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How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 9, 2010 04:29

I never really love them when they first come out, however, sometimes I force myself to like a few songs because I love the band and really want the new music to succeed.

Years ago it would take me two tours to really start to dig the record. But for better or worse I'm gonna say about 10 years on average. Of course some I will never even like, but even great ones take time. How about you?

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: whitem8 ()
Date: February 9, 2010 05:34

1 listen. Then I know. And I love most of them. I admitt ABB was not as great and it should/could have been and quite a long wait for a pretty lackluster disc, but it does have a few good ones.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Rockman ()
Date: February 9, 2010 05:42

Love 'em all 'cause when their gone what ya gonna love ?....


Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: oldkr ()
Date: February 9, 2010 06:08

Keith said a decade. He said he doesn't care because in 10 years reviewers will be comparing the new album then to the new one now.


Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Come On ()
Date: February 9, 2010 09:16

Well, 23 years is obviously not enough to love 'Dirty Work' so I give it two another..

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Date: February 9, 2010 10:57

Some albums I love directly, after one spin. Other albums, I've learned to love over time. For instance, Satanic took a while to get. Guess I had to grow up first winking smiley

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: The Sicilian ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:02

Some Girls took me about 20 years to get a handle on.

For many years "Miss You" was a song that I despised. But my wife loved it so toleration forced me to find niches to build on.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:05

I listen to 'em almost constantly for a month or so. Then, depending on quality, I might go to something else.

Answer: 1 month

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: hot stuff ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:16

For me its the other way around----When Undercover, Dirty Works and Bigger Bang 1st came out i loved them....I liked the rocking edge, etc...But after a few months i got bored...
I must say i like Undercover a lot better... But sadly i'm not sure why but i am not digging Bang or dw...The more i play them the less i like them!

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: KeefintheNight82 ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:34

I just wish they made albums more often. If they made one every year or two it wouldn't be such an event and be so self concious.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Natlanta ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:36

know what you mean... for me it's when the next one comes out. go figure.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:36

when some girls , and emotional rescue came out .true love at first listen .

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Date: February 9, 2010 17:38

Some albums I get tired of. But after a while they sound like dynamite. Emotional Rescue and Undercover are examples of such albums.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: StonesTod ()
Date: February 9, 2010 17:51

why would you try to like something, let alone love something that sucks? life's too short to waste it trying to force something unnatural. give it a spin or three and if it don't grab ya, move along...there's plenty of other great options....

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: February 9, 2010 18:32

I grew up raiding my older sisters LP stash. She had Hot Rocks - still one of the best compilations out there. I also remember when her friends rented (!) Video Rewind. But I spent much of grade 10 and 11 picking up back catalouge cassettes of the Stones. The ones that took 1-2 spins before I knew I loved them in order of purchase...

Tattoo You (1st Stones tape of my own)
Beggar's Banquet
Some Girls
Let It Bleed
Sticky Fingers
Goats Head Soup
Exile on Main Street (double cassettes were expensive!)
Black and Blue (minus Fool to Cry and Cheery Oh Baby)

The others in the Brian Jones era... didn't do that much for me at the time, I wasn't as impressed apart from the hits on those early albums. I've grown to love several great covers they did and a few great album cuts, but I was still very much in my grade8-9 Beatles phase, and for me the albums from 64-67 just didn't even come close next to the fab-four releases at that same time. I didn't feel they became their own band until Jimmy Miller stepped in.

As for post Tattoo releases, I remember thinking Undercover was weird, but interesting (awesome videos at the time). Dirty Work - I thought was a piece of #$%& when it came out. Still do. Steel Wheels - didn't cut it, 20+ years later, sounds even worse. Voodoo and B2B each have a handful of decent songs, but not the majority of either. A Bigger Bang does very little for me. A few songs are 'okay', most are forgettable, and two belong on Dirty Work so I don't ever have a danger of hearing again (Sweet Neo Con, Biggest Mistake).

So my answer to the question, how many years does it take to love a new Stones album: if it's great, 1-2 spins. If it sucks, no amount of years will make a difference.


Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: February 10, 2010 02:16

It took me a while to love Some Girls as it was very different from the Taylor era as was the Taylor era different than the Jones years. But, Some Girls is now one of very favorite discs.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: TeaAtThree ()
Date: February 10, 2010 06:46

I have honestly dug each and every one until very recently.

The first time I ever "skipped forward" on a disc was Live Licks. Then I did the same on Bigger Bang and Shine a Light. By skipping forward, I mean that I found myself not finishing a song on the first listen to see what was next.

Granted, only ABB qualifies as a new disc. But, I still had my ears glued to the speakers for Voodoo and Bridges.

For the Haters...
Of course, when I bought Dirty Work, I had it on cassette and couldn't be bothered to fast forward.


Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: slew ()
Date: February 10, 2010 07:05

Exile on Main Street is not an album that I instantly fell in love with it took multiple listenings it is now my all-time favorite recording but it took a long time for it to grow on me.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: KeithNacho ()
Date: February 10, 2010 10:07

I loved Dirty Work at the i know it's a bad, very bad work.

BTB did'nt like me at the beginning; and i still do not know where is the magic; there are great songs, but i does'nt worko as a whole album for me . IMHO

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: LieB ()
Date: February 10, 2010 11:41

The one album where multiple listenings made the biggest difference for me was Goats Head Soup. On first listen, I thought it was a lumpy bore, but on maybe fourth spin, I loved it, and I still rate it at about the same level as Some Girls and Tattoo You (better than Black And Blue and IORR).

My dad had Exile, so I listened to it a lot without paying too much attention. I always thought it was good, but it took years before I realized its monumental greatness.

ABB is an album I thought was alright, maybe even good, at first listen. But I quickly became bored with it.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: KeithNacho ()
Date: February 10, 2010 12:48

GOATS HEAD SOUP is the most beautiful album, and it gets better and better with time.......

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: February 10, 2010 14:25

Undercover took me about 15 years, hated it when it came out but love it now, Other then Some Girls I would rank it as good or better as any album they have done since exile.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: electricmud ()
Date: February 10, 2010 14:36

ABB is an album I thought was alright, maybe even good, at first listen. But I quickly became bored with it.

Same with me. Thought it was a strong album but I was getting bored quickly. It didn`t grow . No depth imo.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: chrismusic ()
Date: February 10, 2010 15:58

Great post...I thought I was strange as it took me a while to warm up to Stripped.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: black n blue ()
Date: February 10, 2010 16:09

About as long as you can come up with this dumb post!

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: skipstone ()
Date: February 10, 2010 17:42

What does 'when their gone' mean? The Stones? The print won't change.

Therefor even over 100 years from now nobody will like Dirty Work anymore than anyone loves it now.

Ah ha ha.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: jamesfdouglas ()
Date: February 10, 2010 22:41

GOATS HEAD SOUP is the most beautiful album, and it gets better and better with time.......

I ADORE Goats Head Soup!
One of my all-time favourite albums, and in my top 5 fave Stones albums right after the 4 that preceded it. It was one of our band names even. We were called...
1991-1994 - Out of Our Heads
1994-1997 - Torn and Frayed
1997-2006 - Goats Head Soup
2007-now - The Powergoats (we play our own stuff and do NO Stones covers at all anymore).


Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: February 11, 2010 00:56

There have been a few albums that I just never took to...UNDERCOVER OF THE NIGHT,
DIRTY WORK and even SOME GIRLS. There were certain songs that I did like from these albums like " One Hit To The Body" which I still love, but I don't force myself to listen to them just because I love the band. I know that they can't always hit the target. On the other hand, when EXILE came out I was beserk about it. Played it non-stop! I also loved " Let It Bleed", " Sticky Fingers" and " Beggar's Banquet" right away! " Steel Wheels" was a thrill for me because I was so afraid they'd never create a new album and tour again.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: billwebster ()
Date: February 11, 2010 01:26

I fell for B2B rather quickly. VL took a bit longer, just like the new 4o Licks songs did. I haven't exactly achieved the feat with ABB as an album, only with my favourite tracks.

Re: How many years does it take to love a new Stones album?
Posted by: Shine_A_Light ()
Date: February 12, 2010 12:06

(Intro: please excuse my english writing, 'cause i'm an spanish speaker!)
I learned, back in my childhoods years, a very natural method to getting in love with the differents albums. In my free times, I used to lie down or sit to read anything I liked, listening a Stones album and that only for the day, for about 2 or 3 hours. And I had to finished that album until the last song to just go another day and pass to the next chronological album I had. In that way I experienced a good amount of taste of almost every album i have. I said almost because, when i was growing up, i couldn't have the much free time I needed for listen completely and wiht relax to the whole songs of an album.
Now a days, in my 23, I can't do that system anymore because I don`t have very much free time now. But I can say that I learned to enjoy in very much ways the songs, moods, and spirits of many almost all the albums. I know now that I can't just judge the albums by only the spectaculars songs it has or the wildness of the music, (the pop criteria). I think a really stones fan love new albums time by time, calmly and never demanding what should be asked to pop bands.

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