I try some more .. no way, still "File Unavailable"
it's ok
thank you very much Coowouters and compliment to CpTAcid for the great sound Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
do you remember this one? Great work! thanks the lords we had some good guys that shared some vital stuff like this with all of us rolling stones fan.
Unfortunately I've lost this one and you know what I mean .. it's hard live without this tunes.
Can somebody friendly re-upload it?
And sorry to ask too much but can somebody re-upload it on Filefactory? (good for my old OS system Forum: Buy/Sell/Trade
if you can rip the audio.. the very criticized Let's Spend The Night Together movie, compilation of one New Jersey & Tempe shows
.. lots of edits but love it. Forum: Tell Me
RIP Mr.Cotton
..love your blues
hello rockman,
thank you for this SUN James Cotton tunes, raw blues ...
Is there a complet recording/session from James Cotton at the SUN studios, a complet record maybe ?? Forum: Tell Me
I hope (wish) Keith sings "Blue & Lonesome"..
I love MJagger but I think his today singing is not adapted to this "bad stuff".
Did he feel the blues anymore ?
My opinion is maybe influenced by the fact that I listened this song many times this summer watching Keith puting the vinyl records on the Netflix reportage.. this part is maybe my favorite stones footage ever... Forum: Tell Me