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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield, UK
Sunday August 27, 2006

The set list

  1. Jumping Jack Flash
  2. Start Me Up
  3. She's So Cold
  4. Let's Spend The Night Together
  5. Sway
  6. Streets Of Love
  7. Bitch
  8. It's Only Rock'n Roll
  9. Tumbling Dice
    --- Introductions
  10. Slipping Away (Keith)
  11. Before They Make Me Run (Keith)
  12. Miss You (to B-stage)
  13. Rough Justice
  14. Get Off Of My Cloud
  15. Honky Tonk Women (to main stage)
  16. Sympathy For The Devil
  17. Brown Sugar
  18. You Can't Always Get What You Want (encore)
  19. Satisfaction (encore)

Review by Paul Busby

Just got back from one of my most enjoyable Stone's concerts ever - and I go all the way back to 1973. Maybe it was the rain but there seemed to be a genuine camaraderie between the band and the crowd. Kind of we're all getting wet but f*ck it, we're going to have a good time none the less. To me, it also seemed less of the band putting on a show and more of a bunch of guys getting together to enjoy themselves playing rock 'n' roll.

In contrast to what I've read about previous shows, Mick was very chatty, frequently sympathising about the weather "and you had your hair done specially, didn't you girls!" And in complete contrast to Hampden, the sound was near perfect. Keith's guitar was very loud and dominated the mix. Mick's voice (and Keith's for that matter) sounded excellent. Ronnie's solos were great. Charlie was, well Charlie!

Speaking of Keith, as now seems the norm, he screwed up the opening bars of JJF and on several other occasions picked out licks out of key but had a big grin on his face after. The ancient art of weaving seemed to have a few tangled threads tonight but in no way did it spoil things. And during HTW, Mick mixed up lines in the second verse between the New York and Paris versions. These little cock ups are what to me make live concerts far more enjoyable than overdubbed, selected highlights live albums.

The set list had no surprises compared with what's been played recently. The highlight for me was hearing Sway live for the first time. Tumbling Dice sounded superb. Streets of Love went down very well for a new song. The only number which to me fell a bit short was Sympathy which I've heard done much better.

As I said before, a really enjoyable concert which I'll remember for the music rather than the show. Thanks guys!

Review by Matt Gaskell

Keef fluffed the opening bar to JJF which gave the gig a dodgy start but they soon hit their stride and they were generally on good form tonight, despite the rain. Ronnie's playing was great. As others have noted Keef looks frail compared to previous tours. I thought his guitar could have been turned up a bit - his guitar should dominate! The highlight was Sway, which was a great version and just about the only track for the diehard stones fans. Micks voice was great and at the front of the mix; he was on good form throughout - joking about and speaking to the crowd. For what it was it was a professional stones show and the crowd were really into it, I just hope in future they will play clubs and arenas and have the setlist more of a balance between hits and old album tracks. The stadium shows since 1989 have felt very similar. It's always a privilege to see them and they continue to put on a great show - but I think it's time for a change.

Review by Simon Ward

There's something about seeing the Stones back in England. I saw them in Sydney earlier on the tour and the performance was great but the stadium, crowd and set list wasn't so good. But in Sheffield, despite the pouring rain, everything was right - a smaller stadium, loud crowd and the rarer tracks I was waiting for - She's So Cold (which although nice to hear should definitely be retired), Sway (great) and Streets Of Love (impressive). Mick was on fine form both singing and between songs, particularly his sarcastic comment "I know this city loves sport, I went to the city centre and everyone was wearing tracksuits". Maybe he should do that comedy show after all. The sight of Keith in a baseball cap was almost as funny, but his smiles and winks to the crowd proved he was back in good health, despite some fluffed chords. Both times I've seen Ronnie on this tour his playing has been the best I've ever seen it. And Charlie seems determined to prove he's in rude health, his pounding of the bass drum on She's So Cold and Satisfaction was earth shaking. Just when you think there's no need to see them again, they remind you why they won't leave you alone.

Review by Ian and Lesley Lauder, Rugby

My wife and I attended our first ever Stones concert at Sheffield and was not sure what to expect. We feel so sorry for the critics who attend all the concerts and spend their sad time waiting for any divergance from whatever they perceive as the norm to get it in print, mentioning the names of songs in just initials like a sort of sad club badge. As far as we are concerned whatever Kieth played or didn't play or Mick sang or didn't, whether by design or a flash of genius, was absolutely right on the night. The most vivid picture we are left with was the band trucking out to the centre of the crowd with the spotlights picking out the driving rain as the very wet band played better and better. My favourite on record, Sympathy for the Devil, was awesome live but it was all great. I can imagine some stars refusing to perform in such weather but the boys (and from just nine rows back Mick certainly looked for the two hours like a skipping and strutting boy) seemed to revel in it.

Review by Graham Wylde

And he rain fell down � Sheffield

The Don Valley stadium is quite a small athletics stadium and an ideal surroundings for a concert. It had been a lovely day in Sheffield, but as show time approached so did the clouds.

The concert opened with Keith strutting his stuff as always and the crowd were really up for this one. The whole experience was just fantastic. She�s so cold has never been a favourite track of mine, but it works so well on stage. It was my highlight in Twickenham and it sounded so raucous, and tight here too. Much to our amazement, Keith walked over to Ronnie towards the end and gave him a right rollicking. I have no idea why, Ronnie sounded pretty good to us!

Mick was his usual enthusiastic self playing the crowd as only he can. Then the rain started. By coincidence, Mick was just being handed his guitar and it would have been a perfect moment for rain Fall Down, but it was not to be. One could almost see Mick wishing he could change the set list. However, Streets of Love was magic. Another song that works so well on stage for me. Mick left Lisa to the high notes again. Look after that throat Mick!

Carpets were put down and the band worked around the crew during It�s Only Rock and Roll. Mick sang the praises of the team. I think that is one of the things which impresses me about this whole show. There are so many people involved in so many aspects, not just those on stage, and everyone is magnificent.

The rain came and went as did the show. Over all too soon but the memories will last forever.

Thanks guys and whatever the problem on stage, let�s just get on with the next one.

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