963, you are bound to be disappointed. Yet people continue to do it and complain. Rather than pester artists to retire (why should they listen to YOU?) simply stay home, enjoy the old records and save yourself disappointment, as well as money and time.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Munichhilton ()
Date: April 20, 2013 23:15

It the bands that continue to excel at advanced age that ruin it for other old farts...

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: crawdaddy ()
Date: April 20, 2013 23:26

Caveat emptor. People who go to see legends like Chuck, Dylan, and for that matter, the Rolling Stones, should educate themselves about what those artists' current shows are like (good or bad). It's hardly a secret after all. We have this thing called YouTube. If you go to see Dylan in 2013 expecting him to sing "The Times They Are A Changin'" like it's 1963, you are bound to be disappointed. Yet people continue to do it and complain. Rather than pester artists to retire (why should they listen to YOU?) simply stay home, enjoy the old records and save yourself disappointment, as well as money and time.
Sums it up for me. thumbs up

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: kovach ()
Date: April 21, 2013 04:17

Supply and demand. People still making the demand by buying tickets, no reason Chuck shouldn't keep supplying what he can.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: sanQ ()
Date: April 21, 2013 05:24

I can say this, from the reaction of the people my father just entertained over the past 5 days, the vast majority of them don't want him to retire OR think they were in anyway short changed. An entertainer can't please everyone and that's a given.

I agree. He didn't sound as bad as described at all. He still sang in tune, and he still played in tune. What's the problem? Expecting him to play like he's 30. For his age, he's doing great. Still worth seeing and if he still wants to do it, why not!

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: sanQ ()
Date: April 21, 2013 05:29

Caveat emptor. People who go to see legends like Chuck, Dylan, and for that matter, the Rolling Stones, should educate themselves about what those artists' current shows are like (good or bad). It's hardly a secret after all. We have this thing called YouTube. If you go to see Dylan in 2013 expecting him to sing "The Times They Are A Changin'" like it's 1963, you are bound to be disappointed. Yet people continue to do it and complain. Rather than pester artists to retire (why should they listen to YOU?) simply stay home, enjoy the old records and save yourself disappointment, as well as money and time.

Exactly, I couldn't agree more! I am glad there are some people who actually know better!

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Beast of Babylon ()
Date: April 21, 2013 05:35

Chuck is rock and roll - with that being said, he is very very scummy.... and i dont think thats a big secert - anyone whose seen hail hail rock and roll knows how he operates....even more so, anyone who has seen the EXTRAS on hail hail rock and roll, know ten times more. not showing up unless he has bags full of cash....loosing his voice for the show because he did a one off the night before and then charging them to do overdubs, on a movie there making for him. letting one of the film producers get molested when he visited that jail.....but he's an icon

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: paulywaul ()
Date: April 21, 2013 11:44

@varilla - I agree COMPLETELY. It is sad to see him hit bum notes for an entire performance. I live only a few hours away from his hometown (Duckroom @ Blueberry Hill, St. Louis) and have not gone to see him due to this. It would be cool to see the legend... the grandfather of rocknroll... but to see a legend play terrible is an entirely different thing.

I am NOT a fan of BB King, but he is 87 and can still play...

BB !! Just AWESOME, bless him !! cool smiley

[ I want to shout, but I can hardly speak ]

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: April 21, 2013 13:27

Supply and demand. People still making the demand by buying tickets, no reason Chuck shouldn't keep supplying what he can.

Yeah and put yourself in the position of a Russian or Uruguayan fan : you've been a Chuck fan for years, you have no hopes of ever seeing the man live ever and suddenly a gig in your country is announced.

What do you do? MAN, you set your @ss in motion and you GO! thumbs up

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: April 21, 2013 14:38

@varilla - I agree COMPLETELY. It is sad to see him hit bum notes for an entire performance. I live only a few hours away from his hometown (Duckroom @ Blueberry Hill, St. Louis) and have not gone to see him due to this. It would be cool to see the legend... the grandfather of rocknroll... but to see a legend play terrible is an entirely different thing.

I am NOT a fan of BB King, but he is 87 and can still play...

BB !! Just AWESOME, bless him !! cool smiley

This video of BB is 20 years old, so not very fair to show how he plays at his age of 87. His playing these days is different. It is true that when he plays, he doesn't play bum notes, but it has to be said that his playing is way more simple than it used to be and he spends way more time speaking than playing during the rather short (understandably) shows. It would not be difficult to find videos that could serve as examples of bad playing. At the show I was at 2 years ago, he kept on adjusting his guitar starp for 10 minutes, while the band played. Not exactly amusing. I don't write this to put BB down in any way, I like him and respect him a lot and would go to see him again if I could, but I just wanted to say that posting a video where he is 67 to prove how good he is at 87 if not fair.

Re: Chuck Berry last night in Montevideo
Posted by: belubettlo ()
Date: May 2, 2013 08:48

Chuck Berry (Johnny B. Goode) - Live in Buenos Aires (14-04-13)

Even worse than Montevideo,IMO, because less of the daughter.

From a Guardian article on the death of Scott Miller(obscure singer/songwriter):

Michael Hann
These are the kinds of rock deaths that really sadden me – the ones of the people who lived lives just like ours, ones without limos and hotel suites, the people who never left music because they couldn't, not because they couldn't afford to.

I don't know if CB is still in the limos/suites class, but he seems determined to squeeze the last dollar out of his rock'n'roll fame of 60 years ago, or at least to make sure his daughter has a job after he's gone.

Re: the people who never left music because they couldn't, not because they couldn't afford to.

We all know who else the second group could refer to.

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