SELLING: Lucky Dip dance partner needed - Dusseldorf
Date: May 16, 2017 11:39
I have bought Lucky Dips for Munich and Dusseldorf and am travelling on my own, so have a spare ticket for each.
Face value is 65 Euros for Munich and 70 Euros for Dusseldorf.
I will want payment (easiest via paypal?) in advance because last time I had a spare LD (Berlin 14) I was let down at the last minute and ended up having to pay for both. However, obviously there is no ticket to send - we will need to meet up just before the show so you can enter the venue with me. Hopefully I post on IORR enough to show that I am reliable, and I can also send you links to Ebay/other forum accounts to show my 100% trader rating.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2017-05-23 18:01 by syrel.