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The Rolling Stones Fan Club of Europe
It's Only Rock'n Roll

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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Brisbane Entertainment Centre
Brisbane, Australia
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Photo by Bjornulf Vik

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  3. You Got Me Rocking
  4. Tumbling Dice
  5. Silver Train (by request)
  6. Bitch
  7. Paint It Black
  8. Honky Tonk Women
    --- Band introductions
  9. You Got The Silver (Keith)
  10. Before They Make Me Run (Keith)
  11. Happy (Keith)
  12. Midnight Rambler (with Mick Taylor)
  13. Miss You
  14. Gimme Shelter
  15. Start Me Up
  16. Sympathy For The Devil
  17. Brown Sugar
    --- Band off stage
  18. You Can't Always Get What You Want (with choir)
  19. Satisfaction (with Mick Taylor)

Show start :  8:32pm
Show end   : 10:38pm

Review by Andrew Aldridge

Unlike most others more sensible than me I didn't travel from Europe to Australia to take in a few shows, but just the one - Brisbane. Unfortunately I didn't have enough leave left to take a break of a few weeks, nor the budget to support that number of nights in hotels so I set myself the goal of getting a ticket for the Tongue Pit for one show. It was my dream to see the Stones from the Pit and Europe has only ever seen that twice - the O2 shows - when Pit tickets were like hens teeth and almost the only way in was via a $2000 VIP package or a scalper. It turned out that getting a Pit ticket for Brisbane at face value wasn't so difficult and thus plans were made. In fact the entire trip, including flights, hotel and a week in Brisbane was less than twice the price of the aforementioned O2 VIP package. Bargain! Even though there were about 150 VIPs in Brisbane that got early entry to the Pit I managed to get a great spot about 4 rows back in front of Jagger's mike.

The show started about half an hour later than advertised but that was pretty much as expected and the wait went really quickly. When they came on it really brought home how close I really was and the great thing about the Pit is that you feel completely separated from the main arena so it really does feel like a club gig. With a bigger stage for the band to move around on, which is especially nice to allow Mick room to dance freely. From the first chords of Jumping Jack Flash I knew that Keith was absolutely on it and that never changed. He was so engaged with everything - the band, the crowd and his guitar. You could see how much he loves that instrument. Mick did seem a bit ill at ease at first and I'm sure it was just tension about his voice as he is far too professional to bring outside worries to the stage. Not that anyone outside the Pit would have noticed but I just felt something tense in the body language. No worries - as the show when on he got more assured and by the time he returned after Keith's set for Midnight Rambler he was totally relaxed and into it.

I thought You Got Me Rocking was really good; I know it's not a favourite on this site but I loved it. I'll never forget the focus of Keith during that number. Silver Train was a treat to say the least. You could see how confused Mick got about where to come back in but it didn't spoil the song at all. (He was also looking at the autocue a lot to get the words.) Keith's set was really good and his singing has improved hugely. Having seen Keith pretty unfocused and casual a couple of times on the Bigger Bang tour the commitment and passion this time round was a sheer joy to behold.

Second half and like I said Mick was really on it from this point onwards. Midnight Rambler was just stunning - every single one of them was outstanding. Start Me Up was so powerful, just love the way Keith delivers that riff and Gimme Shelter was epic. Probably the crowd favourite but MR was mine. All in all a very special experience, especially knowing I'd probably seen the last ever concert in Australia.

Now to make that 24 hour trip in economy class back home - not something to look forward to but was it all worth it? Absolutely. A treasured memory. I achieved my dream of seeing them ultra close up and I doubt if I'll ever get that chance again. What an honour it has been to follow this incredible band over the years; knowing it is coming to the end is a bittersweet feeling but thank you guys for the ride. We will never see anything like this again.

Some pictures...

Photos by Bjornulf Vik

Some more pictures...

Photos by Bjornulf Vik


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