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The Exile On Main St reissue

Exile On Main Street will be reissued in a new and extended version worldwide May 17, 2010. These pages will tell you everything about the reissue, the new song "Plundered My Soul", all the links, interviews with Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, press releases and other important stuff.

The Exile re-release will include 10 unheard recordings, of which four are the newly discovered songs "Plundered My Soul", "Dancing In The Light", "Following The River" and "Pass The Win". The reissue will coincide with a documentary Stones In Exile, which has used archive footage to chronicle the making of the album.

These are the tracks of the "Exile" deluxe edition bonus disc:

  1. Loving Cup
  2. Pass The Wine (Sophia Loren)
  3. I'm Not Signifying
  4. Dancing In The Light
  5. So Divine (Aladdin Story)
  6. Soul Survivor
  7. Following The River
  8. Plundered My Soul
  9. Good Time Women
  10. Title 5

Mick Jagger about Plundered My Soul

A lot of times, I remembered where they (the songs on Exile) were done or where I was sitting. And some of them I just didn't remember at all. I was playing guitar or something, and I don't remember any of it. Where was that recorded? So I tried to find out where it was recorded and when. They weren't all recorded in the same place. Some of them I really remembered, but some I didn't remember at all. Some of them were really together � maybe the one you've heard, it was called "Plundered my Soul," that was perfect, you didn't have to edit, it was all perfect. Some of the others were much more loose jams.

Keith Richards on the Exile reissue

On the actual record (Exile) there's nothing changed at all. The new tracks, there are a few things done � I remember brushing on an acoustic guitar on one of them, because on the original, I apparently stopped playing halfway through. And I finished off that bit. After 30 or 40 years...

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