2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD5 DVD9 [UPDATED AUG 2022]
Early Edition Preview still online- [
The Audio and video has been remixed and resynced as the previous version was out of sync in four/five songs due to frame rate issues and the audio was too 'harsh'.
There is a beautiful audio from 'Daspyknows' in existence, however it is not used here.
Covers by Jurgen
Audio and Video from Youtube
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD5.part1 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD5.part2 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD5.part3 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD5.part4 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD9.part1 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD9.part2 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD9.part3 [
2022.07.07 Rolling Stones Amsterdam DVD9.part4 [
WE Expires on Expires on 31 August 2022
Don't share these files anywhere please - I will do it myself
Don't sell. Support the artist. Thanks to all the tapers - for Keeping the music alive
Enjoy The Rolling Stones --

Video - credits to the tapers included in DVD
With special thanks for the filmers --
Matt Lee (Video AND Audio)
EdBMusic (Video AND Audio)
Shonana (Video AND Audio)
christijanus1 (Video AND Audio)
Gijs Horvers
Geertje Hoogland
Cym Live
Fred de Graaf
Frans de Haan
Mark Harreman
and everyone else for sharing their videos
Thanks also to Quique-stone for the links
midimannz 2022.08.24
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2022-08-24 05:13 by midimannz.