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Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: mickijaggeroo ()
Date: July 22, 2008 20:49

The Tour started two weeks ago.
Yeah, but difference is, those guys on that tour have no problem putting drugs in their systems...drinking smiley

Nordic Stones Vikings

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Ket ()
Date: July 22, 2008 20:50

I wish Ron all the best!
Let's hope Mick Taylor gets the job if Ron doesn't make it and let the R.Stones kick ass one more time like they did in the early 7tees.

took 4 posts in for the nobhead taylorites to chime in, not bad

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: glimmertwin65 ()
Date: July 22, 2008 20:53

My thoughts exactly,dating back to the Steel Wheels tour in 1989 when we knew it would be Wyman's last. Bring Mick Taylor back in the fold to keep it an English band. He could alternate on bass with Ronnie,letting Ronnie re-live his glory days with Jeff Beck!! And MT played bass on a number of Exile tracks. (Imagine the guitar nirvana for a current version of Sway, Can't You Hear Me Knocking, and Gimme Shelter played through modern speakers/amps/staging? If the MT boots of these are phenomenal,can you imaging current runs??!!) I still don't know Jagger's rift with Taylor after all these years! Was it because MT called him out after hearing his uncredited tracks from Tattoo You? I love Ronnie, feel for his current state,and wish him nothing but good health. But you have to acknowledge the musical facts that rock critics still consider the Stones' peak run from Let It Bleed to It's Only Rock-n-Roll were the Mick Taylor years. If they all have just enough left in the tank for one more go around, yes, invite Wyman and Taylor (pushing more for MT), forget the Hollywood spectacle, and do complete B-Stage-style shows............letting us all know why they are the template for all other bands and kick-start the moniker of "The World's Greatest Rock & Roll Band"!! Cheers to all Stones fans! Michael

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: July 22, 2008 21:00

My thoughts exactly,dating back to the Steel Wheels tour in 1989 when we knew it would be Wyman's last. Bring Mick Taylor back in the fold to keep it an English band.

An english band with a boatload of americans playing a key role...does Blondie play more guitar then Keith?

I wish they would go back to be an all english band.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: texas fan ()
Date: July 22, 2008 21:01

I wish Ron all the best!
Let's hope Mick Taylor gets the job if Ron doesn't make it and let the R.Stones kick ass one more time like they did in the early 7tees.

took 4 posts in for the nobhead taylorites to chime in, not bad

I take comfort in knowing that only a relative few fail to see what Ronnie has done for the band, both musically and personally, and how little Taylor has done in the last 24 years. I'd put Ronnie's work up against Taylor's during that time period any time.

As with sssoul has said about a thousand times, I feel so sorry for Mick Taylor that he has these people speaking on his behalf. He was a great guitarist that was with the band during an exciting time, and he's gone (and, no, he didn't write half the songs recorded from 69-74).

And as for Ronnie's alleged relapse screwing up the band's plans, it hasn't. How in the world can you accuse him of affecting a tour that won't even be announced for another year? He's on vacation.

Good grief, thank God Mick and Keith are not so fragile and prone to overreact. History indicates Ronnie will be there and able to play. If he's not, they'll find someone (not Taylor), but it will not be a good day for the Stones.

Go, Ronnie.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Justin ()
Date: July 22, 2008 21:15

Typical exaggerated story that gives them an excuse to put up a "story." Ronnie fell of the wagon...he's getting help...the Stones are concerned but in no way are they leaving him behind. There's TONS of time before the next tour for Ronnie to get back on his feet. These relapses, are unfortunately, common for Ronnie so he'll jump back as quick as he has in the past.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-07-22 21:16 by Justin.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: July 22, 2008 21:38

"took 4 posts in for the nobhead taylorites to chime in, not bad"

Love it!

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: July 22, 2008 21:54

Honestly, I don't think they would replace Ronnie with anyone more than they did replace Bill Wyman. Without Ronnie it would be a three-piece band. Of course, there would be someone playing the guitar, but he would be like Darryl, a side man.

I think there is nothing wrong with that: the time to change the personal has gone by a long ago. I think the doors were closed by 1982/3 when the story was more or less completed or put into a book of history - In fact: how anyone can think to really have guts or nerve to JOIN to a 46 years old band - to the most legendary band ever. Huh? In the best (?) case or most profilic sense it would be something like "The Rolling Stones Featuring Eric Clapton", or something.

But in a way, the doors in a profilic sense should always to be open for Bill Wyman and even Mick Taylor - they, after all, were true Rolling Stones, organic part of the original story. But it is totally a different story if the men on the board would like to see those guys ever there again. Perhaps an occasional gig would be the optimal, and their status clearly as 'guests'. I have the feeling that it will happen some day in a form or other. They all get old and wise enough to admit that the huge past and the nostalgy is their biggest friend nowadays.

- Doxa

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: humanriff77 ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:06

The dreaming Stones fans, its hilarious. Mick Jagger will never let Mick Taylor near the Stones. Get over it before you are also getting your bus pass.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: MCDDTLC ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:24

If theres anything to this it probably the Glimmers trying to kill the Faces
re-union, Jagger & Mod-Rod haven't been on speaking terms ever since the Stones
"stole" Ronnie away and Rod's slags Jagger every time he get's the chance.

I wonder??

And Taylor would only help their sound, here's hoping Keith pushes the point
and over-rules Jagger about including Taylor, at least for one show..

Yeah I know Albett...


Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:26

I just cannot understand you taylorites. you guys gotta be mad. they guy plays boring bar blues rock in mediocre quality, has never released a good song in his life an yet you keep on admiring him like a good. I will never ever understand that.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:31

and they would never tour without him, woody is the reason the stones are still around, they would never forget his loyalty

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Doxa ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:42

and they would never tour without him, woody is the reason the stones are still around, they would never forget his loyalty

A quite idealistic sounding statement, to put it mildly. No matter how great guy and important Woody is - or once was - as a middle man between The Twins - he just happen to be a second class member in this band. thumbs up

- Doxa

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Bingo ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:43

I just cannot understand you taylorites. you guys gotta be mad. they guy plays boring bar blues rock in mediocre quality, has never released a good song in his life an yet you keep on admiring him like a good. I will never ever understand that.
Has any of The Stones done anything memorable on their own? I can't think of anything, that doesn't mean I'm forgetting something, but off the top of my head...Jagger solo-boring. Keith and the Wino's...good but nothing spectacular.
So, they're all boring as individuals, but great as a team. IMO.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: glimmertwin65 ()
Date: July 22, 2008 23:50

The dreaming Stones fans, its hilarious. Mick Jagger will never let Mick Taylor near the Stones. Get over it before you are also getting your bus pass.

I still would like to see some reconciliation and have Taylor drift in some more. We read in all of these posts and stories and reviews in IORR of things like Keith's diminishing skills, Ronnie's coherancy, Blondie playing more, possible backtracking live,etc. So why not explore Taylor again and reconcile?

But reconciliation of what? Because Jagger can't have two Micks in the band? Because Jagger was called on sniping Taylor's guitar work for Tattoo You? Because Taylor had the audacity to want song writing credits? Because the fans would go nuts seeing Taylor with them again instead of cheering for Jagger?

Or because Taylor still has his chops and would make the others look bad?
What is it then?

This is not a rip on Keith or Ronnie or anything of the sort. I love the band with the passion shared here by others. But age does creep upon us all in different ways. Add years of booze and smack to the mix, and you certainly do not have your typical 64 year old guitarist! (Same for professional athletes.....time does diminish skills.)

I have seen over the past few months recently for their local concert stops the likes of Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Les Paul (93 years old!!!). Steve Miller, B.B. King, Tom Petty, Peter Frampton, Steve Winwood, Hubert Sumlin, Alex Lifeson...........most 50-plus, a lot in their 60's,and the cherished ones in their 70's and 80's! They still can handle the guitar with skill and ease! And I can add Mick Taylor to this list as well.

Mick and Keith better come up with ways to keep "The Rolling Stones" interesting and an attraction to the masses other than their longevity, coconut trees, divorce settlements, dad's ashes, and Russian tramps. The $300 concert tix are waining thin, there were fewer total sell-outs on the BB Tour, the Shine A Light movie played a short time to so-so reviews on minimal screens, and their CD sales also don't match even their own previous CD totals anymore.

What a prime opportunity to renew interest in the band, and maybe come up with just one more swan-song Top 10 hit or knock-out album (the last, Start Me Up/Tattoo You, was in 1981),than to have Mick Taylor join the boys again and tear it up!

--- Michael

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Lorenz ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:03

I just cannot understand you taylorites. you guys gotta be mad. they guy plays boring bar blues rock in mediocre quality, has never released a good song in his life an yet you keep on admiring him like a good. I will never ever understand that.
Has any of The Stones done anything memorable on their own? I can't think of anything, that doesn't mean I'm forgetting something, but off the top of my head...Jagger solo-boring. Keith and the Wino's...good but nothing spectacular.
So, they're all boring as individuals, but great as a team. IMO.

They are sure better as a band than solo, but all of Ronnie's, Mick's and Keith's solo work is some levels better than Taylor's. I especially think Ronnie has some outstanding solo stuff!

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:05

My thoughts exactly,dating back to the Steel Wheels tour in 1989 when we knew it would be Wyman's last.

We didnt.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:06

I say they get that Keith-wanna-be Bruce has playing for him and put him on stage next to the real thing, then we'll see what he's really made of...ha!

Dont know what the funniest part of that post is - either the notion that he's a Keith wannabee or the idea that Keith is playing better these days.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Anonymous User ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:14

They found somebody to replace Mick Taylor. They'll find somebody to replace Ronnie. Does he need a replacement? The band is already so disgustingly Las Vegas diluted w/back up singers, multiple musicians carrying the weight. Really. Jagger my see it as a economy move and play guitar himself!

I'am afraid you are right.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: NickB ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:15

I am looking into my imaginary crystal ball. I can see the sun rising.........some they're handbags.......I can see two people seems to have a Stones Tshirt from 1972.........The other I can make out from 1978. Handbags at dawn

Well f*** me it's the old Ronnie Vs MickT wankathon rearing it's ugly head.

I posted this back on page 2 of this thread and blow me I'm actually a clairvoyant!!! I foresee Mick Taylor not rejoining the Stones. There we go I made the prediction.


You can't always get what you want.....

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:19

I wish Ron all the best!
Let's hope Mick Taylor gets the job if Ron doesn't make it and let the R.Stones kick ass one more time like they did in the early 7tees.

took 4 posts in for the nobhead taylorites to chime in, not bad

They obviously all slept in today.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: NickB ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:26

Smoking to much of the old Mick Taylor hallucigen possibly.


You can't always get what you want.....

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:29

mick taylor would not be welcome back, besides do you think COHL would allow a twinkie stipulation in the contract

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: glimmertwin65 ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:32

I am looking into my imaginary crystal ball. I can see the sun rising.........some they're handbags.......I can see two people seems to have a Stones Tshirt from 1972.........The other I can make out from 1978. Handbags at dawn

Well f*** me it's the old Ronnie Vs MickT wankathon rearing it's ugly head.

I posted this back on page 2 of this thread and blow me I'm actually a clairvoyant!!! I foresee Mick Taylor not rejoining the Stones. There we go I made the prediction.

Instead of billing this as a "Ronnie Wood versus Mick Taylor" battle, how about a "Ronnie AND Mick Taylor" gig? I love Ronnie, but also love Taylor and think as a fan that having both of them in the mix at the same time would be both a musical and commercial boon!

It adds another guitar element to ehnance the sound. (Those of you with a Kansas City 1981 boot knows this when MT joined them for a few.....WOW!!)

Blondie does that already in the shadows,so why not at least have Mick Taylor join Keith and Ronnie on stage and tear it up? Even you Taylor-Bashers have to admit that MT playing on stage would be much better than Blondie F-N Chaplin, hiding near an amp and Bernard Fowler while playing in the wings!!

YouTube has a recent interview clip of Keith saying that he missed Mick Taylor, so I think that the problem is with Jagger on even considering Taylor for anything.......except for the annoyance of having to send him royalties checks because the back catalog continues to sell well.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: July 23, 2008 00:39

Trouble is has any one heard a recent or not so recent interview with MT saying that he'd actually like to re-join the stones?

Perhaps he's happy doing what he does....

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: July 23, 2008 01:38

Bad reality - with each passing day, your chances of seeing the Rolling Stones in any combination gets smaller.

A few bad signs:

Keith being completely out of it on some of the 2007 European shows.
The tree/bush fall
Charlie's cancer
Ronnie's alcohol battle/recent foolishness
Mick getting fed up with all of it
The economy - my ticket money has been eaten up by the gas pump
The number on their birth certificates

Good signs:

They've overcame this and much more before

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-07-23 01:39 by Elmo Lewis.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: terry ()
Date: July 23, 2008 01:44

Its been over 30 yrs since taylor left the stones,and guys still go on about him joining the stones again, it aint going to happen, and i think done that move on.
I have more chance of joining that taylor.....oh hang on a mo, wifes shouting something, whats up love theres who on the phone, a guy called mick, oh right got to go lads...... whooooooossshhh.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: mickschix ()
Date: July 23, 2008 01:47

First, I think the problem is with MICK T not Mick J as far as rejoining the band. Mick T was a very young boy when he joined the Stones and they truly were not a healthy influence on him. He was a serious musician and joined the band thinking he'd be allowed some input. What a surprise he got! He was basicly a hired hand, and eventually he wanted out to make his kind of music. As far as Ronnie is concerned, I think Mick would say that the band would go on without him to give him a kick in the ass, motivation to get well! Mick has stood by him in really bad times, encouraged Ronnie and supported him way beyond what would be expected. What happens will be entirely up to Ronnie and how serious he is about getting well.

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: HEILOOBAAS ()
Date: July 23, 2008 01:58

An english band with a boatload of americans...

Sounds like "Titanic" - Mick - Ronnie - Mick - Ronnie - Jack - Rose - Jack - Rose....spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: Tour is on - Maybe without Ronnie - Holy Shit
Posted by: melillo ()
Date: July 23, 2008 02:35

in what ways has mick stood behind ronnie other than the licks tour, which was a great show of support from mick, but lets face it that was alot to do with bringing the circus back in town, mick has treated ronnie awful at times like the late 70s and early 80s, even charlie warned mick to stop being nasty to woody

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