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Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 21, 2008 19:57

since we were discussing on another thread about the "Truth and Lies" dvd, i wondered if any else had watched this one. Its 3.5 hrs long and most of the info is retreads except of couple of surprises. Theres some 1967 Euoropean b/w tour footage with sound in ex quality and a weird "outtake"(?) from R n R Circus in b/w of Sympathy with Keith on tamborine! Both clips didnt last long but it makes you wonder where the original source is!!

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: August 21, 2008 19:58

DonĀ“t forget, a Victor Bockris on speed...

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 21, 2008 20:09

>> i wondered if any else had watched this one <<

sure thing - real regularly, even. it's one of the great ones.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 21, 2008 20:32

Yeah, with sssoul-it is VERY informative. I guess retread is a little too strong a word for some of the material. You know how easy it is to get jaded when you've seen so much footage. So I would recommend this too. For a newbie it would really be a gas! I just wish I knew where they got the footage I mentioned above. Do you have any thoughts on the short R n R Circus Sympaythy clip? It was very strange!

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Date: August 21, 2008 20:37


Do you have any thoughts on the short R n R Circus Sympaythy clip? It was very strange!

That's not from RnR Circus. It's from the David Frost Show.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:06

Thanks! I wasnt aware that they had played Sympathy on a 68 b/w TV program but there it is. IORR book says it was the last television performance by Brian 11-30-68(taped previous day). Also says Brian played piano and Keith played guitar and a "bit of tamborine". I wish I could see the entire thing. I've never seen Keith sit down and play tamborine in front of Charlies drums like that!

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:18

I have it. It's great but put together in a slightly messy way. You'll love every minute of it though.


Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: stone-relics ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:31

Let it Bleed the documentary RULES....The opening with Denis Leary is GREAT, and it gets better watching Brockrus get drunker and drunker, til he as raving at the end. LOVE IT!


Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: Rank Stranger ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:34

For "Sympathy With The Devil" look also here:


Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:36

Let it Bleed the documentary RULES....The opening with Denis Leary is GREAT, and it gets better watching Brockrus get drunker and drunker, til he as raving at the end. LOVE IT!
He does "lose it" for sure!! Looks like something out of Monty Python!

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: scottkeef ()
Date: August 21, 2008 21:48

Thanks everybody! Can any one reup the sendspace file?

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 21, 2008 22:38

.... yeah Bockris's impassioned rant at the end is mighty inarticulate,
but what he's trying to say is actually quite beautiful:

"[The Rolling Stones] are priests - they're the only priests we have!
We lived through a situation in the 40s when 100 million people got killed in like six years because of insane greed.
And the Rolling Stones came along and they ... wiped out the hate and horror and fear
that came after the Second World War, and they put something positive on the plate:
"They said: 'Hey!' They said: 'Let's have sex!'"

yes they sure did and they sure do, on all known frequencies, and what a gloriously broad-spirited message it is too

hail hail Rolling Stones

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: cc ()
Date: August 21, 2008 22:45

a good example of why rock critics should stick to the music, imo... but an entertaining outburst nonetheless.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 21, 2008 22:45

best documentary EVER on the Stones. Just watching it once will remind you of why you fell in love with them to begin with.

Bockris' rant at the end is a bit toe curling in it's delivery and choice of words, but youve gotta love the guy's enthusiasm.

Dennis Leary's intro says it all best, though.. - "Turn up the Stones...."

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 21, 2008 23:26

>> rock critics <<

is that what Bockris is? all i know him as is a biographer.
his writing style is ... well, let's say the passion he works up in Let It Bleed came as a surprise.
and yeah, "toe-curling delivery" is about right, but the point he's trying to make resonates.

anyway it's a great freakin documentary

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: django ()
Date: August 21, 2008 23:45

Love this documentary. The best ever! I transfered my VHS version to DVD and I watch it very often. The film is done by Rudi Dolezal & Hannes Rossacher (DoRo), an Austrian production duo. They started in the mid seventies to produce films about the Stones and others. I watched the first one (can't remember the title) in 1976 in a very small cinema. It was fantastic. All the promos, interviews and concert footage for the first time (for me), long before MTV, the internet and even video recorders or DVD.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: cc ()
Date: August 21, 2008 23:59

with sssoul
>> rock critics <<

is that what Bockris is? all i know him as is a biographer.
his writing style is ... well, let's say the passion he works up in Let It Bleed came as a surprise.

a biographer who specializes in rock figures, a choice which already implies a level of criticism--I don't think he's done a jagger biography--and remarks like these certainly qualify him for the job of a critic, unfortunately.

but it makes more sense to think of him as a biographer and thereby to account for the personal resonance of his remarks. The only way to take his claim, that the Stones were some kind of panacea for the worst possible collective experience, is either as personally meaningful or as ludicrous; otherwise it's completely appalling. It's bad enough when it's claimed, often, that the Beatles somehow cheered up the US after JFK's death. This is on entirely different scale of dementia, particularly to someone like me who came too late to feel the resonance and sees our collective handbasket as if anything closer to hell now than in 1945, as whatever temporary sanity was gained by facing up to the terror of the war has long since been lost again. But that's another story...! Rock slowly on.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: with sssoul ()
Date: August 22, 2008 00:06

easy there - he didn't say they're "some kind of panacea for the worst possible collective experience".
he said they looked at the post-war grimness that surrounded them as they grew up,
and responded to it with something positive and full of life. which means a lot, and resonates just fine with me.

ps: actually he didn't say that either - he said what i wrote up there, amid some other things.
and the world really can be a very stubborn place. good night now :E

pps: it's not worth bumping the thread up again with a new post, but:
i disagree that writing biographies of rock artists means someone is a rock critic.
it's a different role. and as far as i know Bockris is a biographer, not a critic.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2008-08-24 13:28 by with sssoul.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: cc ()
Date: August 22, 2008 00:16

well, that I would agree with, as far as I can tell (and there's something of a trend going now both in popular and scholarly history writing of marking how bleak the postwar years in the UK either were or seem now to have been, so it's a timely sentiment)... but that's not what he said! But the two statements resonate with each other on some metaphorical level.

EDIT: yeah, it's the other things that set my head spinning... no, we can't have it all, can we!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-08-22 00:18 by cc.

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: marquess ()
Date: August 22, 2008 05:27

in my opinion it is the best documentary about the Stones career!

Re: Let It Bleed: 40 years of the Rolling Stones
Posted by: JumpingKentFlash ()
Date: August 22, 2008 06:36

It's very good, but my DVD has some weird flaw where there's this scratching sound coming every 2 seconds. Still I enjoyed watching it.


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