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So long as you like them stonesfan, why should you care what someone else thinks?
Shawn makes a valid point when he says such direspectful statements are more representative of repsective musical tastes than of the Stones themselves....
Just curious since I had a situation at work the other day. The ignoramus who sits in the cubicle next to mine had to start by making fun of how old the Stones look these days (which is ridiculous in itself since he is just as old as they are). Then the moron who sits on the other side of me had to chime in with his ingenious comment that "the Stones suck."
Now my first reaction was to jam a pen through his throat but I settled for showing my disdain for the lame music he likes - punk, namely Green Day (excuse me while I retch).
Not that I'm losing any sleep over it, but it does get under my skin since every time somebody bashes the Stones, Mick, or Keith, it is always some dumbass with horrible musical taste or totally clueless about music in general.
Does anybody have any classic responses? I would like to know.
They both know you like em that is why.
I don't bother saying anything mainly because I know they don't suck (most of the time)