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Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: tomcat ()
Date: August 24, 2007 15:39

Can't help but wonder if Bill might show up on Sunday to play with the boys on a few numbers for the tour finale. I don't think it would be totally out of the question, would it?

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Silver Dagger ()
Date: August 24, 2007 15:44

Bill has reportedly said that he would only consider re-joining the band for their final world tour so I doubt we'll see him. Nice thought though.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: michrud ()
Date: August 24, 2007 15:58

Wyman will NEVER be seen in the house where Keith Richards is! They hate each other!

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: jjflash73 ()
Date: August 24, 2007 16:08

"Wyman will NEVER be seen in the house where Keith Richards is! They hate each other!"

AND you know this how? Did Keith tell you this? or did you read it in the Enquirer?

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Baboon Bro ()
Date: August 24, 2007 16:10

No they dont.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Nikolai ()
Date: August 24, 2007 16:19

michrud Wrote:
> Wyman will NEVER be seen in the house where Keith
> Richards is! They hate each other!

Bill has said that he's friends with all The stones, that his kids know Jagger's etc etc, but that he doesn't see Keith that often because he lives in the US.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: toomuchforme ()
Date: August 24, 2007 18:04

difficult subject. You know how much a person misses you only when she's left. But Bill is alive... come on, let it roll once more Bill. Maybe Miss You is not our favorite song on stage but what a Bill work on it ! The perfect bass player for this song is Bill. Would be a nice trick to play Miss you, a kind of love ourgh declaration !

after all, Taylor joined in 81, why not Bill ?

If Bill is not here sunday, that means the band is not ready to retire ? nice new !

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: teleblaster ()
Date: August 25, 2007 19:19

Not a chance. He's out of the band and there is no way the Stones are going to end this tour with an unrehearsed musician on stage with them. Anyway, they sounded bloody marvellous without him on Thursday!

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: mikey C ()
Date: August 25, 2007 19:27

bill will be there he is doing the catering sticky fingers style extra spicy:-)

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: donvito27 ()
Date: August 25, 2007 21:37

yep smiling smiley thats the only thing that he can do at the moment for the band...

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Koen ()
Date: August 26, 2007 13:30

Just as long as he doesn't sing:

grinning smiley

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: August 26, 2007 14:08

make light of wyman's contributions as a Stone at the peril of one's own raging ignornace. No, I don't expect they'll have him as a guest. That would be asking a little too much in the way of graciousness and wonderful spirit. Can you imagine the audience appreciation? Bill did a historic job year after year...
it took 5 live rolling stones to make any of this happen, and to sustain those first 25 years plus. everything darryl's done in his wake isn't even a good replication. nor is it an original contribution of note.

Naw, Bill won't be there...but think of how excited the fans would be if Bill, or even mickt showed up for a number or two. Again, not expecting it, dont' anticipate it; don't even care much; but now that's been brought up...they sure will allow a spate of 'guests' that are really zeros in comparison with wyman's huge legacy. what an amazing gift for the fans would that be?...and what a huge difference in the music that would make, even for a song. that's maybe one reason they won't have any real stones back for a bow and a number.

bill dosen't even need a rehearsal; he wrote the bass lines that propelled all that stuff to mega status it enjoys worldwide today. there's always ya-ya's and a zillion studio classics...but what a joy and how mature and fun that would be if everyone just relaxed and we had a special moment like that.
Again, no I don't expect it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-26 14:10 by Beelyboy.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: HelterSkelter ()
Date: August 26, 2007 14:27

Don't think it's gonna happen....

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Turd On The Run ()
Date: August 26, 2007 16:10

Beelyboy Wrote:
> make light of wyman's contributions as a Stone at
> the peril of one's own raging ignornace.

Indeed...could not agree with you more. Bill was singular and his contributions are gigantic and glorious and unforgettable.

The Stones have NEVER sounded as good (especially live) since he retired...his telepathy with Charlie and his incredibly nuanced bass lines provided a subtlety to the Stones music that has never (and will never) be equaled. He and Charlie were the Swingingest 'engine room' in Rock history. They made the Stones ROLL and not only rock...and as Keef has uttered so many's easy to ROCK...the hard part is to ROLL.

All due respect to Darryl Jones...he's a fabulous musician...but I've seen the Stones live numerous times - from the early 1970's - until today (I'll be at the show tonight praying it is NOT the last time but preparing for the worst) - and the swing and roll is just not the same quality anymore...Bill was the MASTER!

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Duane in Houston ()
Date: August 26, 2007 16:17

I ran into Bill quite by accident the other day. He said he would definitely join the boys onstage (probably for the whole show) and he will sing "In Another Land".

He also mentioned that Taylor will sit in for the 2nd half of the show.

I'll guess we'll see if any of this pans out or not.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Turd On The Run ()
Date: August 26, 2007 16:44

I was hoping they'd give him his own 'solo spot' so he could lay "Je Suis Un Rock Star" on us too...

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: drbryant ()
Date: August 26, 2007 17:25

Duane in Houston Wrote:
> I ran into Bill quite by accident the other day.
> He said he would definitely join the boys onstage
> (probably for the whole show) and he will sing "In
> Another Land".

Actually, I heard the same thing from Bill. He added that Prince and Sly Stone were going to join him on stage for that number and they were going to "funk it up", in Bill's words. Looking forward to it.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: keith76 ()
Date: August 26, 2007 18:03

and brian jones will show up to--lmao

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: August 26, 2007 20:22

michrud Wrote:
> Wyman will NEVER be seen in the house where Keith
> Richards is! They hate each other!

There it's happening!

text from Gazza, who is at the Rattlesnake inn: "Apparently Wyman is here!"

Another text from Gazza: "Just got a 'Hi' from Charlie."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-08-26 20:25 by open-g.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: open-g ()
Date: August 26, 2007 20:31

It's getting even wilder

GotToRollMe wrote:
Gazza: "Wyman told someone he's playing on a couple of songs later. Just saw Keith's daughter, Angela, and Charlie's daughter too.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: tomcat2006 ()
Date: August 27, 2007 02:30

Bill Wyman walked thru the middle of the O2 arena at tonight's show about 20 minutes before the show started but didn't join them on-stage

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: thecitadel ()
Date: August 27, 2007 12:23

Got a big smile from Bill when he walked thru with his wife (and I guess a daughter).

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: bv ()
Date: August 27, 2007 16:06

See the IORR pages of the O2 #3 show. Pictures of Bill.
Bill was backstage but as he quit after the 1990 tour
they hired a new bass player and he is just fine on bass.


Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: chippydodo ()
Date: August 27, 2007 16:11

some please tell me about Taylor in '81

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Beelyboy ()
Date: August 27, 2007 17:28

bv Wrote:
> See the IORR pages of the O2 #3 show. Pictures of
> Bill.
> Bill was backstage but as he quit after the 1990
> tour
> they hired a new bass player and he is just fine
> on bass.

yes he quit after the 1990 tour, but he is an original rolling stone tried and true since before their record deal, and the author and propulsive energy behind the original sparkle, from basic tracks on up into many an amazing live version on most of the catalog; his original brilliance and impact on almost every original masterpiece in their set on any given night; so it's good peeps admire darryl and like the hire, but i think 'just fine' is wishful thinking. just slickly adequate, but hey, i'll settle for that; what choice have I? nice guy and all that.

bill made more news by just attending as an audeince member than darryl has all year, and quite appropriately. His historical importance and brilliance are never to be diminished or under-rated as to the band's amazing legacy; an overwhelming huge number of songs and albums and performances for over that first 25 years. I don't think he's unhappy he retired; I don't think he'll ever stop being a true full Rolling Stone, even in retirement, and it takes nothing from the band's current accomplishments to acknowledge Bill lovingly and with gratitude.

AND, thanks for posting that really cool pic of bill and fam in the iorr reviews section!!

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 27, 2007 21:56

michrud Wrote:
> Wyman will NEVER be seen in the house where Keith
> Richards is! They hate each other!

For two guys who 'hate each other' they were spotted together getting along pretty fine last night...

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: gstone ()
Date: August 27, 2007 23:24

Yes, they're getting along just fine. I don't need specs - and my eye sight's just fine. I was at the Rattlesnake, too... And I saw Gazza - and a few other posters.

Re: Bill Wyman on Sunday?
Posted by: Gazza ()
Date: August 27, 2007 23:32

Good to meet you last night, siv.

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