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What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: stonesfan70 ()
Date: January 1, 2005 02:40

Just curious since I had a situation at work the other day. The ignoramus who sits in the cubicle next to mine had to start by making fun of how old the Stones look these days (which is ridiculous in itself since he is just as old as they are). Then the moron who sits on the other side of me had to chime in with his ingenious comment that "the Stones suck."

Now my first reaction was to jam a pen through his throat but I settled for showing my disdain for the lame music he likes - punk, namely Green Day (excuse me while I retch).

Not that I'm losing any sleep over it, but it does get under my skin since every time somebody bashes the Stones, Mick, or Keith, it is always some dumbass with horrible musical taste or totally clueless about music in general.

Does anybody have any classic responses? I would like to know.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: January 1, 2005 03:02

Stonesfan70 forgive them for they no not what they say...then when no one is looking bash the shitter outta 'em both...!!!


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: shattered ()
Date: January 1, 2005 03:03

Once you get tickets, ask them if they want to go.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: January 1, 2005 03:05

well..depends on the type of 'disrespect' you're talking about, because sometimes they deserve it.

To be honest, few people do slag off the Stones to me. They know better....

Anyway, it's easy to make most people's taste look ridiculous if you reel off a few facts or statistics.

usually a "OK then,give us a laugh and tell us who YOU like" usually suffices, because invariably it's someone for whom to compare their greatness and achievements to those of the Stones is nonsensical

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: stones40 ()
Date: January 1, 2005 04:46

Ask them why is it that a bunch of old @#$%&--- still attract millions of fans to their concerts.
The answer to this is obvious in that the Stones are generation proof but for young people to admit that they like the Rolling Stones is an ongoing problem with younger generation versus older generation.
I have attended Stones concerts for over 40 years and as each decade has finished i thought that the band would only have the oldies to try & fill their concert seats.
This has been proven wrong time & again & as long as the Rolling Stones perform to the standard of performance that no other live act can atain then young people will continue to ask themselves what is the secret of the bands longetivity.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 1, 2005 07:26

I answer as Keith would, "@#$%& Off, (aside)...they know nothing." (KR)

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: stonefan ()
Date: January 1, 2005 09:33

I play the music louder !

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Shawn20 ()
Date: January 1, 2005 20:01

I've heard people slag off the Stones and the Beatles. That is so funny. The only response to give these people is...."That says a lot about your musical taste and nothing about the Rolling Stones."

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: January 1, 2005 20:15

I say: "Go @#$%& a refridgerator peckerneck. You either don't like rock 'n roll in general or you have no idea what you're talking about".


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: ChrisM ()
Date: January 1, 2005 20:26

So long as you like them stonesfan, why should you care what someone else thinks?
Shawn makes a valid point when he says such direspectful statements are more representative of repsective musical tastes than of the Stones themselves....

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: January 1, 2005 21:51

I wouldn't say anything....mama taught me not to talk to crazy people.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Nikolai ()
Date: January 1, 2005 23:50

Different strokes ... People who don't like The Stones tend to have godawful music taste anyway. @#$%& 'em.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: mark ()
Date: January 1, 2005 23:53

First I say to myself 'Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do' ( I bet I even blew that quote and you can substitute Brian's name and I do not think it would constitue blastfamy).

Second, I love the Stones so much I do not get angry, they are entitled to their opinion. I actually get this smile on my face like 'I know something you don't" or what a shame they do not appreciate the experience, like not liking the smell of a rose, what can you say to them?

I think we get into these problems because we are so passonate about the Stones, we speak our minds and yes we tend to play it louder than most care to hear it.

Some thing you might try is finding some lesser known stone song that fits their tastes in music and don't tell them who it is, when they like it gloat. My ex-parents-in-law always thought I was excessive in my passion until one night, like good Canadians they were watching a stars on ice show. The show wrapped up with a five song long extravaganza. All the music was full orchastrational but it had a familiar ring....the first was Sympathy. So i say what do you think of the music, they loved it....I got them. The next four pieces were all Stones tunes and they loved them all. Maybe we need the London Philharmonic or Boston Pops to cut a Stones album...taylor it for the masses and ween them on slowly.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: stonesfan70 ()
Date: January 2, 2005 09:59

I think the main problem with such people is that they have no clue about the Stones music since they never bothered to listen to it and have only a negative image of Mick and Keith the celebrities as they are portrayed in the tabloids, ie. aging philanderer and haggard drug addict.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Mathijs ()
Date: January 2, 2005 14:35

Mostly I fully agree with people making bad remarks about the Stones these days. Yes, they are old, they are just a money machine, they are a Vegas act, they haven't released anything interesting since 1983. Then all I do then is play Brussels Affair, Handsome Girls and Hampton 81 from start to finish. That suffices.


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: January 2, 2005 14:37

Hey Mathijs.........You are very wrong.


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Bluespeyer ()
Date: January 2, 2005 17:55

It doesn't bother me at all on those (infrequent) occasions when people slag the Stones. I don't respond whatsoever. I just smile to myself, perfectly secure in my taste and knowledge of great rock 'n roll. To me, the Stones are like, say, Jennifer Anniston. I know she's utterly beautiful, so who gives a shit what other people think?

-- Keep on rollin'. Keep on. Keep on. Keep on. --

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Date: January 2, 2005 17:58

I can't imagine how you care. I like what I like and don't care if others like it. Too many of you people here and on Shidoobee wrap up your self identity in the Stones.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: January 2, 2005 21:40

That's because we feel a very tight bond with the Stones' music Mitchtaylormick. We feel more complete when we hear the Stones.


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: jigsawpuzzle ()
Date: January 3, 2005 02:25

I usually respond "You either get it or your don't" I'm just blessed that I get it.

I feel sorry for you jumpin keny flash
Date: January 3, 2005 04:33

I love the music, but I am complete without them.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: BBstones ()
Date: January 3, 2005 08:37

I tell them that the Stones are the biggest entertainment conglomerment in the world and then ask them to name someone bigger. I then get some confused looks.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Date: January 3, 2005 09:00

I apologize for my lack of sensitivity and politesse, but with all the sh*t going on in the f*cking world just now, hundreds of thousands of victims of last week's tsunami in SE Asia, who gives a flying f*ck whether or not one's conversational partners respect or dis-respect the band?

I don't know how old you are, so if you're under 12 years of age, perhaps your parents haven't yet taught you the value of global news....

I could go on, but it's just more rag red read out. And don't f*cking flame me for this post, maties... I'll visit you in my snow shoes and play Olivia Newton-John outside your domicile until your brain is toasty oaties!

"The wonder of Jimi Hendrix was that he could stand up at all he was so pumped full of drugs." Patsy, Patsy Stone

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: January 3, 2005 13:34

Menace: That is the ultimate punishment. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (BTW: I dig your sig).

Mitchtaylormick: That is the difference between hardcore fans and casual fans.


Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: RankOutsider ()
Date: January 3, 2005 16:04

People have been dogging the Stones since I was a kid, (one of the most popular lines I would here in junior high school, ((67-68)) was " Mick Jagger is queer"), it's part of being a Stones fan, we're not suppossed to like them for the reasons most people like musical acts. (They aren't perfect, they aren't polished, they're rude, and, they don't inspire you to build or sell things). We like them for the opposite reasons. At least that's the way it used to be. Being a true Stones fan is like living in a world where Sinatra rules,....we just don't mix. These days it's easy though for people to pick on the Stones, but hey, if you inquire of these people they probably never "really" liked the Stones anyway, so @#$%&-em. I mean some people think Emerson, Lake, and Palmer were a rock 'n' roll band, you just can't help these people.

I ain't stupid, I'm just guitarded.

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: RankOutsider ()
Date: January 3, 2005 16:07

Hey ChrisM what's the story with the "Keith" dummie?

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Tor ()
Date: January 3, 2005 18:33

I grew-up defending the Stones with my family, teachers in school, friends and girlfriends.
Now days if anyone lips about the GREATEST band of all-time I tell them to chew
corn and go listen the beatles..

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Tor ()
Date: January 3, 2005 18:34

I grew-up defending the Stones with my family, teachers in school, friends and girlfriends.
Now days if anyone lips about the GREATEST band of all-time I tell them to chew
corn and go listen the beatles..

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: Tor ()
Date: January 3, 2005 18:34

I grew-up defending the Stones with my family, teachers in school, friends and girlfriends.
Now days if anyone lips about the GREATEST band of all-time I tell them to chew
corn and go listen the beatles..

Re: What do you say to someone when they disrespect the Stones?
Posted by: SPellegrino ()
Date: March 3, 2014 17:27

So long as you like them stonesfan, why should you care what someone else thinks?
Shawn makes a valid point when he says such direspectful statements are more representative of repsective musical tastes than of the Stones themselves....


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