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Band 2
Tim Ries

Cancelled shows:
The Rolling Stones
Valladolid, Spain, Aug. 14
El Ejido, Spain, Aug. 16

The show in Valladolid Spain on Monday Aug. 14 has been cancelled due to illness in the band. Mick Jagger caught laryngitis during the week-end, just starting in Porto, and on show day the Stones had to cancel the Valladolid show with the press release as shown below. The cancellation was made official as per 2:30pm on show day in Valladolid Aug. 14.

The show in El Ejido Almeria Spain is said to be cancelled by local press as well as the mayor of El Ejido, as per Tuesday Aug.15. Conformed officially by the Stones as well. For press release see below.

VALLADOLID cancellation press release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, August 14, 2006

Madrid, Spain

The Rolling Stones have been forced to cancel their concert tonight in Valladolid, Spain. Following doctor�s advice, singer Mick Jagger has been ordered to rest his voice after developing laryngitis over the weekend.

�I am very sorry to be cancelling this show�, said Mick Jagger today. �I always love playing in Spain, but unfortunately I have no other choice and I apologise to everyone who bought tickets for tonight.

The cancelled concert was originally scheduled for Monday, August 14 in Valladolid.

All tickets will be refunded from point of purchase.

For further information please contact:

Eduardo Moller - Gamerco, SA
+34 616 916 216
[email protected]

EL EJIDO cancellation press release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday August 15 2006

The Rolling Stones have been forced to cancel their Wednesday, August 16 concert in El Ejido (Spain) as singer Mick Jagger will be unable to perform due to laryngitis. The Rolling Stones �A Bigger Bang� World Tour will continue as scheduled with two shows at London�s Twickenham Stadium on August 20 and 22 followed by Glasgow, Sheffield, Cardiff then onto Norway and Denmark in September.

Yesterday the band announced that they would have to cancel a performance scheduled for last night in Valladolid (Spain) because Jagger is under doctor�s orders to rest his voice for a few days.

�I am very sorry to be cancelling this show as well,� said Mick Jagger earlier today. �But unfortunately I have no other choice and I apologise to everyone who bought tickets for El Ejido.��

All tickets will be refunded from point of purchase.

For further information please contact:

Ibai Villapun-Last Tour International [email protected] +34 944 154 551


The fans who have seen the Stones this summer have seen Mick Jagger blowing his nose and drinking water at times. Some times more, some times less. More means trouble. And in Porto it was more. Also in Porto we saw that he had to use a more powerful handheld microphone on the B-stage, while he does always use the headset for maximum flexibility. Something was wrong. And the missing restart of "Night Time". And the quick introductions. Mick had trouble with his voice, and needed to protect it so that hopefully he would not develop laryngits. As we have seen some times now over the years - Nuremberg 1998 with cancellations of Milan and Bilbao, Sacramento 1999 with San Jose cancellations, then 1997 Philadelphia and postponing the promo show, and Benidorm 2003, Amsterdam 2003 - there have been a few times and we know Mick's voice is sensitive to climate changes.

The fans queued up in Valladolid Spain for the big event of the year and may be for years. The Stones are in town. Fist time ever and probably only time ever. The stage was up and everybody was ready. All the hotels were fully booked. Bars and streets were packed with fans. But then some time between 3pm and the message was getting out to the fans. The show is cancelled. Merchandise sales were closed. The special buses driving fans from the city to the stadium were stopped. Fans were still coming into the venue from all over only to get the cancellation message.

The pictures are telling the story from Valladolid:

  • The stage being taken down in the afternoon
  • Fans from Argentina don't want to accept the fact
  • Bootleg t-shirts still on sale

The police cleared out all the bootleg t-shirt sales by 6pm. Even in the city center. But those shirts were nice. You can probably still get then in Valadolid at 10 euro if you look around...

El Ejido

A total of 53,000 fans missed out in Almeria when the Stones had to cancel the show on Wednesday Aug. 16 due to Mick having laryngitis being unable to sing. But they made the front pages of the Almeria press still, and the unofficial T-shirts are still on sale all over the area.

Please send your comments by e-mail to: [email protected]. Thanks!

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