JuanTCB Wrote:
> Now THERE'S a healthy-lookin' dude.
> When were these taken - fall '68 at Cotchford?
> Early '69? I think there may have been a thread
> about this a year or so ago.
Yes, we discussed the question.
Result was that these American flag pictures were NOT taken in spring 1969, but in late November or December 1968, shortly after he purchased the farm. Ethan Russells date "1968" seems to be right.
Apart from the "winter" vegetation his hair looks more like late 1968/RnR Circus period.
But there are photos from Brian at Cotchford from April 1969 (partly with Suki Poitier) and mid June (taken by Helen Spittal; his last pictures) existing. Sadly, he looks more or less horrible on all of them.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-07-29 12:27 by beast of burgk.