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Rank Stranger
I only have a cdr copy of the boot; to me it seems the bootleggers cut off the "high" frequencies, here's Happy, all tracks look like this:
but here all tracks on that disc 2 (the other is just fine) cut off at 7.000 KHz. (never seen this before on all the suspected lossy discs I checked until now)
So I guess we'll have to wait for someone who has the silvers to check...
Seem to be HF limiter.Quote
Rank Stranger
I only have a cdr copy of the boot; to me it seems the bootleggers cut off the "high" frequencies, here's Happy, all tracks look like this:
Monsoon Ragoon
The try to make it sound as good as possible. What's the problem?
Monsoon Ragoon
The try to make it sound as good as possible. What's the problem?
The "problem" is that hj3009 is asking if it could be possible that DAC used a lossy source for this release. So if someone knows it, he gets his answer and is happy :-)
IMHO, someone, somewhere along the chain (could be the final one, being DAC) cut of everything above 7,000 KHz, thus taking the easy way (instead of remastering a bit) to make a recording listenable.
The audio quality between the recording of the 1st show and the one from the 2nd show is BIG; I just listened to a couple of tracks of both discs and judging from what I hear on disc 2, nothing is lost by the frequency cut. (if that's what happened)