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OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: CindyC ()
Date: April 17, 2008 23:15

Wow, this chick is a major freak.

For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourse
Martine Powers
Staff Reporter
Published Thursday, April 17, 2008

Art major Aliza Shvarts '08 wants to make a statement.

Beginning next Tuesday, Shvarts will be displaying her senior art project, a documentation of a nine-month process during which she artificially inseminated herself "as often as possible" while periodically taking abortifacient drugs to induce miscarriages. Her exhibition will feature video recordings of these forced miscarriages as well as preserved collections of the blood from the process.

The goal in creating the art exhibition, Shvarts said, was to spark conversation and debate on the relationship between art and the human body. But her project has already provoked more than just debate, inciting, for instance, outcry at a forum for fellow senior art majors held last week. And when told about Shvarts' project, students on both ends of the abortion debate have expressed shock . saying the project does everything from violate moral code to trivialize abortion.

But Shvarts insists her concept was not designed for "shock value."

"I hope it inspires some sort of discourse," Shvarts said. "Sure, some people will be upset with the message and will not agree with it, but it's not the intention of the piece to scandalize anyone."

The "fabricators," or donors, of the sperm were not paid for their services, but Shvarts required them to periodically take tests for sexually transmitted diseases. She said she was not concerned about any medical effects the forced miscarriages may have had on her body. The abortifacient drugs she took were legal and herbal, she said, and she did not feel the need to consult a doctor about her repeated miscarriages.

Shvarts declined to specify the number of sperm donors she used, as well as the number of times she inseminated herself.

Art major Juan Castillo '08 said that although he was intrigued by the creativity and beauty of her senior project, not everyone was as thrilled as he was by the concept and the means by which she attained the result.

"I really loved the idea of this project, but a lot other people didn't," Castillo said. "I think that most people were very resistant to thinking about what the project was really about. [The senior-art-project forum] stopped being a conversation on the work itself."

Although Shvarts said she does not remember the class being quite as hostile as Castillo described, she said she believes it is the nature of her piece to "provoke inquiry."

"I believe strongly that art should be a medium for politics and ideologies, not just a commodity," Shvarts said. "I think that I'm creating a project that lives up to the standard of what art is supposed to be."

The display of Schvarts' project will feature a large cube suspended from the ceiling of a room in the gallery of Green Hall. Schvarts will wrap hundreds of feet of plastic sheeting around this cube; lined between layers of the sheeting will be the blood from Schvarts' self-induced miscarriages mixed with Vaseline in order to prevent the blood from drying and to extend the blood throughout the plastic sheeting.

Schvarts will then project recorded videos onto the four sides of the cube. These videos, captured on a VHS camcorder, will show her experiencing miscarriages in her bathrooom tub, she said. Similar videos will be projected onto the walls of the room.

School of Art lecturer Pia Lindman, Schvarts' senior-project advisor, could not be reached for comment Wednesday night.

Few people outside of Yale's undergraduate art department have heard about Shvarts' exhibition. Members of two campus abortion-activist groups . Choose Life at Yale, a pro-life group, and the Reproductive Rights Action League of Yale, a pro-choice group . said they were not previously aware of Schvarts' project.

Alice Buttrick '10, an officer of RALY, said the group was in no way involved with the art exhibition and had no official opinion on the matter.

Sara Rahman '09 said, in her opinion, Shvarts is abusing her constitutional right to do what she chooses with her body.

"[Shvarts' exhibit] turns what is a serious decision for women into an absurdism," Rahman said. "It discounts the gravity of the situation that is abortion."

CLAY member Jonathan Serrato '09 said he does not think CLAY has an official response to Schvarts' exhibition. But personally, Serrato said he found the concept of the senior art project "surprising" and unethical.

"I feel that she's manipulating life for the benefit of her art, and I definitely don't support it," Serrato said. "I think it's morally wrong."

Shvarts emphasized that she is not ashamed of her exhibition, and she has become increasingly comfortable discussing her miscarriage experiences with her peers.

"It was a private and personal endeavor, but also a transparent one for the most part," Shvarts said. "This isn't something I've been hiding."

The official reception for the Undergraduate Senior Art Show will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 25. The exhibition will be on public display from April 22 to May 1. The art exhibition is set to premiere alongside the projects of other art seniors this Tuesday, April 22 at the gallery of Holcombe T. Green Jr. Hall on Chapel Street.

Wasn't looking too good, but I was feeling real well.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: R ()
Date: April 17, 2008 23:23

Art became disgusting when it became subjective. I'll admit the above so-called art is profoundlly "vile" but it raises the emotions and as as such is successful in a literalist sense.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: Markdog ()
Date: April 18, 2008 00:11

Create a baby, kill a baby, create a baby, kill a baby. Evil.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: Elmo Lewis ()
Date: April 18, 2008 00:15

Create a baby, kill a baby, create a baby, kill a baby. Evil.

Agree completely. Just when I thought the world couldn't get any crazier.

This what happens when so-called "artists" realize that they have little if any talent. Saying this was not designed for shock value is the biggest crock of bullshit I've ever heard.

"No Anchovies, Please"

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: 5string ()
Date: April 18, 2008 03:51

Well I'm sure that the only way this bitch could get inseminated was artificially! No cheers this time

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: J.J.Flash ()
Date: April 18, 2008 03:58

Art Vandelle has always been disgusting

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: 5string ()
Date: April 18, 2008 03:59

And of course this had to happen at Yale! Our smartest young people go there you know!

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: Raoul Duke ()
Date: April 18, 2008 05:31

Calm down, it's a hoax. Seemed pretty implausible to begin with:


Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: Svartmer ()
Date: April 18, 2008 11:43

Art became disgusting when Yoko Ono started to lay around in bags and howl.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: phelge ()
Date: April 18, 2008 12:23

It'd look great on my kitchen wall.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: gimme_shelter ()
Date: April 18, 2008 15:26

New Haven, Conn. — April 17, 2008

Ms. Shvarts is engaged in performance art. Her art project includes visual representations, a press release and other narrative materials. She stated to three senior Yale University officials today, including two deans, that she did not impregnate herself and that she did not induce any miscarriages. The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman’s body.

She is an artist and has the right to express herself through performance art.

Had these acts been real, they would have violated basic ethical standards and raised serious mental and physical health concerns.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: tatters ()
Date: April 18, 2008 16:38

And then you get an artist
Says he doesn't want to paint at all
He takes an empty canvas
And sticks it on the wall

-Mark Knopfler, "In The Gallery" (1978)

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: harlito1969 ()
Date: April 18, 2008 17:04

Sounds more like a science project than art.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: April 18, 2008 17:11

Art became disgusting when it became subjective.

When was art OBJECTIVE? Art has always been subjective.

Just because someone tells me "it's art"...doesn't mean I have to agree.

Just because something provokes emotion doesn't make it art.

IORR............but I like it!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2008-04-18 17:13 by sweet neo con.

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: inopeng ()
Date: April 18, 2008 17:16

An art quote I like: "Art should be enjoyed, not suffered."

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: sweet neo con ()
Date: April 18, 2008 17:33

Yale student's abortion "art" a hoax

April 18, 2008 - 2:35PM

A Yale University art student duped the student newspaper with a story about inducing repeated abortions on herself and using the blood for her senior art project, the school said today.

The story about Aliza Shvarts' project, published today in the Yale Daily News, swept across blogs and media outlets - including the Drudge Report, Fox News and The Washington Post - before Yale issued a statement saying it investigated and found it all to be a hoax that was Shvarts' idea of elaborate "performance art".

"The entire project is an art piece, a creative fiction designed to draw attention to the ambiguity surrounding form and function of a woman's body," said Yale spokeswoman Helaine Klasky.

Shvarts's "performance art" included visual representations, a news release and other narrative materials, Klasky said. When confronted by three senior Yale officials, including two deans, Shvarts acknowledged that she did not seek any abortions.

Shvarts told the student paper that she planned to display a work that consisted of a cube lined with plastic sheets with a blood-and-petroleum-jelly mixture in between, onto which she would project video footage of herself "experiencing miscarriages in her bathroom tub."

The newspaper's account detailed "a nine-month process during which (Shvarts) artificially inseminated herself 'as often as possible' while periodically taking abortifacient drugs to induce miscarriages."

Shvarts told the paper her goal was to spark conversation and debate on the relationship between art and the human body.

Cullen MacBeth, the student newspaper's managing editor, declined to comment Thursday.

Shvarts could not be reached for comment. Her telephone number was disconnected and she did not respond to e-mails or a knock on the door at the address listed for her in the campus directory in New Haven.

Groups both for and against abortion rights expressed outrage over the affair.

Ted Miller, a spokesman for NARAL Pro-Choice America, called the concept offensive and "not a constructive addition to the debate over reproductive rights."

Peter Wolfgang, executive director of the Family Institute of Connecticut, an anti-abortion group, said his anger was not mitigated by the fact that Shvarts was never pregnant.

"I'm astounded by this woman's callousness," he said. "There are thousands of women in this country who are dealing with the pain of having had an abortion, with the trauma of having suffered a miscarriage. For her to make light of that for her own purposes is just beyond words."


IORR............but I like it!

Re: OT: When did art become so disgusting?
Posted by: billwebster ()
Date: April 18, 2008 17:50

This is tasteless, to say the least.

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