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The Rolling Stones Fan Club of Europe
It's Only Rock'n Roll

These are the latest Rolling Stones news and updates for you! IORR is a non profit fan club run by fans for fans. All parts of the It's Only Rock'n Roll web site is copyright of The Rolling Stones Fan Club. When using information from this site, please include a reference to IORR and the main web address
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Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones band members biographies by IORR

IORR have got concert reviews and the latest news updates and virtually anything important to the biggest fans of the greatest rock'n'roll band in the world, but if a new fan is looking for info about Mick, Keith, Charlie or Ronnie, they have to go somewhere else. A shame really, because we are the experts! It is about time the real fans wrote the real biographies. I mean not the entire books, but a short and great biography, so that everyone who wonder can easily find the most important facts about the Rolling Stones band members, right here on IORR.

There will be one biography page each for every single band member of the Rolling Stones - past and present. For a start, to avoid too much work initially, we will start with Mick and Keith. Then we will move on to Charlie and Ronnie, then Bill, Brian and so on. The IORR editor will look into all incoming entries and try to publish as many of them as possible. There will be the main biography and links to other bigraphies as suggested by fans. This should be a great source for anyone who are trying to find out the most important facts about our favorite band members.

Please send your suggestions by e-mail or by posting on IORR. See below for details. Please make sure you state how you want to be referenced - by real name or by nick name. Every biography should have a real signature i.e. a reference to who wrote it. And... remember... when Mick or Keith are reading these, which I am sure they will, then you would not mind having YOUR name there, typically your name, with the city and the country you live in, as a recommendation.

I will try to do my best to edit and publish all of this. Please keep it clear, on subject and not too long. Remember most people do not have all day to read a biography. We don't want a book now, just something you can read in 5-10-15 minutes max, and then you would know where they came from, when they were born, what they do in the band, why they are so great, if they write songs, what their favorite colors and habits on and off stage is and so on. It is all up to you and what you feel is important as a big fan of the band and the band members.

How to send your biography suggestion

Please write your biography in one or both of the following versions: (1) A short introduction on half a page or so. (2) A more detailed one with most of the important stuff that you think should be in a more detailed biography, one or two pages, not a book! Please send in your suggestions by selecting one of the two e-mail links below, or by using the IORR Tell Me forum thead listed below.

The IORR magazine

For exclusive reports and unique high quality pictures from the Rolling Stones tour and more see the IORR magazines.

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