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Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 14, 2012 05:09

It's a serious case of "been there, done that". What's left for them apart from repetition?

If a new album happens at all - don't expect miracles. It's crucial that they come up with some great songs. No second- or thirdrate trash like Dangerous Beauty, Infamy or the like.

But do you seriously believe that they still have Wild Horses or Gimme Shelter-quality level stuff in them?

There is no reason to believe they don't have at least one great album left in them. They have a lifetime of experiences to draw from. If Dylan and Neil Young can do it, so can they. The key is getting them to commit and then work together.

No reason? Really?

You mean the good stuff is still in them and all it takes is us to kick them in their butts to get it out?

If they no longer have the desire to create great new music then it's over, however, something tells me their pride won't let them retire without taking at least one last shot in the studio.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: SweetThing ()
Date: December 14, 2012 05:10

Keith ain't going to sit there for 8 hours until it is "just so" anymore.

That was 35 years ago.

Yeah, I doubt it too. And even more certain none of the others is going to sit around through that process even if Keith were to do it.

But at the same time, I'm sure they have a few good songs left in them if they want to do it. Wouldn't hurt I don't think if they let Ronnie write a couple , let Mick Taylor play on a few, etc.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 14, 2012 05:12

OK Stones, you have proven to the world that you can still perform at an extremely high level on stage. Playing the "classics" for your 50th anniversary tour was perfectly acceptable. In fact, it was quite enjoyable. But let's try a new direction beginning on New Year's Day. Let's call it the "last artistic era". Let's get our little fannies into the studio come the first of the year and create some new and interesting music. Shoot for one, two, maybe three more new albums over the next three years and play the devil out of them! If that means clubs and theaters, then so be it. Time to look forward, not back.

Love this idea! And by the way, whatever you're drinking, I want some!

Thanks, mate. Lets do all we can to make it happen.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: iamthedj ()
Date: December 15, 2012 14:10

A new dawn of creativity will only happen if Andrew Oldham somehow manages to lock Mick and Keith in a room together and tells them "Listen f**kers, you're not getting out until I hear some new songs." I do wonder how exactly Mick and Keith spend their days when not touring. Surely it can't be 24/7 parties and phoney show business bullshit. There really isn't a reason they wouldn't be at least swapping new material back and forth, if only to stave off boredom.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Deathgod ()
Date: December 15, 2012 14:18

After seeing that ABC interview I doubt we will see a new album. Mick did say he and Keith don't write together anymore.
Tho if they embrace technology..FaceTime on iPads iMacs etc who knows ?

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 15, 2012 16:07

A new dawn of creativity will only happen if Andrew Oldham somehow manages to lock Mick and Keith in a room together and tells them "Listen f**kers, you're not getting out until I hear some new songs." I do wonder how exactly Mick and Keith spend their days when not touring. Surely it can't be 24/7 parties and phoney show business bullshit. There really isn't a reason they wouldn't be at least swapping new material back and forth, if only to stave off boredom.

They do not live rock and roll lives anymore. Keith is a 69 year old guy living in the suburbs and Mick is an old jet setter living in high society Europe. The last thing either one wants to do is get in a room together and write songs. They did this, now they are going to get on with their boring lives. Is'a amazing to me they were able to pull this together at such a high quality level, but to expect more is foolish.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: 68to72 ()
Date: December 15, 2012 16:35

'They did this, now they are going to get on with their boring lives'

Cant imagine for a minute that their lives are 'boring'

Even at their respective ages, I cant see any of them with a pipe and slippers!

>grinning smiley<

What a drag it is gettin' old

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: December 15, 2012 16:45

This would require them go become "arists" again. You've missed that boat by 30 years, I'm afraid. Not gonna happen. Took them 7 years to fart out those 2 new "songs", doyou really think this is even worthy of discussion?

Come on, don't be such a pessimist! At that rate we'll have a fresh new Stones album by 2040. Can't wait.

There you go again, Tele, with the negative waves. Did you ever play any organized sports growing up?

2 songs, 7 years; 10 songs 35 years. Do the math.

Negative people always look for reasons why something can't be done.

I don't think one has to look for reasons...they're all pretty much in front of us.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 15, 2012 17:04

'They did this, now they are going to get on with their boring lives'

Cant imagine for a minute that their lives are 'boring'

Even at their respective ages, I cant see any of them with a pipe and slippers!

>grinning smiley<
well, boring compared to life on the road. I can see Keith with a pipe and slippers, but you know what's in the pipe.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Rickster ()
Date: December 15, 2012 17:22

They can make all the new albums they want and no matter how good they are radio will ignore them the majority of fans want to hear the classics and thats what they will play live even if they put out a new album thats juust the way it is.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: GasLightStreet ()
Date: December 15, 2012 18:06

This would require them go become "arists" again. You've missed that boat by 30 years, I'm afraid. Not gonna happen. Took them 7 years to fart out those 2 new "songs", doyou really think this is even worthy of discussion?

Come on, don't be such a pessimist! At that rate we'll have a fresh new Stones album by 2040. Can't wait.

There you go again, Tele, with the negative waves. Did you ever play any organized sports growing up?

2 songs, 7 years; 10 songs 35 years. Do the math.

Negative people always look for reasons why something can't be done.

It's deductive reasoning actually, altough I don't understand the 10 songs in 35 years. Tele's not espousing something that isn't there or a remote possibility, like a new Stones album yet alone more albums, something that is beyond logic and reality for any logical person considering the age of the Stones and how they work these days - they are a good bit older than they were for A Bigger Bang. One must keep in mind that the aging process really starts to escalate - like the top part of a funnel.

The '50 And Counting' title is obviously a nod at 'moving forward' while mostly looking back without totally admitting to being a nostalgia band, since the two new songs make them 'relevant' and 'current' and 'moving forward' ie not pure nostalgia, while giving the idea that they will continue (at this point more reissues with bonus material will count on the list of years of their existence). It's all they can do at this point, other than record a new album and do another tour and play one or two songs from it while flogging a warhorses based set in the name of doing something new. The concert attending fans will tolerate something new for only so long or at least that seems to be the mind set.

Anyone with expectations that they can 'do it' or make another 'great album' which could only be compared to Beggars/Bleed/Fingers/Exile/Some Girls at this point since that is what always happens, truly has lost any logic. To give them the benefit of that doubt as was done with A Bigger Bang in reviews (their best since..., whiping out any previous credibility the reviewer had with previous reviews that said the same thing!) has certainly lost its meaning. The hyperbole should have stopped years ago with Steel Wheels. Obviously critics were beyond pleased with Steel Wheels because of Dirty Work but that's not a excuse for saying it's as good and vital as Beggars/Bleed/Fingers/Exile/Some Girls like they did. For some reason even the music journalists want the Stones to be as good as Beggars/Bleed/Fingers/Exile/Some Girls and practically damn them, the Stones and their new album, into being it, regardless of how clear and obvious it is that they and the LP aren't and never will be.

It seems that they haven't been allowed to age gracefully, which is certainly is part fault of their own; that they will always be compared to their past great successes (at least the financial part of that is done with seeing that they couldn't possibly come close to what they did on the last tour). Part of the drag, the career hazard, of continuing on for so long. That bright light from the past just continues to get brighter and there is zero chance of them hiding in any shadow of it. Acknowldeging it is fantastic, of course, it is a great body of work. It just seems that they've chosen to ignore some rather important parts of it, to put it nicely, while sticking with the big hits.

But if you really think about it, which one doesn't need to, why wouldn't they?

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: stonesstein ()
Date: December 15, 2012 19:18

It is hard to understand how some people here in this e-community are so delirious as to the Stones having any "pride" or concern as to whether their new material in on an artistic par with Exile or Bleed. Face it, the Stones ceased to be a creative artistic force decades (that's right!) DECADES ago. Sure, they still pump out good (Doom & Gloom and One More Shot) and occasionally GREAT (Rough Justice & Back of my Hand) songs & rock & roll, but all that is great is of veins from years ago. They will never emerge from the shadow of Beggars, Bleed, Sticky, Exile, & Some Girls. Then again, neither will ANY act since. Look at the great rock acts of today - Black Keys, White Stripes, Pearl Jam, and even Gary Clark. Have any of these done ANYTHING outside of the umbrella of the big 5 LPs?

No, and neither has anyone else for that matter. The combination of these 5 records simply DEFINE rock and roll and are the reason for this board, the PPV, and the $Zillions spent by us all.

So, let's be real and sober - the Stones, as evidenced by Keith's comments as of the last several years, are only in it for the money. It is fun? Probably at times. Are there moments of spark and magic? Occasionally. Do we love them? yES!

But let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

Kick me like you kicked before
I can't even feel the pain no more

"Rocks Off", Exile on Main Street
Rolling Stones, 1972

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 15, 2012 22:38

A new dawn of creativity will only happen if Andrew Oldham somehow manages to lock Mick and Keith in a room together and tells them "Listen f**kers, you're not getting out until I hear some new songs." I do wonder how exactly Mick and Keith spend their days when not touring. Surely it can't be 24/7 parties and phoney show business bullshit. There really isn't a reason they wouldn't be at least swapping new material back and forth, if only to stave off boredom.

Mick may be the only true roadblock to a new album. Keith and Ronnie would be down for it in a heartbeat. Somebody needs to take Mick aside and make him realize how important it is for them to go out with some new material. He didn't seem to get the significance of the 50th anniversary until it was almost too late. Maybe Steven Van Zandt could get through to him? Somebody needs to!

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Rokyfan ()
Date: December 15, 2012 22:51

A new dawn of creativity will only happen if Andrew Oldham somehow manages to lock Mick and Keith in a room together and tells them "Listen f**kers, you're not getting out until I hear some new songs." I do wonder how exactly Mick and Keith spend their days when not touring. Surely it can't be 24/7 parties and phoney show business bullshit. There really isn't a reason they wouldn't be at least swapping new material back and forth, if only to stave off boredom.

Mick may be the only true roadblock to a new album. Keith and Ronnie would be down for it in a heartbeat. Somebody needs to take Mick aside and make him realize how important it is for them to go out with some new material. He didn't seem to get the significance of the 50th anniversary until it was almost too late. Maybe Steven Van Zandt could get through to him? Somebody needs to!
Yeah, Silvio. He could take him on a ride to the pine barrens.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: December 15, 2012 22:52

They can make all the new albums they want and no matter how good they are radio will ignore them the majority of fans want to hear the classics and thats what they will play live even if they put out a new album thats juust the way it is.

No matter how good? Really??

This is hard to determine; radio has been correct in not playing their new stuff in the last 30 years because frankly, compared to their classics, it's NOT been good.

IF their new albums were as good as the ass-kissing critics would have you believe, then playing a whole night of A Bigger Bang, Bridges and Voodoo songs (or any other recent song stuck on a compliation) would send the crowd home happy, wouldn't it?

I mean, in 1973 they pretty musch stayed within the previous 5 years. And why not? They were putting out good albums with good songs... back then.

The only reason why a fanbase will call for the old stuff, it's because the new stuff is NOT up to par, in other words, it's inferior, in other words, radio programmers aren't going to bother after the first month of it's release... just like every Stones song since 1983.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-12-15 22:53 by jamesfdouglas.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 15, 2012 22:59

It is hard to understand how some people here in this e-community are so delirious as to the Stones having any "pride" or concern as to whether their new material in on an artistic par with Exile or Bleed. Face it, the Stones ceased to be a creative artistic force decades (that's right!) DECADES ago. Sure, they still pump out good (Doom & Gloom and One More Shot) and occasionally GREAT (Rough Justice & Back of my Hand) songs & rock & roll, but all that is great is of veins from years ago. They will never emerge from the shadow of Beggars, Bleed, Sticky, Exile, & Some Girls. Then again, neither will ANY act since. Look at the great rock acts of today - Black Keys, White Stripes, Pearl Jam, and even Gary Clark. Have any of these done ANYTHING outside of the umbrella of the big 5 LPs?

No, and neither has anyone else for that matter. The combination of these 5 records simply DEFINE rock and roll and are the reason for this board, the PPV, and the $Zillions spent by us all.

So, let's be real and sober - the Stones, as evidenced by Keith's comments as of the last several years, are only in it for the money. It is fun? Probably at times. Are there moments of spark and magic? Occasionally. Do we love them? yES!

But let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

I would say the only stumble the Stones had was ABB. I even like Dirty Work and Bridges has three of the greatest Stones songs ever recorded in Saint Of Me, Out Of Control, and Thief In The Night. Don't Stop is also a great song. I say great because it makes me feel good all over every time I hear it. The same goes for Don't Be A Stranger. I never liked Brown Sugar or HTW. I never liked Satisfaction that much either but the world has declared it the greatest song ever. I put at least 25 Stones songs ahead of it. Music is just so damn subjective. The critics thought Exile stunk in the beginning. The Stones didn't even think that much of it. Suddenly someone says it's a classic and others jump on the bandwagon.

And Keith has said repeatedly that it isn't just about the money. I believe him. He would do a new Stones album in a heartbeat. My guess is that Mick might be the only one who may not want to be bothered. After all, he wanted to call this the F***OFF Tour!

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: HighwireC ()
Date: December 15, 2012 23:05

Mick and Keef produced the Deluxe releases, the Archive material and the GRRR! - 50 & still counting - projekt, meanwhile the fans on IORR were discussing more and more nonsense about some tiny todgers ...

smoking smiley

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 15, 2012 23:12

They can make all the new albums they want and no matter how good they are radio will ignore them the majority of fans want to hear the classics and thats what they will play live even if they put out a new album thats juust the way it is.

No matter how good? Really??

This is hard to determine; radio has been correct in not playing their new stuff in the last 30 years because frankly, compared to their classics, it's NOT been good.

IF their new albums were as good as the ass-kissing critics would have you believe, then playing a whole night of A Bigger Bang, Bridges and Voodoo songs (or any other recent song stuck on a compliation) would send the crowd home happy, wouldn't it?

I mean, in 1973 they pretty musch stayed within the previous 5 years. And why not? They were putting out good albums with good songs... back then.

The only reason why a fanbase will call for the old stuff, it's because the new stuff is NOT up to par, in other words, it's inferior, in other words, radio programmers aren't going to bother after the first month of it's release... just like every Stones song since 1983.

Who cares if it gets radio play. The Stones need to stop trying to win a popularity contest and write from the heart and let the chips fall where they may. Mick's major flaw is, and always has been, his fear of failure.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Date: December 16, 2012 18:55

On second thought...................

After watching last nights show (twice) I am reminded of the power of the "classics" and how they seduce crowd participation. It's what makes for a great live show. Maybe Mick knows better after all. I still want new songs and shows that feature them though, but I suppose I am just being selfish. Let the masses decide. It is obvious they like the shows as they are. I guess it's all about getting happy for a few hours and escaping the mad reality of this insane world we live in.

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Tantekäthe ()
Date: December 17, 2012 00:28

A new dawn of creativity will only happen if Andrew Oldham somehow manages to lock Mick and Keith in a room together and tells them "Listen f**kers, you're not getting out until I hear some new songs." I do wonder how exactly Mick and Keith spend their days when not touring. Surely it can't be 24/7 parties and phoney show business bullshit. There really isn't a reason they wouldn't be at least swapping new material back and forth, if only to stave off boredom.

They do not live rock and roll lives anymore. Keith is a 69 year old guy living in the suburbs and Mick is an old jet setter living in high society Europe. The last thing either one wants to do is get in a room together and write songs. They did this, now they are going to get on with their boring lives. Is'a amazing to me they were able to pull this together at such a high quality level, but to expect more is foolish.

Agree except for the "boring lives" bit: where do you know from, and who are you to judge?

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: talkcheap ()
Date: December 17, 2012 00:34

Yeah...and keep Blondie and the rest of those guys OUT OF THE STUDIO!!! You can make it if you try.


Waddy Wachtel?

Re: "Classics Era" Should End Saturday Night!
Posted by: Grison ()
Date: December 17, 2012 14:46

Let's just be realistic in short terms:
If the Stones put out a new album: you do not like it! I know that for sure and the fact that you compare everything with 40 years ago, that's smoke in the ash not more

If the Stones go on Tour: You don't like it, because you have thousands of reasons why the concert will be bad anyway.

.. and if they do nothing, like all of you retired or "soon" retired people do: Again you're depressed and need a "dear Doctor"

Sorry, but some of you just never learn the live you're thrown into.

The Rolling Stones have nothing to prove anymore, they can do whatever they are up to and want to do. If they steal your money with ticket prices, it's you're fault to buy them (or mine because I did) eye popping smiley
If they release the 20th Greatest Hits version in a new cover what ever the version is and you buy them all, it's again your own little problem (I don't buy those anyway, because I like them live only >grinning smiley< )

So to sum it up, Love it or hate it, but leave yourself in pandoras box and dream on, but don't tell me then you missed something....

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