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16 ***years ***ago
The revenge of the lumberjacks....>< Would be nice to hear what a formerly bassplayer named Ron Wood wood,sorry,would say about this picture...
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16 ***years ***ago
Sleepy,I just watched the movie ONE time only when it was released in summer 1982 to support the tour somehow,and it really was named "ROCKS OFF". If I would be clever enough I would post the advertisement of the newspaper... Maybe I´m learning this sometimes. Differences beside the unfortunately kicked out WHENTHE...( they really should have kicked out ALL DOWN THE LINE instea
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16 ***years ***ago
Checked it minutes ago- LSTNT ( the benelux official version ) is available several times on ebay Germany from direct buy 14,99 Euro AND at a mailorder service located in germany comparable to amazon. Search and you will find : The official one for incredible good 9,99 Euro !!! And it´s on stock,deliverable immediately ! Maybe you got to hurry... By the way: I´m NOT co
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteSleepy City Quotewith sssoul When the Whip Comes Down is on the version of the film called Rocks Off. Which presumably has never been released officially on video or DVD? You´re right.
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16 ***years ***ago
Quoteadotulipson Quoteshortfatfanny Hey skip,surprisingly released in the benelux countries in 2006 by Universal, I bought it recently because the version I got before came of some obscure brazilian sources with a quality in sound and picture,hm...,better than nothing but not really convincing. I have the Brazilian version too (plus the VHS and Betamax for that matter )so are you saying that
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16 ***years ***ago
Quotemckalk I guess I hate "You Got Me Rocking" so much because it seems like The Stones have force fed this song down our throats as a "great song" by playing it so much in concert. Maybe then need a 90's warhorse and this is the most arena friendly? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was even released as a single in the States was it? I'm
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16 ***years ***ago
Quoteablett Pulling yer leg flash! And why on earth are we plonking around on this board when we should be out! Its friday night!!! OK , stop plonking ablett
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16 ***years ***ago
To be honest : Very uncool,including such horrible bands named Genesis,Supertramp, EmersonLake&Palmer to mention a few. But if you like them : Feel free to do , don´t be ashamed !
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16 ***years ***ago
Quoteskipstone No no - if it's not gonna work in the States then why bother getting it? That's what I mean. OK - the region code problem ? When I stated this concerning the SAL DVD I got the advice to unlock my player,I tried but couldn´t find,gave up and then : believe it or not I realized that my player NEVER has been locked because without paying attention I watched a dvd with r
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16 ***years ***ago
Eh ? What´s with ROLLINGSTONE advice ? I don´t know whether it´s released in the States or not but who cares ? Ebay or others will be able to serve you,don´t you think ?
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16 ***years ***ago
Hey skip,surprisingly released in the benelux countries in 2006 by Universal, I bought it recently because the version I got before came of some obscure brazilian sources with a quality in sound and picture,hm...,better than nothing but not really convincing.
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16 ***years ***ago
I´m with Doxa and Happy24 and I really hope they don´t play there but who knows ? Fan Since 1964 I´m Born In 1964 so maybe this could be an explanation ( ok ok,just wanted to make a nice finish ) take it easy And the setlist if it´s going to happen goes like this : Street Fighting Man Sister Morphine Hot Stuff This will fit nicely for the sleepy London town,cause there´s just no
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteSleepy City Quotecc Quotenoughties Miss You. I don`t understand why they put it among the warhorses. might it have something to do with it being their best-selling single? Though I don't think sales figures have much to do with whether they become warhorses or not (I'm sure 'Fool To Cry' & 'Emotional Rescue' sold more than 'You Got Me Rocking
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16 ***years ***ago
My favourites are Doug Wimbish and Robbie Shakespeare
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteFan Since 1964 Quoteshortfatfanny They didn´t play WOODstock,Live Aid,Live 8,opening show for the new wembley stadium, so why opening or closing the olympic games 2012 in London ? 50th anniversary ? They will do something different,letting others do this, and being in an age an IOC membership is guarenteed is not a good reason, or can you imagine Keith doing shakehands with Rogge ?
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteThommie You Got Me Rockin' Can hardly imagine someone thinking of this as "GREAT",but maybe I´m wrong.
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16 ***years ***ago
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16 ***years ***ago
...didn´t Keith succeeded in cycling this year,remember a nice picture here
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteJumpingKentFlash Not only that. I think they could put some more stuff on it. They could,but will they ? Isn´t it to avoid "collision "with the SAL release in Europe ? ( sooner or later...)
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16 ***years ***ago
They didn´t play WOODstock,Live Aid,Live 8,opening show for the new wembley stadium, so why opening or closing the olympic games 2012 in London ? 50th anniversary ? They will do something different,letting others do this, and being in an age an IOC membership is guarenteed is not a good reason, or can you imagine Keith doing shakehands with Rogge ? Hm,could imagine to be honest,but I hop
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16 ***years ***ago
Moonlight Mile is a great song I never cared for but now I like it after years and years and...,....,...........,........ It is a great song !
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16 ***years ***ago
That´s so sad,...,thank you for all the wonderful music, RIP
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteBaboon Bro Category ideas - Favorite album - Favorite song - Favorite less known song (maybe with a mentioning of the "known" songs) Great idea and I support fully Baboon´s suggestions because that´s enough to vote, otherwise it´s getting a vote monster without any value. Thank´s in advance,bv (can easily live with some more/different categories as well)
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16 ***years ***ago
Quoteschillid BRILLIANT ,schillid and if it´s made by you I would recommend some copyrights before ABCKO´s coming around the corner for their newest-latest-whatever compilation.
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16 ***years ***ago
Open the vaults - now ! Can´t be that difficult,impossible,....,.... And for the liner notes : ask some competent people,there are enough out there !
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16 ***years ***ago
I see,seems to be the"usual " one,but nevertheless I mainly was interested in the DVD and not the CD,as most of the tracks are the well known and easy available ones. It´s a nice set and I will take my time watching the DVD,but the guy who sold it fooled me (booklet) so maybe "Jah is not dead"....
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16 ***years ***ago
Exactly what I asked for,that´s fast and helpful information,thank you very much Rockman ! Think can live without that booklet,but it would have been nice,....,anyway
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16 ***years ***ago
" I´m Tampa bound and Memphis too Short Fat Fanny is on the loose "
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16 ***years ***ago
I´ve got a question about the Studio One Story CD/DVD/100page book boxset by Soul Jazz Records. I´ve got it by ebay without the booklet and I like to know whether it´s worth getting or not. Anyone here who might help with opinion and information about this booklet ?
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16 ***years ***ago
QuoteSleepy City QuoteR I wonder where that "Let It Rock" was recorded? Fort Worth, 18th July 1978. I have the first 6 songs from this show on DVD (average quality visuals but stunning stereo audio!). Would love to have this show complete & in great quality... Yes Sleepy,Same with me and it´s true but still unbelievable : Some Girls was released 30 years ago,such a smash al
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