These new "redoing" of Batman is 2094829348230948 times better than Tim Burtons. Those were just too campy and comic booky.
This exactly is why I've reserved my talking about TDK at all. Ever since it's been released (and before it was released), people everywhere have taken license to bash the first 2 Batman movies which were directed by Tim Burton. Wow, to call Burton's vision of his Batman films..."camp" and "too comic booky" goes to show how far we've come in violence in today's movies. Not only that, people are not realizing that what Burton did was HIS perception of the Batman story. Nevertheless, the dark, gritty world he created lands on numb minds today in 2008 where viewers need louder, bloodier, bigger movies to grab their attention or even take seriously.
"Batman Returns" is incredibly dark....in fact it was criticized much because it was TOO heavy. To me, it still is very effective because Burton emphasizes the tragedy and pain for Oswald (The Penguin) and in connection with Bruce Wayne's past. In fact, the Penguin's death at the end of the movie is one of Burton's great moments in film. Incredibly touching and sad.
I have no respect or patience for the last 2 Batman films after Burton's: "Batman Forever" and "Batman & Robin" These were directed by Joe Schumacher and take the Batman story the complete opposite of where Burton planted it. Instead of dark and subtle, it was full of color, huge imagery and childish dialogue. But I've been seeing everywhere people calling Nicholson's Joker to be crap and competely erasing their memory of this great movie. How people are praising Heath's Joker today was how people felt about Jack, 19 years ago. Jack was darker than Ceasar Romero's and now Heath's is darker than Jack's. All of which represents how violent each villian had to be to satisfy the audience from their time period.
I loved The Dark Knight and now I love Heath's Joker along with Jack's. But it seems people today, can only love ONE thing at a time...and can never allow for two things to be good. Either people really love one thing and then really hate another. People really love Heath's Joker and now really hate Jack's. Not me, I love them both. This is not an attack on you, CrazzyDadda but more like me venting. I just wish more people could see it my way.....
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2008-07-21 09:26 by Justin.