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European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 15:57

Right here in the UK we're suffering another appalling summer. Today we've been told that a month's worth of rain will fall over most of Britain and that we can forget about having a good summer. This will be the second year in a row that our summer has been ruined. How's the summer in Europe and other parts of the world?

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Urban Wheel ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:00

Same here in Holland. What a surpise he :0(

'Doo doo doo Heartbreaker'

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: stein ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:09

Weather changes but hot up here in south east Norway today

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:10

The only thing you can do with the British summer is to enjoy it - whatever month of the year it decides to happen in!

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: sweetcharmedlife ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:14

Please send some rain towards CA. Hotter than hell right now and most of the state is on fire. I'm ready to start my own rain dance.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:16

Right now the only things enjoying the downpour are ducks.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:16

The weather seems to getting more and more extreme, also here in Sweden. Long periods of dryness and then torrential rain which causes flooding. Climate change is here for sure.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:18

The thing is they talk about global warming but right now there is no evidence in the UK of anything warming. It's more like global cooling. As my wife says, the English summer is like one long bad hair day.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Addicted ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:22

Never thought I'd experience a tropical storm in Oslo, Norway. But we did have one on Saturday. Really extreme.
Yes, Svartmer, global warming is a fact, and has been for several years.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Date: July 9, 2008 16:29

Pouring non-stop all day here in London.....

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Stargroves ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:40

In 2 weeks time it will be the anniversary of the flash flooding last year. The way it's raining today I'm glad we've not replaced the hall carpet yet smiling smiley

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:42

I know down by the Rhine they also suffered pretty bad flooding in recent years.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: bombayturner ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:47

Monsoon here

Nothing unusual

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: bv ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:49

Great weather in the south of Norway where I live. We had two weeks of tropical weather late May and early June. Then Norway was hotter than the south of Europe, with 20-25 and rain in Spain/Italy and even Canary Island. We had 29-30. Two days ago we had 90 mm of rain in 24 hours here, but now the sun is back and the temperature is at 28 in the shade. Not bad for a country close to the Arctic. My wife tells me last summer was rain all through, but I would not know about that, as I was on tour all summer. The weather on the tour was great, with the peak heat in Bucharest and Budapest approx 43 degrees C. Hot hot. Soory but it seems like UK will be green at least the flowers think rain is great, and the people who sell umbrellas.


Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: the juf ()
Date: July 9, 2008 16:54

no summer in Amsterdam....
for those who will visit my beautiful country: don't forget to bring an umbrella!

pardon my French: ?"*&^%#%^@@!!!!!!!!! thumbs down sad smiley

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:11

it's raining cats and dogs, here.....

i just trod in a poodle.

- i thank you. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:17

Where are you again Adrian, Berkshire way? I'm over in the Chiltern Hills, on the Herts/Bucks border and it is chucking it down big time.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: ablett ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:22

Gloucester and its chucking it down!

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Stones CAT ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:28

The weather in Barcelona is very good ...

Sun & beach ... cool smiley

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Duane in Houston ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:57

Dry as a bone here in Austin Texas. Please send water!

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: July 9, 2008 17:59

Silver Dagger
Where are you again Adrian, Berkshire way? I'm over in the Chiltern Hills, on the Herts/Bucks border and it is chucking it down big time.

central London

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: terry ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:01

Maidenhead berkshire,and is nice n wet, the thing is we get posh rain ere, as we are in the royal county

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: NickB ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:02

Hi Silver Dagger. I'm only in Milton Keynes up the road from you and it's pissing here as well.


You can't always get what you want.....

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Stargroves ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:04

Just as wet here at the un-posh end of Berkshire Terry.
Sounds like I need to bring the brolly to the Art Wood concert at the Eel Pie if it's no better in London

Maidenhead berkshire,and is nice n wet, the thing is we get posh rain ere, as we are in the royal county

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Adrian-L ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:08

Just as wet here at the un-posh end of Berkshire Terry.
Sounds like I need to bring the brolly to the Art Wood concert at the Eel Pie if it's no better in London

a dinghy would be better.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Stargroves ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:16

Twickenham High Street?

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:22

God, it really is bad now.

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Happy24 ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:31

Silver Dagger
This will be the second year in a row that our summer has been ruined. How's the summer in Europe and other parts of the world?

Really? The last August we had a great one-week holiday in London together with my wife. Clar sky, warm, people sitting on each lawn... We had a grat time. So we were probably very lucky then...

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: UnionHall ()
Date: July 9, 2008 18:58

Here in the great lakes area of the U.S we have gotten quite a bit of rain, more so than the past several summers. We haven't yet had any extended periods of intensely hot temperatures. Today the grass is green and the sky is blue, temperature 73 at 12 noon. Not bad!

Re: European monsoon washes out summer
Posted by: Green Lady ()
Date: July 9, 2008 19:08

Another nice day in Twickenham....

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