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Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: dcba ()
Date: March 1, 2010 19:28

"It will cost pretty much to fabricate"

Are you crazy? I tell you they won't go to a Tuscany-based fine-art printer for the 50 p. book(let). It'll go to HK or mainland China, it'll be cheap & it'll look ugly.

BUT in all honestly we should blame Sony for starting the trend with their limited 3-cd BS (= Bootleg Series) >grinning smiley< at 130$

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-01 19:33 by dcba.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: March 1, 2010 21:44

I would say: Start me up and Miss you are the Mc Donald's of the Stones' songs. Very popular, but no healthy and tasty food.quote]

if Start Me Up and Miss You are Mickey D's..then what is You Got Me Rockin' or Oh No Not You Again...whatever moves you...Big Mac hold the cheese please!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 1, 2010 21:53

The Greek
good ole jagger/cohl out to bleed us out of $90 us for a docu dvd and vinyl and the original tracks and the bonus 10 tracks .

You forgot the book. Which is the main reason for the high price.

Cohl has almost certainly got nothing at all to do with this project.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: March 1, 2010 21:55

Rip This
I would say: Start me up and Miss you are the Mc Donald's of the Stones' songs. Very popular, but no healthy and tasty food.quote]

if Start Me Up and Miss You are Mickey D's..then what is You Got Me Rockin' or Oh No Not You Again...whatever moves you...Big Mac hold the cheese please!

Stones songs are like alcohol, not healthy, but it would be hard to live without it.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: March 1, 2010 22:21

The Greek
good ole jagger/cohl out to bleed us out of $90 us for a docu dvd and vinyl and the original tracks and the bonus 10 tracks .

You forgot the book. Which is the main reason for the high price.

Cohl has almost certainly got nothing at all to do with this project.
i suppose the book would be good for the porcelin palace reading room !

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 1, 2010 22:43

Rip This
I would say: Start me up and Miss you are the Mc Donald's of the Stones' songs. Very popular, but no healthy and tasty food.quote]

if Start Me Up and Miss You are Mickey D's..then what is You Got Me Rockin' or Oh No Not You Again...whatever moves you...Big Mac hold the cheese please!

Stones songs are like alcohol, not healthy, but it would be hard to live without it.

Well, windmelody and Rip This, actually really good Stonessongs are not comparable to food or alcohol. Only one thing comes to mind. Something I don't need to be started up for.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: dewlover ()
Date: March 1, 2010 22:55

"Dear Mick, in 2001 you sang that you always hated nostalgia, living in the past, did you forget that?"

Hahaha...What a joke...He is also quoted as saying he doesn't want to be singing "Satisfaction" after age 40...So much for Mick's quotes...

Also, if anyone thinks the 4 "new" tunes on this re-issue were unknown to the band before now, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in buying...

As far as the band "finally opening the vaults", that is a bit of a joke as well...For some unknown reason, we still don't have Ladies and Gentlemen, or C-Sucker Blues on DVD or Blu-Ray, or any of the other films from that era that were made and never released...

I mean I love(d) EOMS as much as the next guy, but a few scrapped tunes from the sessions, and some alternate takes is hardly anything to get excited about...And no, a DVD that appears to a very brief, and limited tease of what could be is hardly a game-changer for me...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: windmelody ()
Date: March 1, 2010 22:58

Dear Kleermaker,

you made it abundantly clear!

You've got it in for me

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:02

...a few scrapped tunes from the sessions, and some alternate takes is hardly anything to get excited about's all we've got for '010.

That's it. Nothing else Stones wise for '010, just this Exile reissue. So, as it's been stated before, it's better than nothing.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: dewlover ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:12

Of course skip, something is ALWAYS better than nothing, however, the frustrating thing for someone like me is that i know there is so much more than this out there that does not even seem to get considered for release...Clear case of too little, too late...Let's get the old material officially to those who want it, and stop the unnecessary delays !!!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: theimposter ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:13

My gf and I were at Best Buy last night and we had a gift certificate to blow se we picked up the Tom Petty live anthology deluxe set. For (I think) about $114, we got 5 cds, 2 dvds (a concert and a documentary), a vinyl lp, a nice booklet, AND a blue ray dvd containing all of the above items. THAT is how you package a set for the fans. But with 'Exile' it sounds as if we're getting about 1/5 the product for more or less the same amount of money.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: dewlover ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:17


Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:20

...for someone like me is that i know there is so much more than this out there that does not even seem to get considered for release...Clear case of too little, too late...

You're not the only one with....oh wait.

You are not no no.

I HEAR YA! No wait, this is in print only...

Ah. Got it. I understand and concur 100%!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:28

Btw: can't imagine that Start me up starts someone up.

That's serious lack of imagination. This very song got me hooked into this very band back in 1981, and still it has a special place in my heart. People talk about "definitivity" here, and that song surely has a Rolling Stones signature all over it. If Keith, Charlie, and Bill cannot make your feet move, there is something wrong with your feet then.

- Doxa

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: His Majesty ()
Date: March 1, 2010 23:57

Great thread! eye popping smiley

For sure the post release thread(s) will be equally interesting. thumbs up

Another point of interest is in the Uncut article. Mick hints at the possibility of doing further things like this Exile set in the future, depending on how well this Exile set does. drinking smiley

Btw the stones best album is the one you like the best regardless of sales figures or famous musicians opinions. Beggars Banquet is my fav, followed by Their Satanic Majesties Request.

So yes, I prefer Satanic over Exile! >grinning smiley<

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-02 00:29 by His Majesty.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: studiorambo ()
Date: March 2, 2010 00:38

I'm not sure I'm quite understanding this DVD inclusion. Are they saying it has 10 minutes of @#$%& Blues footage, 10 minutes of Ladies and Gentlemen footage, and 10 minutes of the Stones In Exile documentary that will be a broadcast program? Kind of like a sampler disc. Or does the Stones in Exile program have 10 minutes of the two respective 1972 films as part of it?

They could've knocked this set out of the park by putting L&G and CS Blues on DVD.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: kleermaker ()
Date: March 2, 2010 01:09

His Majesty

So yes, I prefer Satanic over Exile! >grinning smiley<

HM, are you asking to get banned or something?grinning smiley

Btw: Why would it be so great if L&G and CSB were included in the dvd-section?

Don't we already have those dvd's in a pretty good quality? An official L&G release would probably be without a well audible Taylor, like the 'famous' bootlegs from Kansas 1981.

I DEMAND the release of all recorded live performances from summer 1969 until end 1973. With the best possible sound quality and a very well audible Taylor!!! And if possible on DVD. All for a fair price. Nothing less is acceptable!!!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 2, 2010 01:12

They'll never properly release CĂłcksucker Blues (do they even have the rights to do so?). L & G you could make a case for, but CS Blues would have next to no commercial appeal and they's probably not want to be associated with it too much in this day & age. I'd expect a quite sanitised extract of it to appear on the new DVD.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: studiorambo ()
Date: March 2, 2010 01:32

Fair point Gazza. I've seen a rough boot of CS Blues, and honestly it doesn't interest me that much beyond the concert footage. But my point about L&G complete on the DVD still stands. My original vision (hope) for this deluxe Exile release could be characterised under a working title "Look what we did in 1972".

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: March 2, 2010 01:49


Well, windmelody and Rip This, actually really good Stonessongs are not comparable to food or alcohol. Only one thing comes to mind. Something I don't need to be started up for.

Implicit association between basic tastes and pitch

References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.

Anne-Sylvie Crisinel, a, and Charles Spencea

aCrossmodal Research Laboratory, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UD, UK

Received 9 June 2009; revised 1 August 2009; accepted 6 August 2009. Available online 11 August 2009.

Our evaluation of food is influenced by a variety of contextual information perceived via the senses. Here we investigated whether there are interactions between auditory stimuli and basic tastes (indicated by the names of typically sour and bitter foods). Participants took part in a version of the Implicit Association Test (IAT) in order to measure the strength of the association between high-pitched sounds and (the names of) foodstuffs having a sour taste, and between low-pitched sounds and (the names of) foodstuffs having a bitter taste. Analysis of the latency and accuracy of participants’ responses highlighted the existence of a significant crossmodal association between these different attributes. This result suggests the need for research into the influence of auditory stimuli on food evaluation, an interaction that has typically been overlooked when considering the multisensory perception of food.

Keywords: Taste; Pitch; Implicit associations; IAT

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 2, 2010 01:59

Fair point Gazza. I've seen a rough boot of CS Blues, and honestly it doesn't interest me that much beyond the concert footage. But my point about L&G complete on the DVD still stands. My original vision (hope) for this deluxe Exile release could be characterised under a working title "Look what we did in 1972".

Agree 100%. An opportunity wasted, although to be honest, I'm not sure if they have the rights to it either. Maybe there's another reason why they're just including bits of it.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Slick ()
Date: March 2, 2010 05:50

i will reserve judgment until i actually hear the 'new' stuff, just hope they dont botch it up. ie. adding 2010 mick vocals to vintage 1970's tracks will sound horrible.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Rip This ()
Date: March 2, 2010 06:36

..........they have the right instruments for these types of things now....

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Blueranger ()
Date: March 2, 2010 11:06

Did anyone complain about the Some Girls outtake 'So Young', being released in 1994 with a new lead vocal and bass? None. The result was fantastic and it is one of their strongest outtakes. Stop yearning!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: March 2, 2010 11:12

"Stop yearning!"

It is quite incredible how unhappy some people are....

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Eleanor Rigby ()
Date: March 2, 2010 13:39

"Stop yearning!"

It is quite incredible how unhappy some people are....

Are people unhappy? or just cynical about this release?

I think fans have had one too many bad experiences with Stones re-issues...we are just a little hesitant to embrace this "release" with open arms due to the fear we might get burnt...again!

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: alimente ()
Date: March 2, 2010 14:13

Did anyone complain about the Some Girls outtake 'So Young', being released in 1994 with a new lead vocal and bass? None. The result was fantastic and it is one of their strongest outtakes. Stop yearning!

Its hard to believe, but I asked the same question in a different thread some months ago and someone indeed claimed that it sounded "not natural".

Well, I thought "ok, then listen to the bootlegs with shoddy sound and unfinished lyrics for the rest of your life if it makes you happy!".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-02 14:34 by alimente.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Father Ted ()
Date: March 2, 2010 14:51

I'm not sure I'm quite understanding this DVD inclusion. Are they saying it has 10 minutes of @#$%& Blues footage, 10 minutes of Ladies and Gentlemen footage, and 10 minutes of the Stones In Exile documentary that will be a broadcast program? Kind of like a sampler disc. Or does the Stones in Exile program have 10 minutes of the two respective 1972 films as part of it?

They could've knocked this set out of the park by putting L&G and CS Blues on DVD.

That's my understanding too - it looks like a sampler or something along the lines of 25x5 with talking heads cutting to clips of CSB and L&G. I'm still not sure whether the DVD and the TV program are the same item or one is an expanded version of the other or two completely different sets of content.

I've said it before but there is sufficient live video and audio footage out there to put together a decent multi-DVD package along the lines of Led Zep's live DVD. I guess I'll be buying the new Exile if only to help encourage investment in future projects.

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: March 2, 2010 15:19

"Are people unhappy? or just cynical about this release?"

Whats there to be cynical about? 10 news tracks, remixed cd, book and dvd?

At least wait till it's released before its analysed to death...

Re: EXILE press release says ten new tracks
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: March 2, 2010 15:43

i will reserve judgment until i actually hear the 'new' stuff, just hope they dont botch it up. ie. adding 2010 mick vocals to vintage 1970's tracks will sound horrible.

Problem is, we dont really know how much leftover material was releasable. Its pretty much well documented that the bulk of the vocals (according to Mick anyway) werent finished until they did the overdubs in LA. By that stage, once youve worked on 18 songs for what was, after all, a double album, which came out just one year after their previous record its quite feasible that not a lot of other songs were finished. When youve finished 18 songs and have deadlines, there's no need to waste valuable time finishing songs that you have no intention (at the time anyway) of putting out.

Taking that into account, you maybe have four possible options here for a bonus CD :

1) They could have released the known, circulating Exile-era outtakes 'as is', which would have led to endless complaints about just putting out stuff that a lot of people already have.

2) they could have released a CD of leftover songs which were unfinished and just put them out as they are. Cue multiple complaints about 'filler' and the sheer cheek of putting out half finished sketches and expecting fans to buy any old rubbish.

3) They could release a hybrid of finished but previously unbootlegged tracks and previously unbootlegged unfinished tracks, adding some latter day overdubs to the latter to make them sound finished.

4) They could release absolutely nothing at all.

Given the choice, I'd prefer option 3). Thats the option theyve chosen.

Although, that said, I wouldnt have objected to them filling out the CD with a few songs from option 1), which would have been in better quality than what was previously available.

However, its still a better alternative than the other three.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-03-02 15:45 by Gazza.

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