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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Estadio Santiago Bernabeu
Madrid, Spain
Wednesday June 25, 2014

Photo by Bjornulf Vik

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. You Got Me Rocking
  3. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  4. Tumbling Dice
  5. Angie
  6. Like A Rolling Stone (by request)
  7. Doom & Gloom
  8. Out Of Control
  9. Honky Tonk Women
    --- Band introductions
  10. You Got The Silver (Keith)
  11. Can't Be Seen (Keith)
  12. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)
  13. Miss You
  14. Gimme Shelter
  15. Start Me Up
  16. Sympathy For The Devil
  17. Brown Sugar
    --- Band off stage
  18. You Can't Always Get What You Want (with choir)
  19. Satisfaction (with Mick Taylor)

Show start :  9:50pm
Show end   : 12:00am

Review by Roger Valsells, Barcelona

It was really weird for a FC Barcelona fan to see a Stones show in the "hated" Bernabeu stadium! I have to admit that I didn't like the idea at all but ... the Stones deserved the effort. But just after the first magic riff, it didn't matter at all.

All I can say that haven't been wrote already is that for a long time Stones fan is amazing to see how much do they enjoying perform live after all this years. They are AUDIENCE ADDICTS !! Jagger just hated to leave the stage after Satisfaction.

Long live the Stones !!!

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Review by Mariano Muniesa

Seven years later, Madrid lived again probably THE BEST Stones Show in this European Tour. The band, stronger than ever, gave us a GREAT concert, in my opinion one of the best in our country since the first one in 1976. I can guarantee cause I've seen Stones since my first time, in Madrid as well in 1982 27 times.

Every song, every moment, every riff was absolutely incredible. To star the massive rock'n'roll orgasm, four furious Rocks at maximum volume: "Jumpin' Jack Flash", "You Got Me Rocking" - Wuuuuaaaauuuh!! - "It's Only Rock'n'Roll" and "Tumbling Dice". Bombastic! The Stones sounds more brutal than the heaviest band of the heavy metal scene. Mick runs the whole stage, Keith And Ronnie make burn their guitars, but when comes the "Angie" moment, - "Angie" is a very special song for Stones in relation with Spain: this song was the first number one1 in spanish ranckings in september-october 1973 - they play this wonderful ballad plenty of emotion and feeling. Remembering the epic "Angie" of my first show in 1982, I confess… simply cried. The same emotion invade my heart when "Like A Rolling Stone" is announced and the whole stadium is a total explosion.

"Midnight Rambler" in Madrid 2014 maybe it will be THE BEST version that I'll see of this song in concert. Mick Taylor, Ronnie Wood and Keith Richards fighting each other in a solo guitar battle really fantastic, with Mick Jagger shouting "AAAAUUUU" like a pure beast.

Sensational solo bass of Darry Jones in "Miss You", "Sympathy For The Devil" and "Brown Sugar" rounds like a thunderstorm and "You Can't Always Get What You Want", extended in the final part with alll band…playing jazz improvisation!!

Sincerely, incredible. The best rock'n'roll band in the world did the best show that anybody can imagine and I'll never forget in my life this night. Mick, Keith, Ronnie, Charlie, Lisa, Bobby, Mick Taylor, Bernard, Darryl and the whole Stones troupe… Simply, and from the deepest part of my heart , THANK YOU. Thank you for all your music and all your life.

PD: Ronnie Wood don't dance flamenco! – it was the joke of Mick about Woody during the presentation band.

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Review by Bjornulf Vik

The Rolling Stones have been performing in many cities in Spain over the past few decades. When I saw them for the first time in Malaga, Spain many many years ago, I said to myself I had to return to Spain every time the Stones performed in this country. So they took me to Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Madrid, Malaga and Barcelona several times, Bilbao, Zaragosa, San Sebastian, Benidorm, El Ejido, and the never performed in still visited city of Valladolid, among other cities in Spain. I stayed five minutes walking from the Estadio Santiago Bernabeu. On show day you could see the area and the city filling up with fans of all ages. Great weather, and with a late show start just before 10pm, the bars around the stadium were packed with fans.

From start to finish, the show was a cruise in Stonesland. I was just a big smile. I forgot to drink the water bottle I had sneaked in. I moved to places I did not plan to, because the crowd was so friendly and dancing and jumping quite wild where I was. Everybody was singing along to "It's Only Rock'n Roll". After "Tumbling Dice" the mood was so great that they started the usual "oe oe oe oe ..." singing, and Mick was riding the wave like it was a show in Buenos Aires, but the crowd in Spain always come close to this level of excitement.

"Like A Rolling Stone" a big surprise, everybody including Mick was jumping up and down, so it was a great substitute for "Paint It Black", which is THE song in this area. Mick on the harmonica was the highlight on "LARS". "Angie" worked great too by the way.

"Midnight Rambler". Keith and Darryl in front of Charlie. Tight together. Mick Taylor playing yet another version of his extended solo on this song. Ronnie on his side filling in as a backdrop, you hear it clearly in-between the Mick Taylor dominance. Then half-way into Rambler, Mick takes over, playing the crowd, in a way he is best at it. He own the crowd and he own the show for the rest of the song. I am already gone into Stonesland, sure I know I am in Madrid, but with such a Rambler you don't think about cities or where you are.

"Miss You". Keith on his knees on the side of Darryl Jones doing the bass solo. Mick again working the crowd, in fact for the rest of the show by now.

"Gimme Shelter". After the show I was told that you could hear the crowd singing far away, blocks away from the stadium. Loud. Inside it was loud, great, Keith, Lisa, Mick, one of my favorite Stones songs in one of my favorite Stones territories.

The rest was just great. I was front row by now. As they broke into "Satisfaction" we were a river of fans flowing around in the front, side by side, Keith so strong, Mick Running, Ronnie teasing the crowd smiling, and Charlie in his sharp yellow shirt keeping the beat and the pace to the end. As they finished, they spend a long time saying goodbye, many "final bows". Charlie was on his way out, then Keith is grabbing him, as you can see in the picture below, they return for yet another final bow, and Mick is the final one to leave us. I walk out into the Madrid night and wonder if it can get any better than this.

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Review by Dean Goodman

First, condolences to fans stranded by the French public "servants," and hopefully everyone can get out of Spain in time for Werchter.

It was great to see the Stones in a Spanish city - my first and only Spanish show to date having been in the Santiago de Compostela countryside in 1999 - and to hear "Like A Rolling Stone" for what was apparently the first time in a decade.

I had high expectations for an intense audience-participation event, especially given the large numbers of flag-waving Argentine fans on hand. But while the young, good-natured crowd around me in the pit on Ronnie's side was enthusiastic throughout, and did the occasional "Olé!" chant, they really only went batshit-crazy during the opener, "Jumpin' Jack Flash," and then "Start Me Up" and "Satisfaction." It's impossible to sustain that sort of energy for 2 hours, especially when they seemed more interested in taking photos of each other than taking in the proceedings on stage.

Bernabeu is not for the vertigo-challenged, with its lofty five tiers of seating. But it was definitely more intimate than Circus Maximus, and had more character than many of the other enormodomes on tour. The otherwise well organized locals were late to open the doors, after 7 pm and there was a huge line of pit-ticket holders waiting patiently to get in past security while the other doors were unused. A pity they couldn't relieve the congestion by utilizing multiple entrances.

As for the Stones, another great show - though not the Iberian inferno I was hoping for. One thing I noticed in Vienna and again tonight is that while Mick says "we're gonna slow it down for you" with "Angie," he races through the song. He doesn't give it time to breathe or leave some emotional impact on people. So it ends up sounding perfunctory, and a great opportunity to connect with the audience is lost.

"Honky Tonk Women" got a little x-rated when the woman next to me got on her boyfriend's shoulders and took her top and bra off. Everyone took photos and a good time was had by all. Pity she was an unexceptional biker chick and not Penelope Cruz whose husband, by the way, a certain Javier Bardem, was at the show.

"Midnight Rambler" came in at 14:15, the longest in several shows, though Mick seemed in a hurry to get it going. As in Rome, Charlie - introduced tonight as "El Torrero de Tottenham" - seemed to miscue on the big bang that follows "Weeell, you heard about the Boston-"

I didn't care much for Keith's set - or the long shimmery necklace he might have nicked from Elizabeth Taylor - both of which seemed to go on forever. But both he and Ronnie had good nights overall. Did Mick really need to rely on the teleprompter for the first stanza (at least) of "Like A Rolling Stone"? It's not exactly an obscure song.

Things got hot and heavy during the encore, and the Stones added their gospel coda to "You Can't Always Get What You Want." The chanting was so strong at the end of "Satisfaction" that I almost thought the Stones might return to the stage. But of course that would never happen.

Nothing else really to critique too much, but just a feeling that the Stones have settled into comfortable groove in the home stretch and aren't going to be raising the "wow!" factor too dramatically.

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Review by Ignacio de Luis, Madrid

The first time I saw the Stones in Madrid, was in 1982, in a 'crossfire hurricane' of storm, showers and thunders choreographed by Ronnie's Under My Thumb's sharp riff.

Yesterday's show was terrific. A different band? I don't know, but the only real truth is a full show, unique among their contemporaries from the sixties, plenty of Satisfaction from a different band; yes, 32 years later, but full of energy, wisdom, history, playing tribute to their own legend and for a different audience of all ages and walks of life.

Highlights: Mick Jagger's command of everything a front man is supposed to. Charlie, always running the engine with mastery and accuracy, keeping the beat and the myth.

Like a Rolling Stone: big surprise, all the stadium dancing on their feet, arms up, total connection artists-audience. Angie, a very special song in Spain even the speedy tempo. Midnight Rambler, excellent from every point of view: sound, musical communication, Mick's harp and Taylors axe dialoguing for the general amazement and jaw dropping. I must say, as so many reports in this web, that it's a pity Mick Taylor's role throughout the show is so mean, reduced to one song and a symbolic acoustic presence in the superb final number. It's just incomprehensive, as is the reason why Ronnie takes the final solo on M.Rambler after the bluesy and elegant approach of Taylor's previous guitar.

G. Shelter with Lisa in a state of grace, vocally perfect, no histrionic or singing overreaction. Bernard and Leavell backing up solid as a rocks.

The negative face was the sound; unbalanced, especially Keith's loud guitar on some numbers (i.e. SFTD, BS), or even Ronnie's, to the point to even spoil the overall sound at some moments, messing around hitting ears. On the other hand, Wood has proved he goes beyond the 'art of weaving? , becoming a total support of his pal.

Talking about the great Keith, his solo songs aren't really anything great to be remembered, but it's amazing how he played focused and commands the rest of the show, especially in the superb Satisfaction.

Perhaps they had played better in the past. But this present is unique. I was glad to be there, watching and listening live the soundtrack of our own history.

Review by Jose Luis Munoz

First, I have to say it's been an excellent show, very very powerful in all aspects. I've been in nine Stones concerts in Spain since 1990 and I have to say that this one has been one of the three best I've ever seen.

About the setlist, I admit I wish I had prefered some other songs, but anyone has a dream setlist. But it was nice to hear again "Like A Rolling Stone", it was the song by request...And it was one of the best moments during the show. Stones and the crowd were very on fire during this song.

"Can't be seen" is getting better every time they've played during this tour. I remember Stones played this song the first time I saw them in Madrid too in 1990. "Out Of Control" and "Midnight Rambler" were also great perfomances.

The band was perfect in my opinion, all of them played fantastic. Specially for me, Keith was the best, he was really on fire, he's better than in the last tour I saw them in 2007. He was superb last night.

Mick's voice was very strong during the 130 minutes that the show lasted. Besides he never stopped during the whole show. Ronnie and Charlie also looked fantastic.

The crowd went crazy when Keith played the first riffs of JJF, I admit, I wish I had prefered another opening like "Start Me Up", but never mind. Stones and the crow were absolutely on fire together during the whole show. I was very excited.

The only negative aspect was the sound in the place I was. The sound was really clear and powerful, but it echoed in the roof sometimes. But I know that in other places the sound was perfect.

I hope to see them again soon. Long live for The Stones!!!

Review by Jon Lasa

Just returned back home from my short tour Rome-Madrid.

There are almost for hours and a half to reach Madrid by bus, so I got the stadium at nearly eight o'clock in the evening. As my good fellow mate Iban and me (several shows together and we do want more) had tickets for seated section, not far away from the roof of the Santiago Bernabeu, we were in no need of hurry up for a good place. A complete sight from upstairs and a bit mess of sound, not bad, but, you know what the problem is when your are near of the covering of the tier.

Anyway, Leyva, band and friends (Ruben from Pereza, Ariel Rott from Tequila and Los Rodríguez and Carlos Tarque from M-Clan) joined for the warm-up act. Good show, but, the big screens no were ready for them.

As the clock was nearly 21:50 and it was not completely darkness, Madrid welcomed the Stones in a full packed stadium, after their last show in Vicente Calderon Stadium on June, the 28th, 2007. From the very first note of Jumping Jack Flash to the last "oe oe oe" singed by people at past midnight, fans were completely mad and crazy for the Stones.

Once again, Charlie hard beating, Ronnie good feeling, Keith´s lovely style, (very cool black sunglasses during the beginning of the show) and Mick´s leadership, gave us a brilliant show, where Angie and You got me rocking were a nice surprise and Like a Rolling Stones, the song voted by fans, was a very good option for fans in Madrid, as it was Gimme Shelter. All in all, I would like insist on the incredible release of Midnight Rumbler the did; man, Mick, Keith, Charlie, Ronnie and Mick T, it rocks!!!!!!

The last part of the shows, with the warhorses at their peak, carried the people to the nirvana. Oe-oe-oe, oe-oe-oe sounded again and again, Start me up burnt the house, Brow Sugar seemed to be endless and Satisfaction let the fans out of breath. You could feel not only audience was delighted but also Stones were, as the feedback was absolute.

Reports please!!!

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