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Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Max'sKansasCity ()
Date: October 31, 2012 10:28

Allrighty then... Im done with this thread... nothing will change here

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: GravityBoy ()
Date: October 31, 2012 10:33

Someone deleted the "'What if....' in a small font" thread.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: jamesjagger ()
Date: October 31, 2012 10:33

This is funnier than a sitcom!


Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: October 31, 2012 10:41

Lots of posters whine because they care, and lots of them are very knowledgeable, so it's interesting. Once you've been here a while you learn that if certain posters praise something, then it must indeed be pretty good. On the other hand, all that I can say is that I personally enjoyed something - which counts for nothing because I have cloth ears, no musical expertise and terrible taste, as I am well aware. I don't need musical taste or expertise to get annoyed by the tacky, grasping commercial corporation the Stones-brand has become, though if you know their history and personalities you can sort-of see how it happened. The problem is that somewhere in there is what's left of a band and music I still love, and sometimes for me it's still worth picking your way through all the dreck to find them. For some people it isn't, and that's their choice. Fine.


Equal rights for musically stunted blind/deaf cheerleaders!

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: superrevvy ()
Date: October 31, 2012 11:11

This is whining: "I really like the Stones but they charge too much for tickets
and they play too many warhorses."

Therefore: Every single person on this thread who is complaining about whining
is themself a whiner. Because that's EXACTLY what you think.

And this is not whining: "The Rolling Stones suck now."

Agree or disagree, that is not a whine, it is only an opinion.

So, yes, get rid of the whiners. All these jerks who love the Stones, kinda,
you know, except they don't play exactly how or what I wish they would.

Keep only the people who love them to death, and will happily drop a thou to
see them play whatever they want to play, and those others of us who used to
love them, but for whom its all over now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 11:33 by superrevvy.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 11:57

This is whining: "I really like the Stones but they charge too much for tickets
and they play too many warhorses."

Therefore: Every single person on this thread who is complaining about whining
is themself a whiner. Because that's EXACTLY what you think.

And this is not whining: "The Rolling Stones suck now."

Agree or disagree, that is not a whine, it is only an opinion.

So, yes, get rid of the whiners. All these jerks who love the Stones, kinda,
you know, except they don't play exactly how or what I wish they would.

Keep only the people who love them to death, and will happily drop a thou to
see them play whatever they want to play, and those others of us who used to
love them, but for whom its all over now.

Can't really see there a distinction. One could say "I really like the Stones but they suck now because they charge too much for tickets and they play too many warhorses." That's an opinion.

- Doxa

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Date: October 31, 2012 12:21

This is whining: "I really like the Stones but they charge too much for tickets
and they play too many warhorses."

Therefore: Every single person on this thread who is complaining about whining
is themself a whiner. Because that's EXACTLY what you think.

And this is not whining: "The Rolling Stones suck now."

Agree or disagree, that is not a whine, it is only an opinion.

So, yes, get rid of the whiners. All these jerks who love the Stones, kinda,
you know, except they don't play exactly how or what I wish they would.

Keep only the people who love them to death, and will happily drop a thou to
see them play whatever they want to play, and those others of us who used to
love them, but for whom its all over now.

Can't really see there a distinction. One could say "I really like the Stones but they suck now because they charge too much for tickets and they play too many warhorses." That's an opinion.

- Doxa

But what is it when one person expresses his/her joy about a video clip, and another poster ridicule the former poster?

It's an opinion, of course, but not a very sympathetic one, imo.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: wandering spirit ()
Date: October 31, 2012 12:37

i think a forum where it is not allowed to be "critical" of something ist not worth the time spent there.

i am convinced that everybody here loves the stones in "his/her" personal way - otherwise he/she wouldn´t be here. to critisise someone because his doesn´t approve of something the stones do or the way they do it is in my opinion childish or immature. this doesn´t of course mean that one has to share this opinion, on the contrary - just argue your point of view instead of criticising other people as "whiners".

i personally think that only different opinions make such a forum woth-while reading.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 12:52

This is whining: "I really like the Stones but they charge too much for tickets
and they play too many warhorses."

Therefore: Every single person on this thread who is complaining about whining
is themself a whiner. Because that's EXACTLY what you think.

And this is not whining: "The Rolling Stones suck now."

Agree or disagree, that is not a whine, it is only an opinion.

So, yes, get rid of the whiners. All these jerks who love the Stones, kinda,
you know, except they don't play exactly how or what I wish they would.

Keep only the people who love them to death, and will happily drop a thou to
see them play whatever they want to play, and those others of us who used to
love them, but for whom its all over now.

Can't really see there a distinction. One could say "I really like the Stones but they suck now because they charge too much for tickets and they play too many warhorses." That's an opinion.

- Doxa

But what is it when one person expresses his/her joy about a video clip, and another poster ridicule the former poster?

It's an opinion, of course, but not a very sympathetic one, imo.

Yeah, it is expressing an opinion about someone else's opinion (or joy), but, most of all, showing disrespect and acting stupidly. We are here entering to the realm of good/bad manners, which I think is a different thing altogether. But more important, and perhaps the only thing that matters.

For example, I think some people use that "whining"-card way too easily in this board, which shows disrespect toward other people's opinions, which might be genuine and honest, even though critical.

But this all is so human, so human when the opinions vary such a lot, and some of them just get to some other's nerves...

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 12:54 by Doxa.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Date: October 31, 2012 12:57

True, Doxa. I agree.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Rolling Hansie ()
Date: October 31, 2012 12:59

But what is it when one person expresses his/her joy about a video clip, and another poster ridicule the former poster?

Yeah, it is expressing an opinion about someone else's opinion (or joy), but, most of all, showing disrespect and acting stupidly. We are here entering to the realm of good/bad manners

Very well said. There is a major difference between being critical about something and simply trying to take the joy away from someone.

Keep On Rolling smoking smiley

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Date: October 31, 2012 13:21

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested. So there may be people expecting a different thing than the 2012 version of the band is able tho show...then this people whine. And it is understable. If there is respect among fans....why not disagree?

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 13:36

Rolling Hansie
But what is it when one person expresses his/her joy about a video clip, and another poster ridicule the former poster?

Yeah, it is expressing an opinion about someone else's opinion (or joy), but, most of all, showing disrespect and acting stupidly. We are here entering to the realm of good/bad manners

Very well said. There is a major difference between being critical about something and simply trying to take the joy away from someone.

Wow, I feel being in a good company by being agreed by two most positive posters here!smileys with beer

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 13:36 by Doxa.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:13

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested. So there may be people expecting a different thing than the 2012 version of the band is able tho show...then this people whine. And it is understable. If there is respect among fans....why not disagree?

We had a great thread of that fan "experience" bit a while ago, and I agree mostly with what you say here.

But there is one thing I partly disagree or I try to say something different. I think what is different now is that anyone who has followed the band since the 80's actually has - or needs to have - a rather 'realistic' picture of the band, or what to expect from them. The fact that a certain show one attends will most likely be based on 'war horses' and the band will play like it will do (like they have from 1989 on, even though the quality of certain date might vary a bit), and if one then one complains that it is disappointed to the set list or the sound of the band over-all (too litte guitars, etc,), I think that only shows that the person in question had unrealistic expectations. He or she should have known better. From 1989 THe Stones have been so predictable in all of their doings, be it concerts, new records or whatever (every new action just makes the pattern somehow more visble as the yaers go by).

And the fact that they have toured so much - and all over the world - since 1989 - compared for example to the golden 70's - that has offered to each fan plenty of chances to get to know what a modern Rolling Stones concert experience is like. But there are 'old' fans I know who digged them back in the 60's or 70's who actually didn't have a realistic chance to see them live. For example, in my homeland Finland The Stones only performed twice - 1965 and 1970 - before 1995. For the FInnish kids back then travel the world to see them wasn't such an easy option. Lots of "imagination" was also needed then to think how graet they are....

I guess the biggest surprise they had done since 1989 'come back' was that of (finally) starting to release the stuff in vaults.

- Doxa

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 14:30 by Doxa.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:13

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested. So there may be people expecting a different thing than the 2012 version of the band is able tho show...then this people whine. And it is understable. If there is respect among fans....why not disagree?

That was a joke, right ....?

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:15

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested.

Rubbish. You can't "rate" fans based on their age, and you can't generalize what's going on in other people heads and how the time they grow up in influence them. From your standards, nobody really can understand Hank Williams or Robert Johnson either, unless they're 80-90 and were around them as it happened. Nobody living now can understand let's say, Leo Tolstoy either, as he died 100 years ago.
You are underestimating other peoples ability of making a judgement

One might as well say the opposite than what you're saying; one could say that older people have lost their ability of redefining their taste as the world change....their musical taste is just a longing for memories of their youth; completely out of time. It would be just as wrong

Re "the real experience" ? Just because one happened to be alive at a certain moment, doesn't mean that one were close to the band, or understood anything, really. Maybe a person growing up today could say to his future kids that he has lived "the real experience" of Desperate Housewives, just 'cos it's running on the TV these years...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 14:25 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Erik_Snow ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:16

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested. So there may be people expecting a different thing than the 2012 version of the band is able tho show...then this people whine. And it is understable. If there is respect among fans....why not disagree?

That was a joke, right ....?

Yes it is, but he isn't joking, strangely enough, he wrote the same thing a couple of days ago

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 14:28 by Erik_Snow.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:25

Thanks, Erik.

I'm laughing at some of those remarks, especially the difference between the "real experience" and "a bisarre mix of readings, fantasy .....".

Now I'm worried that I might not have digested the Stones vitally enough, that it has become a dangerous mix. drinking smiley

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Date: October 31, 2012 14:26

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested. So there may be people expecting a different thing than the 2012 version of the band is able tho show...then this people whine. And it is understable. If there is respect among fans....why not disagree?

We had a great thread of that fan "experience" bit a while ago, and I agree mostly with what you say here.

But there is one thing I partly disagree or I try to say something different. I think what is different now is that anyone who has followed the band since the 80's actually has - or needs to have - a rather 'realistic' picture of the band, or what to expect from them. The fact that a certain show one attends will most likely be based on 'war horses' and the band will play like it will do (like they have from 1989 on, even though the quality of certain date might vary a bit), and if one then one complains that it is disappointed to the set list or the sound of the band over-all (too litte guitars, etc,), I think that only shows that the person in question had unrealistic expectations. He or she should have known better. From 1989 THe Stones have been so predictable in all of their doings, be it concerts, new records or whatever (every new action just makes the pattern somehow more visble as the yaers go by). And the fact that they have toured so much since 1989 - compared for example to the golden 70's - that has offered to each fan plenty of chances to get to know what a modern Rolling Stones concert experience is like.

I guess the biggest surprise they had done since 1989 'come back' was that of (finally) starting to release the stuff in vaults.

- Doxa

Did you really see the "3 different shows in every major city" on the Licks Tour coming?

THAT was a surprise for me thumbs up

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:40



Did you really see the "3 different shows in every major city" on the Licks Tour coming?

THAT was a surprise for me thumbs up

Okay, don't have such a fortune teller's gifts, but to me thats is just tour logistics, and of course, a nice idea within a tour to make something different for a change (and to sell the package). Of course, this new 'two plus two'' shows is a 'novel' idea per se (to perform outsdide the full tour plan), but actually that sort of idea - taken the condition of the band - was long ago guessed and disgussed here at IORR.

- Doxa

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:50

Most of fans writting in forums like this are post-Undercover babies (were born 1983 onwards, so they lost the "golden era", crossfire hurricane era) and have not lived the real experience (the only possible experience by the way...), so all they know and feel is based on "intellectual" knowledge. I mean, there is not experience (rocknroll is vital concomitant experience not being knowledgeable.....) but just a bizarre mix of readings, fantasy, post Urban Jugle Tours attendance, fantasy, video screening, and the ultimate catalyst experience: writing in forums. This dangerous mix may cause in some cases unrealistic expectations....because all they know is stacked as a block, not vitally digested.

Rubbish. You can't "rate" fans based on their age, and you can't generalize what's going on in other people heads and how the time they grow up in influence them. From your standards, nobody really can understand Hank Williams or Robert Johnson either, unless they're 80-90 and were around them as it happened. Nobody living now can understand let's say, Leo Tolstoy either, as he died 100 years ago.
You are underestimating other peoples ability of making a judgement

One might as well say the opposite than what you're saying; one could say that older people have lost their ability of redefining their taste as the world change....their musical taste is just a longing for memories of their youth; completely out of time. It would be just as wrong

Re "the real experience" ? Just because one happened to be alive at a certain moment, doesn't mean that one were close to the band, or understood anything, really. Maybe a person growing up today could say to his future kids that he has lived "the real experience" of Desperate Housewives, just 'cos it's running on the TV these years...

I think you are a bit too harsh here, Erik. I think emotional barbeque unwisely or provocatively over-emphasizes the difference of "real experience" and "intellectual experience" (or whatever it is called, both bad word choices, especially 'real'), but I think he still has a point. There is a thread about that, and write alot about it there, and I don't feel like repeating myself here. Perhaps continue there?

- Doxa

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 14:59 by Doxa.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: October 31, 2012 14:52

I don't really think it's worth arguing about, but I still think this "real experience" thing (as presented by emotionalbarbecue above) is rubbish, just like Erik points out. Of course, seeing the band for real at MSG '72 or the Marquee in '63 is more "real" than sitting here and watching youtube. But there are plenty of people who heard the band in their heyday who could barely recognise a song because the PA was bad, girls were screaming or because the fan in question happened to stand in "last row" out of 300 000 people at Altamont.

I have only been a fan since '94 and seen the band in live '98 and '03. Seemed real to me. I still love every bootleg from '72 more than No Security and Live Licks. But if someone wants to talk about the Stones on this board and they have only ever heard one song, they're welcome if you ask me.

Edit: Sorry, straying slightly off topic here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2012-10-31 14:53 by LieB.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:04

I don't really think it's worth arguing about, but I still think this "real experience" thing (as presented by emotionalbarbecue above) is rubbish, just like Erik points out. Of course, seeing the band for real at MSG '72 or the Marquee in '63 is more "real" than sitting here and watching youtube. But there are plenty of people who heard the band in their heyday who could barely recognise a song because the PA was bad, girls were screaming or because the fan in question happened to stand in "last row" out of 300 000 people at Altamont.

I have only been a fan since '94 and seen the band in live '98 and '03. Seemed real to me. I still love every bootleg from '72 more than No Security and Live Licks. But if someone wants to talk about the Stones on this board and they have only ever heard one song, they're welcome if you ask me.

Edit: Sorry, straying slightly off topic here.

Just forget the term "real" and try to see beyond that. Like I mentioned to Erik, it is really a bad word choice and unnecessarly hides the valuable point emotionalbarbeque makes. (Every experience is 'real' if one feels something, which one necessarily does, if is having an experience, by the way...grinning smiley).

- Doxa

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: latebloomer ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:11

Whiners to the left, cheerleaders to the right...or something.

Well, I can borrow my sister's old cheerleading outfit, but what will the whiners wear?

That depends. Are you female? Or do you at least good look in drag?

HA! I am a girl 71Tele, how about you? I can find an extra outfit for you, we can go as the IORR cheerleaders, heck we can form our own team.

Repeat after me (with claps in between):

You might be good at basketball
You might be good at track
But when it comes to rock and roll
You might as well step back
Might as well step back
Say what? You might as well step back
Can’t hear - you Might as well step back
Go Rolling Stones!

Well, I'm not a girl, but maybe we could dress as those cheerleaders from SNL. I'll do the Will Farrel part. It's Halloween after all!

I love that skit!

Seriously, I have said before that I really don't care what other people post, to each his own opinion. I do take offense when someone is deliberately insulting and demeaning to another poster. We are all adults, I think, and there is no need to stoop to childish behavior to make a point. Having said that, I think everyone slips up sometimes in the heat of the moment, and I have noticed that most posters here make an effort to make amends when they have crossed the line. To the few who don't know how to behave, just ignore them and eventually they will go away.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: DoomNGloom ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:21

Whiners to the left, cheerleaders to the right...or something.

Well, I can borrow my sister's old cheerleading outfit, but what will the whiners wear?

That depends. Are you female? Or do you at least good look in drag?

HA! I am a girl 71Tele, how about you? I can find an extra outfit for you, we can go as the IORR cheerleaders, heck we can form our own team.

Repeat after me (with claps in between):

You might be good at basketball
You might be good at track
But when it comes to rock and roll
You might as well step back
Might as well step back
Say what? You might as well step back
Can’t hear - you Might as well step back
Go Rolling Stones!

Well, I'm not a girl, but maybe we could dress as those cheerleaders from SNL. I'll do the Will Farrel part. It's Halloween after all!

I love that skit!

Seriously, I have said before that I really don't care what other people post, to each his own opinion. I do take offense when someone is deliberately insulting and demeaning to another poster. We are all adults, I think, and there is no need to stoop to childish behavior to make a point. Having said that, I think everyone slips up sometimes in the heat of the moment, and I have noticed that most posters here make an effort to make amends when they have crossed the line. To the few who don't know how to behave, just ignore them and eventually they will go away.

thumbs up

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: MingSubu ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:25

I think a lot of it is, people love their band so much. They just get emotional about them.

Different opinions usually make for an interesting read.

The whiners have every right to voice their opinion, as the non-whiners.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:33

I'm tired of whiners who whine about whiners. Oh wait, that makes me a whiner smoking smiley

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: ROPENI ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:37

"No dope smoking no beer sold after 12 o'clock"

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Posted by: treaclefingers ()
Date: October 31, 2012 15:46

Glancing through this thread, and seeing the attempted analysis of 'whiners' makes me realize that I prefer the whiners.

Re: Anyone else tired of the whiners?
Date: October 31, 2012 15:56

In any case I write in this forum in order to spend a good time and having fun (as well as improve my broken english...). So in the end...being life outside internet is so hard...I don't find any reason to discuss harshly or whine (a lot...winking smiley) in here...

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