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It's Only Rock'n Roll

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Tell Me
Band 2
Tim Ries

The Rolling Stones
Ford Field
Detroit, MI, USA
Saturday Oct. 12, 2002

The set list:

  1. Brown Sugar
  2. It's Only Rock and Roll
  3. Start Me Up
  4. Don't Stop
  5. Tumbling Dice
  6. Undercover
  7. Wild Horses
  8. You Can't Always Get What You Want
  9. Can't You Hear Me Knocking?
  10. Love Train
    --- Introductions
  11. Slipping Away (Keith)
  12. Happy (Keith)
  13. Sympathy For The Devil
  14. You Got Me Rocking (B-Stage)
  15. Let It Bleed (B-Stage)
  16. Like A Rolling Stone (B-Stage)
  17. Gimme Shelter
  18. Honky Tonk Women
  19. Street Fighting Man
  20. Jumpin' Jack Flash
  21. Satisfaction (encore)

Start time :   8:55 p.m.
End time   :  11:05 p.m.

Review by Rich and Karen Kaczmarek

Hockeytown was ready for the Rolling Stones tonight. The radio stations went to an all Stones format today as we were driving in. The Stones made their first appearance at the new Ford Field in downtown Detroit.

The Stones came on strong as usual to open the show. It's Only Rock 'n' Roll started off badly, but the show was remedied quickly with a great version of Start Me Up. Undercover was a highlight tonight. Great playing Ronnie. It's always great to hear Wild Horses which followed Undercover.

Can't You Hear Me Knocking continues to impress everybody, and tonight was no exception. Great work all around. Mick has apparently retired the white coat and hat for the silver jacket and hat for Love Train. Motown was treated to a special extended version of Love Train tonight. Bernard and Lisa joined Mick up front and Bernard informed everyone that "You Don't Need no Ticket". By the end of the song all 40,000 were on board. Mick said at the end of the song, "Sounding good Detroit, sounding good."

Keith said before his set, "Good to be back, you got a new home I see". We were sitting in Section 111 tonight and the sound was excellent. I never remember it being that good at the Pontiac Silverdome. Keith sang Slipping Away with a passion that is rarely seen. Our section had given Keith their undivided attention on this one. Truly amazing. Then Keith went into Happy. Tonight was our daughter Michelle's first concert. She is 2 1/2 years old. She clapped for the first time after Happy, but she fell asleep as the Stones made their way to the centerstage. Keith ended his set by saying, "Bless you Detroit, many years I've been with you, since I've been born."

The Stones turned the football stadium into a small bar once again with their center stage set and finished with great energy once again. Words cannot be found to describe this band anymore. Incredible.

Review by John Bielusiak - Lansing, Michigan

Last night at Ford Field in Detroit was a memorable one for me as I had a front row ticket. Prior to the concert, I stopped in at Hockeytown which is a huge place with 3 levels, with bars and a restaurant. I had heard a Stone's cover band would be performing but you needed a wristband to see them.

Now on to the concert: The first thing that caught my attention is how good the boys looked. I have heard all the same tired stale jokes about the geritol tour and all the late night comedic fodder, but anyone seeing them last night would have put those lame jokes to rest for good. Mick, what more can we say about Mick? He danced and pranced the stage with with the agility of a cat. All the moves he made seemed effortless. Ronnie and Keith seemed to be having the time of their lives. And, last but not least, Charlie. He just kept to his usual shy self. He doesn't have to pound the drums hard like a Tommy Lee to get his point across

Some highlights of the concert: The "Love Train" cover by the O'Jays. I've heard this song many times before but never like this. Mick donned a silver jacket and hat for this tune. "Like a Rolling Stone", which was done on the smaller B stage in the middle of the stadium, was performed like I never heard it before. "Can't you hear me Knocking" was excellent, with an extended jam session at the end. And, "Satisfaction", which was the show closure. I've heard that song so many times but to hear Mick sing it last night was like hearing it for the very first time.

I tried to get Mick's attention, but he made little eye contact with the people in the 1st row as far as I could tell. I got Lisa Fowler's attention during "You can't always get what you want" and that was a treat for me. She pointed to me and then to her. What a sexy backup singer. Ronnie Wood acknowledged me as well. I kept holding up a pack of Marlboros to try to get Keith's attention but this gal that pushed her way to the front kept grabbing the smokes and putting them in her bra!.

I wasn't quite sure about Brown Sugar as an opener, but when Keith hit the stage first and started hitting those few few licks, I knew then it was the perfect opener for the first concert at the new Ford Field.

Also thanks to the 2 ladies that I had lunch with at the local Mcdonalds just prior to the show. I had fun chatting with them.

Review by Tim Ryan

Ford Field - Good

Stones - Great

This is the most elaborate Stone's show that I have ever seen. Local papers put the attendance at 45,000. The Boys were a little rough coming out of the gate, but gathered themselves into an other stellar performance by the evening's end.

Of particular note was the look on Mick's face as the last three songs played. He knew that he had the audience in the palm of his hand. His movements and facial expressions told the whole story... The Band had woven its magic once again. Sympathy for the Devil was outstanding!

Review by Mick Trenton

Yesterday was my first Stones concert with floor seats. I was 8th row from the main stage, seat 1. Absolutely amazing position. The only problem was the jerks who crashed our seats. People who bought $50 seats decided they would sneak past security and invade our area, making it very crowded and uncomfortable for most of the show. I guess thats the price we pay for having excellent seats.

Aside from the assholes around us being obnoxious, and the idiots crashing our seats, the show was great. The whole band was tight and rocking. From my seat I could easily see their facial expressions the entire time and it was obvious to all that Keith and Ronnie were just having a blast.

The highlight of the show was Can't You Hear Me Knockin'. Absolutely phenomenal. It really was the show stopper. I could rant and rave all about it but its been done in all the other reviews so we'll leave it at the fact that this song made the whole night for me.

The rest of the concert was great. My only real complaint about the songs was the small stage... I was so hopefull for this show having read the reviews of Comisky and other shows but was VERY disappointed with the set tonight... no Manish Boy, no Neighbors, nothing like that. Instead we got You Got Me Rockin, Let It Bleed, and Like a Rolling Stone. Let It Bleed was PHENOMENAL!!! Right up there with Can't You Hear Me Knockin as far as highlight, but the other two were just lousy. Like a Rolling Stone came on (for some reason I had a gut feeling they were gonna screw us over with that shit) and I nearly started to cry. I'm so sick of the crowd pleasers. I can handle the hot rocks but this is just crap.

Aside from that the whole show was just great. It is obvious to everyone, including a young fan like myself, that the Stones are at the top of their game. If they do a return tour (such as the No Security sequel to B2B), I will definately hitup more than one show. This one I went and enjoyed, but thankfully I have Nashville next month to tape. Bringin my minidisc recorder and stealth mics!!! Woohooo! (and thankfully my Nashville is an arena so it is likely they will give a nicer setlist)

Review by Tim

I arrived at Ford Field 10/12/02, Detroit's newest football and major concert venue. The parking situation is a joke having to pay $20 to park in lot not even affiliated with Ford Field. The long tradition of all arenas in downtown Detroit having second-rate parking continues: Undersized parking garages surrounded by five or ten private vendors who gouge patrons to park in their poorly lit and unsecured lots. The warmup act named "No Doubt" was a gross mismatch: It was like having the Monkees warm up for Black Sabbath. They played bubble gum, Britney Spears type music and are most likely flash-in-the-pan status, meaning they will be forgotten in five years. The Stones should have a major act of a similar stye warm up for them such as Aerosmith or Tom Petty.

The Stones this year were incredible. I saw them in 1989 at the Pontiac Silverdome, which should never have hosted concerts due to the awful echo-chamber acoustics. The acoustics were so bad they would be a minute into a song before you could recognize what it was, therefore I didn't enjoy the 1989 show. The acoustics at Ford Field were outstanding and seemed as good to me as the Palace of Auburn Hills, which is significant because Ford Field holds twice the people for concerts. I was glad to see the Stones carefully edit their set list to include the songs people actually wanted to hear. All too often, a great 1960's or 1970's rock band with a great catalog of material will ruin their concerts by playing too many of their newer and almost always inferior songs. This phenomenon is almost universal whether you're talking Robert Plant, The Eagles, The Who, Aerosmith, Boston, Van Halen, CSN, Rush or Fleetwood Mac and countless others. The material these artists recorded in their early years was usually the best, often with every song on their early albums being strong. Now, you're lucky if there is one good song on a new album with most of these acts. The Stones must have checked their egos at the door and told their record company to get stuffed because they played only vintage best hits with the exception of one song ("Don't Stop") off their new album.

The entire band was an inspiration to the concept of agelessness and mind over matter. Mick, Ron Wood and Charlie Watts looked to be in great shape. It remains true that Keith Richard would never get asked to appear in a Charles Atlas ad, but appeared to be in great spirits and full of energy throughout the night with great guitar work. I never saw him doing his trademark trick of sticking a lit cigarette under the strings on the headstock of his guitar. I never even saw him with a cigarette. Maybe he's finally trying to live a healthy lifestyle. The band members had more energy despite being in their late 50's and early sixties than most bands with 30 year olds have. It shows the world that age has a lot to do with determination and attitude.

In this heady year (2002) of great concerts, I have seen Paul McCartney, The Who, and the Eagles already, which are about the most major acts out there. Paul McCartney is impossible to compete with due his status as #1 pop music songwriter in the history of the world, but the Rolling Stones on Saturday night made the Who and the Eagles look like bands that just couldn't ran into a creative block after they had penned only about 20 really good songs each. The Stones are second to only the Beatles in having a formidable volume of great, time-proven songs. Now that John Lennon and George Harrison are dead, seeing the Rolling Stones with 4 of the 6 original members is truly the next best thing to seeing the original Beatles together if they were all alive and touring in 2002. In my opinion, the greatest years of rock and roll were from 1964 through 1974. After that, it has been a gradual decline downhill to the point that the Rolling Stones Hot Rocks best hits album has more good music on it than all of the music made in the past 20 years. We've had 20 years of lousy pop/rock music and if you don't see the Rolling Stones on tour once in your life, you will probably go to your grave before the next successful pop music renaissance occurs. A must see. They are better than ever.

Review by Robert Bagel

Tonight's show was the first LICKS show at a large indoor stadium, and the crowd was once again treated to songs that before would have been deemed appropriate only for an arena. Can't You Hear Me Knocking, Undercover, and Wild Horses were highlights.

The venue was absolutely first rate--Detroit did a fantastic job creating a new stadium with personality, unlike Gillette Stadium or FedEx Field. The atmosphere in Ford Field was great, and the acoustics superior to the old Silver Dome. This made for a better band performance, as there was less to overcome as far as space and distance. Ford Field seems a bit intimate the moment you walk in. Mick tied in the Ford theme when he thanked everyone for coming out, for buying tickets, and then adding "we really appreciate the zero point zero per cent financing." It is clear he realizes that money saved on minivan purchases could be spent on Stones tickets instead!

Keith's playing seemed especially on tonight as he switched between rhythm and leads flawlessly during Sympathy and Satisfaction. Street Fighting Man was spectacular, with Keith displaying the most intense rhythm guitar I have seen so far on the LICKS tour.

I was lucky to join the free for all along the walkway between stages, where up close the distance between the railing and walkway seems greater than when viewed from far away. But when the band moves down the walkway, they do a great job reaching out to those along the rail. When the band went to the small stage, I was able to shake Chuck Leavell's hand, and then that of Darryl Jones. When the Stones returned, I got a brief but firm handshake from Keith, followed shortly by a handslap from Mick. Then they went nonstop into Gimme Shelter. While every Stones show has a personal feel to it, this experience made me better realize that the Stones don't put on a show as just entertainers, but as gracious hosts welcoming you into their place for the evening. What an extraordinary evening, where the city, the venue, and the band all were deserving of each other's excellence.

Review by Michael

My Stones shows run well into double digits, but the Detroit show was my first on the 40 Licks tour. I keep asking myself how do they continue to do it better each tour? Absolutely amazing.

Lots of highlights last night, but the one that stood out is how much fun they appear to be having. Maybe it was the week off before the show. I'd rather speculate that it is just plain, damn, fun for them!

Ronnie seemed to take on more since the last tour (we all know why by now) and that allowed Keith to relax a bit more. Great job and congrats, Ronnie.

My tickets were about as far back as you can get, so their backdrop screen was much appreciated. They ultilize it well and it was great fun watching all the things they had in store for the crowd.

At one point I found my eyes filling with tears. It wasn't a particular song or anthing specific. It was just one of those "life-moments" reminding me how thankful I am to be able to share in this sort of experience and fun at this moment in my life. Kind of heavy, but I would suspect that there are others who feel the same way.

Coolest thing was that I got to share the night with my sister, who I love. She was recently diagnosed with a dreadful sickness and she had never been able to see the Stones in person before. She's hooked. Hang on Patti!

Off to Tornonto with my wife, daughters, and son-in-laws for up-close seats next Friday to see the absolute best Band Ever. God Bless!

Review by Greg Wereley


I was ready from everything everyone had told me and posted but geeeeeeeeezzzzzzUS(A) as Keith roared onto the stage with another of his, hooks us for life rifffffs, man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Spartan looking stage took a couple songs to unveil itself but once it does it sucks us all in further to feel the fire... the band roared out of the gate like the finely tuned vehicles that have been produced here in Detroit... Ford Field will never come close to equaling what the inaugural show produced... If it lasts 100 years it will NEVER see the energy that everyone was engulfed in from this band/show!! Sure we can talk about Mick's stumble as IORR began but the Stones are so deft at sucking up and making it seem as "if you thought that was a f**k up then you are wrong .. we planned it that way!!" And proceeding to prove their case.... which last night they did!!! The set rocked non stop.... and they worked so much harder than I expected and have seen in prior outings.... What can one say that hasn't been said...CYHMK!! OMG! Where has that been all these years???? WILD HORSES, UNDERCOVER etc etc. If you have never seen this band then I implore you to not miss this chance!!!

If you have then I am sure you realize and won't, so I don't need to state the obvious!! They hazed the crowd with red smoke during Sympathy and after the closing chords fireworks/bombs! The place was engulfed with stones mania and smoke!! By the time I made it up to the concourse from the main floor the smoke was still so heavy that EVERY fire alarm in the place was going off!! And I could still barely see the stage! These guys are no flash in the pans they have done this for most of our (us geeezers) lives and seem more motivated than ever to keep pushing the bar higher!! DON"T STOP! (TOURING)!!!!! IORR but I like it!!!! Come back to DETROIT!!!! ASAP!!! Sir Mick and Lord Richards keep those troops marching!! BTW Please open the vaults to shows from this tour and rehearsals! "And throw em to the sharks!!" After seeing this I am starving to hear it again and again!

Reviw by Joe & Samantha Schaefer, Cheshire, CT, USA

Another great Saturday night with the Stones! We had a great time in section 107. The folks behind us were having a ball watching us dance & sing to EVERY song. We really liked Ford Field. Detroit fans should be proud. This was our Stones road trip for this tour, flying in earlier in the day. The whole downtown area was packed. The accoustics were great for an indoor stadium. Sympathy continues to be a highlight for us as well as gimme shelter & tumblin dice. Like a rolling stone was a great sing-along as was let it bleed. Keith & Ronnie were in great spirits!! Charlie was the usual professional. Hopefully we'll be at MSG in January. We hit 3 shows in 3 weeks(giants stadium, hartford & detroit). This trip was solely planned & executed by my wife. Good job honey!! Thanks to everyone in Detroit. We had a blast!!

Review by Mike Newman, Michigan, USA

Finally a show where I didn't have to drive for hours to get to the venue. I got in to town very early in the afternoon to soak up the whole scene. There were fans from all over the place. Radio stations were playing all Stones - all day and you could tell that there was a big buzz in the city with the Stones show in town. I mulled around the box office and stopped at a couple pre show parties to hear about Roseland and some other shows that people seemed to be really talking about on the tour. I met some guys from France who were really cool as this was one of several shows they were attending on the tour.

I headed towards the stadium around 7pm. I didn't have a ticket and the lines at the box office were absurd. I found a guy with 14th row center, 6 seats off the catwalk and he wanted $300 face value. I told him he was nuts and I said i'll be back here in 30 minutes and we will talk. I looked around and people had lots of tickets for cheap. There were even radio stations giving away 300 level tickets. Anyways, I went back and the guy was still standing there and he said "$100, thats as low as I can go" and I said "all I have is $95" and his response was "here...enjoy the show!"

Once inside Ford Field, it was apparent that Detroit area Stones fans were in for a treat! For years Stones fans in this area were subjected to the horrible disaster that is...the Pontiac Silverdome. This place was a dump the day it opened for a football game or a concert!!! Ford Field on the other hand, seemed like a really nice place. It had wide hallways and lots of bathrooms.

No Doubt was onstage when I came in and you could tell that Gwen Stefani was trying as hard as she could to get the audience into it, but it just wasn't happening. Many, many people my parents age (the Stones age) had no clue who they were! I give them credit for trying but some of the opening acts make no sense on this tour (No Doubt, Shaggy) ??

Anyways, I had heard there was a curfew and sure enough the Stones came on a tad before 9:00pm which caught some people by suprise. The sound at Ford Field was amazing for a stadium least where I was at. The stadium stage is enormous as always but it doesn't have all the bells and whistles from previous tours. It is relatively simple with the video screen being the main focus.

Some notes about the Stones performance: Brown Sugar sucks as an opener. Mick doesn't even do the "woo"s at the end because the crowd isn't into it yet. It is just wierd. Undercover is really a treat to hear in the middle of all the hot rocks. The highlight of the night for me was Can't You Hear Me Knocking which This is the second time it was played at a stadium show. It really works in the stadium atmosphere and the crowd loves the jam part at the end. The b stage set was very marginal although Let It Bleed is always good to hear. I simply don't like the Stones doing Like A Rolling Stone, but the baby boomers eat it right I can understand why they play it all the time! The show picked up back on the main stage with Gimme Shelter in an awesome version! From this point on the crowd was really in to the show right up thru the end.

Overall a solid Stones show that had it special moments. As far as stadiums go, Ford Field was a great one to see a show at! Since this was my hometown show it was great to see many friends and people I knew after the show with their jaws dropped open! The first timers especially were just in awe.

This is probably the only stadium show I will go to on the whole tour and I think this is just about as good as a stadium show gets...the Stones rocked the Motor City!!!!

In the press:

Thanks to Rob G. and Patrick Berry for links information.
Also thanks to Patrick Nunya for set list information!

This page will feature all reviews, comments, photos, set lists and more as supplied by loyal and die hard fans of The Rolling Stones.

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To help supply all the great reviews and setlists to fans all over the world, and to preserve them here, as well as the best parts in the IORR magazines, please send your e-mail to IORR. Thanks!

For details and great photos from the Rolling Stones and their World Tour get IORR 45 published by September 20, 2002.

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