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Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: October 9, 2010 12:13

Turd On The Run
[I actually think Bianca hurt Jagger the most, contrary to the images they evoked. I know that's a rare opinion in Stonesdom. But hmmm....just a hunch.

I don´t know if it is only a rumor or if it is true that Bianca never understood what he was doing. And that she told him to stop with that childish music-making and do something more meaningful. Being a creative person it must be hurtful to hear from your partner that you should give up that "stupid thing". If it is true.

I had the good fortune to meet and become acquainted with Bianca Jagger in the early 80's. I met her in Studio 54 (where I was bartending - and having the time of my life - as a young pup right out of University) and she was indeed a cerebral, self-contained lady...very different than the other women I met there. There was a strength, confidence and dignity about her that was nearly unnerving in those febrile times. We had breakfast together several times - she waited until Studio closed and we would have something to eat in a diner nearby...and she was nobody's fool and very involved in humanitarian causes, (though I considered her a Champagne Socialist - but that's for another discussion). We had lively political debates (as lively as they can be at 5:30 a.m.) and I can very easily imagine Bianca considering the Stone's music 'childish music-making' compared to the causes she was involved in, which included feeding hungry children in Nicaragua, among several other endeavors. As a Stones fan - and in New York in the late 70's and early 80's New York was a Stones town thru and thru so everybody knew what had happened with Bianca and Mick and Jerry, etc. - I never directly asked her about this, but I listened between the lines and I sensed a melancholy and a sense of regret that she had moved on to more adult, 'meaningful' endeavors while her mate had chosen to remain in the same place playing the same shallow, narcissistic (and very lucrative) game...very complicated...

Waw! It's quite a story!!! Can you remember more?
I always knew that a girl from Nicaragua wouldn't get a scholarship in Sorbonne just like that. She always has more class, style, taste and understanding than Stones. That was only stupidity, jealousy and envy of Anita and Keith that ostracised Bianca from The Rolling Stones inner cicle and therefore eventually from Mick.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: nkt44 ()
Date: October 9, 2010 15:48

Annoying as she is - I think it's Marianne. The most entertaining, I guess.
I've read Marsha's book and there is something irritatingly too-saintly about her. How she's so rational and caring and grown up. Maybe she is; I don't know....

Ain't no "maybe". She was. She still is. Out of all of Mick's women, she's the only one that acted mature. She never talked down about him to their daughter, Karis. Even after he denied she was his! You call that irritating, but I call that STRENGTH. Her maturity paid off in the end, because Mick eventually came around and started acting right towards her.

I'm not sure about him 'acting straight towards her'. In the recent years both Marianne and Marsha were diagnosed with breast cancer. Marianne was telling how Mick called her in hospital to comfort her and inquire about her health.
Marsha did a documentary about her fight against cancer. In the programme she mentions how 'an assistant of an assistant of a PA to Mick Jagger' called her up and asked if she needed any money.

...And it seems NOBODY's interested in poor Chrissie. Ha, ha. Shame.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: October 9, 2010 16:02

I'm not sure about him 'acting straight towards her'. In the recent years both Marianne and Marsha were diagnosed with breast cancer. Marianne was telling how Mick called her in hospital to comfort her and inquire about her health.
Marsha did a documentary about her fight against cancer. In the programme she mentions how 'an assistant of an assistant of a PA to Mick Jagger' called her up and asked if she needed any money

I've read Marsha's book "Undefeated" - about her strugle with cancer. She told there another story.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-10-09 16:10 by proudmary.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: Bliss ()
Date: October 9, 2010 18:00

Mick's r/ships span a long time, nearly 50 years, and in that time he could only have grown more powerful, wealthier, more jaded and more cynical.

Chrissie was a mid-60s dollybird, and apparently they fought constantly. She was immortalised in 'Stupid Girl' and 'Under My Thumb'.

He met Marianne when he was 20 and was in awe of the Baroness's well-educated daughter. But in the 5 or so years they were together, his popularity and power soared, plus, he worked non-stop to keep it all going. Marianne drifted into heroin.

Marsha was an intelligent, calm, lucid woman, who was an antidote to Marianne's nuttiness and druggy state. She claims he wanted to marry her but she rejected the idea. He treated her atrociously, forcing her to take him to court to get child support when when was having serious financial problems.

Bianca represented his more worldly ambitions to be internationally celebrated. I think the problem was that they were too similar, both prima donnas, and their r/ship was a never-ending power struggle. She couldn't get him to be faithful and he couldn't get her to respect his achievements as an artist. There is some account of her ripping up his silk shirts with her teeth. But ultimately she lost the war, despite the public affairs she started having with Ryan O'Neal and others. She also got screwed in her divorce settlement, ending up with a million dollars in 1980.

Jerry was loads of fun and I think never judged him. She tolerated his affairs and hung on for dear life, using family life as her chief weapon. When she finally dumped him he was heartbroken and was in constant touch with her. Despite her lack of discretion, I think Jerry has a big, big heart. She too got screwed financially by Mick.

We also have to include Carla Bruni, because she was Mick's mistress for 8 years. She came close to being the ideal woman for Mick, because she was beautiful, a wealthy heiress, extremely intelligent and well-educated, a lifelong musician, and apparently emotionally uncomplicated and very fun-loving. As I mentioned in an earlier post, in the recent book about her, a friend claims that Mick wanted to divorce Jerry and be with her, but she said no.

And now there is L'Wren, who is beautiful, tolerant, discreet, and extremely hardworking in her design career. I have also read that she is very well-connected in Hollywood, something Mick evidently wants. But apparently she also is not secure with Mick, because as I reported in an earlier post, she cried when she heard Mick's kiss-off song 'Following the River', thinking it was for her.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-10-09 18:29 by Bliss.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: nkt44 ()
Date: October 9, 2010 18:23

I'm not sure about him 'acting straight towards her'. In the recent years both Marianne and Marsha were diagnosed with breast cancer. Marianne was telling how Mick called her in hospital to comfort her and inquire about her health.
Marsha did a documentary about her fight against cancer. In the programme she mentions how 'an assistant of an assistant of a PA to Mick Jagger' called her up and asked if she needed any money

I've read Marsha's book "Undefeated" - about her strugle with cancer. She told there another story.

Did she? I need to read it. I remember hearing her saying that on the telly. It stuck in my mind cause I thought it was quite callous. She might have reconsidered it or it might have been used out of context to make it sound harsher that it was meant to. I certainly will read the book.

What did she say exactly - as a matter of interest?

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: stateofshock ()
Date: October 9, 2010 20:52

Annoying as she is - I think it's Marianne. The most entertaining, I guess.
I've read Marsha's book and there is something irritatingly too-saintly about her. How she's so rational and caring and grown up. Maybe she is; I don't know....

Ain't no "maybe". She was. She still is. Out of all of Mick's women, she's the only one that acted mature. She never talked down about him to their daughter, Karis. Even after he denied she was his! You call that irritating, but I call that STRENGTH. Her maturity paid off in the end, because Mick eventually came around and started acting right towards her.

I'm not sure about him 'acting straight towards her'. In the recent years both Marianne and Marsha were diagnosed with breast cancer. Marianne was telling how Mick called her in hospital to comfort her and inquire about her health.
Marsha did a documentary about her fight against cancer. In the programme she mentions how 'an assistant of an assistant of a PA to Mick Jagger' called her up and asked if she needed any money.

...And it seems NOBODY's interested in poor Chrissie. Ha, ha. Shame.

You're right, I should clarify, he started acting right towards KARIS...not her mother. Paid for her American education, attended her graduation, wedding, the birth of her child, etc.

"What I'm doing is a sexual thing. I dance and all dancing is a replacement for sex". - Mick Jagger

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: October 10, 2010 12:45

Did she? I need to read it. I remember hearing her saying that on the telly. It stuck in my mind cause I thought it was quite callous. She might have reconsidered it or it might have been used out of context to make it sound harsher that it was meant to. I certainly will read the book.

What did she say exactly - as a matter of interest?[/quote]

It's a long story - she needed money for the best treatment and Mick gave her the necessary sum, but not by himself. She took offence.

What I don't like about Marsha that her pose of Mrs. Right. What she did to Marianne wasn't good or right

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: Honestman ()
Date: October 10, 2010 14:36

Do you think the super-slick and super-ambitious Mick would take as an example the wreck Keith had become from 1973? Yellow skin, bad teeth, and a corpse-like body are not really magnets for girls... (unless you're a female junkie that is)

>grinning smiley<thumbs up


Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: October 10, 2010 16:00

Back to the drugs theme. That's the quote from Mick' interview to The Telegraph

"Lots of children running around rolling joints. And, you know, people making music. It's pretty much what I imagine most people think being in a rock band is all about"

It's nice, isn't it?

"Legalising drugs is an issue that every government, and every police force, in fact, has done studies on. I think the British police force came out at one point and said they thought they should be legalised.
"It's a subject fraught with difficulties because it's not an easy thing to do. You can't just tick it off and go, 'OK, all drugs are legalised…'. But having drugs illegal is so much of a problem because, as the police in any country will tell you, there's a lot of violence at the user-end of drugs, people steal money to get drugs, and so on. And at the other end, the supply end of the chain, there's a lot of violence too, as you see in Mexico now, for instance.
"So that's what I said. And I said if you want to try legalising it, you should do it in a small community – and I jocularly said that when they have a new mobile phone system, they always try it out in the Isle of Man. After I'd said it, I thought: 'Oh, either they are going to love this on the Isle of Man or they are going to hate it…' I also said Iceland and then I thought, 'Oh God, Iceland, the banking crisis and then the volcano, and now I'm saying they should legalise drugs there and they're not going to like it…'
"It was slightly jocular. But there is a seriousness there – they did try legalising drugs in Amsterdam and the rest of Holland, with varied results, you might say. There were good results and not-so-good results. I think it's good to have a debate, an ongoing debate, and it's a very serious issue, but it is an issue that needs to be addressed because the violence of the supplier has got really, really bad. If you ask any police force, a lot of the crimes they deal with have to do with drugs."

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: October 11, 2010 02:20

Turd On The Run

I had the good fortune to meet and become acquainted with Bianca Jagger in the early 80's. I met her in Studio 54 (where I was bartending - and having the time of my life - as a young pup right out of University) and she was indeed a cerebral, self-contained lady...very different than the other women I met there. There was a strength, confidence and dignity about her that was nearly unnerving in those febrile times. We had breakfast together several times - she waited until Studio closed and we would have something to eat in a diner nearby...and she was nobody's fool and very involved in humanitarian causes, (though I considered her a Champagne Socialist - but that's for another discussion). We had lively political debates (as lively as they can be at 5:30 a.m.) and I can very easily imagine Bianca considering the Stone's music 'childish music-making' compared to the causes she was involved in, which included feeding hungry children in Nicaragua, among several other endeavors. As a Stones fan - and in New York in the late 70's and early 80's New York was a Stones town thru and thru so everybody knew what had happened with Bianca and Mick and Jerry, etc. - I never directly asked her about this, but I listened between the lines and I sensed a melancholy and a sense of regret that she had moved on to more adult, 'meaningful' endeavors while her mate had chosen to remain in the same place playing the same shallow, narcissistic (and very lucrative) game...very complicated...

Thank you for sharing that, Turd on the Run.
That account of a more private Bianca was fantastic and why she remains the most fascinating of the Stones women to me. I've read many accounts similar from others and they all provide the same sense of character you suggested. She seems to hold things close to the vest and can come across as aloof, but I believe actions speak louder than myths. Whatever you think of her politics, this is a woman who is real and has depth. Mick is a very intelligent man, politically-aware and a voracious reader of history, as is Bianca. I used to wonder if he didn't miss having that intellectual spark in a mate.
'But I do miss you quick repartee...'

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: October 11, 2010 04:15

This are 10-12 hour trips that fry your brain. After a while you just stay up there.

I've had 1/2 hits that kept me fryed for over 2 days.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: October 11, 2010 04:25

With no ever official acknowledgment from Jagger or the Stones (ha ha) I find it quite astounding that this thread has continued.

Has this become the lies of BP etc for

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: proudmary ()
Date: October 11, 2010 16:17

Has this become the lies of BP etc for

What do you mean?

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: TrulyMicks ()
Date: October 11, 2010 17:54

Marianne was telling how Mick called her in hospital to comfort her and inquire about her health.
Marsha did a documentary about her fight against cancer. In the programme she mentions how 'an assistant of an assistant of a PA to Mick Jagger' called her up and asked if she needed any money.


I think it was really nice of Mick to have his assistant call her. Maybe they don't have a relationship where he would want to call her or maybe there were circumstances which made him unable to, but I still think it was thoughtful and kind of him to reach out to her. She shouldn't complain.

Re: Jagger' heroin addiction
Posted by: stupidguy2 ()
Date: October 11, 2010 20:30

Has this become the lies of BP etc for

What do you mean?

I think its supposed to mean that this thread has become too long for its subject matter.
Maybe if I mention that I play "Miss You" in the key of A Minor and ask if anyone knows what guitar Keith was using....Ha Ha.

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